HomeMy WebLinkAboutScarafoni 72354 FLORENCE 0061A1 Mit\\lb 1*19 6 LAMA/ ❑DREDGE & FILL N_ 72354 A B C CI ,GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit# .c A ) New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue ❑Partial Reissue Date previous perm't is As authorized by the State of North Carolina,Department of Environmental,Depart r and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to I5A NCAC i�JC.( 1 ' ,$ ,..41,-. L uleS a .died. Applicant Name q1‘ S C_Q rA 0 s Project Location: County , J Address 5 ita lick, ,A. e `��-Street1Address/State Road/Lott#(s) � T/ City ` , State Al P ZI Pn i q lig Li A. S4. Phone# ('/U) SI- SSSS E-Mail Subdivision \— R �j Authorized Agent (,LA ( f(q!M City (c-t-Q�T�v'(l1t -C4CIn ZIP 7_1.5/86 Affected ❑CW KEW [IYPTA ❑ES ❑PTS Phone# ( ) �Riv�er_Basin /F- AEC(s): ❑0� ❑HHF ❑IH ❑UBA ❑N/A Adj.Wtr. Body QM S CJALkhrV-4( .$a/unkn) 3❑ P s: ►'YY� A(S ORW: yes no PNA yes / no Closest Maj.Wtr. Body Type of Project/Activity Q()I Q P, t!G QT S I _ y(Scale: , — a ) Pier(dock)length Sti.�; Y 't'\ t Fixed Platform(s) j. t �/'� r Floating Platform(s) • ✓L$ ' K " .vi 4 + �' ••••••••• ...=i1...Finger pier(s) Groin length number A h1 1 W INI.- 52. Bulkhead/Riprap length I .i. avg distance offshore po Air max distance offshore Mann '1 I - ` I 1 i41 %S fp Basin,channel 4 , it)), Kit1 — cubic yardsi/r.e'''''' i �(___ III kg"( Boat ramp ..,.../. t Boathouse/Boatlift "` Beach Bulldozing I Other 1 1 Shoreline Length (2) 50, If" ' ," SAV: not sure yes 40IIIIIMIFIIIIIIIIIII Ire•5illi ..7:111111111111 � Moratorium: n/a yes0traVallu%„ _�_t„ W—*& Photos: Waiver Attached: 0 no A building permit may be required by: (' c Ue $.e&CJ.. . I See note on back regarding River Basin rules. (Note Local Planning Jurisdiction)�p J �/ _ ' Notes/Special Conditions to Ie QI(1 Soo Rti c �( 0 .(, . r CV"CI IGCa ,s,.(44_ .S exc el . l ?),,--ooks S`'\5,44/0 Agent or Applicant Printed Name PermitOfficer's Printed Name 7-(PP (15-,I7-41..._ ......._....16 Signature////``' ����PIe///fie read compliance statement on back of permit.* Signature k./...)c ;•re..d f1 t8 9/Z0i1`i Application Fee(s) Check# Issui Dae Expiration Date 4 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of PropertyRequesting Owner R uestin Permit: ��� OSSn r� Mailing Address: )1/4 `A 0\Gt. ki Phone Number: ©AO-S S 5 1" Email Address: e �c..�.�, v\.\ I certify that I have authorized r. i s st Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: ht-p at my property located at -L\ in Ni--\-1 U`,-,,1- " County. I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Prpp4rty Ownetr informa ion: Signature Print or Type Name Title to l \. I Date This certification is valid through I I . . 1 . . . . . cER,n__eittuim_kLumito.RECEJP_ • . .-. 67E0 - • - . .. . . . :. ., . olvistoN OF COASTAL.MANAGEMENT- • - . . ADJACENT RipARIAN PROPERTY OWNER WYPOCiAtONMUMYER:FORM Namept Promty Owner: •c• e-ow\ --" c.,,_,L.-cca.-. cal" Address of Property: gp.. I \-14-1-tr` S-I- \ i '. la ‘4(,1-\ iVC, 70k1 (Lot or Street#,Street or Road pity 8,County) Agent's Name ft: 'il-Pf, _.-:.. Agent's phone#: CAI c.__ _ ) _ 19 .-_____.__.:l )_A ._1L \a-)...0 f".\1_ - ' '...." -..,_,..._ 1 hereby certify that I own property adjacent tothe above-100On*property: The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shOOn'..-On.theethu*atisitnwkia#10-14eV*010.111 -: • they areip roposing. ' a;stria 'in 0 dr- n., -, th dl:-.i--1:-J 4 ra':il.be kA., •.,:,,,,. , .:(11i' •; e: • . .:-• . . . . .- . . . . .. "• .. - - - - I have no objections to this proposal. -• '1*".9bocticiiisio this-proposii ,. . • .. ---- - --- • . , : . . . - •. . - . - . , If you have objections to what is being proposed,YOU mustndfilly.*DNjalou otcOasAll, Mai.lagenl.ein OM in ..-... • writing Within la 40 of,"reoofpt of this nOtloit. CorrelipondattO0hoOkt barna aaditt127.Carclinal Orlin:3441 - -: Wilmington;NC284064846; DOM representativoS can also*piing/4w at lotaj 104,7216.-iv9-rt*040 Is considered ,same as no ob ectien if ou have been ritilifieil. :Oeitilti it Mak- - '- .•. .- .. WAIVER SECTION I under _. tand that a pier,dock, mooring plIjogs;break**,pearmuse,oft,or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15 from my ea*Of itt!#4ia40eas unless waived by me• Of You wish to waive the setback,you must initiattheapprdpriate:biank 0.0004) • Ido wish to waive the 151 setbaCk reqUirerneal 1,40 tiot wish to waive the 15'setback requirement, ... /7 IFtriformation . ay. v.tteitv 6viner Information . • (Om. • 0 ) / • 7 • Air--'4,- . Alf A SiSi .n aliire Si: ., lire Prirg Of Typo Name Pfilit orType Pbme . T33-c ilelfillipgAddress : 'Wag Acklress City/SA(04 City/State/Zip T: :,. ono Number / 16 - ti - 1 Date Date' Revise.41 6/18/2012 IS* ...13 b:"L ....••••••..........•••••• ••••.............11............7 .""'.......* ."'"4".. i ] I q CO Q 0 1 I Q - i, A ---/ ........a 1 x 7 ty -t6 AA/2. ® 8 71, '511 ux3 • k_ 7((