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HomeMy WebLinkAboutEX-LCE08-014_Sydes Construction_20081118R BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Martin Aragona, Jr. Chairman Vice -Chairman Delma Collins Joseph McLaughlin Lionell Midgett November 18, 2008 Sydes Construction 4355 Gumbranch Road, Unit B Jacksonville, NC 28540 NOV 2 6 2008 "kvnsiow uounzy North Carolina v Exemption Number — LCE08-014 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (I SA NCAC 07K .0208) PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS —117 Harbour Drive y. T,•� bert, NC 28539 Dear: Sydes ConstructionI .. ,' . have reviewed the info ; a�lon ° t(bmitte is off ' 0"I quiry concerning the necessary filing of an Iica,, n for a inor Deve' rye`.. Permit under the Coastal Area Manag q : t. er m rte in$-�-pec ' c , OVEMBER 18, 2008 1 have determi .-Ult., the vi y btrF . os ' ' exerrt o needing a CAMA rYy! 5 �'•'Sk Minor Development :,, , as I its i s o s, nt th o r project drawing, * - �� ,w submitted on NOV 18i121 e "' co ditto specified below. If your plans should c :arige nd �:.e�c� @e tees conditions, please �d ", contact me before p SINGLE FAMILY RE II[, C IT TT A'R a ELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL C C EXEMPER t 1734 1. All developm I <-Na _Pd-a ,� of the mean high water mark or normal e ,-v l . a o xcbed a 25% impervious coverage, within 575,fe= t Ii water mark or normal water level. 2. No ground disturbance or land disturbing activity shall occur within 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level. 3. The development shall be consistent with all other applicable CAMA permit standards, North Carolina Building Code standards, local ordinances and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 4. THIS PERMIT IS ISSUED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH PORCH, DRIVEWAYAND SEPTIC SYSTEM. LAND DISTURBANCE WILL TAKE PLACE APPROX. 200 FEET OFF NORMAL HIGH WATER LINE OF THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY. 118 Old Bridge Street ■ Jacksonville, North Carolina - 28540 Phone: 910.347.4717 - Fax: 910.455.7878 Page 2 of 2 11/24/2008 This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires one (1) year from the date of the letter. Sincerely, Andrea Frazier, Local CAMA Officer Onslow County Government 604 College Street Jacksonville, NC. 28540 Cc: MR. Jonathan 118 Old Bridge Street • Jacksonville, North Carolina ■ 28540 Phone: 910.347.4717 • Fax: 910.455.7878 E R�� 6 / r A i / _. t D Le end: R/W - Right-of-way R - Radius U-chord M.B. - Map Book D.B. - Deed Book Pg. - Pope M14WL - Mean {•Ilgh Water Line NHWL - Normal High Water Line ST - Septic Tank WS - Water Service Hat�a_stakine Datn 42.00' X 54.33' O'O/S Rfght- 31.25' O'O/S Left- 37.00' Diagonal- 68.67' 51.00 Lot 7B D.B. 2685, Pg. "q M.B. 32, Pg. 121 Flood Waterway ^,-NZL AE (Elay. 9) Drive �y fn Lo OC N65'36'20'E \ 64.80 j3Q-GF-ILUy of Marsh hers Edge Flood Zone z (Elev. 11 Flood Zane AE (EW. 10) ka Vicinity Ske Not W Seale Marsh Area 0.7A* Ac. As Referenced in D.B. 04, Pg. 28q to the MNWL of The Atlantic Introcoastal Waterway r --Lot 7A F1agd M.B. 66, Pg. 86 zorm Plan 'Syeies" Shaded 'Xe 42.00' X 54.33' N63'40'36'E (� 110.25' 1.88* Aires Flood Zone X JoFn S. Ki wmillor D.B. 802, Pg. 646 M.B. 51, Pg. 76 IIVSST S`-N67'50'SScales1"-50' 9 uj BUAN�,G+(�i�.•'� �JOO'E-727 3t� To EPIC cNOTES LyN �QV • N'�0' ter 1 Per House dinxneione per nIii��t��;� Vista C.oY M.H.+ Pg' i rW Foundation plan furnished -� 12/� by owner. NO RECORD R-507.47' Dwelling is in Flood Iona OR FURNISHED TOCSURRVEMR IN K DONE BY Harbour Drive L-3q.77' 'Shaded X' Per FIRM REGARD TO ZONING. SETBACKS, 601 R/W 0H-N63'40'36'E CPN 370340 6342 J, EASEMENTS OR RESTRICTIONS. 39,761 Effective Nov. 3, 2005 THIS MAP NOT FOR F,EOPURPOSES. PRELIMINARY AREA CALCULATED BY CAORDINATES PLOT PLAN REV LOT 7A BLK - SUBDJO44N S. KITZMILLER DIVISION AND MARSH AREA AT VISTA CAY SWANSBORD TOWNSHIP ONSLOW plan doesSurvey. COUNTY, N.C. Impro s owrepresent ores PREPARED FOR- A. SYDES CONSTRUCTION INC eveme s pQrrotpos DATE: 11/04/08 SCALE: V-100' Parker & Associates,. Inc P.P.P KAD CK ConmdtfnL lf�inean aay� DISK: SIDES FILENAME: _ERL7-SVG >�a p.o m m - Planners REV. 308 Kew &kite street - 286to ._`r ._...,.,_.. 11-12-0805:49 :ParkerkAss008tes Sydes, LOW&@a - Noutic It - "iv,uw tal'WatArco Tony d Mash at Kater a �Qw 21 2 Ch - Gland M.H. - MoP Book'�D.B. Plaod Ya" - Dew BoakP6.^PMHKL - Meon Hlph Dlatar lams NWAL - Namal Nqh Kato' Lk- Nark 5wylom W8 - At£ �� 10)s VEClztii r lbctt X 543 ' !� S 0'04201 !9 Ri $ M Ohre Left- 40.0a I- sear o � AC. n �IHWI`. �• .� r In D B � gWPad2 4 Tw Atlattia Lot 78 Inttamaw H&ArWW D.B. 2fiMr PO• "q M.B. Pg. 121 AA� ,T, Flom ur, All (1110r• Lot TA (TYPJ Flood M.9 56f a, bi *Sydm" PAPA Zone 9haked ►Kr Plan 42A&ra4. ' Ni;s•40' anw Zo * x John S. IQL"Illor Q• lzalIsInq MB. sl# Pq. `74 cow soo e t -su M Ill, . �1w7 •F 4 vo N► FawWaUon plan fungi ahed ,ato Gw ra e; -w , by awr,ar•. pt.8. .'t'i .� D=Ithv la in Plead Um W IMCORD DONE IN DOIN Hexbour Drive L24..77' 'shads X, Per FIRM OR ANVasm TO SURVM IN ► W-rr3'40 NWE GPH 570340 5342 J, . EQ R/W wto Effaetivs Nov. S, ZOOS 03134M OR mu mumhA11;4 Itt CQORDI ars TAM WP NOT MR aoea"Inc PURPOSES, PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN LOT 7A BLK " SUBa�4N S K111MR-LBR DIVISION AND MARSH AREA AT VI9jA CA-Y &W_ANSSORQ_ TOWNSHIP _ °S� COUNTY, N.C. That# SRM" m pmpmw PREPARED FOR• DATE: I1^ DA�06 scALE: 1"'a1w Farker & 1880C a s, Inc. P.P.P. KAP CK comot4mt ��� .►. DISK: 9YD� FILENAME:Ly-9�VG �rA - 7100{1-0lT REV. kAD i1J1�/09-MaY FlovsB .P_er Builderj�� 11/1$/2008 15:47 FAX 910 SS7 5759 ONSLOW CODE ENFORCE34WNT to001 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to A--$ f-Y1. 140C. :S (Name of Property Omer) property located at iLuff-bo -byiye, k t?+-IV I2m CAV) . (Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc,) on.�r L 1 (Waterhodi) �A'� (town and/or County) Hr, has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location', and, I have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DMAk" ING OF PROPOSED DLrVELOPNMNT A.TTACUM) Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number r 11�1 ok Data i ADJACENT RPARTAN PROPERTY OWNER. STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PRILNMS T hertby certify that L own property adjscent to A,$dfA..Cmff b�, . s (N a of Property owner) property located at (Address, Lat, Bio* Rmd, etc) on N. (water body.) WAIEKky (town an&or County) Me has d mribed to mo as shown in the ausched application aAd project dtewmg(s), the development he is proposing at thm location, and. I have nt+ objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND VUWING OF FROPOS O DEVRrAWMENT ATTACHED) Print or Typo Name Telephone Number Date: A. Sydes Construction, Inc. F A X C 0 V E R L7ete: November 13 2008 Atbe�t�an: ` Jamie i 'I.rc*rtw• 'ny • 'F v;r,.' ,•.�T:,a,;ra,r�• •'per' Au numbft 989-2341 Phone nrmer. 910 455• 6956 .. ,.•yyg''�4t��•y�..�,�yh�-'�,�.'bl�:j•.•oaf.�':.1::�:?'_..,s��...,�..t:. HereIsa revised plot plarrfor lot 7A Vista Cayshowhv the house/drive has been stifle r draintWd. Please call If you have any questions. L Please sign and fax bads to acknowledge receipt of fax: G� p s A. Sydes Construction, Inc PO erns 7122 4355 Gumbranch Road, Unit B Jacksonville, North Carolina 2&W Phone: 910-455-6956 Pax: 910-4554325 Email: