HomeMy WebLinkAboutNot Given_Geer, Corrine W._19910729- 1-Po na SfATp,y C'6r��s Q�oAL State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural RE!�a Division of General Services 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Govemor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary July 25, 1991 Ms. Corrine W. Geer Town of Pine Knoll Shores Post Office Box 757 Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina 28512 Dear Ms. Geer: fff r JUL 2 9 1991 �e Laird A Davison Director Enclosed please find one (1) fully executed duplicate original of Contract Number C-16039 between the Town of Pine Knoll Shores and the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources. By copy of this letter I am also dispatching a file copy of this document to other interested parties. If I may be of further assistance, please contact me. Sincerely, J hn L. Perkinson, Chief Purchase and Contract Section JLP/ smg Enclosure cc: Sheila Johnson, Coastal Management (w/attachment) Division of Fiscal Management (w/attachment) P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7375 An Equa! Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of General Services AGREEMENT INFORMATIONC 1. PARTIES TO THIS AGREEMENT: A. Division Coastal Management Section Policy &--Planning Contact Person Sheila Johnson Telephone Number 733-2293 2. TITLE OF AGREEMENT: 3. PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT: FOR DEHNR USE ONLY Contract No. C-oaooa Contract System No. ®©ate®a Purchase Order No. ©221ooE Vendor Number U® o a Contractor Town of Pine Knoll Shores I.R.S. Number or Social Security Number N/A Address (to which checks will be mailed) PO Box 757 Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512 Please check one of the following: ❑ minority owned ❑ handica ped owned ❑ woman owned ®none ofpthe above Contact Person Telephone Number - s. Corrine W. Geer (919) 247-4353 Minor Permits - Implementation & Enforcement Implementation & Enforcement of CAMA Minor Permit Program 4. TIME PERIOD OF AGREEMENT: Beginning Date 07 / O1 :/ . 91 " Ending Date 06 / 30 / 92 Month Day Year Month Day Year 5. AGREEMENT STATUS: ❑ New ® Continuing ❑ Revised Year of Initial Agreement. 6. FISCAL INFORMATION: Does this agreement involve disbursement of funds? E] from Dept. ❑ to Dept. ❑ No Federal State Contractor Other Special $ $ $ $ $ SUBHEAD: Fund a5 OBJ& D4 RCC sot Total $ PROG X GENERAL SERVICES USE ONLY PAYMENT SCHEDULE: ynj �t DCM is authorized under NCGS 113A-112 to make annual contracts to local 7..NEED STATEMENT: governments for the purpose of assisting in management programs relating to.the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) with the evaluation of projects lying in areas subject to minor deveiopment permits. 8. JUSTIFICATION: Contractor has -rendered an application to DEHNR which complies with the criteria for assistance. DEHNR 2500 (Revised 11/89) 07 91 Effective Date 06 / 92 Termination Date N.C. Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of General Services Page Of CONTRACT BU GET Contract No. C 4212 0 0 M11 COASTAL MANAGEMENT /�� Contract System No. Division/Section/Program ) Purchase Order No. ©� For Fiscal Year 91-92 Revision No. 0 Contractor: Town of Pine Knoll Shores Purpose: Project Director: Minor Permits Total Budget: $ 1,020.00 ITEM DESCRIPTION CLASS ITEM NO. CONTRACTOR AMOUNT DEHNR CONTRACT AMOUNT General Contracted Services 6100 —'870 —i00 = _- Operating Expenses 2000 i 150 00 (Operating expenses are travel expenses for local permit officers to attend- i i training sessions). 1625-6116-6252 'jU I ! a Contractor Authorized Official Divisio , ection Head DEH R fiscal hk6agement DEHNR 2482 (Revised 11/89) ,r STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CONTRACT NO. COUNTY OF WARE CONTRACTOR'S FEDERAL I.D. NUMBER N/A THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this ls'f day of July , 1991 , by and between Town of Pine Knoll Shores hereinafter referred to as "CONTRACTOR", and North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, hereinafter referred to as "DEPARTMENT"; W I T N E S S E T H: THAT WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT is authorized under NCGS 113A-112 to make annual grants to local governments for the purpose of assisting in management programs relating to the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA); WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has developed criteria under which localities of the State may qualify for assistance; WHEREAS, the CONTRACTOR desires to qualify for the aforementioned grant and has rendered an application to the DEPARTMENT which complies with the criteria for assistance.; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows: 1. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to perform ih a manner satisfactory to the DEPARTMENT, the following tasks: a. Carry out the responsibilities and duties defined and described in the Coastal Area Management. Act, concerning the evaluation of projects lying in areas subject to minor development permits, thoroughly. and with good faith. b. Adequately process all CAMA applications within the time period provided by law; publish adequate and timely legal notice as provided in NCGS 113A-119(b); follow the application procedures established by the Division of Coastal Management (DCM); mail, upon receipt, copies of applications and dispositions to designated field consultants; promptly notify DCM in the event that any disposition is appealed. -;; C. Process all applications filed within its geographic boundary in such a way as to make substantive decisions in accord with the requirements of criteria and standards for issuing permits as set out in the Coastal Area Management Act and Subchapter 7 of the N. C. Administrative Code; make such findings as are required by NCGS 113A-120 concerning the granting and denial of permits. 1 of 5 d. Endeavor in good faith to pAct, its romptly discover persons in # violation of the Coastal Area Management and take all regulations, standards and criteria, aotions`necessary to resolve such violations. e. Keep such records as required by the DEPARTMENT that such records may be examined at least annually by DCM staff; complete on forms supplied by the DEPARTMENT a record co all applications processed during any given bookkeeping or record -keeping period and submit these ENT within fifteen (15) days from forms to the DEPARTM the end of such period and at such other reasonable times as the DEPARTMENT may request. f. Warrants that the information supplied on the grant application is'accurate to the best of its knowledge, and in compliance with its implementation and enforcement plan. g. Give at least a 90-day notice of an intent on its part to abandon this contract or the Implementation and Enforcement (I & E) Program. 2. The DEPARTMENTin accordanceNCGS 113A-112, agrees to pay or cause to be paid to the CONTRACT a. the dollars ($75.00) for counties th e sum of seventy- ($55.00) for the sum fifty-five dollars application processed by cities/towns for every permit the CONTRACTOR;. b, the sum of forty dollars' ($40.00) for every follow-up completed project for inspection which certified that a has been issued during the specified which a permit contract period complies with current rules of the 7H; Coastal Resources Commission found in 15 NCAC C. the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for site avisits by Local in or near the Area of Environmental Concern render a written Permit Officer to investigate and of exclusion, exemption, or no development; opinion d. the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for every been successfully minor permit violation which has the procedures and criteria resolved according to adopted by the Coastal Resources Commission. 2 of 5 3.The DEPARTMENT furthermore agrees to reimburse the CONTRACTOR for travel expenses for attending approved regional meetings and training sessions, not. to exceed one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per permit officer during the contract period. Where travel,. lodging and subsistence are allowable costs, reimbursement will be mae arola1n compliance wih These expenses must bedget approvedual for by the the State of North na DEPARTMENT. 4. The parties to this contract agree and understand that the payment of the sums specified in this contract is dependent and contingent upon and subject to the appropriation, allocation, and availability of funds for this purpose to the DEPARTMENT. 5. The total amount the DEPARTMENT is obligated to pay shall not exceed 11.020 6. The services of the CONTRACTOR are to commence on the 15t day of. July 1991, and shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure their expeditious completion in light of the purposes of this contract; but in any event, all of the servicof required hereunder shall be completed by the 30th day Jl1nP , 1992 7. The DEPARTMENT and/or the CONTRACTOR may, from time to time, request_ changes in the scope of the services of the CONTRACTOR to be performed under this contract. Such changes, including any increase or decrease in the amount of the CONTRACTOR'S compensation, which are mutually agreed upon by and between the CONTRACTOR and the DEPARTMENT, shall be incorporated in written amendments to this contract. 8. The CONTRACTOR represents that he has, or will secure at his own expense, all personnel required in performing the services under rsonnel shall not be employees of the this contract. Such pe DEPARTMENT. 9. For purposes. of this contract, "issued permit" means those situations where a Local Permit Officer accepts a completelaces a public together with sketch, ownership certificate and fee, P permit notice in a local newspaper and on site, makes a timely p decision, and mails one (1) copy of this information to the appropriate Field Representative. 10. The Local Permit Officer will send one copy of the complete permit application,, public notice, final decision including any associated permit conditions, and exemption letter to the appropriate Field Representative of the Division of Coastal Management within fivoe (5) working days after accepting a permit application, requesting receiving verification of publication of the public notice, make a final decision, or mailing a letter of exemption, respectively. 3 of 5 11. The payment set forth in e paragraph 5 will be paid quarterly upon receipt of a LAMA Composite Record Form from the CONTRACThe OR specifying that he has performed re requ�inisitioned ned underer this ract and the termstoftthe is entitled to receive the amount q ent must be received by the contract. Final requesitions for payment DEPARTMENT no later than 30 days after the end of the contract period. term of this contract may be deemed a 12. The breach of any breach of the entire contract. time by 13. The DEPARTMENT may terminate this agreement at any If the tice in writing from the DEPARTM noENT to the CONTRACTOR. the the DEPARTMENT as provided herein, the contract is terminated by just and eq CONTRACTOR shall _be entitled satisfactory work ompive l completed. compensation for any is agreed between the parties heretoW ke t county, the la North ce of 14. It g shall be this contract, its situs and forum, whether and in said county and state shall all matters,. Carolina, to the validity, construction, sounding in contract or tort relating be determined. interpretation and enforcement of this contract, n part through a federal grant from 15. .This contract is funded i. U.S.`:Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric the be Administration. In the event that tState h� ss contract t secu may ul as applied for, funding federal funding b the DEPARTMENT. reduced or terminated as deemed necessary Y . CONTRACTOR receiving funds f rom the 16..The Federal or Staerformed in accordance with OMB DEPARTMENT .shall have an audit P r review. Financial Circular A-102. A copy of the audit report shall be forwarded to the DEPARTMENT'S Office CT Fiscal be maintained f in accordance with foB records of ement the CONTRACTOR shall Circular A-102. The recorde of the CONTRACTOR he Off be e accessible thetat financial review by the staff of th services rendered, Auditor for the purpose of t�esearch and evaluation. ring audits by third party p Yors, and 17 . The signers of this contract warrant that they have the authority to. enter into this agreement on behalf of their respective governments. ct 18. Sheila Johnson is designated n the scoopecontra the a f te Administratorct for the State. However, any change which will increase or dhall ecrease the CONTRAed by the DEPARTMENTsation S Head have been approved not be effective until they or Authorized Agent, 4 of 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CONTRACTOR and the DEPARTMENT have executed this contract in duplicate originals, one of which is retained by each of the parties, the day and year first above written. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary CONTRACTO By Si nature De rtment Heads g Signal re or Authorized Agent W Title WITNESS WITNESS -41� �N Sigriatur Signature •'1 Approved as to Form: Lacy H ;;=Thornburg Attorney General of North Carolina GINA 1ATE 5 of 5 0 oft JUL I. State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources Division of General Services 512 North Salisbury Street • Raleigh, North Carolina 27611 James G. Martin, Governor William W. Cobey, Jr., Secretary June 23, 1992 AMENDMENT NO. 1 AMENDMENT TO CONTRACT NUMBER C-16039 BETWEEN THE TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES AND THE NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, AND NATURAL RESOURCES Laird A Davison Director Pursuant to paragraph seven of Contract Number C-16039, the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources would like to amend paragraph 5 to read: Pay the Contractor an additional sum of money not to exceed TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($250.00) increasing the not to exceed amount to ONE THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY DOLLARS ($1,270.00) said sum to be full and complete compensation for services to be rendered under this agreement. It is the intent of this amendment to address provisions noted in paragraph 5 only, and in no way should this amendment be construed to further modify Contract Number C-16039. Please indicate your acceptance by signature in the area below. Return one (1) duplicate original to: John Perkinson, Chief, Purchasing & Contract Section, DEHNR, P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh, NC 27611-7687. Approved: PC 'f" f' Laird A. 1 Davison, DEHNR Town •f'Pine Knc(1 Shores ►3ate cc: LSheila Johnson, Coastal Management Division of Fiscal Management P.O. Box 27687, Raleigh. North Carolina 27611-7687 Telephone 919-733-7375 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer � � 'BHACTINQ' ' ' DEHNR CONTRACT DATA SYSTEM PAGE ^i PF9=MENU ^ ` CURRENT ACTIVITY STATUS FY: 92 CNO: 6252i8i LTOWNOF PINE KNOLL`SHORES! MINOR PERMITS PON- 97796 REV: Oi REVDTE: 07/01/91 EFFDTE: 0791 7RMDTE: 0692 EXPADD- 03/31/92 ITEM BUDGETED CURRENT gTR TO -DATE UNEXPENDED Nu. DESCRIPTION AMOUK7 EXPENSES FXPEhSES BUD[[? f9o! So/7� 2000 OP EXP ���^9� .�8 .00 0-0", 5000 EQUIP 6100 GENERAL 870.00 , 430.00 730.00 f4O.O0 6200 SCH HLTH ' 6863 C L N'. � ` 6869 DEL SEPV ' 1 6862 LAB � 6865 RX SERV 6864 TRANS/XIX/SSB� STATE TOrALS7 1.020.00 430 298.00 LOCAL EXPENDITURES: FTATE LOCAL TO!ALS: i,020.00 430^00 730.00 290.0O STATE TO -DATE EXPENDITURES EQUAL S/F/S TO -DATE RECEIPTS BY: LOCAL lO-DATE EXPENDITURES EQUAL LOCAL TO -DATE nECEiPTS BY: .8O '00 DEPRESS PAi FOR RECEIPT AND PAYMENT STATUS OR PFi FOR A NEW INQUIRY SCRE& BHACTINQ CONSOLIDATED CONTRACT SYSTEM PAGE 2 PF9=MENU CURRENT ACTIVITY STATUS FY: 92CNO: 6252181 TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES MINOR PERMITS BUDGETED TO -DATE LOCAL RECEIPTS: AMOUNT RECEIPTS BALANCE iOi ApPROP 102 XIX/SSBG 103 OTHER REC TOTALS: .80 .00 .00 STATE/FEDERAL/SPECIAL FUNDS REVISION NO. Oi EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/0i/91 OBJ RCC PGM AMT. BUDGETED PAID TO -DATE BALANCE 6200 6252 0000 MULTIPLE FUNDIN i.O20'O8 �38.00 ?�0 A� . - �-'''' _.''-' ` � �� ��� ' rp - ������LjLj Li���� 7OTALS: 1,020.00 DEPRESS PFi KEY FOR NEW INQUIRY SCREEN 730.00 290.00 I-) ^ BHACTINQ DEHNR CONTRACT DATA SYSTEM PAGE i PF9=MENU CURRENT FY: 92 CNO: 6252181 PON: 97796 REV: Oi REVDTE: 07/01/91 EFFDlE: 079i TRMDTE: 0692 EXPAOD: 89/30/9i ITEM BUDGETED CURRENT QTR TO -DATE UNEXPENDED NO. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT EXPENSES EXPENSES BUDGET iOOO SA/FR 2000 OP EXP 150.80 .00 ^OO 0O.00 5000 EQUIP 6100 GENERAL 870.00 300.00 380.08 570.00 6200 SCH HLTH 6863 CLN 6869 DEL SERV 6862 LAB 6865 RX SERV 6864 TRANS/XIX/SSBG STATE TOTALS: 1,020.00 300.00 300.00 720.00 LOCAL EXPENDITURES: STATE & LOCAL TOTALS: i,020.00 300.00 300.00 720.00 STATE TO -DATE EXPENDITURES EQUAL G/F/S 70-DATE RECEIPTS BY: LOCAL TO -DATE EXPENDITURES EQUAL LOCAL TO -DATE RECEIPTS BY: DEPRESS PAi FOR RECEIPT AND PAYMENT STATUS OR PFi FOR A NEW INQUIRY SCREEN BHACTINQ CONSOLIDATED CONTRACT SYSTEM PAGE 2 PF9=MENU CURRENT ACTIVITY STATUS FY: 92 CNO: 6252181 TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES MINOR PERMITS BUDGETED TO -DATE LOCAL RECEIPTS: AMOUNT RECEIPTS BALANCE i0i APPROP 102 XIX/SSBG 103 OTHER REC TOTALS: .00 .00 .00 STATE/FEDERAL/SPECIAL FUNDS REVISION NO. Oi EFFECTIVE DATE: 07/01/91 OBJ RCC PGM AMT. BUDGETED PAID 70-DATE BALANCE 6200 6252 0000 MULTIPLE FUNDIN 1,020.00 3OO.00 720.0O TOTALS: 1,020.00 300.00 720.00 DEPRESS PFi KEY FOR NEW INQUIRY SCREEN BHACTINQ CONSOLIDATED D CCTN'T RAC:I SYSTEM PA6E:: i F'F9- ME NLI CURRENT ACTIVITY S'TAI'US FY: 92 C;NC1: 62r.5 'i 8i TOWN OF' CHINE KNOLL. SHOFtE::S MINOR PERM 1.T S PON : 97796 REV: of REVDTE : 07/01 /9 i EF 1= D T E : 0*791 TRMD'TE : 0692 EXPACTD : 00/00/00 ITEM %iL11)CYE'T'E1) CLIRRE:NT (�'TFt TO --DATE UNE::XPE`N1)E'1) NO, D E SCRIF'TI0N AMOUNT EXPENSES EXF`ENSES BUDGET i000 SA/FR 2000 OF' EXP i 50.00 .00 .00 1 `_>t) . 00 5001) EQUIP bi 00 GE:NE::RAL. 870.00 .00 .00 8 t'0.00 6200 S L' Fi 1-1 LT I•i 6869 DEL SERV 6862 LAD 6865 RX SERV 6864 TRANS/ X I X/SSBG STATE:: T0TAL.S : i , 0 ?0 .00 . (}0 .00 1,020.00 LOCAL E'X1=1ENDITURES : STATE & LOCAL_ TOTALS: i , 0?0 . 00 .00 .00 1,020.00 STATE TO -DATE EXPENDITURES EQUAL S/F/S TO --DATE RECEIPTS BY: .00 LOCAL.. TO -DATE EXPEN1)ITLIRES EQUAL LUC:AL. TO -.DATE RE:CE'.I'P*TS BY: .00 DEPRESS PAi FOR RECEIPT AND PAYMENT STATUS OR F'Fi FOR A NEW INQUIRY SCRI:EN BI••IACTIIN CCINSOI...I1)ATE 1) CONTRACT SYSTEM PrIGE: 2 F`F9=:ME t4L! CURRENT ACTIVITY STATUS FY : 92 C:NU : 62521 EH TOWN OF` FINE KNOLL.. SIAORES MINOR PERMITS BUDGETED TO -DATE LOCAL REC:E:IC'TS : AMOUNT RE::C:E I:PTS BALANCE: i 0i APPROP 102 XIX/SSBG 103 OTHER REC T'CITAL.S : .00 .00 .00 STATIz_/FEDI:RAL/SPE:CIAL FUNDS REVISION NO, 01 EFf=ECTIVE DATE: 07/01 / 9 1 0BJ RCC PGM AMT. BUDGE:.TED PAID TO --DATE. 1.1AL..ANCI-* 6200- 6252 000o MULTIPLEFUNDIN 1,020.00 .00 i ,(-);..0.0( f i -TM-► -s .-- L� AUs 1 3 1991 At TO I AI...S : i, 0 '0.00 .00 1,020.00 DEPRESS PFi KEY FUR NEW :ENQUIRY SCRCMEN