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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Ashley, Bill_19911218s C k0_P'\_e-S IJA "bcH ONSLOW COUNTY Office of the Planning Department December 18, 1991 Mr. Bill Ashley Penninsula Manor Road Hubert, NC 28359 RE: Exempted Project (Minor) #91-0047 Dear Mr. Ashley: 604 College Street Jacksonville, NC 28540 LFr"'elephone (919) 455-3661 We have received the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of filing an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plan should change and your project will no longer meet those conditions, please contact me before proceeding. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY AND CONDITIONS: To construct a pier at lot# 3 Penninsula Manor Road, Swansboro, NC, Swansboro Township, Onslow County, North Carolina and shall be exempt from a CAMA permit if the following conditions are met: A private noncommercial pier may be constructed if it does not exceed 200 feet in total length off -shore; is not within 150 feet of a federally maintained channel; does not exceed 6 feet in width; does not include an enclosed structure, and does not interfere with established navigation rights. It may be built through wetland vegetation only if elevated and may have a T-head or platform not exceeding 500 square feet in area at its waterward extent and shall in no case extend more than one-third of the width of the water body and shall not interfere with shellfish franchises or leases. No roof shall be allowed. This certification of exemption from valid for ninety (90) days from the expiration, a re-examination of the to renew this certification. Sin rely, Bradley N fzing Zoning/C Officer BN/co requiring a LAMA permit is date of issuance. Following project site may be necessary too! , s! nedwevs;." YOMA UAQ .0-1 nocq Munnfamn."', 50 nismMi navvilf) -0101 011 wjqwvwR 1 V;.. V500-041 WaTYA AM Q swisio IM of WmAmovy NnL20010)11 00, bayrosq, yms J-, 70A swianninqqF nE Coil!! An jAn"Onno U11 pamnoway" YAxOPM .210 jPYMVOM�W OPIA IOMM� 047 IMMY UnWa avoamninvab �wll.: jns�n E pw�vqm wvC vq�wyn 44 opaqwn W,v MOW," anaMpown all vj�na M no Ono! to jj�.,n an UK �00?wlq wowy Van vwnwn "Wnp asto :007 11 oafs. -I A001�V000 Gv�-n ?wo yaraw, nail a manneons UT MQUIMM SON VOMTSA to ROINTADM'', 50 01WOU-sp buoy? ;!�R sManinsvA 0 too! W wa�w mlymn nd 45M Kos unham"n U4100 12000C prWo w1vanswT, :�ww sqn vnoj�mnan pm�ojlnl 4.,,. ,on voco it !c bowww1japon 04 wN 1-Lq v1svion !an! AwIT lar 01 'vuwz-�vw ay�"01 10;11 Y! asn' U09 ver"Z; jov! 6 L�snxn on �-�b �Wmwan 500111100 Yi1svehn! m V) 1�" nsnh boo 0110jans OF OW -VA 090 mob MAO so VON j! .011piq "WASPm1a 0sna"Wavag ally 010117sm'', 4,00-P a avol vaq boo nowsm" h Mwo way"600pov W*170W dpv07d.'-.! OjA 7n U-10 K 1�01 OvEonn Me pnivo�avp wn 010MIN 1-- KlWj-�no 006: Sion va.Ko onso an n! Uoon no" Anvonn blownw:: Ail: evnionsof "01 issma Wo VLSI 1now 003 W rMw wnj A-' �nwnkn so limp �nnn v! .0mcnal 10 roallcvnx? ar!"110M, WL Annon AW? a null PY;4�0z� to 1NIZODAYISO mm ly plEv OAK sn�l wyah 100) Ynoma aw DVw.. vav 07 A 10,jonq Sao in 00000 vrw��-�x a 0011�11qw- 10*111405 vc 14"W" 13 GSA /V S Nos nX 1\ 4 fis /I kEy k