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HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-03_Fairfield Harbour POA_2003031003/10/2003 15:43 2526352154 FHPOA VA4-1C-01; uOH 0^ P�1 c�ksR: Pd ,Niis'S P, s. FAQ u0. ?526373100 PAGE „ 01 ?. l RORERT M. CHILES, P.E. 117•A MOOD SI. V*0i*S, CONSULTANTS MAItINESfrRVCrORS P.O. boy. 3494 NEW FERN. NORTH CAROUNA ZU001 FACSIMILE $HEFT TO: Robert Brown. FRPOA FAX NO: 4 FROM: MichW Rice NO. OF PAGES (including this Page): ,_, DATE: _Ngrch 10. 2003 TIME: A.M. 3:00 _ P.M. REMARKS: Copy of CAMA permit 405-03 (for outfalls 2, B, and D) for signature. Sign copy and fae back to Tracey Wheeler at DCM, 232.247.3330. Michael WSSrfS$ ' 2iiiS7 q02 FAX. 21 431.3100 rmopmasmX22inel MECIANI:.AL,CNII.ANDMARINE ENGWILNO WkiNE0YCI WPNICANOLAND SWAYS COMMIRCIAI. INDV37MAI. MARINE, AVO ANIROA-) IAOLMES 0WOM Atllt[Nk: 0,GL`AEW0,4 Ann r,ILaRe MAtY34 {OUMCARY SJINM ANC N,A►MNG SlRvte! 03/10/2003 15:43 2526352154 FHPOA f(r GAF-ICl-09 11OIN _:0, PH P0B3R' M CHIL;S P.3. FAX NO. 2526373100 r : I 2W3 NON 02:45 Ph R DIV OF COA$'PAL I ktr FAX N0. 4 i i ~ TV 1 ' ' AWA I.' i MINOR DEVELOPMENT , PERMIT PAGE es a; thodr00 by the 6satoet kaM GueFna, odp4 ttat of pneMalant and Notured tto:aunCplr enf"ftaetaf perotatrg3 CORttrilsibA bt tloVOtopnWR1 k' aA Brea of aaviroOMMUdeonoarn pvrau20t to SaCtivn I10A•11lot 04 VATttrrllRLD 11AQA0111t r0A 00MMtlltatu:Os,'Cea WAra* Manap MOAL, _-,,,,,,,, 4SULKit0 M� 951VAll;);Nlt SHORSL1NR IA >RYtherl7,h1� deYeklpm@nt H ' ltucc0 t X"? E: 60KOOLYKR On m at 19AMod Il the pxmitoa i q*&eAtion, dated —33 leQ�l 1 Uht FrtmlL b tu4><r oe IIdB� itl, 7ng 0 * le a jbj@c1'a 4"W"one WAll th7 oppllce!lon arrd site drawlrtg lWhOrO oonoial �+t trithQ+opNmiil,epepplceylo►ogula�r-ntcutdt:DxialwpAjjonesndnoteoeet(alhb*W, Anyrlofatfone►thooetlnngMay I;VblV.�, i+crtliflo o to a fine, itnprkoamsnt Of cidt AC4i00, Cf 41W =ee *a p0!mi fA be nul and Wid. Thlb permit uuthorizcs Me restoration or grade and vVgkatioq or N+:tue Klv@r ll;lly*r wfttrc llell traledbyIhroostornlwalerdrainapolt.•hss. 1. All proposal dcvolol/men[ attd ""Otiatci c0as(rtte1101 nn>Iot by done tit avcmdalteo wllft 1bo workplat drawing(t) dated January 27, 2003 rind April 3, 2002. 2. All co11!tltttction mast conrunn to rho Nonh %ro)LIa Building (106 roquirejumts acid all other T,oca', Statc, and coderst repig loos, I Any climage or chau`ca ill thO p7nna rOt doveloptlmlt, eotlstnlcliar. or hod UIC RClivitie, Will yuquirc a rrcvaludtiou and ntodinchlion 01this l)ottlljt, 4. 13c1on: 1111il:tljpS any Islul-diattirbing aolivitios, adaqua:o sodtlnoatatPoNcrollon cattmt mo*uru must he colptpyvd to prcvatt the Movcmant or uticonsolidatcd mAtortals into marsh or Watt' ncro ►ticasures will remain in pl; ce until the area h0S begin Prgpi1y tstabillred with tt vogct ttoQ covet; *&V Pape 2 for additionnl conditions.' 71110 Pofm4 Action may to appum by the pormitteo at o,110r TlaLdt J Persons WA;1in twenty (TQ) days of tiro ioet py d4s. Krone Ce r4-jty of an onl•cm, -Ir,y w:Nk OOndWvd undsr IrLk pot• mlt n+gal canna untU 1110 Appapl Is rosolved. Thlr, POWIt lnust b a on the pn,;a,y ph am axcaerbrp to the r"trmit 011'4N. wlran tho prgjoct Is Inspootod rorcgRlppanc*. Any nraint work Of project mcdrfiotts+na nal0Ylvercd undor Will pCtrntt reguiros fulher @rriitcn pinnil 3pprovpt. All Wark muse ccr!to wrtall lltit FW nt ogotrae on Oew•rrter In s tlirp this pPrnlit it Ia oProad that 1114 proses io :anaistsM W""' rho 'Aa41 LOW U$'P Plon and all trpplicable ordinances. Thic p,xnjit rrwy no! The t1matereai to oroAer pstly WRIIerrt the IF(ftm* approval of the DivAlon of Coasts, FAonsoemont. �� Aurrwt flrj� j�ttjnA►�rttj 'nAOsx tlitEt me a><91510a or coAss.► K"AQ=ftTiI rn 1t88!• 111 PLAZA 21, 131-30 Nltir 24 seen .ee (sionilure required 11 apoeidl oondllions above Apply 0 permit) 03/10/2003 15:43 2526352154 FHPOA _ 61 :"AR-1C-03 -ON =:06 PSI RUTH M CH.L3S P. s. FAX N0. 2526373100 naK-1 U-7UU3 " U214U Prl W U 1 V (.F OWTAL tlG11N'C FAX Hp q PAGE 03 P. 03 :*"nor Permit 110.1-03 Fatrtieid Harbor IvA Paget of S. hs„8,,;,ui io r 3 NCAC, Stet er 71.0406 chapt� this o11ic��rso clis}ws�J of to a u►pr NMI( not be asslInixi, v,,,,,f�;a, satJ nr DiviSio:l Of CoastalA41,119(alont� y by the spplictane, agatt, or :uty entity etJta than 9w, NC G. 11 is tsow tisn: coaatsst mars i exist., all 410 PWPM , aad � on tlso submlttCtl plat dated 3 u,ursry2q, 2003 tlss+t the sad .1tfd103, 2002 is not OSOdJOCMd velo a aj a1i14 SeJ 7. tab oxcnv�ltien or fiilfn ufany wetlAoJ� of wkters is authadral tulriar this pGutit. a '1'h8 iitoferl is iubfcct to the Norte C>irollaa Cttvirotttmntal Motia�el)tCgt Lpnunti»ien'e NihtSe River 811ffer )talcs due to tb tncattoll within tit Nance gcbur.�b .kaw�•cr of Tent Stcttrhs will, NC Oh�ston of Water RIM antin. Memo c4htnct 111I11Atto11 Of COAStfu¢tion. Quality at (2t2) 946-6481 befgre DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT NCDENR NORTm CARouNA DEPARTMENT OF ENNAROMMEW ANo NATURAL RESOURCES 151-B HWY. 24, HESTRON BUILDING MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 TELEPHONE: (252) 808-2808 FAX: (252) 247-3330 TO: M(KE 'RiCr OFFICE: TELEPHONE #: [_] FAX #: r 1 (03 7- 3/op FROM: gAnEy I lycr.Z'P OFFICE: DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT RE: FE-1-f 12 oA - ' D.S- 3 -�)Lc8,7,, Ezd& ,kW Sam o DATE SENT: 0,3 /lo �0'3 TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET: CRAVEN — TW DCM — MHD Local Government �fO-S-a3 Permit Number Issued to CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." YA1RFIELA HARBOUR PUA ESTUARINE SHORELINE AEC authorizing development in ,r BUCCO REEF& GONDOLIER ON NORTHWEST CREEK as requested in the permittee's application, dated FEB. 20, 2003 This permit, issued on MAR_ 10, 2003 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes the restoration of grade and vegetation of Neuse River Buffer where penetrated by three stormwater drainage ditches. 1. All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the workplat drawing(s) dated January 27, 2003 and April 3, 2002. 2. All construction must conform to the North Carolina Building Code requirements and all other Local, State, and Federal regulations. 3. Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 4. Before initiating any land -disturbing activities, adequate sedimentation/erosion control measures must be employed to prevent the movement of unconsolidated materials into marsh or water. These measures will remain in place until the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetated cover. *See Page 2 for additional conditions. * This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit m,.st cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2005 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. / J, � Local Permit Officer (signature) TRACEY WHEELER. COASTAL MANAGEMENT REP. NC DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT name HESTRON PLAZA II, 151—B HWY 24 TELEPHONE: (252) 808-2808 address Permittee (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit) os-o3 Minor Permit #A2- Fairfield Harbor POA Page 2 of 2 5. Pursuant to 15 NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third -party by the. applicant, agent, or any entity, other than the NC Division of Coastal Management. 6. It is noted that coastal marsh exists on the property, and that the proposed development addressed on the submitted plat dated January 27, 2003 and April 03, 2002 is not located within this marsh. 7. No excavation or filling of any wetlands or waters is authorized under this permit. * This project is subject to the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission's (EMC) Neuse River Buffer Rules due to its location within the Neuse River Basin. Please contact Deborah Sawyer of Tom Steffens with NC Division of Water Quality at (252) 946-6481 before initiation of construction. li7 5 r r u r i t r n h a n r r d d n r u rn e n t. S r r b a r k f o r d r t a i 1 5. ROBERT M. CHILES, PE 27100 ENGINEERS & CONSULTANTS P.O. BOX 3496 66-19/530 NC NEW BERN, NC 28564-3496 DATE "7 L �BRbAjzx Zy' zoc>3 3100 PAY TO THE $ / O O ORDER OF I L A R S _ BankofAmerica.�� „ 7 ACH WT 053000196 FOR CAMA In/;1o2 '2Mli (f,Lso°) V0 2 7 LOOV 40 5 3000 196i: 000 3 1 10 i 9 3`9 2ul Locality Permit Number GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name Falrfigld Harbour PDA 902 Coral Reef Drive' Address CityNew Bern State NC Zip 28560 Phone 633-5500 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Robert M Chiles:,; PE Address PO Box 3496 City New Bern StateNC Zip 28564-34DUhone 637-4702 LOCATION OF PROJECTOondolier Penninsula of Fairfield Harbour: 3 sites, 1 each between lots 265 & 266, 136 & 137, 3591 & 360, outfalls 2, B ans D, respectively. (If not oceanfront, is waterbody natural or manmade?) Northwest Creek (natural) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Restore grade and vegetation of Neuse River buffer where penetrated by three storm water drainage ditches: AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To be filled in by the Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.) Ocean Hazard X Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline Other PROPOSED USE Residential Commercial/Industrial Other X Riparian buffer SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES (such as driveways, etc.) within 75 feet of the shoreline (575 feet of an ORW shoreline) N / A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE 0utfall 2, approx 1,000 sq.ft. of which approx 700 is within A E C, outfall B, approx. 800 sq.ft., none of which is in A E C, outf'all D, approx. 750 sq.ft. (Approx 1,450 sq.ft. in AEC) OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you check over•the list with your LPO to determine if any of these apply to your project. Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Burning, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. - . #•ram ., _ STATEMENT OF.OWNERSHIP I, the undersigned, an applicant for a LAMA minor development permit, begin either the owner of property in an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a sig- nificant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one) X an owner of record title, Title is vested mi , see Deed Book 1747 page 937 in the Craven County registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. Copies of lettersandreceipts already submitted. (Name) (Address) James Pollock, 5606 Gondolier Dr, NB, KC (1) • 1ohn . 14 aish,-560 Washington past Rd, U N S (2) James Miller, 5320 Trade Winds Rd, N B N C William Kcsyd±; i546 Tanner Ave, Manasquan, Nd (3) Alvin Sousa, 5 Lawrence St, Bloomfield, NJ Mary MiUer, aynewood bivd,Alexandria, Va. (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may. be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this ap- plication, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $50.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a per- mit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. `20 �3 This the � day of �h�-�� Land owner or peison authorized to act as his agent for purposes of filing a CAMA permit application. `SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST please make sure your site drawing includes the following information required for a CAMA minor'develop- ment permit.. The drawing may be simple and not necessarily to scale. The Local Permit Officer will help you, if requested. ' PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS Drawings submitted previously. X label roads _1TTA label highways right of ways N / A label local setback lines N / A label any and all structures and driveways currently existing on property PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS X draw and label mean high water mark (MHW) �R draw location of septic tank or filter field If you will be working in the ocean hazard area: N / A draw and label dune ridges (note height) draw and label toe of dune identify and locate first line of stable vegetation draw and label setback line under LAMA: draw and label topographical features (optional) If you will be working in an estuarine shoreline area: X draw and label landward limit of AEC X describe terrain (slope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS' X draw and label areas that will be disturbed N / A if a house is to be placed on lot, describe location of house N / A note size of piling and depth to be placed in ground N / A draw and label all areas to be paved or graveled —u,LA describe composition of surface N / A :note and list fully all trees and vegetation to be removed or relocated _X show landscaping NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you: *completed all blanks and/or indicated if not applicable? *notified and listed adjacent property owners? *included your site drawing? *signed both application and statement of ownership? *enclosed the $50.00 fee? *completed an AEC Hazard Notice, if necessary? FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted Final Inspection Fee Received. Site Inspections Date of Action: Issued Exempted Denied Appeal Deadline (20 days) DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT NCDENR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT or ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 0 151-B HWY. 24, HESTRON BUILDING MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28557 TELEPHONE: (252) 808-2808 FAX: (252) 247-3330 TO: ..Tou RN,4 L OFFICE: �"G,4L AtVE'ge-nS-1,16 SECT/O,A/ TELEPHONE #: f 1 FAX #: f 2s211o33-/ FROM: OFFICE: DIVISION OF COASTAL NiANA( iVIENT RE: of TV S'u^/ �46cr .4., DATE SENT: 20 Fcb 2c.�O3 ai TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES NCLUDING VER SHE T: 3 A74,�Ila FqCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Michael F. Easley, Governor Donna D. Moffitt, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 20 February 2003 Sun Journal Legal Advertisement Section P.O. Box 1149 New Bern, NC 28563 Re: Public Notice — Fairfield Harbour Homeowners Association Dear Sir: Please publish the attached Notice in the 21 February 2003, issue of the Sun Journal. The State Office of Budget and Management requires an original Affidavit of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please send the affidavit, an original copy of the published notice, and an original invoice to Jaye Poole, NC Division of Coastal Management, 1638 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1638, Telephone (919) 733-2293. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. If you should have any questions, please contact me at our Morehead City office (252) 808-2808. Sincerely, Tracey L. Wheeler Coastal Management Representative Enclosure cc: M. Ted Tyndall- District Manager 151-B Hwy. 24, Hestron Plaza II, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-33301 Internet: An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Action Employer — 50% Recycled 110% Post Consumer Paper NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that the Fairfield Harbour Homeowners Association has applied to the Department'of Environment and Natural Resources for a Minor Development permit. The applicant is requesting to fill three existing stormwater outfall ditches within the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern adjacent to Northwest Creek in the Fairfield Harbour Subdivision near New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina. Persons desiring to inspect the application, or to comment thereon, are directed to contact Tracey Wheeler, NC Division of Coastal Management, 151-B Hwy. 24 Hestron Plaza II,. Morehead City, NC, Telephone (252) 808-2808, no later than 1 March 2003. Comments received prior to that date will be considered in making the permit decision. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. PLEASE PUBLISH ON: 21 February 2003 �c P. 01 �c TRANSACTION REPORT �c FEB-20-2003 THU 10:21 AM DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP �c FEB-20 10:19 AM 82526331841 1'44" 3 SEND OK 041 JAM-30-03 THU 9:04 AM ROBERT M CHILES P,E, FAX NO. 2526373100 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS 8 MARINE SURVEYORS A17-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3476 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564,3496 FACSIMILE SHEET FAX NO: 635-21541247.3330 .fl NO.OF PAGES (Including this Page): 2 DATE: January 30, 20b3 TIME: 8:45 A.M. P.M. REMARKS: BUSINESS, 2524$74702 FAX: 252-07-3T00� We received the attached email from one of the adjoiners to outfall D in response to the notices we issued about the CAMA permit modification. It appcars as if neither of you were copied. Mr. Brown, We thought you and Mr. Pollock, on behalf of the POA, might want to respond to the Miller's questions. We have not, but will do so if you desire. Mrs. Wheeler, Copy forwarded for your information. We thought you should have a copy for the project file. Very truly yours, Machael MECHANICAL, CIVIL AND MARINt ENGINEERNG MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSiRL4L, MARINE, AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARYSuRvFYS AND MAPPING SERVICE JAM-30-03 THU 9:05 AM ROBERT M CHILES P.E. FAX NO. 2526373100 P. 2/ 2 Send reply to: <> From: "Rich Miller" <> To: <rmcengr@cconnect.ztet> Subject: re: Jan 27, 2003 ltr. CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Date sent: Wed, 29 Jan 200315:11:23 -0500 Dear Mr. Chiles: We own lot 265 adjacent to outfall "D" in Fairfield harbor. Please clarify sheet 5 of 5 (illustrative sketch). ,Are we to understand that the drainage ditch is to be dammed by rip -rap so as to create a stagnant pond in the ditch alter each rain? Or perhaps, will the check dam be designed to allow storm water to percolate rapidly so that ponding when it occurs will only last a few hours, for example, by using a French drain through the buffer zone? We have not received any other information about the proposed permit modification. What have we missed? Is there some kind of statement of benefits that are to accruc if the permit modification is approved? Where may we obtain a copy of the POA, application to modify the permit? Thank you for an immediate answer. Mary Ann Miller -11-- Thu, 30 Jan 2003 07:13:46 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA28564-3496 Mrs. Tracey Wheeler NCDENR Division of Coastal Management 151-B Highway 24 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS 8 MARINE SURVEYORS January 24, 2003 JAN 2 6 BUSINESS:252 3 02 i FAX:252-637-3100 j d t d rmcengr® Re: Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit # 02-93 Proposed Modification Enclosures: (1) Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA, CAMA Permit # 02- 93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (2) Copies, letters of notification to adjacent property owners of proposed additional buffer restorations. (3) Drawing Sheets 1, 2, and 3 of 5 of the original CAMA permit application, revised by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. Dear Mrs. Wheeler: As we discussed recently, Fairfield Harbour POA desires to expand the scope of the work permitted by their CAMA permit # 02-93 to include all six of the outfalls associated with their approved stormwater management plan, permit number SW7000518. The issued CAMA permit authorizes the restoration of grade and vegetation of Neuse River Buffer where penetrated by three stormwater drainage outfalls, more specifically outfalls 1, A, and C as described in the approved stormwater plan. By this letter, we request the permit be modified to include the three remaining outfalls, more specifically outfalls 2, B, and D as described in the approved stormwater plan and depicted in the drawings included as enclosure one. The addition of these three outfalls will increase the total square footage of the project from the previously approved 2,500 square feet to a total of approximately 5,280 square feet. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS 709 3g0000115 2-37 333Z MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE In accordance with application requirements, we have notified the owners of the properties adjoining the proposed additional outfalls and enclosed copies for your information. We will submit copies of the return receipts after we receive them. During preparation of the drawings for this modification, it was discovered that the drawings used to prepare the original drawing sheets 2 and 3 of 5 preceded those submitted with the stormwater permit application. Sheets 2 and 3 of 5 are revised to correctly match sheets 30 and 26 of the approved stormwater plan, respectively, and are included as enclosure 3. The primary change reflected in these drawings is the depiction of coastal marsh along the bank of Northwest Creek. Drawing sheet 1 of 5, vicinity map, is revised to include outfalls 2, B, and D. Please replace your originals with the revised sheets. Should you require additional information or have any questions, please contact us at your convenience. Very truly yours, ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. cc. Robert Brown, FHPOA, w/enclosures F:\MikeR\Documents\1998 & Prior\98258\98258 Wheeler CAMA Modificationxpd 9 AIL A4 L AL � APPROXIMATE EDGE OF MAP lk AIL AL AILL AL AL L A AL n LEGEND TB TOP OF BANK - TOE TOE OF BANK ci C PROPERTY LINE CENTERLINE Oil d CKECK DAM RIP -RAP in Q n 5? a o LOT 360 s � T To LOT 359 � I i yttttttrnl���� ti es APPROXIMATE LANDWARD LIMITS I �' OF NEUSE RIVER BUFFER $ Q••, n 9 J SWALE FILLED WITHIN BUFFER PROPOSED AND BUFFER REVEGETATED co 9? 16 SHEET ----- ott--- 21 5 FAIRFIELD HAREO UR POA C"A PERMIT #02-93 MODHYCATIOIV FOR BUFFER RESTORATION OUTFALL "Z" TOWNSHIP NUMBER 2 CRAVEN COUNTY NORTH CAROUN DATE JAN 27, 2003 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. JOB NO: 98258 ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS SCALE: 1' = 407 NEW BERN. NORTH CAROLWA r � I .iL 'A A ALAL .jL AL AL AL �L 30' 209 IL 0� PROPOSED c 4E � N Ump `a A FAIRFIELD HARBO UR POA CAA PERMIT ,,F02--93 MODIFICATIO U ,MR BUFFER RESTORATION a OUTFALL "B" w aTOWNSHIP NUMBER 2 CRAVEN COUNTY NORTH CAROLIN N DATE: JAN 27, 2003 ROBERT X CHILES, P. E. JOB NO: 98258 ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS 0 SCALE: 1' = 40' NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA APPROXIMATE EDGE OF MAF '- AL arc AIL 1L "L AL A A A 1 J. JAL JILL � !I 2E7AUL LEGEND \ TB TOP OF BANK TOE TOE OF BANK PROPERTY LINE \per CENTERLINE a CKECK DAM RIP -RAP ay i � 1 Te LOT 266 9 n \� TOE TEE EXlS�C SWALE FILLED WITHIN BUFFER AND BUFFER REVEGETATED o z m z m N l — 30 20 ----{ PROPOSED LOT E APPROXIMATE LANDWARD LIMITS OF NEUSE RIVER BUFFER U U; PLO, 2 1A CA.r� AL o _ 365 Fir m. SHEET __3 of���"'" S )AIRFIELD HARBOUR POA CAMA PERWT #02---93 MODH YCAMA FVR BUFFER RESTORATION OUTFALL "D" DATE; JAN 27, 2003 ROBERT M. CEI My P. E. JOB NO. 98258 ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS SCALE: L" = 40' NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA LEGEND TB TOP OF BANK TOE TOE OF BANK .J IE PROPERTY LINE J- q CENTERLINE A CHECK DAM ® RIP —RAP zc� m ° I� PVC AL - u t—i* LOT 347 911t AL N I D ,1Vc f S^ TB i" TOE ---- AL AL �AL - — -- TB AI TOE I A. FrMTll��T�r`T I LOT 346 SWALE FILLED WITHIN BUFFER AND BUFFER REVEGETATED APPROXIMATE LANDWARD LIMITS OF NEUSE RIVER BUFFER 114 APPROXIMATE mI EDGE OF MARSH SHEET __2 _ of FAIRFIELD HARBOUR POA — — _ CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION jU 1VR so' 20' _ 0 g BUFFER RESTORATION OUTFALL 1 TOWNSHIP NUMBER 2 CRAVEN COUNTY NORTH CAROLIN P4 N DATE: APRIL 2,2002 ROBERT X CAS, P.E. PROPOSED JOB ND: 98258 ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS REVISED TO MATCH SHEET 30 OF APPROVED STORMWATER PLAN o SCALE: 1" _�: NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA I� LEGEND N TB TOP OF BANK TOE TOE OF BANK an N * C PROPERTY LINE z t > CENTERLINE =1 s CKECK DAM 00 a a ® RIP -RAP x QzIa X ** * I< Kz I s — `20' Vli. Jlf. •—'�i _�A4wl* * Iw LOT 368 ,ilifa - TbE_'_ ._ I 1 ' I �►c SWALE FILLED WITHIN BUFFER AND BUFFER REVEGETATED^o APPROXIMATE LANDWARD LIMITS APPROXIMATE OF NEUSE RIVER BUFFER EDGE OF MARSH a _ n SEA z w = A 535� 11pr• 0 r a of _ FAIRFIELD HA.REO UR POA ,�,, --•— • ���_ . _ . � CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION 1roR BUFFER RESTORATION OUTFALL W TOWNSHIP NUMBER 2 CRAVEN COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 5 10 DATE: APRIL 3. 2002 ROBERT M. CHILES, P. E. PROPOSED JOB NO: 98258 ENGINEERS AND CONSULTANTS ="ern Tn usTru curry oa nr e000nvrn CT/10uweTr0 01 .kf _ SCALE: 1" = 40' 1 NEW BERN. NORTH CAROLINA LOT 367 EXISTING 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564-3496 Mr. James Pollock 5606 Gondolier Dr. New Bern, NC 28560 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS MARINE SURVEYORS January 27, 2003 SAPS 2 6 REG'D ' d BUSINESS:252-637-4702 u FAX:252.637-3100 Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy, Drawing Sheet 5 of 5, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Illustrative Sketch, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., April 3, 2002. Dear Mr. Pollock: The Fairfield Harbour POA is in possession of a CAMA permit authorizing them to restore portions of the riparian buffer of Northwest Creek at outfalls 1, A, and C associated with their approved stormwater management plan, permit number SW7000518. On their behalf, we are now requesting a modification of the CAMA permit to also include outfalls 2, B and D associated with the stormwater plan. As an adjacent riparian property owner to outfall 2, we are providing the enclosures for your review and comment. In brief, the North Carolina Administrative Code definition of the Neuse River Buffer includes the 50 feet of upland immediately adjacent to the Neuse River and any of its tributaries. The proposed work will restore the portions of this buffer along Northwest Creek where the six outfalls previously mentioned are currently located. In compliance with the application process, we are required to notify adjacent riparian property owners that they have 10 days from receipt of this notification in which to comment on the proposed permit modification. If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637 4702. Very truly yours, ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. G-1��'- ! Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE 90 0 0011 o96 7 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564-3496 Mr. John Walsh 560 Washington Post Rd. New Bern, NC 28560 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS 8 MARINE SURVEYORS January 27, 2003 .Aid 2 u FcCC'D 1 " — BUSINESS: 52f37.4702 FAX:252-637-3100 �._: Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy, Drawing Sheet 5 of 5, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Illustrative Sketch, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., April 3, 2002. Dear Mr. Walsh: The Fairfield Harbour POA is in possession of a CAMA permit authorizing them to restore portions of the riparian buffer of Northwest Creek at outfalls 1, A, and C associated with their approved stormwater management plan, permit number SW7000518. On their behalf, we are now requesting a modification of the CAMA permit to also include outfalls 2, B and D associated with the stormwater plan. As an adjacent riparian property owner to outfall 8, we are providing the enclosures for your review and comment. In brief, the North Carolina Administrative Code definition of the Neuse River Buffer includes the 50 feet of upland immediately adjacent to the Neuse River and any of its tributaries. The proposed work will restore the portions of this buffer along Northwest Creek where the six outfalls previously mentioned are currently located. In compliance with the application process, we are required to notify adjacent riparian property owners that they have 10 days from receipt of this notification in which to comment on the proposed permit modification. If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637- 4702. Very truly yours, OBERT M HILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS 70A93`i000bl IOb 3 t39 7`i BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE is 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564-3496 Mr. James Miller 5320 Trade Winds Rd. New Bem, NC 28560 Subject: Enclosure: Dear Mr. Miller. ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS 8 MARINESURVEYORS January 27, 2003 CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification JAN 2 3 C "J 4 i r- --- BUSINESS:252-637-4702 I G ' • , . ` FAX: 252-637-3100 — (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy, Drawing Sheet 5 of 5, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Illustrative Sketch, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., April 3, 2002. The Fairfield Harbour POA is in possession of a CAMA permit authorizing them to restore portions of the riparian buffer of Northwest Creek at outfalls 1, A, and C associated with their approved stormwater management plan, permit number SW7000518. On their behalf, we are now requesting a modification of the CAMA permit to also include outfalis 2, B and D associated with the stormwater plan. As an adjacent riparian property owner to outfall B, we are providing the enclosures for your review and comment. In brief, the North Carolina Administrative Code definition of the Neuse River Buffer includes the 50 feet of upland immediately adjacent to the Neuse River and any of its tributaries. The proposed work will restore the portions of this buffer along Northwest Creek where the six outfalis previously mentioned are currently located. In compliance with the application process, we are required to notify adjacent riparian property owners that they have 10 days from receipt of this notification in which to comment on the proposed permit modification. If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. 4702. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637- Very truly yours, BERT M. CHILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE 7c)99 3 -f o0 OD 1 3`'$ ( 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 285643496 Mr. William Kayal 1546 Tanner Ave. Manasquan, NJ 08736 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS 8 MARINE SURVEYORS January 27, 2003 BUSINESS:252-637-4702 FAX:252-637-3100 nncengr® Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy, Drawing Sheet 5 of 5, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Illustrative Sketch, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., April 3, 2002. Dear Mr. Kayal: The Fairfield Harbour POA is in possession of a CAMA permit authorizing them to restore portions of the riparian buffer of Northwest Creek at outfalls 1, A, and C associated with their approved . stormwater management plan, permit number SW7000518. On their behalf, we are now requesting a modification of the CAMA permit to also include outfalls 2, B and D associated with the stormwater plan. As an adjacent riparian property owner to outfall D, we are providing the enclosures for your review and comment. In brief, the North Carolina Administrative Code definition of the Neuse River Buffer includes the 50 feet of upland immediately adjacent to the Neuse River and any of its tributaries. The proposed work will restore the portions of this buffer along Northwest Creek where the six outfalls previously mentioned are currently located. In compliance with the application process, we are required to notify adjacent riparian property owners that they have 10 days from receipt of this notification in which to comment on the proposed permit modification. If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your. comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637 4702. Very. truly yours, ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. �ll", `1L Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS 7 0�q M0l:��0 l 10(-3%3 (9 a BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. r .BAN 2 3 hi C'+J ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS MARINE SURVEYORS BUSINESS: 252-637-4702 417-A BROAD ST. _ FAX: 252-637-3100 P.O. BOX N96 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA28564-3496 January 27, 2003 Ms. Mary Ann Miller 905 Waynewood Blvd. Alexandria, VA 22308 Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy, Drawing Sheet 5 of 5, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Illustrative Sketch, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., April 3, 2002. Dear Ms. Miller. The Fairfield Harbour POA is in possession of a CAMA permit authorizing them to restore portions of the riparian buffer of Northwest Creek at outfalls 1, A, and C associated with their approved stormwater management plan, permit number SW7000518. On their behalf, we are now requesting a modification of the CAMA permit to also include outfalls 2, B and D associated with the stormwater plan. As an adjacent riparian property owner to outfall D, we are providing the enclosures for your review and comment. In brief, the North Carolina Administrative Code definition of the Neuse River Buffer includes the 50 feet of upland immediately adjacent to the Neuse River and any of its tributaries. The proposed work will restore the portions of this buffer along Northwest Creek where the six outfalls previously mentioned are currently located. In compliance with the application process, we are required to notify adjacent riparian property owners that they have 10 days from receipt of this notification in which to comment on the proposed permit modification. If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637 4702. Very truly yours, OBERT CHILES, P.E. 1� Michael L. Rice, E.I. MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS 7Ll 0 0 ` I ag93`�o000110 ro38 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564-3496 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. r( ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS & MARINE SURVEYORS BUSINESS: 252-6374702 FAX:252-637-3100 January 27, 2003 rmceogr@000nneclnec Mr. Alvin Sousa - 71 5 Lawrence Street, Bldg 16 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy, Drawing Sheet 5 of 5, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Illustrative Sketch, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., April 3, 2002. Dear Mr. Sousa: The Fairfield Harbour POA is in possession of a CAMA permit authorizing them to restore portions of the riparian buffer of Northwest Creek at outfalls 1, A, and C associated with their approved stormwater management plan, permit number SW7000518. On their behalf, we are now requesting a modification of the CAMA permit to also include outfalls 2, B and D associated with the stormwater plan. As an adjacent riparian property owner to outfall 2, we are providing the enclosures for your review and comment. In brief, the North Carolina Administrative Code definition of the Neuse River Buffer includes the 50 feet of upland immediately adjacent to the Neuse River and any of its tributaries. The proposed work will restore the portions of this buffer along Northwest Creek where the six outfalls previously mentioned are currently located. In compliance with the application process, we are required to notify adjacent riparian property owners that they have 10 days from receipt of this notification in which to comment on the proposed permit modification. If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. 4702. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637- Very truly yours, ROBERT MILES, P.E. . C -/// Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE 7'o99 3`1 rjt btl I b 63% 3950 ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. J N 2 6O ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS & i MARINESURVEYORS 417-ABROAD ST. BUSINESS:252-637-4702 FAX:252-637-3100 P.O. BOX 3496 - NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA28564-3496 rmcengr® January 27, 2003 • lZ Mr. Tom Steffens Mr. Robert Zarzecki NC DENR Division of Water Quality N.C. DENR Division of Water Quality 943 Washington Square Mall 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Suite 250 Washington, N. C. 27889 Raleigh, N. C. 27604 Re. August 14, 2002 letter to Debra Sawyer and Bob Zarzecki. NCDENR DWQ Stormwater Permit SW7000518 CAMA Permit #02-93 Subject: Fairfield Harbour POA Neuse River Buffer Restoration. Enclosures: (1) Copy, CAMA Permit #02-93, with current drawings (2) Copy, Drawings, Sheet 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, PE, January 27, 2003/ Gentlemen: Our letter of August 14, 2002 provided notice that Fairfield Harbour POA is in possession of a CAMA permit authorizing the restoration of grade and vegetation of Neuse River Buffer where penetrated by three stormwater outfalls along Northwest Creek, more specifically, outfalls 1, A, and C of their approved stormwater plan. On behalf of our client the Fairfield Harbour POA, we have submitted a request to modify the CAMA permit to also authorize the restoration of grade and vegetation of Neuse River Buffer where penetrated by the three remaining stormwater outfalls, more specifically, outfalls 2, B, and D of their approved stormwater plan. Northwest Creek is a tributary of the Neuse River and subject to 15A NCAC 2B.0233, commonly referred to as the Neuse River Buffer Rules. One special condition of the CAMA permit requires that we contact you before initiation of construction. We are providing this letter to you as that contact. We request that your office provide written approval to proceed with the buffer restorations authorized by the CAMA permit. Should you require additional information or have any questions, contact us at your earliest convenience. Very truly yours, Robert M. Chiles, P.E. Wv�141CW14 Michael L. Rice, E.I. cc Robert Brown, FHPOA, w/o enclosures F:\M&eR\Documents\I998 & Prior\98258\98258 Steffens Zarzecki Ouffdls.wpd MECHANICAL. CIVIL. AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL. MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564-3496 Mrs. Tracey Wheeler NCDENR Division of Coastal Management 151-B Highway 24 Morehead City, N. C. 28557 ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS MARINE SURVEYORS February 7, 2003 Re: Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit # 02-93 Proposed Modification Enclosures: (1) Copies, USPS Domestic Return Receipts Dear Mrs. Wheeler: BUSINESS: 252-637-4702 FAX:252-637-3100 FEB 1.0 2003 We have received all of the domestic return receipts for the letters sent to adjacent property owners of the proposed additional buffer restoration sites. One of the receipts was returned without a signature, but delivery was confirmed via the USPS internet site, and a copy of that confirmation is included with enclosure 1. Letters were also sent to Tom Steffens and Bob Zarzecki, DWQ, Pat McClain, DLR, and Scott Jones USACE informing them of the permit modification request and requesting written responses. In the interim, we received a letter from John Dorney, DWQ that included DWQ approval to proceed and requested additional information that has since been forwarded to Bill Moore, Danny Smith, and Mr. Dorney. Should you require additional information or have any questions, please contact us at your convenience. Very truly yours, OBERT M. CHILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. cc. Robert Brown, FHPOA, w/o enclosures F:\MikeR\Documents\l998 & Prior\98258\98258 Wheeler CAMA Modification Receipts.wpd MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE I ROBERT M. CHILI ENGINEERS, CONSULTAN ! 'n i:t :•r :., & m a!✓l2S 10.2�OC.� MARINESURVEYORS v :. 417-ABROAD ST. Postage $ A N C P.O. BOX 3496 M NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564.3496 January 27, 20C 0 Certified Fee tb� p d) 3 a RReturnReceipt Fee _i }��erk LO yl (Endorsement Required) l �OD� Mr. James Pollock Restricted Delivery Fee p (Endorsement Required) 5606 Gondolier Dr. USp�' New Bern, NC 28560 o total Postage &Fees •.$ ? Name (Please Print Cle�dffif to ffiiVVDDGGfr1II r Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification No.;.o�PO- �- _ _ P.O: BOX 3496 Ciry State. Z/P+4 ' ' Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfie li' NEVU BERN, NC 28564-3496 Modification for Buffer Restoration, pi -A rim 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy, Dr( Buffer Re THIS SECTION ON 2002. ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A. /� e,ived by (PI a Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery item 4 if Restricted Delivery is"desired. JA$,VS-S V b LLc Dear Mr. Pollock: ■ Print your name and address orl the reverse J%naturle to that we can return the card to you.!1 Q �❑ Agent ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, XN. O�.o ❑Addressee The Fairfield Harbour POi or on the front if space permits.D.ery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes of the riparian buffer of Northwe 1. Article Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ N stormwater management plan, n �S-Q.Q.aG� modification of the CAMA perm I `F— plan. As an adjacent riparian pr :Ivy review and comment. 5Cv61. �o�/dA Nev/ /JG 2$5160 3. Service Type - In brief, the North Cor011n . [Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise 50 feet of upland immediately a, ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. will restore the portions of this bu- 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee)- , ❑ Yes are currently located. 2. Article Number - (rransfer from service label) 75 413Y M Z)a 11 0 63 8 3 96 i In compliance with the a Ps Form 3811, March 2001 Domestic Re FEB 10 2003 102595-01-M-1424 owners that they have 10 days fry Return Receipt permit modification. If you have any. comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637- 4702. Very truly yours, ROBERT M. CHILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS �+ BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE 9o9131,r"Co0iIot,-i- 1 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564-3496 Postage $ 4 470 \p� Certified Fee J w tmark rt r Return Receipt Fee Mr. John Walsh ; r1-11 (Endorsement Required) 560 Washington Post Rd. C3 Restricted Delivery Fee Q5 New Bern, NC 28560 0 (EndorsemeneRegRequired) US r3Total Postage & Fees Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification m Narne(Please PnntCle�tr P.E. "...................................................... . Q- Street, Apt. No.; or PO Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield Ir - �..BOX 3496 p F , NEW BERN NC 28564-3496 " 0 "city "sure. 5J- 4 Modification for Buffer Restoration, re r- , 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy Drt;IwinriShcct Buffer Ri SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY �•��' 2002. ■ Complete items 1 2 and 3. Also complete A. Received by (PI se 'n Clearly) B. Date of Delivery Dear Mr. Walsh: The Fairfield Harbour P( of the riparian buffer of Northw stormwater management plar modification of the CAMA pert plan. As an adjacent riparian I review and comment. In brief, the North Carol 50 feet of upland immediately will restore the portions of this b are currently located. 2. Article Number -q r Q I In compliance with the (transfer from service laben ! �� 3`� o��D (I D 6 8 3) -7y owners that they have 10 days PS Form 3811, March 2001 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-01-M-1424 permit modification. item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the -card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Slob �J�csh%In�giaN �S1� lbw gc,N) Nc Z g5(o O w -D3 C. Signature X ❑Agent C )-i-rvc c`� ❑ Addressee D. Is delivery address different from item 17 ❑ f If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ 3. Service Type ® Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail 1 ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. I 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637- 4702. Very truly yours, OBERT M HILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL. AND MARINE ENGINEERING COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACiUTIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS 700,53Lfmtal lob 3 �35 7`! MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE 417-A BROAD ST. P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA 28564-3496 Mr. James Miller 5320 Trade Winds Rd. New Bern, NC 28560 ROBERT M. CHIL ENGINEERS, CONSULTAP ca MARINE SURVEYORS M . cO January 27, 20( r-n. .n O Total Postage & Fees $ I S Name (Please Print Clearly) (to be completed br'maile Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification D E T.M. C�t�L ,_P.E..........._ Sheet: ML No; orPO ox117 o. Er RO -BDX-349&----------------------------------------- Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfie N Ciry, State, LP+4 Modification for Buffer Restoration, pr PS Form3800. July 1999 Se e Reverse for Instructions 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles,__ P.E., January 27, 2003. _ ----- - ----- (3) Copy, Drc-"---'- e . Buffer Re; • - • • • lease Print clearly) B. Date of Delivery 2002. t 'terns 1 2 and 3. Also complete q gxely�d A ---1 i e k- 1 a3 Dear Mr. Miller. The Fairfield Harbour POP. of the riparian buffer of Northwes- stormwater management plan, I:modification of the CAMA permit plan. As an adjacent riparian prc review and comment. ■ t omple e I , I item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, or on the front if space permits. D. 1. Article Addressed to: My '. �'W>;s 532o -F00c W Nds �zd New �I , NC, Z� &0 In brief, the North Carolina 50 feet of upland immediately ad; will restore the portions of this buffs are currently located. 2. Article Number fn-nsfer from service label) In compliance with the ap; PS Form 3811, March 2001 owners that they have 10 days fror permit modification. p.Agent q address different from item 11 ❑Yes enter delivery address below: 0 No fEB 1.0 2003 3. Service Type Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes �yo�lJo l l ob383�81 Domestic Return Receipt - , „ , I I ut I me proposed If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637- 4702. Very truly yours, BERT M. CHILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL. CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL. MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE 7�-'99 3 -/00 U I 102595-01-M-14 , ROBERT M. CHILE . ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS & MARINESURVEYORS ' M 417-A BROAD ST. •-' F '-•' ` ~ Q� P.O. BOX 3496 43 Postage $ NEW BERN, NORTH CAROUNA 28564 3496 January 27, 2003 co _ Certified Fee F Return Receipt Fee V r-:1 (Endorsement Required) Mr. William Kayal r3 Restricted Delivery Fee +f 1546 Tanner Ave. V3 (Endorsement Required) Manasquan, NJ 08736 M Total Postage ✓f Fees $ C3 SFiy Pri Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification �. M�r�:��..�.. a:P �= 3496 --------------------------------•--------------- Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield r P+p�FEW BERN, NC 28564-3496 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prep< 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet l of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert _M. CHIP-, P.E., January 27, 2003. (3) Copy; Buffer Print Clearly) B. Date of Delivery 2002. complete A Received by (please- ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also i item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse Dear Mr. Kayal' • so that we can return the card to you. ■ Attach this card to the back of the maiipiece, The Fairfield Harbour F or on the front if space permits. of the riparian buffer of North 1. Article Addressed to: stormwntt-r mnnnnamcan+ mlet , l � J1_2AA2,Q r%'t 1" P �J _ J PS - Track & Confirm ,c�, 'r9NNP-1?- Ave :2 Lit ITMSTA _ S IMA M O� , NT p.�(o Track & Confirm Delivery Status You entered 7099 3400 0011 0638 3998 2. Article Number \C rfcr from service label) U r nc PS Form 3811, March 200- C. Signature ❑ Agent X ❑ Addre different from item 17 [3 Yes D. Is delivery address p No if YES, enter delivery address below DES 10 2003 3. Sen(ICSTYPO ❑ Express Mail ,Certified Mail ❑ [3 Registered Return Receipt for Merchandise 17'1 Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. R(E es;cted Delivery? xtra Fee) 3�B�t�ll O(o3$3iQg Domestic Return Receipt Your item was delivered at 9:30 am on February 03, 2003 in MANASQUAN, NJ 08736. ;'' SAi�etd ffiaiatl> •; Track & Confirm Enter label number Track & Confirm FAGS I . Goya r' 1. POSTAL INSPECTORS site map contact us government services L. Preserving the Trust Copyright o 1999-2002 USPS. All Rights Reserved. Terms of Use Privacy Policy ❑ Yes 102595-014-1424 Al ROBERT M. CHILE ' ENGINEERS, CONSULTANTS �Jt.�/1(J �y MARINESURVEYORS R1 f, 417-ABROAD ST. 43,Postage . P.O. BOX 3496 Ri A Ca NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA28564 3496 January 27, 2003 -a Certified Fee �F1�stmar O . Here w Return Receipt Fee 2o�J '! �' (Endorseorsement Required) Mr. Alvin Sousa C3 Restricted Delivery Fee , J C3 (Endorsement Required) u S P S 5 Lawrence Street, Bldg 16 Bloomfield, NJ 07003 o Total POS�9° �` Fees $ mName (Please Print Clei3tl Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Q, "�,'B 0X 3496 Stree4 Apt. No or PO ---.... Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfield H. or ry $tdte' 'P�° ._ NEW ON,NC 28564-3496 Modification for Buffer Restoration, prep 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit. •-----i Appl!CC'- COMi THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY - f P.E., Jai SENDER: COMPLETE (3) Copy, L . • Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete_ A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) B.=fD Buffer R item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse C. Si ature 2002. so that we can return the card to you. gent ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X Addressee or on the front if space permits. i x' D. s delivery address different from item 1? ❑ Yes Dear Mr. Sousa: 1. Article Addressed to: If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ The Fairfield Harbour PI R , ----of _the riparian buffer of Northvn { !� l 'e4 FEB 10 2003 USPS - Track & Confirm / J- 3. Service Type u� i ,fi► y �/ b`ertified Mail ❑Exress Mail p ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise. RV PO E ICEo ❑Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number (Cop ,1i m sari .ce laabbel)�D ��}�� _max 3 `�� / .�y �( !a PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt Track &Confirm Delivery Status 102595-00-M-0952 _or on me aura n :sNacC Nmnnw. - D is delivery address different from item 17 ❑Yes You entered 7099 3400 0011 0638 395 Your item was delivered at 1:36 pm on. BLOOMFIELD, NJ 07003. 1. Article Addressed to: S L� Q-�•t�1 �G �� 13 � � � N3 0_--003 If YES, enter delivery address below: ❑ No 3. SSe `ice Type 11Certified Mail ❑ Express Mail ❑ Registered ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise ❑ Insured Mail ❑ C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes 2. Article Number POSTAL INSPECTORS (transfer from service label) x Preserving the Trust Copyrig PS Form 3811, March 2001 Domestic ReturnReceipt 102595-01-M-14', t.b.s. Postal`Sen IF CERTIFIED.N f 1Dnmestir Mail nnli ROBERT M. CHILE C3Article Sent To: ENGINEERS,CONSULTANI, a Ms. a MARINESURVEYORS 417-ABROAD ST m Postage a P.O. BOX 3496 NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA28564-3496 January 27, 200: �p Certified Fee' + Ms. Mary Ann, Miller 905 Waynewood Blvd. Alexandria, VA 22308 • Return Receipt fee : - r� (Endorsement Required) _ l a .. f 3 Restricted Delivery Fee ' p (Endorsement Required) NC 2BS cti, re rO Total Postage& Feesd1 $ aI v m Name(P/easePll68L IrF-. CgMlt , Subject: CAMA Permit #02-93 Modification Ir street,Apt. No.; 3496 :. C 'iliry ------ --iP -- --------------------- Enclosure: (1) Copy, Drawing Sheets 1-3 of 3, Fairfielc '` + IEW BERN; C' 28564-34 6 Modification for Buffer Restoration, pre,_. "' "'Instructions: 2003. (2) Copy, Drawing Sheet 1 of 5 (revised), Fairfield Harbour POA CAMA Permit: Application for Buffer Restoration, Location Map, prepared by Robert M. Chiles, P.E., January 27, 2003.--- (3) Copy, Dro%Mnn chmt_•s,.F c_c. -c Buffer Re_ DELIVERY • . - - 2002• lease Print clearly) B. ■Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete A Received by (P ate of elivery a y item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Dear Ms. Miller: ■ Print your name and address on the reverse c, s(Qnature ` p Ae t g so that we can return the card to you. /7dJ The Fairfield Harbour POD ■Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X [3 Add ssee or on the front if space permits. different from item 1? ❑Yes } D. Is delivery of the riparian buffer of Northwe<. ow: �' Article Addressed to: if YES, ter eliveryaddress bel � No � stormwater management plan, I the CAMA MS. modification of permt plan. As an adjacent riparian pre �Q,�/� FEB 10 2003 y� review and comment. 223n� v In brief, the North Caroline ail Express Mau ❑ Return Receipt for Merchandise t1insured 50 feet of upland immediately at, ail ❑ C.O.D. will restore the portions of this buff 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes are currently located. 2. Article Number labeq In compliance with the of (Transfer from Service 102595-01•M-14� owners that they have 10 days frc Ps Form 3811, March 2001 Domestic Return Receipt permit modification. - - If you have any comments, please direct them to Mrs. Tracey Wheeler at the North Carolina Division of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR), Division of Coastal Management (DCM), Morehead City District, 151 B Highway 24, Morehead City, N. C. 28557. Clearly indicate that your comments regard the Fairfield Harbour project. 4702. Should you have any questions, contact either DCM at (252) 808-2808 or our office at (252) 637- Very truly yours, OBERT CHILES, P.E. Michael L. Rice, E.I. MECHANICAL, CIVIL, AND MARINE ENGINEERING MARINE HYDROGRAPHIC AND LAND SURVEYS COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL, MARINE AND RAILROAD FACILITIES DESIGN, FORENSIC ENGINEERING AND FAILURE ANALYSIS BOUNDARY SURVEYS AND MAPPING SERVICE 7ag93*00o110 G3g1400 )