HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-36_Anderson, Rodney_20070821200'2 3:'23PM HP LRSERJET FRX f� �I� p. •'2 Town of.Er" aild_Is_le 07.36 Local Government -Permit Number ' CAMA t MI 4R_QEVELOPMENT -- _ - PERMIT as autf cased the State of North Carolina, Deparlrnent of En*onment; and Natural R an roes and the Coastal Resources Commis;aon1br opment Secdon 113A-Lie In area of concern purauantto r General Sta "Coastal Area Management". z' I Issued to Rodney Anderson, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW �(�EQ at 8402 Sound Dve., in Emerald lso,'as requested in the perm ee's application, dated August 13, 20M This- permit, issued on August 21, 14 2067, is subjed,ta compfance'with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and rpotes set forth below. Any violation of these,termS may subject permittse to a fine; imprisonment or civil action, or may Ouse the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Replacement of a moufactured home - (1) All proposed development and e4soclated I constructlon must be done in accordanoe with the fetmltted work plat drawirigs(q) dated received on Aug st 13, 2007. (2) All axWmctkn must c*nform to t e N.C. Building Code regt irements and at other local; State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plats for development, construction, or land use acbvitiea will rjegtiire a re�evaluatiorl and modif &Wn of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shalt be posted or available on site. Contact this office_ at 252-3�4-= for 'a final nspecctison at corwletion of work. ' + (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the perrdbeior other qualified persona within twenty,(20) days of the issuing date. From ire date of an appeal, any work eondudbil,undo this permlmust cam until this appeal is resolved. This permit must tie-oq the project site'and axessW to the permit officer when the prger<t Is inspected for compliance. Any maintenmoe work or pr*ct .James W.'Taykx , modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit CAMiQ LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL _ ; ; i t ' approval. All workrrrcrst c es a when this permit expires on: 7600 Erneraid Isle, R DECEMBER 31, 2010 rood Isle, NC :2Q594 In issuing this permit It is agreed that this protect Is coublent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinanoss. This permitlmay not be hans wW to another i;Mmul �thd written approval of the Division of Coastal PERM ITT management.pr; (Signature required if conddiorrs'sbove apply to permli) . - r Jul 1& 2002 3:'23PM Name: Rpdr Anderson .Minor Perri 0 07.36 ;Rate: Augudt 21, 20Q7 Page 2 ; l > iT1 HP LRSERJET. FRX ' " (3: a,. (5) Tile amount of impervious surfac* (Estuarine Shoreline- ORW Area Ipt pwjs 27,861 or 25%-- 6965 a (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A developmentIconstruction shall bE the roof ovgrhwg shall encroach (7) AD unconsoMated material resuld sedimentation and erosion coniro be installed between the landdist been pmperiystabilized with '(8) Any proposed for grading within tl - addillonal s"water runoff to the remain in a ,vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be completion. " r shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 57� feet of Nommi High Wafer Line Environmental Concern), in this case, 92q square f* is authorized. The total "` r•, fttotal Impervious surfaoe.,'- NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal H• h Water Line. No pain of ,:; to the 30 ft. buffer. ' : • ' < ; '"r ig from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective,: measures. Priorio any land -disturbing actMtk a barrier.11ne of W*th must" rbing activity and the adjacent marsh or wa(ecareas, until'such time as the area vegetative cover. 30' buffer from the Normal High Water Une mint be contoured to preVenf adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediatdljr*ptatively.stabili;ed; artt#rrrrist vegetatively st&laed (planted and mulched) withip 14 days of constn*t m . oil ;� PERMITTEE ; Jul 09 2002 2, 27PfH HP LASERJET FAX i .21 i ,rq:.�, n. � ' �, r A• f '�- :%r7� �e k',- :z� .s +C{ t ��"�`• hn�y"`$r' •T7< 44 i A �r -t.xs �s 1 r A+ +, i t a"� �*, rr�� }*�i+� } , L �?7 �,, '+��J*, ���?•�Sy*•�i � Y ��$.�j{� °�yVy�F�` �{Sf, �c.f �t'�i�''�lyii.� .'� � .i,r ��1r�` M ` `,S.i.. S'�,�ry��, - -k.a R ' •'1. }x,t. '�"�c fir ' z i_S`}'44 �a} r. �,jl` c ',?�y, r h.N�,�+ � i ' _ t2n t-,, v -_i. '.`t r}C -�.• x Sa» ^�.��� •} {!+„�' ��.''c,tSr 1�,. , i Pi'�+i ax�� f r. � rt ` ..y^y d �' • v , S. ,i .�i N. � YFW �d � ".` '�`v`4GH4• 9 ^'i' i ,sr } . �- '•• ."' i '� �t�.� �+ 4 i� � S i l j '� —; ."S."x � x •i' t;� r s a`t;:: + 1'. xv"Ri,;`+ ', i rt.a'E5 .ry, �:i :,:'�" -. ` 4u .` C J ' `t ,. #.,}�" . F ' v*r.'fi' `• �� •a ; :..Wr n�� ;�.;, r y ..Sj�i4t $d *', r��'r �-il:�s-f3 %bt'..•,'yy�i`��`eli;: ii:�t5.r�C�s✓,,,6r� ^3'x.'Y.���y,���-�w� n-';5''!U^'�' is �k�TN'�7ti � �a%� ��'ii��`r ;r � , Pe- . t:+r_�;.,w . ,� 4 r�J'w'�'�,'`i? "a9rY,,: S"'•t�t"t?»^a+� s{rry'^,j,ti..'„�. r i Jy,:.,'"' tea �E'r�,tr�'�'^ir+y,.�Jd'`. ,''}`! �.•rr• �' h:-:I . �, Y�'�,C�_r�1:. uY.::, - .tt�. ,`�o-"r{s ::::.�1s1� I'f<",',y-�,� y{�r�• 1 ,'��� y �' `>�� �cv�. T.. � rr,4 ;r,f � �ri S' $'iT,' "� r . PI GENERAL INFORMATION LAND L ; ve r � ,� / I'I. City ' .L' v' tl r fry St ace Zip%•- (% f� _ . Phone AUTHORIZED AGENT 'Name � W �le,,A Address City " P ' -- ter State Zip 9one -? D. 7/-0 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. " 'iiot oceanfront, what is the .name of + t the adjacent waterbody?) • Y I �' i :� � � .Y `. i M DESCPTIO OF PRO DI TT. JECTs (List all proposed construction and land disturbance) /�� r I 46 'SIZE: OF LOT/PARCEL: v square feet ' acres r t PROPQSE])iUSEs Residential (Single-family Multi -family I ) Commerical�Industr�al ! _ ! 4 ; Other I ,Y , i +.1 ,. N< TOTAL ENC LOSEDTLOOR AREA F A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVI- R(jNME; NT�AL CONCERN '' i)� square feet (iltcludes all Floors and roof- decks} ' SIZE "OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES IN THE'COASIAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL COlyCERN (AEC): s `. ft: r ' I (Calculations include the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, drivewa)sred deck, conumasonryatios, t ', etc. that are Ivit, in thIt applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose,the AEC area that applies to your property; ( 'thin 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC ?j n 571 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC adjacent to Outstanding so�ce Waters ' (3) within 30 feet of the 'li'ublic Trust Shoreline AEC ; (Contact.your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to, your property) STATE ST . , MWAIY ER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project locac�eAin an area subject to a + State' 5,to 'wt ter Managcmcnt Permit issued by the N.C. Division of Water uality? YES' NO I 'I If yes, list the c9tal built -upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or Marcel, sgi=c feet. ; . , JuI 09' 2002 ;2:27PMHP LRSERJET FAX OTHER PERMITS K WBE REQUIRED: The aetiviry you are planning may requige �xrmits other than the CAIr(t4 minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a list of the kinds of permit: that might be requited. We'suggest j you check p'er thelist witbypui0iodemAlineifany,o£theseapplytoyourproject:zoning,DrinkingWarer�pd(,, ncTaak(orothersari ;; Ma tssyaccn) Buil' Elcttri Plumbing, Hea �ep'ti � 'g+1, g, ring andAir Conditioning, Insulation Every w and Conservatian, RA CE�tiStcation, .. Sand lPune; Sediment Control, $ub"ion Approval, Mobile Home ParkApproval, I-Iighway, Coritiection, and others. ; , : , .. the . I,- und-wignpd, ar. applicant fora CAMA minordevelo meat ermit, Person atithorizCA to att as an agent fnr pu oses of 1 'n for ap being either toe owner of property irI AEC or a rP aPP yt g CAMA minor developtneitt certify daat'the r ; ` . permit, person listed as jandawner oni this application has a significant interest in the real property destnbed therein. This lrxtere> be described as: (check one) „ t an owner or rtcotd 'tle. i is vested in %i e ' A c Deed Book page E-r? in the 'i'd/r f ral n1 f County — Registry of Deeds. ,c ' ec loh 3 v P► 7 1 ,its owner by;virtue of inheritance, :4pplicant is an heir to the estate of 3 probate was in County. ____-if other -interest, s ch as ,written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheeyt, and attach tothis,app$oat3on. , NOTIFICAMN OF ADJACENT PROPERTYOWNERS- I furthermore certify that, the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I havt• given s.•> . ACTUAL NOTICE to'each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and, to apply for a CAM& p6Tgin t y �J dame) , (Address) :` n, .. r .► i w / i • -- yi FOR DEVE10.PFRS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledp-*at the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be s> eeptible to erosion an flooding.' I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the per *' ular hazard problems associ- ated with,this lqt. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning staa piques. ilizadonnnd Qoodproofing tech l x i PERW8SION TCi' ENTER ON LAND- I furtherm r o e certify that I arri au onz to grant and do to fact grant permission to the }local permit Officer aad his agents to enter on the afoiamentioned lands in connection with evaluating information related ttl this permit application. 1, This apptication.indudes: general iacrmnation (this form), a site drawing as described on tiic back o 'this applicitiott the ownership statement, thq AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any infer - oration as mar be providcl orallT by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are [taco oratqd without reference in. any permit aWWch may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of an ` i Y PctT I " person developing in' an P1EC without permit is subject to ' " crimin 'pis coon, ` { ; 4ndown,cr or person authorized to act as his age r purpose of filing a C.A.MA permit application. Jul 09:2002 i;C:27PM` HP LRSERJET FRX ; ; pN.41 Town of Emerald Isle 7000 Eroetrayd Drive EmOald Isle, NC 28594 1 , Y r `(252)354-3338 , 1 ;CAMA Permit y Page 1 of !Z' , . PermltENumber: 2007-917 Printed: 7/26J2007 , pplicant' , +, A►pprovalbate: 7/26/2007 ; ; !, Name:;; ANDERSQN, RODNEY V Address: WO FAIRTREE DR y ' OEVERNA PARK, MD 21146 ; ParcQI , r• a .Parcel Nun bet: 538420907477 Zoning: ' � ' • �; , � i , � .. Address; 'SOUND DR 8402 + Section: Township: Addltiory: Block: Rangel AE8 Lot(s): __ Legal Description. Warner ANDERSON, RODNEY V I ` Address: 30Q FAiFTREE DR SEVERNA PARK, MD 21148 Contracto�a' ; Contractor Type: HOMIjOWNER/AGENT Name: SELF SAME 'AS PERMIT ;Address: SAME AS PERMIT { ,Phone:" Fees and 1%6elpts: I y Number' Description Amount' ' ,.. FEE2007-1774 camp I $100.00 M Totat,Fees: $100,bb RCPT20074263 $100 ' Total Receipt*:! $100.�!} Conditions ` �' t. ' Date: ' ' . • ' � Status: - A Code: . i : ` t6ndition D?escrlotion: 'Condition Comments. ( i ' Jul '0 ' 20b2 !2: `P-7PM HP LRSERJET FAX 1of1. ! k . 07-36 TOWN OF EMERALD ISLE 7500 EMERALD DRIVE EMERALD ISLE, NC 28594 1. bATEf August 13, 2007 TO:. I i : Renee, Classified FROM: Peggy Grammer, Permit Technician $UBJECT: CAMA P ' ermit Notification �rarrrrrr�r� urrrr�rrrrrrrurrrrrrrrrrarrrrrrrrrrrrrirrrrrrrarrrrrrrr�ri� � ' '� ' Please �ublio on Wednesday August 15, 2007 i + : i CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), Emerald Isle, a locality authorized to: isfue' �Mn is ih Areas of Environmental Concern, through! the Coastal Area ' a Management Agency (CAMA), hereby gives notice that 'on Au 13, ` gust 24(}7, . Rodney Anderson applied for a Minor CAMA Permit tq build a 24 x 22 addition I "' ' to existing house within the Area of Environmental Con ce;n; at 8402 Sound Drive in Emerald Isle. The application maybe inspected at the address below Public comments received ,. :y August 25, 2007 will be considered. Later "commierits be will accepted donsideredi, up to the time of permit decision. Project rno4gfications may occur t based on further review and comments. Notice of the hermit decision in this matter yall be issued upon written request. , ' I,• " + James W. Taylor, Jr. Loc CAMA Permit Officer ; ' 'Town of Emerald Isle . 7500 Emerald Drive Elmerald Isle, NC 28594 a 252.354.3338 Jul 00 2002 4p28P� HP LRSERJET FAX AIRM RWMMAN PROMT"Y OW STA'�'MU1Tt ,. I i� I. � I' � II , �..�' lb" y certify that I own pt+operty a�aa�t to e-� Dom► ' �t� l , I I 7 �r� � r l •'. ; • c ' 'I psnp cy x aina at V 30 t; So mild Qr t vtit ue i ScLind, %merai d Usiz 1; (WaterbodY) (Town audlo>r i oiwdY) . Q may- t���,�� ♦� fir, �y� =w �nir� ��} f :.i e bp In rI� as down [ cw, ills 4GYelopmen!1 1s �asw+�g a a koft,, ad, x'have,ao atwdoas to his pxposni.. MaKAKWULOm. A /O.R DRAWING 41? �' 6posED � p r rA 0 bs jl�d is by indW dart" propas W dilIF#lo A I�{ I I I y M..• I 1 Sipatu Ll I Prkgt or Tgps N __ • - none number ''; .' :.� Datm, c 9 I S 1 �.•d a4�at��ai�• W6cuS WED: 71 ;so BQ I ,I. i Jul 00 200212:281`11 HP LFISERJET FR}! it ' I , ! NOTE] a t' i P.1N."S38d.2 90744 + t; Flood 2oris Shown Per FIRM 370047 5384 - 6fte�e'tllra' 7-16-03 Lot Located Within 575' ORW Line Sub'd. Rerecorded Jon. 2007 Eleulatkms (Contour) Shown Are Mears. St Law (NAYD 1988) ;T Iel ^: NATlI7u AREA ' 9,814 Sq. Feet (35i) I f Generated �. BYrC Ord. Method Id(PERVIOUS AREA Existing Dwelling/Additions — 2,333- S Fit' Existing Garage 495 S : Ft Ext ting Garage Drive '99 Sq. Fd ` Existing: Garage yydlks- ~ 1 ' 1 a' i 123 S . Ft.' Prop_ ra_ s, �d brie oY, — 3,325 S Ft' i ,I r I z Toto�^ - 6,375 Sq. Ft. (g2,9x) I I , $tirvey •for RO.DjV-F, Y,4 , Emer6ld: Isle White=Oak Twsp • Ca+terel'Co., KC' P-P r 1 rr N. . , ,1, Init1 C 11 � " p li I 1, r !r Y , 1 • 11 i i I , I Y 1 ` Jul 09.,2002i2428PM, HP LRSERJET FRX ° p 9. it , BOGUS' °� —SOUND 6TV Computed unas e —. Cornw Pn N.B. T Pp. i l I so N Te 39 F' fCN-1Ur.'4. �� Area) f I w ig m O I; i f it Z'l,88I S (Coord. MOM I � " t ry 1 t � Iron Poo 111 I r I � lron Red Sat ) 3615 •� -.. i � � � rox. Mean `r � � sl , . . NOT: Rear Setback Per CAMa 2 , • w► a v., » I o } 1 (Zone AE - 8') i f Sel W _ — Approx. Flood -Z* We, I Zone }( 8 x (Shaded) Is O O Proposad AddmonrI ; J ht'e From Lot I N 81'41'42'E ••f� ' , i • ' 10 Nfa ea . Uns h WILLIAM J. GLASER @d M * z� /Exl,rd�q Elk.35 FoundottonDock M.B.28 Pp. 3 t 2 M.S. T Pq.189 las' ` t _o , . `c q In 10. ' C 1 - 2q. Iron Pipe kin ` i0 Nin Lnro 22— } I Existing xists tgiq�� Proposed DrIndiiw) q t Dvednnps i tan Rod Set ' »I lam- . T5.00' E3 iron Pipe 42.72 TIE. SOON I>;lYNVFT I 10 EL Ads Nam (5a Pubic R/W) i. •�—_�.— --"--� i � � ; r i III' � I� ilk t Jul 200'2 7-05PM HP LRSERJET FRX ' P.1 ;f I1,1,4; ,I 252-�54i-3338 25�-314-5387 FAX ! 7504 E�merald Drive ` ;N ' Emersid Isle, NC 28514' , awn of fterald Isle Ins ectio-n§ "en Y ' I + Vacsimile transmitta TO: �,,�'�' ; FAX: `t 333 FROMc�aJ� DATE: �� — C� REs' O �t I 3 PAGES: , a s ' X i x • c Ju 1 ,;1.1 2b02 1: 05PM; a HP LRSERJET FRX d , p 2` ' N StI E I)RAWING/APPLICA► rION CHECKLIST Please make sure youl site drawing includes the following information required fora A minor dcScloprOnt� , permit. The drawing may be simple and riot necessarily to scale. The Local Perm}t dglcer will hdp.you; i requested: y , f PHYSICAL DfSIGNS: �S�IA el roads 1 J tom'' Label highways ri v6f-ways i Label local setback lines -- l 1 e I t i b any and all struc`�tures and driveways currently existing on' property PHYSICAL C CI�RISTICS = t Draw and label mean iigh water mark Y N Dr*w location., of on -site wastewater system If you wile Ib g Ift the, gcean hazard area: Draw and label dune 4dges (note height) Draw,and label toe of dune Y Identify and locate fiat line of stable vegetation Draw and label sctha4 line under CA1t�A Draw and jabel topog>tiaphical features (optional) ' If you will be wo gin an e$tuatine shoeline area: " Draw and label lai�dwrd limit of AEC Desribe terrain (slope , Y l DEVELOPMENT LASTS : k ' 11 __L,'_ZDraw and label areas Aat will be disturbed If a house is to be placed on lot, describe location of house Notl size,of p ground piling ands depth to be placed in , I Praw and label all areas to be paved or graveled Des 'be con tuon Of surface i -N-Not and list fully all trees and vegetation to be removed or relocated Sh' •landscaping; NOn TOE APPLIom t• Have you: • completed alI blacks'and J or indicated if not applicable? • notified. and listed adjacent property -owners? • induded ydur site, drawing/ • signed Qi application andtstatement of ownership? J ' • ettclbsed the S10a.00 fed completed an AEC hlaz4d Notice, if necessary? FOR STAFF USE ! ' . t ; y Sitelqotice Posts d Final Inspection Fee Receivedctiohs Y Y i Date of Action: hs uvd ' Exempted Denied Appeal Deadline (iO days) Rmiud 3t2003 I ' ,p Jul: "11.1 200'2 '7:05PM ,HP LRSERJET FAX P..3 i. Other F[etdA ;PU'rpDse t BUILD A 24 X 22 ADDITION TO BAC�. EXISTING HOUS CAMA# 'Exempt # Comments Pi �'�� � � � � r III � 1,.•1 I` �. R 1, �, ! it I• I 7 I '1 � � i ,, ki c "I A, 1 - 1 w t {j` 'G'.r. l "��/(/f){ l ` , j y I I' � � ! � •' I i\ 1" 1 ^ 1 1�