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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMarvin McDonald 1 0 CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, i„,-------' Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commissioget i 0 in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC Subchapter 7K .0203. ` l �2� L ;v � p -J✓ Applicant Name 1 i�u 1 V t Yli �(Z � � Phone Number a Address _ ''3 eL City State ip . I _ 1 Project Location(County,State Road, Water Body, etc.) _ IIti� �. ri )- A i=1-i-tai.. Lh ' Q A_ . Type and Dimensions of Projectx.,k-� if) 4' w rte' W( -- t ) e 1 U t--- -t . ,.. �:�kh' e J %\0 ....6l • �J The proposed project to be located and constructed as described This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is above is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance. Following expiration, quirement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. your obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. SKETCH (SCALE: iti— ) g I_ z E ; p t h e rn i4S- tx I -sof] —___I el / f I � ' - -----')-----t Lil } t i s , i I I - - ( - t i � � i ' i . j i l_ ._ Any person who proceeds with a development without the con- V sent of a CAMA official under the mistaken assumption that the Applicant's signature ? / development is exempted,will be in violation of the CAMA if there -- r � (')4 is a subsequent determination that a permit was required for the ! r" development. CAMA Official's signature /r) The applicant certifies by signing this exemption that (1)the ap- 1 d te/ Issuing�date plicant has read and will abide by the conditions of this exemp- ,v i b tion,and(2)a written statement has been obtained from adjacent , landowners certifying_thaLthey have no objections to the Expiration dat proposed work. Attachment: 15 North Carolina Administrative Code 7K.0203 • 1 7 i i CERTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION _ I' FROM REQUIRING A CAMA PERMIT imili as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment,Health,and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commi4n m('D in an area of environmental concern gprsuant to 15 NCAC n`Subchapter 7K.0203. ✓L i�/ �—Q�-23 (1f� (� b '(/VA Lice}' �'1//5,�� J Applicant Name t t l ' l Phone Number ) Address ` *. . I: WCity lr � State &,._,. ip 61 Project L•cation(C• nty, State Read, W. e :ody, etc.) -1,11 , %tii�rvir . _ / .. 1. . rl /Ai .fifth , i II PI A Typetd ENnensipns of Project .• i. .Ij ,e kSts 11 V1 41 .' A. V The proposed project to be located and constructed as described This c"rtification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is above is hereby certified as exempt from the CAMA permit re- valid for 90 days from the date of issuance.Following expiration, quirement pursuant to 15 NCAC 7K .0203. This exemption to a re-examination of the project and project site may be necessary CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of to continue this certification. your obtaining any other State, Federal,or Local authorization. SKETCH (SCALE: Nyft-- ) * w h t 111141- I2e eiffxue L<, (wecolateiwcl.,k -titk p4 L/3eSea , 62C 'd Obt5 1 # be a cik.i �-/ , fie, m awn ezhwvidc IOD 414,b- off-1(J . I. Any person who proceeds with a development without the con- sent of a CAMA official under the mistaken assumption that the ••. ants signature , 4110 development is exempted,will be in violation of the CAMA if there / '! � is a subsequent determination that a permit was required for the ith r / / development. CA Of ficial' s' n tura The applicant certifies by signing this exemption that (1)the ap- / te / Issui date plicant has read and will abide by the conditions of this exemp- tion,and(2)a ' .• _ _ : •. .' •. • .• . _ tj 1 P .. ••' ".. I. •: .- • •• ••'- - • • Expir tion dat prepesed Cert r• Attachment: 15 North Carolina Administrative Code 7K.0203 AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: Marvin McDonald Mailing address: 8233 Bay Pointe Dr Denver, NC 28037 Phone Number: 704-737-2609 I certify that I have authorized Ken Kiser Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development of extending existing walkway at my property located at 519 Caswell Beach Rd, in Brunswick County. This certification is valid through 11-1-2018 Date (Property Owner Information) ?/1?4,e(421, ;01 %)rellA Signature Marvin McDonald Print or Type Name Owner Title 12-20-17 Date 704-7372609 Phone Number mmcdonald@spec-inc. com Email Address RECEIVED DEC 2 8 2017 NCDEQ WILMINGTON RO I, JOSEPH R. BROCHURE, PLS — 1759, CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT WAS DRAWN UNDER MY SUPERVISION LEGEND FROM INFORMATION SHOWN IN DEED BOOKS REFERENCED ON IPF IRON PIPE FOUND • MAP AND MAP BOOKS REFERENCED ON MAP; THAT ANY LINES IRF IRON ROD FOUND •C NOT ACTUALLY SURVEYED APPEAR AS BROKEN LINES AND IRS IRON ROD SET WERE PLOTTED FROM INFORMATION AS NOTED ON THE PLAT;; 4 R/W RIGHT OF WAY THAT THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCULATED IS BETTER x C/L CENTERLINE THAN 1:10,000; THAT THE AREA IS COMPUTED BY �^I S`/���� P/L PROPERTY LINE COORDINATE METHOD. WITNESS MY ORIGINAL SIGNATURE, 1l� REGISTRATION NUMBER AND SEAL THIS THE 1st. DAY OF L>� FEBRUARY A.D. 2011 G7 ^^ .x,50 6 50'p N FEMA JOSEPH R. BROCHURE PLS-1759 UB �1PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR 521 CASWELL BEACH RD. hi, <iC/40 ^lO FIRM: A720300600 J LOT 11 Ap ZONE AE-15/VE-15/VE-16 Porch#251„6030TOP OF IR EFFECTIVE DATE: JUNE 2, 2006 TOE SLOPE / 5.36' TMB 6 Community sewer available NOTES: 1. ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES IN U.S. SURVEY FEET. NOTE: I ••) AE— 15 2. THAT THE SURVEY IS OF AN EXISTING 127/ 'I 't!&." Side View Typical both sides PARCELS OF LAND; BROKEN CONTOUR LINES ARE EXISTING , II - 3. PROPERTY ADDRESS: SOLID CONTOUR LINES ARE PROPOSED 14.9$„/ ! ( R vE 15 8"x8"piers top of retaining won h re 519 CASWELL BEACH ROAD TOP OF aOP��`�/ �(/ p,-.44A:2‘,......, top elev.13.5' CASWELL BEACH, N.C. 28465 x. 1 a sp.'4,�s��, , s.91 4. PIN,: 251,18029 15.63 �` /r"�u�66so: q'., 3.64 REFERENCES: Hou oN e0„,sol eN,t45, V\``\ u.16.,'.'-,^k r b4 ... •'•i.i••i•i..••III I LLII� 6noriSIIIOF !✓ Doard963 D � %' 96 ,iwiiiiiiiillllllllllf I1II11;!!II a '0,,,, s' 1wlcAL ,��•010 ,� f .. bottom alev. 70' SPOT ELEV. // Install water proofing 1"x6" treated deck boards 17.00 / on exterior of boards / 18. 17.0 NOT TO SCALE i 515 CASWELL BEACH RD. 19.0 / ;R LOT 9&PART OF LOT 8 16.98 Ab' PARCEL#251J8028 IRF 19.6 0t Rear View SETBACKS: #200017.00 'w> 17.89 8"x8"piers FRONT- 30' 204 '„ma1..e'szo•, top of retaining won 70P OF SLOPE REAR - 25' P LrNF 'IOW top elev.13.5' SIDES - 8' ��2 ss ,o-8. _IIIDI 11 IIIIIIIIIIIIlIII::'II+IIIIIIIIII II I I ! I ILIlIIIIII6',rs',feat,,nonzontor �'fGNE- 8.6 8.810.3 II IIiIIIIIIIII�I� ►Illllll11 I I ��I �I IIIIII. . 10.8 III .. 11.0 •4 ' 4 I0.2 10.8 �—bottom elev. 7.0' •18 �,4 6Install water proofing 1"x6" treated deck boards 10.4 9.6 TOP OF SLOPE on exterior of boards o '17;3:' :-:,8. 10.2'.':':'. NOT TO SCALE SITE PLAN b.e FOR : . .-.: : �r� . . Marvin N. McDonald & Terri H. McDonald \ : : ea. 519 CASWELL BEACH DRIVE ISLAND ' '-'-': ' °' , C7 $,r, °'eo,„ LOT 10, BLOCK 1, CASWELL BEACH m x7 SURVEYORS, INC. `'• '�e n Propose to extend °'fir°rte SCALE 1: = 50' DATE: 2/1/2011 9 ()JOEY BROCHURE PLS 1759 walkway&stairs 50ft 4e INV -427 WOMBLE ST Ep Cio mOAK ISLAND, N.C. 28465 2 4/11/11 added proposed contours&details of woh kb I50 25 o 50 t — O X � M 910) 338 — 8636 .' 2 3/18/2011 moved house for porch to dear sight line GRAPHIC SCALE 1" = 50' ��� PRELIMINARY MAP: NOT FOR RECORDING, CONVEYANCES 1 3/15/11 added walkway,move house Dada,enlarge yb ti LAND SURVEYING — LAND PLANNING OR SALES: 1.41.111 , email: NO. DATE _ DESCRIPTION BY