HomeMy WebLinkAbout460-15_Fisher, Lester & Norrine_2015111611/18/2015 NED 15:39 FAX CAXA 93001/002 Carteret County Local Government CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorised by the State of North Carolina, Department of Envlronment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A•11a of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued to Lester & Norrine Fisher, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 229 Lige Piner Re., in Smyrna, as requested In the permittee's application, dated November 4, 2015. This permit, issued on November 16, 2015, Is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Filling, grading, and clearing parcel. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on November 4; 2015. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State end Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulatlons. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 252-728-8545 for a final inspection at completion of work. (5) Pursuant to 15A NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406 (b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third -party. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permlUee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Issuing date. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is Inspeded for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modlticallon not covered under this permit. require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on. DECEMBER 31, 2015 in issuing thls permlt It Is agreed that this project Is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Olvlslon of Coastal Management. J.D. O'Neal CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 402 Broad Street Beaufort, NC 28516 PERMITTEE (Signature required if condltlons above apply to permit) 11/18/2015 WED 15- 39 FAX LAMA IZO02/002 � , r Name: Fisher, Lester & Norrine Minor Permit # 780.15 Date: November 16, 2015 Page 2 (6) The amount of Impervious surface shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575 feet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 82,981 square feet Is authorized. (7) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d) (10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer. (A) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (9) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the Normal High Water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be Immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a vegetated state. (10) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (11) Prior to any development, silt fence shall be properly Installed between all planned land disturbance and the adjacent marsh and open water areas; the silt fence shall be properly maintained throughout the construction period, Silt fence shall be installed such that it is properly toed -In to the soll. (12) This permit does not authorize development within any wetlands or open water areas. SIGNATURE: I OcA� DATE: I I ' PERMITTEE 0 0 0 ►j —'�-_-'. _ =" : r - is OTHER PER1 MS MAY BC REQUIRED TLe aui%-jty you am p-3 l /mry r Fcrmia'&cr than the CAW tr1�7igY C_� L Il"S _C( 110 ` -ir=�I m nor develapmml permik m chedirU, b,rt ern Uidied to: Ddukiaz Waacr SciNe Tank (or otb=xnaka y wane Ovment sysoem)� Hvildioa Elac¢iosl Phur'riog, Hag tmdand EnzrgY Cao+rnaeoz. FIA -1�1id _. _--�`•r++MSbonc= `;Vl�h�e Pahlie Tiiaaz]me' —` pth¢- -_ CsatiGcatiaq Sand Orme, Scditoent Cantrnl, Subdnisioa AppcovaJ, Ma a Ha PatfrApproval, HighaW Catttteeticm, and aibecs. Check- w th ymz Local Permit Officer fa neat fafarmstiao. Yi - - GENERAL INFORMAnON LAND OWNER Name Lester ferry Frsher and Nottne fr6Lq F6h r Address 229 Lige Piner Road city Senyrna St= roc Zip 2m79 Phone 252-726.2t34 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Douglas Gaines, Guardian of the Estate - Beswick 8 Gaines, PLLC Address 911 Arendell Street Cie. Morehead City State NC P.a dgoines@coestalaw.com zip 28S57 ppa.p 252-637-2134 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Addre_cs.strna name zWcx directiam to sire. If not oc=bonr, sv$at is tl a nave aftbe sdjaaea( .Aurbadyj 229 rQe Piner ft Smyrna, NC 28579 DESCRIPTJON OF PROJECT. (List all pxnpaoed caostrucKea and food disturbance.) 4OV1a sit Qade and doer SOF LOTfFAACEL square fee[ zcm PROPOSED USE: Residasid Q✓ (Simde-temily ❑ Mule -family ❑) CammeroabTndttsaial ❑ Oder COMPLETE EMUM (I) OR (2) RELOW (CmAset your Loon! Pores Crw" if yav are nai sarr wlVab AEC applies tuyaar pr-poty): (L) OCEAN HAZARD AEC%: TOTAL, FLODORAREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet(-mdudes air owditica M living space, ptwidag e`evokd above ymrad level, ocmooadibon:d space etcwded above graved level btu ceriudmg uoo-load- rearing aerie space) - © COASTALSBORBtXIZE AECs: SIZE OF BUODWG FOOTPRINTAND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OK BUILT UPON SURFACES: O square met (includes the area of the rooffdrip line of al] bad&m,-s, driveways, covered decks, co0weee a masonry pains. etc. chi_ are within the applicah(eAE.C. Attach your calculations ash the pno ca drv%-wg.) SL43M STORh3HATER MANAGEIIENT PERMIT: is the prajen lorared ice an area soh ect io a Stitt Slaffiwatet Mmagmtmi Pettmt issued by the NC Divisiat of Water QualicL/! YES= NdD -If yes, Jilt dte total buih upon acmfoapervious sarEsc a allowed for vow Lac err paiceL squnm feet NOV 0 4 2U115 SCATE3fENT OF OlWa.RSHIP: 1. the undersigned, an applicm for z CAMA minx development*dt-0;pcoperry Lug either the owner of propem in an AFL m a person auOmdxod a su as err agent far purposes of applying for inor develapmeni perni , certify that chc persmn listed as laadawna oo thus Wliatien Las a sigcuQcam interest in described rbaein This ime est can be dcscrihod as. (cbreck woe) nan owner or [card d4c, Tok is v_stad in see Deed Book page in dw County RegsshycfDceds. non owner by vEraw ofahaiwor__44T ic:W is an heir to the estate of probate kas is County. ✓n other iikurtsi, such as N%Trum rnatai or lease, cWlam below or use a separate sheet Q smub to this appticatian- NOTMCATiON OF ADJACENT PROPERTYOMTWM: I fiathermrae cectify that cbe foilowiag pecans are awns of pmpertirs adjo(nm.- this- property. I affirm that 1 have given ACTUAL NOTICE m each of &= concerning ray irmcm to develop Ulis property and to apply fra a LAMA pamh. (game) (Addr—) (1) Ivey & Paula Pinar 245 Lige Piner Road, Smyma NC 28579 (�) Mark & Janet Eakes 198 Star Church Road, Marshallburg, NC 28533 (4) ACKNOWLCsDGEMENT& 1, die tmdmignr3 ackwwlcdge that the Jaod awees is aware thaw Cbe peopea d. devtk pc=w is planned for an arm w•hicb may be susceptible to erosio3 andla doodEag. (ar]mnwledge that the Local Permit 011icer has explained m me the pa ucu- la hazard problems associamd wirb [Lis Loa This eMLxczdm was accompanied by recommendations concerning Stabtlia- ciao and doodproaGn; necherigoes. I Iwihetmorc o=bfy that 1 wn zuthcrized to great, and do in fact part, permission ai Divisian afCoastal Masai ecust staff, the Local Permit Officer and &eir ageum tower on the efbreamo icmed Lends in cotarccioo with rnffi ailing m.6ottnuiaa related co this pe^tair appficauoa is the 04999 day of_4W_, 20 Landowoa ar pezyCwthorked to act as hitlher &gnu forrpnrpose of Sligg a LAMA permur 77ds epplizdints indarder. omaerad 6aformatrao !thaform)- a sales draw C as described am the hook of Air appti4xdwc do awnrrshia sWament. the Ocamt Hamrd AEC Nonce wkcre nermau , a nhechfor S180 00 made payable to the heal), mod Ana f4arrnation as may be_providad orally kv Me applicamr 7be decai2r of d1e apdrlic+mran m dero &d by Awe sawed• era incorparutad x &kzara referewe in aery permb "&n! may he Tarred Desdabam frm these dmrily tell cnastitaar a harlot on of any permii. day persap dewJpphV to as AEC %*koawpen rk it rrebjeet to civet croair wl oadaN&itrrmire makae STATE OF NORTH CAROLIN. , 4 .a, YY � ba j COUNTY OF CARTERET 1�i5 SO) 2-2 P 3: Q'i IN THE MATTER OF: gy, r_... LESTER'JERRY FISHER AND ) NORRINE FRISBY FISHER ) r IN THE GEI4ERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR �', OURT DIVISION BEFORE THt CLERIC FILE NO. 15iSP-225 , i i 'l ORDER E THIS MATTER COMING ON TO BE HEARD AND BEING HEARD before the undersigned Clerk of Superior Court, Carteret County, North Carolina on September 16, 2015 at 10 o'clock a.m. upon the review of a Petition to Sell Property of incompetent Persons; and after hearing the testimony and argument of the Guardian of the Estate and Guardian of the Person; IT APPEARS TO THE COURT that the Court has jurisgiction over the individuals and subject matter, and that all necessary parties have been served of otherwise provided notice of this proceeding; and 1 IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that the incompetents will have no further need for the property; and IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT.that the(property is a financial liability for the incompetents in that it creates no income and incurs ad valorem tax liability; and IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that 'the proceeds of the property might be needed in order to provide for the maintenance and support of the incompetents in the future; and IT FURTHER APPEARING TO TIIE COURT that the best interests of the incompetents would be materially promoted by the sale of the property described in the petition; and IT FURTHER APPEARING TO THE COURT that a private sale of the property would likely produce a better selling price and a prompt sale of the�property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the property described in the Petition be sold so that the proceeds can be added to the assets , available for the support and maintenance of the incompetents; and! S Page 1 of 2 LO0/ZOOM VXV0 r— XVd 80 -6 AHS 6TOZ/SO/TT . 5 BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND yDECREED that M. Douglas Goines is appointed as Commissioner in order to give a deed ana otherwise sell the property in accord with applicable law; and BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED ANDDECREED that M. Douglas Goines is authorized to procure the services of a realtor in effecti$g the sale described herein and is authorized to pay an appropriate realtor's commission The day of September, 2015. 4 r�t✓Ci CLERK OF COURT Page 2 of 2 (oo/Eoo2 VXV0 err xva Bo .6 nHS SToz/Go/TT N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date c) 8,Q •Sri Name of Property Owner Applying for Permit: t4LsLz.1( Q'Gorr try r sV" Mailing Address: f certify that Y have authorized (agenA-bminp. 0-,n►iys, - a i�Y�T_ to Act on inY, J , behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA, Permits necessary to Install or construct (activit PMI�j , h.raA Ru wcNc e.a6 szL%X Ljf\- &S at (my property located at) AM L se -e?�Oex 36, f,Mll C�n.� ,� : � '�% • ! ' This certification is valid thru (date) \\• 30 • \FN Signature 1/111,94w leh� ^�� Date L00/Doom tiilEi'J rrr XH3 "I STOZ/60/TT STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NO, " 15- In The General Court Of Justice CARTERET Superior Court Division County Before the Clerk IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: Name Of Word LESMFISHIM LETTERS OF APPOINTMENT GUARDIAN OF THE ESTATE G.S. 36A-1203, -1206, -1251: 34-2.1 tmmmpelent Person ❑ Minor The Court in the exercise of its jurisdiction for the appointment of guardians of Incompetent persons and minors, and upon proper application, has appointed the person(s) named below as Guardian(s) of the Estate of the ward named above and has ordered that these Letters Of Appointment be issued. The guardian of the estate is fully authorized end entitled under the laws of North Caroline to receive, manage and administer the property, estate and business affairs of the ward. These Letters are issued to attest to that authority and to certify that it is now in full force and effect. Witness my hand and the Seal of the Superior Court. Name And Address Of Guerden 1 Of the Estate Date OfOuesnceuon BESWiCK & GOINES, PLLC 07.142015 911 AItENDELL STRE1 T . b�a191iJJJiJ�J,1t/tpp� :": Clerk orSuperforCourt MOREFMAD CITY, NC $ :"-I',,,7; ' ; y PANELA HANSON • Wi " EX OFFICIO JUDGE OF PROBATE Name And Address O/Gu$IiAatt �.o( o Esrete• ► Date Of Issuance yNd,�y'�.+ 07.14.2015 • ,. LY pub CSC Assistant CSC El cbm of supo*r court, NOTE: This letter is not valid without the offlclel seal of the Clerk of Superior Court. A00-E-407, Rev. 4/11 tp 2011 Admtnlstrallve offlee of the Courts LOO/SOom XVd 60 '6 nHs STOZ/6o/T1 S in X J m fU s 0 ►� U7"-,C� Rslum Fieaelpl Fee o (@ndomemem Required) RNtrtoted N11my Fee f3 (Endaeement Required)rq r-I Total PostageS Fees�5 C] � gtMI �r.�.. Q �i�,G.0. ............ Na va ewr rva ... 'L..]1. \ .%i.... i ..h_. - tv LrI r For deliveryFFICIA mL m USE ti � Certified Fes lb Return Reoetpt Fee (Fndmeement Acquired) Povuna ni Hero a O RNirictedmacn Fee (Endoreemem R* Requlre0) S � ra �2 C rq Total Poets ge 14 FeeB $ C3 L00/9000 FINVO rrr XVa 60'6 ()Hz GTOZ/SO/TT D 7 6 e A eMover p cone ,5auND L00/L00m 60 :6 Oes STOZ/SO/TT