HomeMy WebLinkAbout70698_uncovered Boatlift_20180323CAWA/-�-`&AEDGE Alk FILL N2 70698, .,D L'. PERMIT PreViousp&mii K(:��_ • J GEN ER^ -A Nevv El Modification ❑Complete -ReissuEl Partial Reissue- "it issued 1.4 4 El Date I ued p�ey ous, perm -A Carolina', Department of Environmental s authorized by the Statb�qf-.1�18rth.C' ital Quality, ;Sand tFie 66asial'Res&urces Commissionsuarit A 5A NCAC in,amarea of environmental concern pur -to [Rules attached. Location':.' County- a _(, 4-Y�Applicant N, r Street Adde&is/ Stat6Aoad/ L6t'#(s) Address i Siaid.1-1-r_ zip C Phone #., (2�­? )--i IT) — 42 E-Mail Subdivision • Authorized Agent­---T' 7,5 - wl�-L r-+ Cit y ZIP- '1--) 'EIES 0 PTS- River Basi El Cw �RPTA Phone Affected-,, - q�T . El OEA 0 HHF ON 0 UBA El N/A AEC(s)-, Adj. Wtr. Bod -rP, 'A L I'l, 6 (in /nian'/drikn)' El PWS- Closest Maj. Wtr. Body- i.,:? ORW,-'- ,,yes V Pie'r (dock) length Fixed Platfor�mi) Floating Platform(s) Finger pier(s Gr6in1engih gnumber' avg cljiiiari66'.'off'shore7 maz'distance offshore I Oa vll: yards 'cubic B04 ramp IF Boaiho'us`e/_ atlift Beach Bulldozing Other ShorelineLength" 5AV.- not sure yes no Moratorium: n/a yes, no Photos: dtfoS Waiver Attached: V.S no f ■■■■■„11®M■■■:■■:■■■■:■■■■■■■■��� bLf�J'1dJn'g`pe'r'Tit may00 rpquired by: <e-i �r_o a /-0 Note Local :Planninj`J,,6 aiction)­ Spo-cial'Conditions., I. XY .[2:S6e,fi6ie'onback're g4 % V­1 rerma ymcgr s rrinteq-iName Signatur eread c�pfiancesialement on back of permit" Signature rll# r1eYe 1 7 JL'� 4, 61, Liz -2 -1 A,�,_ J_' -Application Fope(s) CheckW Issuing Date Miration bate Author ked Agent Consent Agreement 1, 'DcJ,I "(KQv' , herby authorize Tobin Jay Tetterton of (Proper(y 4trner(s) ) TJ's Marine Construction, LLG to act on my behalf in obtaining CAMA permits for the location listed below. PROPERTY ADDRESS; PROPERTY OWNER'S MAILING ADDRESS: Phone No.0 2 S x) `71 '1-- LY W13 PROPERTY OWNER'S SIGNATURE: AUTHORIZED AGENT SIGNATURE• TOI1IN TE'I'T 1'RTO DATE:.3-ZZ 20/ NVIAu111orized Agent Coment Agree. RECEIVED MAR 2 0 2018 DCM-WARO Adjrawn4 Properly a►mer cha&. one Adjacent Prupariv t1aim MIMI M111121 01m g&cMUr BlpApjAM PELQPgEr MF-R ffATgMEf�1 1 hereby certify that I own property adjacent to t.v►� Wa Re.� ,s (Name of Property ty Owner) property located at ! 0 e rv. % % 5 (� c r�s ti7r i -G Rttxr (Address, Lot, f loc Road etc.) on Pea% i, N.C. (Waterbody) (Cityl%wn andlor County) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I have objections to this proposal. MiSCRIPTI®N ANDI®R DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description below or attach a site drawing) RECEIVED 0 2018 DCM-WAR® 1NAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must beset back a minimum distance of 161 from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (If you wish to waive the setback, you Mu t !p1tIa1 the appropriate blank below.) 1 do wish to waive the 16 setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 161 setback requirement. (Props C3wnlvr Information) (Adjacent Property Owner Infamation) w 31 t5 �a Date 'Valid for one calendar year after signature (Revised Aug'. 2014) AQMCENl RBPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER HMMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to f�� 's (game of Property Owner) property located at SA Ma's .5 "eS. (ddreas, Lot, ®lack, Read, etc.) on _ te*',r1rc.a (�&yer , in , N.C. (Waterbody) (daily County) and/or The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. MEMO �CG I have no objection to this proposal. nrap�r2y Owner I have objections to this proposal. checkona DESCRIPTION AND!®R DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Individual proposing development must fill In description Below or attach a site drawing) pc,ncve, 46, �-,�� RECEIVE® MAR 2 0 2018 -WARO �n WAIVER SECTION Adjem-nt i understand that: a plot, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin Yiu =yftu must beset back a minimum distance of IV from my area of riparian access unless waived by itse me. (if vau wish to wave the setback, you mat inia1 the appropriate blankbelow.) - G"`I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. 1 do not wish to waive the I & setback requirement. (Property Owner 1"fol ation) (A cent Pr Pe Own Informagon) si t L `d ��, I� tures !& C- a 1 t`�� b► �n n �, Print or type !Varna Print or 7 yp -Name n j o G s Owe.. f, Malling�A dress � 2 7 %" !ling A rass Q tu�JJ 11 -Tel 3 net Lump rlemall address Telephone Number/ emall address t/o —t S( Date Date (Revised Aug. 2014) *Valid for one calendar year after signature' Applicant . Gate: pennttt Oe-scrfl)8 below the HABrrAT disturbances fari the -appricadcIfL. AII'V-Alue-s should the narrle, -qnd 6TURS, of measurement match foutldinyour Habitat code ahe'et TOTAL Fltq.A.L Sq- Ft- TOTAI-Feet FMLFeet------'- (Applied kftdpatgd Has[ • (Applied fof4 (Addozd irW H-ahifat Name CIISTURS-TYPE Ofsturbance total df;sUbanm DiSWbanca dmturbvce- Cho(3s-- One includes any Exclildes arV total includ6s Excludes any anticipated reitaf?ffoir anyantidpated restwaganan&or reslarallon or antuar lamp r6storatlon or temp impact tamp hacts) lmo:ad amount) temp impacts) amauflf) C>Pe 4 IA-,'P,Ttry,t— "redge 0redga0'Rlln'8ath-Cj Other &ccl bCI DvM4e U Fig 0 Saift Ef other (I dredge-Ef - F111 0 Pi3th 0 Other C] ---------- Oredge Q nj D Bath El Qther D la�de C[ Fig 0 Gat L of-T other OMdge'o' �rj ff f 4 &th C1 Other Elaffucl Other Lg Orqdde Ci r7iff C, got CT afhec .Q (' _ �.. . ' Elot fir 01hr LL Y �� . [• 'Elad, Dreage Fa C, a adw F Q Bach Et Other ri-' Oredge C[ MIT 0 e,JtiT CI' Othai. Q' I ` Qredge 171. Fill Q EldtEl"Mar-El