HomeMy WebLinkAboutCP-07-06_Timothy, Bailey_20070412-f 07/23/2007 10:00 FAX 9104552453 .ONSLOWCOPLANNING 12102 QN1 late Laaw Local Government Permit Number LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT , o'' PERMIT _Ak as authorized by the State of North Carolina, department of Environment p and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development I VI in an area of environmentaf concern pursuant to Section 113A 11 S of the d ' General Staiutes, "Coastal Area Management" �UI, Issued to authorizing development in at QQ L1SV -.q C SC_., e�c�SSy rim — �Lk as requested in the permittee's application, dated , i:''► This permit, issued on 1 O ^ _ is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where( n:•.istent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes setforth below. Any violation of these term.. m: i r::Jbject permittee to a fine. imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be:null and void. THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES THE CONSTRUCTION OF A 27'X 43' SWIMMING POOL WITH CONCRET WALKWAY. LAND DISTRUBANCE WA.1 TAKE PLACE APPROXIMATRLY 53 FF 37, OFF WHITE OAK RIVER. ANY OTHER DEVELOPMENT WILL. REQUIRE ADDITIONAL PERMITS OR MODIFICATION OF THIS PERMIT. THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS SHALL APPLY: PRIOR TO INITIATING LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES, ADEQUATE SEDIMENTATION/EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE EMPLOYED TO PREVENT TI1: MOVEMENT 01; UNCONSOLWATED MATERIALS INTb THE MARSH OR WATER. THE -SE MEASUARES MUST REMAIN IN PI.ACR U=. SUCH TIME AS THE AREA 1S PROPERLY STABILIZED WITH A VEGETATED COVER- ALL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT MUST BE ACCOMPLISHED A MINIMUM OF SO'LANDWARD OF THE NORMAL HIGH WATER CONTOURINORMAL WATT R. MAINTAINING THIS AS A VEGETATED BUFFER AREA. . STRUCTURE MUST COMPLY WITH THE NC BULD)ING CODE AND ALL OTHER LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS PURSUANT TO 15A NCAC 071.0406(b), THIS PERMIT MAY NOT BE ASSIGNED, TRANSFLRL SOLD, OR OTHERWISE DISPOSED OF TO A THIRD PARTY BY THE APPLICANT, AGENT, O 1. ANY ENTITY OTHER THAN THE NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT. This permit action may be appealed by the parmittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the data of an appeal, any work conducted under this per mk m.st cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the` permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work mulL cease when this permit expires on December In Issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without ' the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management Local Permit i. ,Tcer (signature) name address 9 v t1� pemtittee (signature required if special conditions abov: apply to permit) I 07/20/2007 08:58 FAX 9104552453 'ONSLOWCOPLANNING Me , per r� PHI ti NJ1 KAL INFORMAnON - I LAND OWNER • - Name- Addresa12 A, rb ? ab P� City S W 4A-,, b0 _ State zip-.Q @I 04 Phone%oM6-:M AUTHORIZED AGENT �' J Ify Name IAddress j City , � . • �� . Srate izipPhone I LOC.,ATTON OF PROJECT: Addr {, street aatne and/or directions CO sire. If not oceanfront, what is the : ante of If t the adj ) Y Atr^.twanrbody? Q� S . �,1 O ti An ('r0ii ~ e- 9A. rot _ L r�u 1 M/•� .. OJT U�i a4� i:' Sj * Dl DESCRII'T70N OR PItOjECT: (List all proposed construction andt. land disturbance.) U f 7t'd'' i i SIZE OF IOT/PARCEY.: + d squtue ixet • !F2 acres PROPOSED USE: Residential_ <-(Singje-fancily Multi family ) CommtricaV7ndustria Other- NC TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA Ll�lLl�iNG IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF]: N VI • ' RONMIIVTAL CONCERN (AEC): sq .. ('includes all floors and roof -cowed. :e:lss) Ha ' Y , SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER;U"ERVIOUS OR BUII.T=UPON SURFAC I Z IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF EfflRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): a il- % (Calculations include the area of the rooflddp line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, cor{crete or mason! Patios, etc- than are within the applicable AEC- Atrath your calculations with the project drawing.) ChaW di, AIEC that applies to your property; . } in 5 ftet of No al High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC ormal High Water for dLe Estuarine 5horeli=A4Q adjacent toOutsraading Resource Waren ' (3) within 30 feet of the Public -Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to yourproperry.) STATE STO ATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT= Is ncc project located is an area sub_ jea to a State Sto ter Management Permit issued by the N.C. Division of Water Quality?. s YES NO , • , If yes, lisr the total built upon area/impervious surface alloweia for your lot or parcel " =Square fec, I. I 07/20/2007 08:58 FAX 9104552453 �ONSWWCOPLANNING OTkJER ERMITS MAYBE REQ. UTM: The sucsvirYi''o iwere P�ng�l regeurepermits otters than the ChMA m' •�in`c� dcKcIopmeat permit. As a ser"M we have eompacd a list of the kinds of permits tbar might be required. We suggest °you dieci� over du 1.4" with your LPOtodetamineifWof&neapplytnTour projemZnning,Dr a1*'W2terWdll.SepuoTank(orothersanitarywastc � , • treatmentsystem), Building, Elecxrical. Plumbing, HeatingwdAirConditioning, LnMilation and EnergTConservation, FIACerefica6, r; •, 5zhd Dune, Sediment Coamol. SubdivisionAppmval, Mobile Home Pa"pmval, Highway, Connection, sod others. STATEMENT OF OVPNERSHIP: the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development pernuc, being either the owner of property in an AEC ar a acrson authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify thax the p ! :s.:,n fisted as landowner on this application has a significant incerese in the real property described therein. This interest ea n 1 lescribed as: (check one) ail owner or record title. Tide is vested tS t'C1 r . see Deed Sock iageOLAin the Cozen Reglttiyoil]eeds _an owner byvintue of iaheritadce. Applicant is an heir to the estate of )robate was in County. ,_„cif other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this applica.tio . JOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: fY►rthermore cef* rhar the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I aT= that I have give s ►CTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intern to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. - 3) 'OR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN ELAZaRD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: adrnowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be suseepti : It to osion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit oflicer.haa.explaincg to me the particular Hazard problems s�: a- ed with this lot. This explavadoa was accompanied by recommen ioins concerning stabilization'and floodproofing u. h- :ques. -ERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: urrhermote certify that I am. aurhorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his age, .n to eter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluadag information relared to this pemtic application. E 05 his application includes: general information (this form), a sire drawing as described on the back of this application, the vnership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any a or- ation as may be provided orally by the applicant The details of- th application 1s ,described by these -sources are inra4., meted shout reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation fmo these'detaih will constitute a violation of any peer - fir, Any rson developing in an AEC without permit is subject do civil, c=iuunal and administrative action. r[V This th� day of , 20 co� V Landowner or person authorized to ses:t as h4 agent for purpose of filing a CAMA ptrtnit appli i; ' ' •+[, .. �y rig•• ' 1: I 07/20/2007 08:58 FAX 9104532453 JONSLOWCOPLANNING Zoo '40 ff" Lp I CAMA PERMIT NoncE Pursuant to NCGS 113a-1.19(b), Ofislow County, a locality authrizcd to issue CAMA -Perraitsiii-Arem-of-EnvironmntdConcern, :her&b 'gives -NOTICE Y 4h"'n March 26 2007. Timothy Bailey applied for a CAMA permit for the construction -of a 27'x 43' swimming pool with concret walkway. Construction will take place I approxiniateIV 5L.; feet off the White Oak River. :Property is located at, 683 White Oak Crdssing, Swansboro, NC. Application tray be inspected theaddress below. Public Comments received by April 6,2007 will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered, up to the time of permit Decision. The aforementioned proje: t. is within an area of Environmental !Concern. , Prqject. modifications may occur based c.! j ftirther review and comments. Notice ofjthe Nriiiit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Andrea Frazier LOns ow County Government Local Permit Officer 604 College Street Jacksonville, N.C. 28540 (910) 347-6782 PLEASE PUBLISH: March 28,2007 (Legal Section of The Daffy News). '1�7 -V' 07/20/2007 08:58 FAX 910455245a jCINSLAPVCOPIANNING 207 fl •:b ���A;�� � .. ' ' �. L �ccl,� � a�►1. � !f � . ���'7JJ •;, �%,;: r : -Y•:r.,: :�_'� Ak' _ .•Z.�-�•s •' � ter' `J 'irs r�`:� r;. • _ 1 � . Co. A L7ir j r N /y PUCJL AfPro1- . �� OTA W�Cf lcTc SurF Fro L r� t4�� •�. • . ..ti•-r- '� � ': •:- : j - :.-• '• �'• "ti•�.. '5,-. ?•'.�. :jar:: 07/20/2007 08:58 FAX 9104552453 IPNSLOIPCOPLaNNING tmmcy ► k'UUaLy i\1L., vuopauna 5 Onslow County NC, 605patia1 N Monday, Mamh 26 2007 U08 F f26/2007