HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-37_Kenny, Patrick_20070910,r RSERJET 'FAX,Rug08 2:'58PM' HP- 4 t- 6wn of Emerald Isle j,,. 0737 Local Government Pe rmtriJuber , r ,fir J � Cam.• AMA " � Z, MOR DEVELOI NE r PERMIT 1), A-` as authorized by the State Of North Gonna, f aq#Nsturail Rasp sin title Q mul t welopthent JA r e.` • J � rf t1ii- AiOs �,'` Issued to Patrick Kenny, authorizing development in the Ocean Hazard (AEC}at 5007 Ocean Dr, ih Erne 17_5 requested in the permittee's application, dated August 22, 2007. This permit, issued on Septt:mber 9U;20}7as compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all spplica�e ula�' special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these termmStllt permittee_;bo,`a�rint or civil action, or may cause thR permit td be Il.a�d void r w This permit a`uthotizes:3�480 9J deck, concrete under house YAth a 91Y& stp►age addition. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in at�bidrpce rwtth the permitt ,tat drawings(s) dated received on August 22, 207.~.?x.. (2) All consttvction must conform to the N.C. Building Code reQuirements ��thrlocal, date grid pal r, �; y applicable local ordinant sand FEMA Flood:Regulatbris (3) Arty cttapge or thane plans .fordeaelo : oo ges pmeitt; r>stitwllUn oiirioes will`regtre �r re-eva4uatin x modification of this�ieitrrk, , X (4) A' copy of this pennit shaft be posted or avallable on site. Contact this ofAce atr262 3W"3336 for`a'tinal't . �,;,J. s completion of work. (Additional Permit Condjtfons on This permit action may be appealed by the pearittee or other qualified persons '? within twenty (20) days of the Issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This �,,' ^ _V permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the r project is Inspected 1a compliance. My n�ahttenartce work .,or project �� < , �, n modification not covered under f wtxten permit t.. oltYn gfinerald It �. _ approval. All work must cease when oft: ;, AL PI �RMIT (? AL Emerald Isle NG28594 5 r In Issuing this permit it Is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applkable ordinances. This permit may not be Iransferred to another party without the, written approval of the Division of Coastal Manageme tG PERNOTT n z (Signehtre rmqujmd if.cooditions abov�pply to 'It,-' • ' _ Akin ^' tit _ - - �`+ , • � Q,i 41 ,Aug 08 2002 4:58PM, • Hip LRSERJET FAX .� Name: Patrick Kenny Minor Permit # 07-37 Date: September 10, 2007� Page 2. (5) The structure must set k a minimum of 60 feet from the first line of stable natural vegetation, as determined by the DCM, the LPO, or other assigned agent of the DCM. (6) The permittee is required 10 contact the Local Permit Officer 252-354-3338, shortly before he plans to , construction to arrange a setback measurement that will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shore change. Construction must begin within sixty (60) days of the determination or the measurement is void and must be redone. (n All buildings 'coii�ithin the ocean hazard area shall comes with the NC Building Cade, including the Coastal and Flood Plain Construction Standards of the Id, C. Bullidieg • Codt and the Local ' Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance ae equired by the National Flood Insurance Pbgrgh` If any provisia*ts of the building code or a flood fdamage'prekntion ordinance are inconsistent with any of the• following AEC standards, the more restrictive provision shall control. (8) All buildings must be elevated on pilings• with a diameter of at least 8 inches In diameter if round, or 8 inches a side if square; and the first loor level of the sills and joists must meet the 100-year flood level elevation: (9) All pilings shall have a tip penetration greater than eight feet below the lowest ground elevation under the structure. (10)Dune disturbances will be allowed only to the extent necessary for devebpmentprfd if the dune's protective value is" not weakened`orredUbed: psiturbed dung areas will be lmmedlateiyiia�ilized:° (11)AQ unconsolidated materialresulting from associated gradingopd kAmplaphall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and, foslon control measures. Disturbed areas shANveg be 'etatad4* stabilized. (planted and mulched) within 14 diays b1construction completion. (12)Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two years of the time when it becomes imminently threatened and In any case upon its collapse or subsidence. However, if nat< al, shoreline recovery or beach renourishment takes place within two years of the time'the structure. becomes Imminently threatened, so that the structure is no, longer imminently tfire tlenet, then it need not be relocated or dismantled al-diat tits ; This condition shall not affect the permit hillWees right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures aliowed'underCRC rules. (13) iNf proposed cleye"s It,shall be landward of the W Oeeari erosion setback line as per survey (Reference static vegetation line. Proposeoncrete and storage building Ml be located under existing elevated structure, (14) Only piling placement to carry deck bads are permitted in the landward side of the frontal dune toe; no'other land disturbing activity permitted under this minor permit. SIGNATURE: . PERMITTEE f � ' J! DATE: •kC t JC•j ^ �, � r e Jul 25 2002 5:18PM HP LASERJET FAX p.2 Pb pe rec PI GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Address e - I` it P>E city %c.�,�c�.s' _ State Zip `j0 9 Phone AUTHORIZED AGENT If Na me— Address - City .h r,y State s Zip_ Z9,:EV} Phone 3f,3 LOC`.ATION'OFPROJECT (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If oceanfront, what ia'tlie`name of, If, the adjacent waorxbody?) Dl DESC ON OF PROJECT (List all proposed construction and Ian discurbanee.} 3 �ir�ety SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL. o U square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential ✓ (Single-family, Mwti-familp' } Commerical/Industrial Other N( TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA, OF ENVI- RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): J ,i D D ' square feet (includes all floors and roof-tdvered docks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON S ACES -IN - THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): sq. ftt%+4 (Calculations include the area of the roof/drip line of aU buildings, _driveways;.cove:po docks; concrete or masonry patios, v etc. that are within the apocible AEC. Attach your calculations with the pro!= drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: ;. . (1) within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC �Z within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent. to Outstanding Resource Waters (3) within 30 feet of the Public That Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER PERMIT: Is the;project locaredin an area subject to a . +'. '.. State Storrnwate. M�ment Peirnit issued by the N.C.-Division of Water Quality? YES f NO v If yes, list the tons? built -upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or patccl. square f cr: Jul 25 200E 5:18PM HP LRSERJET FAX p.3 OTC IER PFRN M M"BE REQUIRED: The activity you areplanning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. Asa service we have compiled a list of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggesr you check over the list %%ithyour LPQ to determine if any of these apply to your project: Zoning, Drinking Water Well, SepticTank (or othei sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning; Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sedimeat Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home ParkApproval, Highway, Connexion, and others. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: 1, the undersign an applicant for a CAMA minor development'pernnit, being either the owner of property iri an ALC or a person authorized to act as an agent fvt purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) an owner or record title. Tide is ested in 0— -J• r see Deed Book page 4� in the t'&County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of. probate was in Y County. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to.this application., NOTIFICATION OFAI?JAtENT PROPERTY OWNERS:,,, `,Z ' I furthermore certify that the following persons arc owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NICE w each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit (1) (2) (3) (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS; I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptibyto k erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associ-'- atcd with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofing tech- niques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: v I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands is connection with evaluating information related to this permit application., This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application,, the' ` ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $ 100.00 made payable to the locality, and any infor- mation as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which inay be issued. Deviation from these detailsmill constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in, an .'SEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administra*c action. th day of , 20 Landowner or person authorized to act as his agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit' application.: Jul 25 20Q2 5:19PM ' Hp LRSERJET FRX AEC HAZARD NOTICE °rojact by In An: Ocean Erodible Area _ Might Maturd Flood Area property 0vmer. a, Y- /, r -C. Protterty Addms• 6�'Q r�c�� Do" Lbt VWs Platted• / � � � 91 This nonce is inteaded be makot you, the applicant, aware of L%e: special risks and eonditrans asttor iated whh-development in this errs, whack is subject to natural hasards ac lies storms. erns ion and cureer-m Tice ruka of the Coastal Resources Commission requi re Ow you r eUeivts rut AEC Kinard NWce and acknowledge that notice in wri>bttabe.fore a patimit for d4velopment can be issued. The Commissioab roles on build* standards. oc.eanfrent setba 4s Pied dune abet Mionc are daig* so rainiwiu, but sot eliminate, property toga from hazn&.9jgrantio8pemsit3s. the Coastal Resourcm Cbrintlisaion does rsotguarsstee the safety of the tkveiotytzuart and assatzres tm liAbibly far fiaturc damage n+ the devalopr "MI. Pertnics issued in the Cc= Huard Area of Eovironmeutal Concern include t1tecandl$n0n, lbat sttucuurs be rdorated or dismwitled if they became immimAy threstrned by changes in altomline configuration. The strutittretsj muAt be relocated or disrtaaodad witldti two (2) years of becoming imminently threateried, and in any case upont its collapse or subsidence. The best avytable inforttutive, an accepted by the Coastal Rozowees Comrttissivn. inciic" d3at the aemnsi long-t,orm average oew emion rate for v* ataa +vhese your prmctp is located is Ar feet par year. The rate was established by carraful enalrais of uTial Phomet-afts, of the condiae taken over tRtt past 50 yeas. SIP'ECIALNQTE: Thb third noticc is tquirtA fard6elaprrimt in vM subject to sadden and massive storms end erosion. Pctmits issued fordcwelopmer:t in thitrurw expire ern Decambtr3l of the :hit,~ year fellowiag the year in which *a Permit.;as issued. Slvrtly refara work beow on the project site. the Local lPstml.t t M;:cr must be o miacted to determine t1he vcgaWl on hate and setback distance styour sine. tf t w pcoperty has seen little Change since the time of permit issua»ce, andthc prof msed dlemelopment - can still meet the setback reauiremeaL the LPQ will inform you ibm you may bo&irs`am k Suhcran" Iungress on, the Project must ben +rude within 60 day$ oftbis setback detwmiaatroa, or the setbaelt inust be tentaasured. Also. the occuannee of: mn* shoreline chance as theresult of a storm within the 64-day period wilt viacessitate rrttleasnrerrsen: of the setback. It is Important. that you check wi th the L.PO bafara the Parnit expires forOfSc ial Approval to continue the wort after do pat7nit has expiod. Generally, if faaadatioo piihip have btten placed anti substantial pmg ess is on,r atting. permit sww"I can be attikorized. It is uWawfu) toeonilnue work sftw permit expiration. For mom lrrj6rr,tadah, cons" �ev�u aF Litit�r�n ���" Local Permit Misr Addims Studies also indicstcOwlthtrahlwelinecould avv.AsMich as feoa landward in a major storm. Lor Paler 2 ('� Thrkod,atm in a t:tajoa smrrri`ertpre ieted to be'atbatti ��— = � ✓ �O _ .feet ftep in this ai ea. Phcx �� s Psrferred art bttach aoutiahmettt - oeeanfipettpso�cetart atsasurer end telooatien of tbmtened swucmms. Hard erosion control stru&jnesaucttas bulkltaels, saawaUa.tevtstrse:rts.�uitts,letdw md breakwamn arc prdu'bitei Temporuy sand bags WAY be , { authorized under eertaiatortditions. The applkm m mere.+ovAeL%eftitkdoemationaaadtequkarants , by aigrrtng this' tactsaa m die Spots below►- wattaesat the proper signaturc.the applic ation will na,baor?"'tc. J` r�ratSigne re t7ate Re►risod2/07 T,d Kca-E99 (gm) AMEN )P!4ud 99vol iz LZ ory . ni , Jul 25 2002 5:19PM HP LRSERJET FAX ~'" F p".4 JJ • 1.. loft 07-37 _ TOWN OF EMERALD ISM, " 7500 EMERALD DRIVE L ` : EMERALD ISLE, NC 28594 DATE: August 29, 2007 > .r r. TO: Renee, Classified f FROM: Peggy_,Grammer, Permit Technician , SL. JECT: CAMS Permit Notification r Please publish on Friday August 30, 2007 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE_ m �ws�taii Ito NOGS 113A-119(b}, Emerald Isle, a lacahty' authorized to .issue a 1: permits ii Areas of Environmental Concern, through the Coastal Area, Management Agency (CAMA), hereby gives notice that on-. August 22, 2007,; Patrick Kenny applied for a Minor CAMA Permit to build 319 sq ft of deck and-':'-, concrete under house within the Area of Environmental Concern, at 5007 Dr in Emerald Isle. The applilaid6i•may be -"inspected at the address b% Public comments received- by Septe�lier :l Q, 2007 will be considered. Lateriaments will be accepted end - considered_up_to-the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur , based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this } , matter will be issued upon written request. James W. Taylor, Jr. Local CAMA Permit Officer Town of Emerald Isle 7500 Emerald Drive r, 4 ' Emerald Isle, NE'28594 252.354.3338 titc-• ^?- .C Jul 25 20Q2 5:19PM HP LRSERJET FRX P.'5 Condition Comments: Other Fields: Purpose DECK ADDITION TO CONCRETE SLAB CAMA # 07-37 Exempt # Comments r ti p' r e � v4c14- ag f 'E�p t `- r 15ft,1v Act PokHd, al- L.t OIAL l J � r � -- ' �a Jul 25 2002 .5:19PM c .HP LRSERJET FAX • 2' p.7 TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE, NORTH CA:ROLIN4 VE ZONE FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICA DON Date:I 73 '- F=h Nulobw.. Recsived by: L eation of Fropertr. Type of DO-Cloptlurt: Excavation: Fill: Grading: G'OWC,oa-truollon: _ Road Conrtrualou- Residential CC6s m Non, idemtial CotwMetion: Additfou: ' Renovation: Other (specify): %r*A -- Siza of Doveletp=t: FIRM Da s ,' Ptatel,No.: _O YA Svr�"rx rJ Map Pawl Date:,�"Q� biap Index Date: ��� Flood Zone: IILr j COBRA=ne: - �N'A Developmerx5tandirdsData: 1. base flood elevatim(UMperFIRM at ricvdti meat s{te: (NG V•D) _J, 1.: PNAV3?'r• . 2. Regulatory flood tlevatioA at development site [RFE -;- Z'): 3. ElevationIn Hie doo to rnoun>3*a lcotl•OMravor abovo which the bo=m of the do-A'est must be cantxtucteui ; - ---r (KGVD) d. Elevat;on !n relgtion to moon seg level NSL) at or ahotie whicb all attendant utilities to lade-, bit ret I�mw to, 4 Eating. air rar�dpning and cl etriral.equipr�.e t matt be instr'" -- - - _ "' _ ' tNQVD) J.(l3AVD), S. V-lotus Certiticntion wfi back-up plans and speciffcations are required pr'.or to Fioodphin Dtveiopracatrermit TSn=C-a Subaittt7ed ` Approval Wi' , Submit prior to Fer n'tt )<ssuattce, x 6. will any vitcoarse be alttied or relowed as a result of ilte proposed developule'li if yes, itttach -a dawripticn of ibe extent of the alteration or relecaadcMi. AjWljzaat admowi Ma unden'Lg wA understated titer the issu.Rnce of a pe riniz is amtilWa upon the above in b=atiou being correct. and titan t}e plsm and suppacOng data 6avc brea'or dwIl•be provided as ro alrod. t dw tmderstand that'prtos't0 occupsttcy of the seauat * being ptrmltted, an elcvatio t and/or tloodpraetlttg certificate sigt+ed by a p:ofessionat erighw or reglsterW Witt aurvayor must be on fla with the Town of Etnterald We PIcr uio; d; limpectiorns Deperinleat tndiottbgtbe "as built" eltvzions In r@ationto meant sea Level (MSL). Patrick D. J. Kemy . Print or Ty+ps ;'�iA 3Lan� Print or r)VC Nam. a of A`g'ent Dam SigmtM ofAgt n f6 ,6 00, Address & Telephone Nu r Address 3b Tele?honv' Wtunber r e.'c�t F'oundwinn Inspectior. Date. lnspCaor: ,Jul 25 2002 5:20PM ,HP LRSERJET FRX P.S n .T: 60 i -'O�X Jul 25'2002 5:20PM HP LRSERJET FRX P.9 Jr , ' Y , ZVI- 0-�r�- tsz�C' 11 f • � � lay'-.,� -.�• ��� � - Jul 25 2002 5:20PM HP LRSERJET FRX P . 10 Town of Emerald Isle 7600 Emerald Drive Emerald Isle, NC 28594 (252)354-3338.., ICAINIA Permit,' Page' 1 of 2 Permit Number: 2007-996 Printed: W2/2007 Applicant Approval Date: 8/22/2007 Name: KENNY, PATRICK Address: 4736 MAPLE.RIDGE TR ,r._. '` ':COLUMBU§, GA 31909 Parcel Parcel Number: 630419619506 Zoning: R2 _ Address: OCEAN DR 5007 Section: Township: Range: VE Addition: 5. Block: 20 Logo): 9 Legal Description: j Owners . Name: KENNY. PATRICK Address: 4736 MAPLE RIDGE TR COLUMBUS, GA 31909 Contractors -Contractor Type: HQ(IAAEOWNERIAGENT Name:' SELF Address: SAME AS PERMIT SAME AS PERMIT Phone: Fees and Receipts: Number -, Description Amount FEE200771955cama.-,, $100.00 Total Fees: $100.00 RCPT2007-1393 $100:00 = Total Receipts: $100.00 Conditions Date: 'Itatus: Code: Condition -,Description: + 1 Jul 25 2002 5:18PM HP LRSERJET FAX P.1 252-354-3338 252-354-5387 FAX 7500 Emerald Drive Emerald Isle, NC 28594 own of Emerald Isle Ins ections De arimen acsimile transmitt To: sec , r FAX- FROM y DATE: •-0 � RE: CA`1 CU V-\Q PAGES: i a CC: