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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Grimes, Tim_1991111241ONS OW Office of the Planning Department November 1.2, 1991 CCJ1..1N"I_ Y--._._._._ rNov2 01991 11 Mr. Tim Grimes P.O. Boz 1988 Atlantic Beach, NC 2851.2 RE: Exempted Project (tli t►or. ) #91-0045 Dear Mr. Grimes: 604 College Street .Jacksonville, NC 28540 Telept►one (919) 455-3661 We have received the lnf_c i mat:io►i submitted t.o t-hi.s office In yottr inquiry concerning the r►-r ni.ty of an nppl.ication for a minor development permit !indr�r the Coastal rrc7 Jlnnagement Ant. The activity you propose 1s ex^mpt from needit►g n m.1nor development permit as lowj ac: it meets tl►e c_.oridit _ons below. If your plan shoe, I,l !1hnt►ge and yot►r- pi-o_joct will no longer meet those conditir-T►s, pl.ease contact me before proceeding. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY 7\111) ('011DITIONS: To r-low-et-r►tct a boat.-1 i.ft at 500 ilytntm Lane, Swaiish-1 o, Sr,7z►nsboro ToP tir.1► 1), Onslow Coiint-y, North Carolina and shall. l-^ exempt from a C:AIIA pn.r.m.i.t if tile following conditions are A private noncommercinl pi-r mny be constrt►cf —1 If it does not exceed 200 feet in total 1—with off -shore; i r not- within 150 feet of a federally maintainer) c,l►nt►n,7�1; does not- 6 feet it) width; does not include s►tt et►c.l osed St..rucl-il e , nwl does not7 Interfere with establisl►—I navigation r. i_ght.r:. It mny be btti.l.t through wAtl.and vegetnti—i ?iify If_ elevat-.mod a►►,t mny have a T-hend or platform not exceedit►,_1 ,r►v ^cluare feet i►1 nt.^n at it^ waterwa.r.d extent and sl►n I I i tt no case ext —wi mote than one.-th .r.d of the width of the wat-r ho,ly and slial.l. tiot-. 11itn1-'fere with shellfish franchises or. No roof slum l h- n1lowed. This certification of exemption from requiring .a CAIIA valid for ninety (90) days from the date of issuance. expiration, a re-examination of the project site may to renew this certification. Sincerely, `, `.�. ram,. ,_ �'\•'. �1 J� .P��i....O . Y�• ` i Bradley Nofzinger Zoning/CAMA Officer BN/co permit is Following be necessary OUTER BANKS 'T U MARINE ,CONSTRUCTION DOCKS - SEAWALLS - rkOATING DOCKS B lifts •40 Dealer for Davit master Boatliffs 71M GRIMES P.O. Box 1988 (919) 240-2525 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 (919) 728-4556 % t--- . . ....... ..... ....................... et>rh�� :)OV05 -W"OC4 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT (FOR A PIER) I hereby certify that -I own property adjacent to C200fb 6 ?0 sS 's property Name located at i9q I.- ,c, v o'Y' 4: o , on (Ldt, Block, Road, etc.) GJ in �.�.�r`'x. N . C. (Water Body) (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shown below the development he is proposing at that location and I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier must be set back a minimum distance of fifteen feet (151) from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. V I do not wish to waive that setback requirement. guar ment. I do wish to waive that setback requirement. Description and/or drawing of proposed development: (TO BE FILLBD IN BY INDIVIDUAL PROPOSING DEVELOPMENT) Signature A. bra �k s Name 115-ZF-;-;'- -C2- Phone Number STANDARD ELECTRIC TEL 1-919-985-4010 Nov 11,91 8 18 No.005 P.02 9�52471tl58 BLLE PALM Prr1D. 056 P02 NOi.J C�8 191 15124 F* I hereby certify that-1 own property adjacent to . 's property located at .___— .S"an �cr n �-+J.� SW *ot�,3aeo ALC p M.LOWN I AVUU V VL V o on IAJ p +� in b �,�-ac, , Co . SN a ae _.. N.C. (Water Body Town and/or County He has described to me as shown below the development he is proposing at that location and I have no objections to his proposal. I understand that a pier must be sat backs minimum distance of fifteen feet (151) from my area of riparian access unloss waived by me. I do not wash to waive that setback requirement. ✓ I do wish to waive that setback requirement. DescriptiOA and/or drawing of PrOposod development: (TO BE FILLED YN BX INDMOUAL PROPOSING DEVEWPH i •• a tw s gnature amQ �77M/1b 6 one N iu ex