HomeMy WebLinkAbout157-03_Daley, Philip J._2003111211/14/2003 00:51 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 01 I -~ Carteret County 157-03 Local Government Permit Number LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." issued to Philip J. Daley authorizing development in Cedar Island North Carolina a 375 Lola Road, Cedar Island, North Carolina as requested In the permittee's application, dated October 31, 2003 This permit, issued on November 12, 2003 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. To remove a damaged mobile home and build a 24' x 24' frame house.at 375 Lola Road, Cedar Island, North Carolina, within 575' of Cedar Island'Bay, in the ORW area of environmental concern. The amount of impervious surface area shall not exceed 25Z of the lot area within the 575' area of environmental concern (ORW). A 50' buffer zone must be provided from the mean high water line/marsh- water line to comply with the Neuse River Rules. All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted workplat drawing as originally submitted on October 31, 2003. All construction must conform to the North Carolina Building Code Requirements and all other local, state and federal regulations. Any change or changes in'the plans for development, construction or land use activities will require a re—evaluation and modification of this permit. Pursuant to 15 N.C.A.C., Subchapter 7J.0406 (B), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third party. 111s Nw"HIL auiwn may oo appealed by the permittoe or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit m.st cease until the appeal Is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2006 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and ail applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. D. O'Neal Local Permit Officer (signature) Planning & Development name Courthouse Square address Beaufort, N.C. 28516 Pormittea (signat*rquVirQ)`4s`peclaI conditions a apply to permit) 10/31/2003 22:02 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 02 Q''(-•'b�S:111f1�rz. y�.� Permit1it}rai�ie till Ocean �Iarard Estuarine Shoreline ORW S.horclihe Public Trust Shoreline..�i6 ue (For official use only) Y. GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER i Name '�V� � i—►•' e€.L j Address L2 Ciry G r n GI State u Zi c r%Z �26 6 AUTHORIZED AGENT i )v Name r' G Q�5 adbo u Address I Ctry State Zip Phone iLOCATION OF PROJECT- (Address, street name and/or directions to site. if not oceanfront, what is the name of y the adjacentwaterbody?) "gQp Gcdar TL- ct II DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all, pro osed construction and land disturbance.) l� �e C G MS`h C 4 nt SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: square teat -� __acres PROPOSED USE. Residenriai (Single-family l"' Multi -family ) Co.mmerical/Industrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA, OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AAA OF ENVI- RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC); Z da ` square lfeet (include all floors and roof -covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (Calculations include the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property; (1) within 75 feet of Normal Nigh Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2) within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjaccnt to Outstanding Resource Waters (3) within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local.Permit Officer ifyoU are not sure which AEC applics to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT Is the project located in an area subject to a State Srortrivratcr Managcment Pcrmit issued by tilt N.C. Divisions of Water (Zttaiiry? YES NO_, If yes, list the total built -upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. stl uarc feet. 10/31/2003 22:02 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 03 OTHER PEMTS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may rcqu.ite permits other than the CAMA minor developmenr permit. As a service we have compiled a list of the kinds of permits char might be required. We suggest you check over the list with ,your LPO to determine if any of These apply to your project Lusting, Drinking Water Wcll, Septic Tank (tit other sanitary waste treatment system), Burning, Electrical, Plumbing, Nearing and Air Conditioning. Insulation and Energy Conscarvadon, FIA Certification, Sand Dunc, Sedimcnr Control, Subdivision Approval, Mahilc Home Park Approval, I.1ighwaty, Connection, and others. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I. the undersigned, an applicant fora LAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act a.S an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor develoment permit, listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in die real property described therein. This in erestfy durtcan be etson described as: (check one) an owner or record title. Tide is vested in Page a211 in the _rTcrr "j'" County Registry of Deeds. see Deed Book an owner by virtue of inherirancc. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in _County. if ocher interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheer and attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTX OWNERS: I furthermore certify thar tilt following persons are owners of properries adjoining this.properry. I affirne that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. (Name (Address) (1) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARIIITE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware: that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge chat the local permit officer has explained to nie the particular hazard niques. problems associ- ated with this lot, This exp.lanati.on was accontpanicd by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofing tech- PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the Local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaiu.ating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general .information (Ellis form), a site drawing as described on the back of rh.is application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $I00.00 made payable to the locality, and an infor- mation as may be provided orally by the applicant. The derails of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which maybe issued. Deviation .from these derails will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action_ Ththcj..� day of,� ,[Zr—►� , 20Q� Landowner or person authorized to act as his agent for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application. 10/31/2003 22:02 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 04 f CEDAR SITE ISLAND S Cl IMP DIWM,P PRAM AERML. NO MAM � cm tan - 0=1 Gomm R NCWJMW EP - MOTO Mar roq UM . ONM rK *06 w-mmai r p" - rover W KMWn F"-*Art or Ar - nwm rT Tm DO 770 Pc GoD Erg 4.� s araa-s 0 7 oa Ix im r op TWOMBLY 00 7448•PC S28 `� � �bti Ii00 otlNp PCW" 14.470 Sr+/— � 0 33 AC+Nri D8 522 PO 29a i „rnn�r��rr. 40 0 40 BO 120 CAR ��� 4�G�ST(9F0? 's GRAPBTC SCAXZ , PBrT i SEAL s>x:vax tnur .+►erAsar�verne� c�cua i L—z994 t c srrs�va carps `n. y � f was o wr ►mar ten' trrav A w.w ar�� rnaw,w r Aariusa�ara�o�>Do mre�at�anav nwrrr,� ���'�,; �SUR� .•`� ; ,f 114r nAF t� rA tlbw ro CKCcu7m aas +•fit. nrr nw9 nw !—'"0°F�s McOmsr: �cupE, vAn►rAm iv s . aio�es e,eaw SURVEY FOR Ph LLIP t1"ES DALEY CEDAR !LEWD, NORTfi aMOUVA N3f�lP CEDAR ISLANDI coUNTY: CAR ERET PHILUP JAAfES D STATZ: NORTH CAROL INA 4SSS`: DA72 375 L ROAD PRDJLrC1: NZ:252-555 00095 CID ISLAND. I 4$520 TAX PARCEL : 841528 s>8095 —1212 D31455 AT FLOOD ZWIiPi: $,C 37004J0388c a 18/85 OAST PROF$S3I0RTP.A._ ICE. 2 2-728-2202 LAh►,p NC ?.8531 FA1C 252-72i 5 40 PAGE 01 10/31/2003 22:02 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I 1CAMA PROJECT TRACKING SH Applicant's Name: Property Address: Dates of Site Visits: Exemption: Permit: d Number. ❑ Application to be returned for the following reasons: Date Retumed: ' Appllcaflorn considered accurate and complete for Processing?—__ — O Date: ���_ The following, site -specific observations have been made: The following conditions to be included on the permit (in addition to sta ndard conditions):. Date; Dates of follow-up visits: Final Inspection Date: Project determined to be in compliance with permit Project determined to be out of compliance with permit action taken to bring project into compliance with CAMA: .PC: Date: