HomeMy WebLinkAbout170-03_Rose Sr, Bill & Rose Jr, Bill_200311261,01/10/2004 22:30 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 02 Carteret County Department of Planning Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28516-1898 (252) 728-8497 Office (252) 728-6643 Fax DATE:—/ , Lo — a 3 NAME' ILL oS Sh. ILL 120c6rfIQ. ADDRESS: 1,9C J i- kL s auk CITY: kkous Dear cc � ita sb : STATE: ` e, EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION #: Z 0 - 0 _ We have received the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of filing an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit providing it complies with the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY AND CONDITIONS: Activity: Pot c v a� Conditions: Any change in this proposal shall be reevaluated by the CAMA Officer. A building Permit is required_ Construction must be performed in accordance with the permitted work plat originally submitted . Ali construction must conform to the North Carolina Building Code requirements and a o er oca , State, and Federal regulations. IN ADDITION THE CONDITIONS CIRCLED BELOW APPLY: VThe amount of impervious surface areas shall no o Area of Environmental Concern • in this case xceed 30 /o of the lot area within the 75' (AEC); ). , 4 51 � , square foot. 2. The amount of built -upon area shall be limited to no more than 25% of the Outstanding Resource Water (ORW) area of land to be developed; in this case, square feet. 'Xo rtlptf o n.l n spactp ry 01/10/2004 22:30 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 03 3. In order to prevent sedimentation, a vegetated buffer zone must be maintained between all disturbed areas and the adjacent water body or marsh. In this case, a foot wide buffer has been accepted. 4. Prior to Initiating any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth, staked hay bales, or burlap must be installed between the land -disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetated cover. 5. The applicant has effectively demonstrated, through innovative construction design, that the amount of impervious surface areas may be exceeded in a way that runoff water will be managed and the AEC protected so as to all percentage of impervious surface areas within the AEC. ® , Pursuant #0 15 NCAC, subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, said, or otherwise disposed of to a third party. 7. Stormwater collection systems are prohibited. ® A 30-fact buffer zone must be provided from the mean high water line (normal water line). This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is valid for ninety (90) days from the date of issuance. Following expiration, a review of the project and project site may be necessary to 'enew this certification. -OCATION OF PROJECT: Sincerely, .Vocal Permit Officer :arteret County 252) 728-8545 1MP1f0r1 irnspeetGrs 11/22/2003 06:24 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 02 JUN-05-2003 THU 08:09 AM NO DIV OF COASTAL. MGM FAX NU. 4 r. us Lncttifyr r ` ry 60tx- Permit Number GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER � City "t;,a=C tJ _ State .� zip � 1 rhot,�oZS� 0�37^ �f CSC AUTHt Name A(fdrut City ., a'" State SIC 7jp? I.00ATM-OF-PRC3'ACT L-bT '.72 H6(ZUCt=Z t. �-t c l [ _ - (if trot oce;mfrort, is waterbodp m,'hiral or mvr made?) �. DESCRIPTMKOtF PROJECT Z"M&Y-LG F-ABW2 AREAS OF -ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AGC1 CLASWPCATK*t (To tic filled in by lht; Loc;,l Vennit Officer prior to coMpkting ftpltticilion.) Ocean hazard --Y_ rsluarir,v Sriorelinc (TRW Stiorelihe Pablic Trust Shoreline Other. PROPOSED USE xltcsidcntial Comincricalllnd►,strial Other SQUARE lfOOTAGE OF )IUILT)ING FOOTPRINTAND OTHER IMPERVIOU'S OR 'BUILT-UPON:iIJR FA(:FS (sttch as ttt7veways; etc.) Within 75 fccro the t;sivanne shor line, or 575 foci of art 011W shmollnc, or 305feet of tt c public tru�sint shoreline. rr� '_j_�],,4Q?e /d—S O ALLoweb SQUARE FO(YrAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF RUILDING 3359.htZEAZEb ._._� 11 S4 IPEuKS SOUAILE FOOTAGE OFSITE vZ? 13`•� 3 fe44 0 GA�'�E 0'111ER PERMITS MAY FIR REQUIRED. Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tani: for other sanitary wsstc trcntment system); The activity you arc plaiming may r4quirc Burning, Electrical, Plumbing, Hcating and permits ottier than the CAMA minor Air Condttiowng, Insulation and Energy development hermit. AS a service we have Conservation. FIA Certification. Sand Dune, compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, might. be required_ We. supgast you. clic.cli Mobile Hams. Path Approval, I Iichway over the list with your I.PO to detennine if Connection, tout others, any of ftrese apply toyoarprojcct. 11/22/2003 06:24 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 03 JUN-05-2003 THU 08:09 AM NO DiV OF COASTAL MGMNT FAX NO, 4 F. U4 I, the undersigned, an applicant for n CAMA minor development permit, being cithcr the owner of tiropet-ty in an AFC or . p4rwn a0lhrxiUd to - lie t. is, an agent for purposes of ;t(+plyying fbrA CAMA minor &1vC1OPnM'1� permit. certify that LhC pc.•rson listed as Iandowncr on this applictttiort hs5 a sionitieant interest in the real property descrikd therein. This Interest can lie deccribed-as: (check one) an owner or record title. Title is vested in 1 �eSc S- ,u Rae Deed ltook_ leb�• _. as2 tE nrtftti~ CA1Zf 2_�_ Cotrnry�Ftcaislry of [�rifs. p _i-. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applic;ml. is an heir to the estate of -- prol-ote was in __..._-._.�....... _.. CutrmY,. if other interest, such 1s written contact or lunge, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this ;trfriictrtio NOTIFICATiON-OF ADJACE T PROPERT1F OWNi-n 1 furthannorc certify that Rho fptlowing }persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affir,n that i have given A�"G1ThL NOTICE to each of them c�rnceming myaritent to dev¢lop tvaspropertp:ind tortpply fob on CANIA permit. (tt'amer (actor (1) " 5�- Kos t�aKrta RS a leg w rtoB w4 � c LSo� r � 3 (2) �r� - - l=O R QEVELOirRS 1N OCEAN RAZAR13 AND ESTUARiNE HAZAFW AREAS" I acknowledge that the land owner is aware thkit the proposed development is planned fur an area which may eptili - to erosion *nd/or flooding. I acknowledge that.the laeal•pe�nit officer Innsexplained ttrme•the, }+tirlicular hazard problenis associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations C(Interttitig.stabiltz<-tttnn and floodproofinrtechniques. PERIAISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I farlhermorcrccrttfy ttmt I am authrrriz d to firmt ttrid do in,fact grant perrtti55tort to -the local perrnrt efficrr and his agents to enter on the arorementioncd lands in connection with evalliatittg information related to this parrnit aliplica tion. This application includcc- gcncnl' irrfornrvtirm (this form? :+-sitc drowino'asch srrt� beet on the back Of -this apptieatioe, the o�'narship wt;ttcn+c;nl, the AEC. harard notice where necessary, a check for S100.00 made payable to the locality, mid arty infocm:ttttm ars Mxy bu pro4idcd orally by ftapplieznr. The dcmil3 of tltc applicsdorr as, described by those, nourcce nre incarpurnfecl wiibuut reference in nny permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will cctmtitnte a virl;ttion of any permit, Any person •develnpingin-arrAEC withtrot perrrririq subject to 'Civil, crin+nl. Ind udministrativc, Action. This the a? f day -of /VoL . 20-LI Land owner or*persp authorized' io act as his agent for, pnrposes of filing a CAMA permit application. 11/22/2003 06:24 f/. 1. 1; /6 1�. r` t RD S S8v13�3sI �` 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 04 5g At Zee 4'P yr� ter^ .4 �Ap @SR Ptrgp h� 9 X2,5 X 2.3 EIR �36 ' RIVAT-E �o P E� 60 90 a 'i SITE DATA AREA N BY COORDINAPBS � 0.54 AC+/..— m PLANNED IMPERVIOUS AREA = 4.541 SF+/ — PLANNED IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE = 19.4 x ALLOWABLE IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE — 25.0 x ► K3 Ln N REPEREV'CES DB 1007 PC 243-• cn a w MB 29 PG 073 - D •mmi n { T f V SITE PLAN FOR LOT 53, PHASE, H, BARKERS VILLAGE BARKERS ISLAND, CARTER'ET! COUNTIr, MORTH CAROLINA rowmsHIP: mm,?S ISLAND IFo7u 7: CAMOV SUIT: NORTH CAKOL INA CLi1S1YT: . WtZZJ M C ,ROSE DAZ'8:.: -11 14 3 SCAM; . V = 30' ADDRESS: Lor 58 AMLtrs i�ILI.Ac& PROJJ�*C4'; 3075 JOB: • . 075 L$iw.mc 20531 WK.PdR 7 PH01li,E: 0- - Bc, .- . 1 _4`,IL+�iD XC.28691� OFF ICE: - 252-i2"Z0t ::.;_:. "'F0 $4K:I81, ': ....- -� FAX. 2t728-blqo -0 D G) m m 11/22/2003 06:24 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 01 FAX COVER SHEET r CARTERET COUNTY PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Administration Building Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28516 Fax Number: (252) 728-6643 Planning Number. (252) 728-8497 Inspections Number. (252) 728-8545 MESSAGE: DATE: K/-Z -5/o- TIME: ,r,� - TO: FAXNO. FROM: ��f F �•►�r NU M3ER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS pAGE): 1�1a {- Zi �nr•- I re ?I nvy Var►%w. . i s o.,,��— u yi e,vi�.� ,.� a • w i♦ owT � ti ir'7L� a . If you have not received all of the pages, or find that any of them are illegible, please call us at (252,1,728-8497 as soon as possible.