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HomeMy WebLinkAboutApperson 71709 FLORENCE c \ 01i'94) oe _ -r- • 6 CAMA / ❑DREDGE & FILL .No 71 bog A B C 0 ENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# >' '' New -Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous permit issued As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental Quality '- r I I IR 00 and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I5A NCAC �l �J . p�p,- Q`,�' f�❑Rules attached. Applicant Name rn'C /`f \GIS`� Project Location: County if- G N/ ,-..' Address .-51.-to li' t I OAI_ CA---: Street Address/State Road/Lot#(s) City Et State r4.---• ZIP 21,1(004) /<j27 5'^ S (evw Phone#(0 ^411�fg� E-Mail Subdivision "-- � Authorized Agent It P ft ✓i� City . t)A'` 1� ZIP 2 `�f"/,..�.- Affected ,❑CW ❑EW ❑PTA ❑ES D PTS Phone# ( - ) River Basinh/� OR'‹.► AEC(s): , OEA ❑HHF ❑IH ❑URA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body A71M/W7C- 469/man /unkn) ❑ PWS: Closest Maj.Wtr. Body All (G ( E,4-n/ ORW: yes / no PNA yes A1170 Type of Project/Activity <- If (C(oN Gone-t.0,- 41..(1 . (Scale: 1� � 30e ) Pier(dock)I, gthI Fixed Platform s) NI4 MIPOr[ Floating Platfor i(s) 411111111111 ;iv , ; MEI Finger plength I . I �I Groin len hEN-17 number Wigej /4 41 f U Bulkhead/Riprap le h �J ��1 S% /" �,� i avgdistance offshore . INW I', p,T9 /i I i max distance offs I n ' -ZZI Basin,channel pl— MIMI 7.47 N*4:4 _ Allihhliglit cubic yards IPJim , ,,l '• /, i Boat ramp /� re-s'•Boathouse/BoatliftI. miu_ .,11 w mu 1111111111111111MINIVIOMIIII MEN Beach Bulldozing - itOther Shoreline Lengthlb Illaillnillill1111ill11111111ar! ._ MI SAV: not sure yes �i�r1iiEd: ► I Moratorium: n/a no 1 4 4r,r1' 514rI .r.-TO � ��r 7 -C2 f !P1/! �i=rr' ! Photos: yes no i • .'- pi . r _.POI Waiver Attached: yes i I / / . JN�YJi L ]� -- / A building permit may be required by: Q U`y See note on back regarding River Basin ru es. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction) (Q, Notes/Special Conditions ��l/f l-•G/�1v A/ore L:› �6lf•Jf-7 '-'xr r,1t 2WA/ Z... OA) `4 4//1K • 4 ki ?7ge__ • Pt or A licant Printed Name e4çs ermitOffi r s Printed me • Signature **Please read compliance statement on back of permit** Signa re f(C¢ o .8' .g 11-? .N AppliCation Fee(s) Check# Issuing Date Expiration Date i _ • CAPITOL 311 NEW BERN AVE RALEIGH NC 27601-1417 366560192 10/02/2018 (80 )275-8777 4:46 PM Product Sale Final Description Qty Price i PM 2-Day 1 $6•72 Window FR Env (Domestic) (HOLLY RIDGE, NC 28445) (Flat Rate) (Expected Delivery Date) (Thursday 10/04/2018) (USPS Tracking #) (9505 5134 3167 8275 1967 00) Insurance 1 $0.00 (Up to $50.00 included) PM 2-Day 1 $6.70 Window FR Env (Domestic) (HOLLY RIDGE, NC 28445) (Flat Rate) (Expected Delivery Date) (Thursday 10/04/2018) (USPS Tracking #) (9505 5134 3167 8275 1967 17) Insurance 1 $0.00 (Up to $50.00 included) Total $13.40 Credit Card Remitd $13.40 (Card Name:MasterCard) (Account #:XXXXXXXXXXXX3588) (Approval #:06562Z) (Transaction #:804) (AID:A0000000041010 Chip) (AL:MASTERCARD) (PIN:Not Required MASTERCARD) Includes up to $50 insurance Text your tracking number to 28777 (2USPS) to get the latest status. Standard Message and Data rates may apply. You may also visit USPS Tracking or call 1-800-222-1811. RECEIVED OCT 0 5 Z018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC October 3 2018 To:Attn: Mr.Jason Dail Field Representative Department of Environmental Quality 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington,NC 28405 (910) 796-7221 CC: Property Owner Michael Apperson 5320 Burning Oak Ct. Raleigh, NC 27606 (919) 630-4878 From: Joseph Little PE (NCBELS 040859) Little Environments PLLC (NCBELS No. P-1292) PO Box 6388 Raleigh,NC 27628 (919) 916 9061 Subject: Request for Approval under General Permit For Emergency Work Requiring a CAMA Permit at 1022 S.Shore Dr,Surf City/Holly Ridge,NC 28445. (4 pages) Property for proposed sandbag installation: 1022 S. Shore Dr,Surf City/Holly Ridge,NC 28445 Property Identification Number: 4234-56-2239-0000 Deed Book 4331,page 001 Plat No: 00040060 Mr. Dail, Thank you and Debbie for meeting me at the site at 1022 S.Shore Drive,Surf City yesterday. Following up from our site meeting, I would like to affirm that the property owner,Michael Apperson,wishes to pursue the placement of sand colored sandbags affronting the Oceanside to protect his immanently threaten structure.As a result of hurricane Florence,the foreshore,upper- shore,and dunes were completely eroded up to the existing planks that protected the foundation and sand below his foundation. The current conditions are such that if another significant storm, tropical depression,hurricane,or nor-easter could undermine the foundation of the house and cause it to collapse. Further it is understood that nourishment is planned for the community,but at this time a specific date is not determined and the delay effects of the Hurricane Florence on offshore dredging schedules are unknown. RECEIVED OCT 0 5 2.018 1/4 DCM WILMINGTON, NC • October 3 2018 A response to this request may be directed to response by e-mail is preferred,however if email is not acceptable,please respond to the following address: Joseph Little PE Little Environments PLLC PO Box 6388 Raleigh,NC 27628 The following documents accompany this letter: (a) Cross sectional drawing showing measurements on existing structure and proposed limits of sandbags. (b) Letter already submitted to neighbours (c) Photos of the site (d) Plan drawing. In summary the placement of these sandbags are necessary to protect property and/or prevent further damage to the property caused by a sudden or unexpected natural event or structural failure which immanently endangers life or structure. I thank you for you consideration. \` y ►Ili!/���� Best Re,, ••<s, \\\ ‘.\ •CAf;p /eph M Ltfile PE %•-,85_, ngineer,Owner, Little Environments PLLC •i//_ "� •'�;\� i � F •• 'fi ' Vio RECEIVED OCT 052018 4/4 DCM WILMINGTON, NC SANDBAG REMOVAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, I, Micahel Apperson, give permission to Joseph Little PE of Little Environments PLLC to act a my agent in my behalf in obtaining a CAMA general permit to place sandbags as a temporary erosion control structure in from of my property at 1022 S. Shore Drive, Surf City, NC. I, Michael Apperson, Have read the specification in 15 A NCAC 7H-1700 and understand that the sand bags may remain in place for up to 8 years after the date of permit approval. I understand that I will be responsible for removing the sandbags within 30 day after that period of at any time that they are determined by DCM staff or its agent to be unnecessary due to relocation or removal of the structure. I will also be responsible for removing any damaged sandbags during the period they are authorized to be in place. I also understand that the removal of the sandbags shall not be required if at the specified date for removal they are determined by DCM staff to be covered by dunes with vegetation sufficient to be considered stable and natural. %It& AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE:��' - Date: ! O G�=1e 7t1 f 9 RECEIVED OCT 052018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC 1 October 2018 TO:The Owner of the property 1020 S.Shore Dr. Surf City,NC 28445 & O1 The Owner of the Property 1024 S.Shore Dr. Surf City,NC 28445 CC: Home owner 1022 S.Shore Drive,Surf City, NC Subject: Installation of an Emergency Sand bag Revetment on the property of 1022 S. Shore Drive,Surf City,NC. Dear Sir or Madam, On behalf of my company and your neighbour, I am writing you to let you know that we have scheduled a meeting with Department of Environmental Quality staff with the intention to proceed with an emergency sandbag installation.As you may be aware hurricane Florence decimated the entire dune system affronting the property and eroded sand in and around the bearing foundation of the house.The installation and equipment used to carry out the installation of the sand bags to protect the property will have no impact on your property.Should you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact myself by phone or mail or e-mail. Best Regards, Joseph Little PE Little Environments PLLC PO Box 6388 Raleigh,NC 27628 (919) 916 9061 RECEIVED OCT 052018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC • October 3 2018 I further affirm and declare that the principle structure on the property affronting the Ocean is immanently threatened. In accordance with 15A NCAC 07H.1705 I make the following statements: • No bags will be placed seawards of mean high water. • The structure is immanently threatened as the erosion is at 8 feet from the base of the structure and at an elevation of 7 feet below the structure. • The structure we are protecting is the principal habitable structure on the property. • The sand bags structure will not extend more than 20 feet from the face of the building. • The height of the revetment will not be over 6 above the current sand elevations. • Given that Surf City is slated for renourishment,the property owner is allotted 8 years for the temporary placement of these bags.The required form provided and stating so and signed by the home owner accompanies this letter. • A permit fee of$400.00 accompanies this letter in the form of check. • Adjacent coastal neighbours at have been notified by mail of the intention to pursue a sandbag permit.A copy of this letter accompanies this permit request. Drawings and copies of 15A NCAC 07H section.1700 will also be mailed to their addresses.We are also in the process of attempting to contact them by telephone. RECEIVED OCT 052018 DCM WILMINGTON, Nii4 October 3 2018 Post Hurricane Florence Inspection Photos-1022 S.Shore Dr.,Surf City,NC 8 Photo on 6 Pages �\\\�'CARC1" , i II II IIIAlni sSiti,� L E .E ;ter. 1 ' illmmilifilli _ _ - maimpli*Illikt. 'f•.1,i\'‘` %it -,....4....0....._,---,--it ! f r /‘I .. kr r � r .�y....`- .rte e s. •. 4--w+ef R±.....s--a_ Aft PHOTO 1 1 .. , ` � , , , \ \ e . ." i " •. _ ` . - _ •4 PHOTO 2 RECEIVED/6 OCT 0 5 2018 ICM WILMINGTON, NC October 3 2018 •— s II. '""___....11.-... , jr/ • PHOTO 3 4.‘4,4 PPOiiip. '- ,,. 'Sgi-IP4' alt's.. . ir ‘ Ale-. lit ,N. \ v . lit„,"""....7Z_Ne 1%,,, PHOTO 4 RECEIVED 2/6 OCT 0 5 2018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC October 3 2018 TP'HN' M.,.. y / f=,.....1.-•' ..11111111114:ZAMA 1 I ' s k • : ! ai i • . ,......... -.O.,, , 1 4 , , .... ..., ' , y� ^ am~ R `.� a .;0 _... .., .....„, _. , , .. __ -47›... .:-.- .�'..,;": "..."1 ... ,.. .. ,.«_ a a�- ,..s' '..',. ... -;t ', Y PHOTO 5 RECEIVED /6 OCT 052018 DCM WILMINGTON, N3C October 3 2018 1 r . Lt k d 4, P /-- 0 r se 4 illSop I� 1,-,7, riik‘i....:, ;.,.... if_ „..._ . . „. - PHOTO 6 RECEIVED 4/6 OCT 052018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC October 3 2018 I ! ! ' 11.4 d tit II - a k. R `*'a PHOTO 7 RECEIVED5/6 OCT 052018 DCM WILMINGTON, NC October 3 2018 r ♦ 1,140". `.'''' ' 1111 , ./..\ II 4,6 I \ Ill '--- -.:00;•000011-'-'--- ---- 0 ° \ Ill i , , -, it -I- 1 i \I1 L- f a• r •10610 A 1114111111., ' ''44141111111111".-- PHOTO 8 RECEIVED 6/6 OCT 052018 0CM WILMINGTON, NC 0 -1 -5' 0' 5' Note: 0) N ..........._......--i---i........_i___........, ...._i 2 46 scale 1"=5.on 8 5x11"paper isz Face of Principal Structure Maintain Post under Porch and replace post ,2 ..... under shower. No new freestanding post, piers, pilings Fa ) 83 t c 0 where out front of existing porch. I Z V ,:, E c . in 03 -.0 20' Max 0.- u) as i-ii ,A 9 a E Move Boards to Existing Back Face of Post LU 0) cs t Threatened Above Terrain House Surface Surface Profile t . z u) lil /3 Structure Per Dune Profile before c ili) a) la ..ssl 15 NCAC 07H - Hurricane Florence 11,2 (1), Ni OC .1700 Iv&r.t „Amiliff,/, 0 0 > z , cy 8.0 - - Rof-'4, Fr) 2 Ee I 8.0 - .`, 31 _.......:..... . 0 i- .,.,7.......:, 8 0 ,,- ,___ - -- Tt R 0CM WILMINGTON, NC .------- ---- Proposed - . "., ...1 .". * 0,-2'.. Sandbags 3.5'-4 ---- 1 /8 _.---- _- ' Wide -1 *e, ', ..,-, a. 4 C 0 x T Long Filled c q i 400, 1 v4 0 max 6' -J li 3,' ,/,:, //x://•/77 / / 101! ' 4411110 Above.Grade Post Hurricane Q.. L/ "'"V:, . • / . / /r.42/ ZA 4 L -411111111111111ii Florence Beach 4 g c < Profile ip co Critical Foundation -1-F, 0 al — Air E C 06 Slip Area -.. ..., 2 Fe! Necessary to i...)CM vviLr,liN*-TON, NC Mean High .—> co co N C () 0 Protect Textile Layer Water This w (0 z Behind Bags Direction x - I) o ,g) Section of Existing House and Porch and Proposed Sandbags li a. cc o• = z �o C c v m D a n < Qv N ' m N p CT y N -O (D 0) o N O c X - D , i o co - a "rj tD CD -N O 0 Eli w 5.0 5 CD _r 3 iit0 a szt dio 1#1,-41111 -_C a) - Tit- 44. . ,-. ;00 4,4..4,o n I- : October 3 2018 , • . • . , • Vicinity maps for the property of concern are provided below: . . .•-• -,,,„.4, „.. .... ... ,,. . _ 1 .." . - .. 4, ,ik+- ..,---A-4:1-' _''''::,_'' ,,-.. -ki \ -,7..,,,,,%42_,.-,--ci,,,,;;;;, . . .:.. ;?,t,., ::,'k': z ..,,,,,,,. \ A7,...::!,.;..-;-_'"' N .; ,- t.'-- . t, 40.. . .. . .., , . ,.. , ... ,.--,t',.;-:'';;'. ‘- ''''''' ' ..., . . o ::...-,T.' 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Sandbags 4' Wide x `i E E L . 5' Long •LC.iVi WILMiNGTON, NC a 3 ° jOCT 0. 5 2018 0 - AO i _.:. 1 , 0 gl N lawMax 6 J d-Above Grade Post Hurricane w \1114,41 Florence Beach Z a Foundation ', Profile E CriticalC os Slip Area `'"' 0 N- Necessary to Mean High c M v Protect Textile Layer Water This LU (0 z Direction N XO rn Behind Bags Section of Existing House and Porch and Proposed Sandbags o WI Rif CiKArr1K; J4ALt:_�_=JV DATE: 05/27/99 too 150 0 50 r5 SCALE: 1" = 50' • -2.43 TOPOGRAPHIC/LOCATION- MAP PIER ADDITION LOTS 22 & 23 CAPE ISLAND, SECTION I & II • -2_3( STUMP SOUND TWP., ONSLOW CO., NORTH CAROLINA ISLAND DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. • -2.36 135 CAMBRIDGE DRIVE DANVILLE, VA. 24541 • -2.23 q- • -2.17 • -1.84' • -2.13 • -2.23 • -2.17 • -.9S ■ -1.00 :411 : -7.78' � • 9S�IP • X2.26 m,L�piC 1 �'�-'�44"M 4-er-- _Artil ert,.0,4.-,.. - - iv.- i. • . 3ap...„2. . te.........---- offi/ O • • -2.47 At • .‘ Ir.‘` 6\4; \‘ rd90 • -1.10 P. -,.' • -0.67 co _O.82' 93 • 0.86 '— 00 .., 6 ....C; h ■ -1.96' •o N %�, 94.96 \ 4r9 V47_ \ MARSH AREA \ / r. ......75-- � .3t• 0.38 ` !��_ \ .• 0.89/ `� e� \ ';� ` ,� o • . !ESOUITO :f_ 0.17• G-T a9/ \ �� .\� + DITi4-1 / / �`�<9 ' f •, �� �',f•395 \sem �y1.28 \ \o ��►\ — i.T i 'sX , \ , , \ �EIP I MARSH AREA i 1.b zt a ``�.r' / • /, 1.94 / f1R3 .4* *.. 1 '\ r../." v � / / S , ' 6 \\ /r �...- r7474 , �. =.a1 t \ fr-�/ �.rS.t iS 26 fA •.-2.1'4 ' _4„. f- .�' .631 41130 % N. • .-4.2Cr: 't \ \ / \ �. \` ,to, • I • t^ 4'4N •\ $o \ ice_. `��. �"\\ 1\ - _ — - ' '13 -'\ ' a•OSED RISSNa /0 __- --- �iAd\ \ 10• ACCESS a. 9J��. ��_ — — �--� �` EASEl+IEN7 -- ' I Date Date Received Deposited Check From(Name) Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check Number Chock amount Permit Number/Comments Receipt or Refund/Reallocated Column5 Column6 Column? Column8 Column9 C 10mnl Column2 Columna Column) _____ _ 4801 $ 200.00 GP#70596D _ _. _BS rct.6920 First Citizens Bank _ — 10/9/2018 Joal Klass Marine O Construction Inc. SteveiJones USPS Money Order 24960392504 $ 200.00 GP#72221D - JD rct.6746 — _ __Travis Holder __ 10/9/2018 Christopheri Klass B.Money Order -- - - TMc rot 7019 10/9/2018 B.Snyder __- Christopher Snyder Wells Fargo Bank .__—._.__--- 2401 $ 200.00 GP#722240 — Wells Fargo Bank 2374 200.00 GP#72320D JD rct.7351 _ 10/9/2018 _ Coaitan D'ri ne Piers and &Robert W.Jordan Jr. NancyancrtGerdan — - —" __ 22230 200.00 GP#722470 BS ret 6919 _ 10/9/2018 —CoastalPhr onrMe Marine Send Bulkheads Lac lsie Wells Fargo Bank 10/9/2018 __—.___—McPherson Marine Services,LLC Elsie Cumbee(Check 2 of 2) First Citizens Bank --- 1425 $ 200.00 GP#705380 PA ret.8819.— —- ------ -- PA rd.8819 10/9/2018 _ _McPherson Marine Services,LLC Elsie Cumbee(Check 2 of 2) First Citizens Bank 1441 $ 200.00 GP#705380 Tmac ret.6324 — 1652 $ _200.00 GP#71811D____ 10/9/2018___—__--Bruce Marek,PEBald Head Club Wells Fargo Bank 2738 $ 200.00 GP#717330 TMc ret 7018__ 10/9/2018 - -__HELMS Coastal Construction -- Betty Green CreaCom Bank __—_ 1230 $ 400.00 GP#722390 TMc ret 7014_ 10/9/2018 HELMS 2 0 LLC/Lane Helms __ Belly Littleton BB&T ----------- 1227 $ 400.00 GP#722360 TMc ret 7011__.—_ _ 10/8/2018 — HELMS 2 0 LLC/Lane Helms Thomas Craven&John WelshoferBB&T __. _—_ --_ DW ret.7012 1228 $ 200.00 GP#722370 10/9/2018 _ HELMS 2 0 LLC/Lane Helms Lance Link _ 8887 ___ — —"— ___ — 10/9/2018 _, AMW Docks 8 Marine Construction LLC Debra Wheeler BB&T __ 5279 $ 200.00 GP#717270 TMc _ ret 7009 —" 1003 200.00 GP#717280 ret 7010 10/9/2018 _ David Gdce DBA Muddy Waters Marine Bill Bristow __ _" First Citizens Bank _. -. _ __.__. TMc ret 7018 — _ 10/9201 B _GMce Construction of Brunswick County Inc Larry Akferson _—__ BBBT_ 12461 400.00 GP#71731D Tmac ret 6321 BB&T 2185 $ 200.00 GP#718080 10/9/2018 — H5 ConstructionEnvironments LLC John end Connie King —._ _. J0 rot.7353 — 1 400.00 GP#717090 10/9/2018 Little LLC Michael Apperaon Wells Fargo Bank e