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HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-1203s_Brainard, Robert B & Mary S._2003121801/30/2004 09:20 2526365190 PAGE 02 eaurs Local Government s _ / 2 G '- Z Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coa.^tal Resources Commission for development In an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-11 a of the I General Statutes,'Coastal ArOfManagement.- Issued to erT , ; /(�r, r y ?t kt s r d � authorizing development in as requested in the permitteo's application, dated This permit, issued on 12 —r 8 a3 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes setforth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null end vela "**This permit authorizes the grading of the existing bluff located at 403 Neese Harbour Blvd. Any other development will require additions) permits or a modification of this permit The following conditions shall apply: 1. All proposed development and assoclated construction mast be done in accordance with the application dated 11/14/03 and work drawings submitted on 12/03/03. 2. All construction must conform to the IBC Building Code requirement and all Local, State, and Federal regulations. 3, Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 4. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 0710406(b), M1 permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party by the applicant, agent, or any entity other than the NC Division of Coastal Management. 5. No excavAdon or filling of any wetlands or waters is authorized under this permit. 6- This project is located in the Neese River Basin and is subject to the EMC's Neuse River Riparian Buffer Regulation& Contact Tom Steffens with NC Division of Water Quality at (252) 946-6481 for approval prior to project initiation. 1114 yermii action may oe appealed by the permittee or other quailfiod persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the projoct is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work must coaye when this permit expires on December 31, 2ooPO In issuing this permit It is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Local ermit Otticer (signature) r name address t C� C' ermittee (signature required If special conditions above apply to permit) 12/03t2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 02 Locahry Permit Number Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shorelinc.—ORW Shoreline ___Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Namc r� nn r �Ya r Ylck� Address -r- , n o K .5 i� A city )\ig. u-N I P. vy� State AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Zip a S Phonc�'�C36�'J53 q(q- 6o7— ©33( Yu:�rcY1 Ca Address City .�.w Q,� r _ State _ -Zip 9 8 5-? 0 Phone LOCAnON OF PROJECT- (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody?) 4 0 3 • �Ja Q 5 ,r- -rts r lc,t i DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT-. (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) �'" ►'«�-� b r r �y 0T 23 W�.dL^Z Al n C1CL oc,SY�ii�-,1 - SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL. _ 6, q 5 # — square fecteat, acres PROPOSED USE: Residential (Single-family Multi-farriily ___._,) Commerical/Industrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVI- RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): , xL 1,i.. zquare feet (includes all floors and roof -covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): sq. & (Calculations include the area of the roof/drip line of aU buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, ctc. that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC urea that applies to your property: (1 ' within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC 2) within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (5) wirltin 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater. Management Permit issued by the N.C. Division of Water Quality? YES NOS_ If yes, list the total built -upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. square feet. 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 03 OTHER PERMIT'S MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a list of the kind: of permits that might be required. We suavest you check over the list with your LF0 to dctcrrn..ine if any of nccsc apply to your project: Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tarik (or other sanitary wasre treatment system). Burning, EleLtrical, Plumbing, Hearing and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Encrgy Conservation, M CcrtiFicarion. Salad Dune, Sediment Control. Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home ParkApp:nval. Highway, Connection, and others. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: I, the undersigned, an applicant for a LAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify chat the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the read property described therein. This interest can. be described as: (check one) an owner or record title. Title is vested in ,ot� rfi Maur e 5, C�,� Deed Book ( S page 11 in the C r A v I'A County Registry of Dees_ ' an nhtan erice. Applicant is an licit to the estate of owner by virtue of i4 probate; was in County. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this applicadon. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore certify that the following pt:rsons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning, my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. (Name) (Addressj), I } I �%y 10 l 0-f avid GY J qQr a_ 10tv%� �G! `Z i� 7 (2) �l r (3) (4) Q INIcLY. a-eQt FOR DE LOPERS IN OCEAN HAS AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge char the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or Hooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associ- ated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofing tech- niques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certify that I am authorized ro grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any infor- mation as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any pernut which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constlnire a violation of any permtr.. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. Thi c -r day f �� U z , 20 a- 1 crvn�/� Landowner or person authorized to act as ��s a cnt for purpose of filing a CAMA permit application. 12 3 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 04 ,SITE DRAV7I r GI-UPLI C,PTIONT CHECKLIST .ease Mai:_ surc your sic. drawing includes the folhming information required for a CAIvIA. minor development °alit. The ,'lrw. iilg may be si,m plc and riot necessarily, to scale. The "Local Permit Officer will help you, if ques"Ud. 1YSICAL D3! IENiaiONS —I` Label roads ,'ilL Label highways rij�'�^of 'rVayS Label local sc' aJ 1.liAcS 5e g Label any and all structures and driveways currently existing on property HYSaCAL CHARACTERISTICS Draw and Iabel mean high water mark lV Draw location of on -site wastewater system You will be working in the ocean hazard area: i-)raw and label dune ridgca (note height) ,Draw and label roc of dune rJ Identify and locate first liar cif stable vegetation Drav✓ and label setback lute under CAMA Dtavr and label topographical features (optional) you will. be working in an estuarine s.horcline area: Draw a.nd Label landward limit of AEC x Describe terrain (slope) b 1 0 + � C,... -4-Q $' v'I` a)EYELOI'MEl` T PLANS . Draw and label areas that will be disturbed If a house is to be placed on lot, describe location of house N Note size of P. tlln and depth to be laced in ground Draw and label areas to be paved or graveled Describe composition of surface ►� Note and list fully all trees and vegetation to be removed or relocated Show landscaping +o S a, r WA,— .-. , 10TE TO APPLICANT lave you: A completed all and / or indicated if n.or. applicable? notified and lasted adjacent property owners? • included your site drawing/ • signed both application and statement of ownership? enclosed the $100.00 fee? ° completed an AEC Hazard Notice, if necessary. FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted Final Inspection Fee Received Site Inspections Dare of Action: Issued Exempted Denied Appeal Deadline (20 days) Rcviscd 3/2003 ig a a m m Lo W m W N Lo N ROBERT B. BRAINARD MARY S. BRAINARD P.O. BOX 3152 252-MB3353 NFW BERN, WC 2B564 PAYTO TH11 ORDmorr 6545/535 8218 ¢zna5�au DATE Pao f g-�2w 3 i $ J oG, eAAi) .. f\ �=QOLLARS RBC PARK= i Cegntura c fw cerAm Dark Naw eem. Rcaesm ! ►t> Mo C ltf t� 03 Nest E:0 5 3 1008 SO40 2174 504 2 ?w B 2 L8 a 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 06 CRAVEN COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT 2828 NEUSE BLVD NEW BERN, NC 28562 (252)636-4987 FAX (252)636-5190 (252)636-4984 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Application Number . . . . . 03-00002467 Date 12/03/03 Property Address 403 NEUSE HARBOUR BLVD Parcel Id . . . . . . . . 7-206-3 -159 Application description LAMA Application valuation 0 Owner Contractor BRAINARD, ROBERT B & MARY S OWNER PO BOX 3152 NEW BERN NC 285643152 (373) 182-3567 --------------•-------------------------------------------------------------- Permit . . . MINOR Additional desc . . Issue Date . . . . 12/03/03 Valuation . . . . 0 Expiration Date 6/01/04 Qty Unit Charge Per SASE FEE Extension 100.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Notes and Comments YOU ARE HEREBY GRANTED PERMISSION TO PERFORM WORK AS DESCRIBED IN THE PERMIT APPLICATION. ALL WORK SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH THE NORTH CAROLINA STATE BUILDING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE CRAVEN C( fm CASH Fmim LOCAL, STATE AND FEDEF-AL LAWS AND s"CWTXR RECEIPT *** Date: 12/03/03 01 Receipt na: :S9y1 ORDINANCES. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THIS PERMIT MAY RESULT IN THE Discri tion Quantity A000nt REVOCATION OF THE PERMIT. IT SHALL BE `N3 9457 EP BUILDINE DErIT8 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PERMIT HOLDER 1.00 $101M TO SCHEDULE ALL INSPECTIONS, GIVING AT BRAiNARD/CANAPERMIT LEAST TWO DAYS NOTICE TO THE INSPECTIONS TR DEPARTMENT. DENer , 06 1100.80 * * Total :andarod i1 .00 GS153A-358 Total payment s1 .E9 A PERMIT ISSUED EXPIRES SIX MONTHS AFTER hang date: 12/03/03 i 15•D&:Sd THE DATE OF ISSUANCE IF THE WORK ""-'--- AUTHORIZED BY THE PERMIT HAS NOT THANK YOU FOR R PAY►�+IT COMMENCED. IF AFTER COMMENCEMENT THE WORK IS DISCONTINUED FOR A PERIOD OF 12 MONTHS, THE PERMIT THEREFORE IMMEDIATELY , EXPIRES. NO WORK AUTHORIZED BY A PERMIT THAT HAS EXPIRED MAY THEREAFTER BE PERFORMED UNTIL A NEW PERMIT HAS BEEN SECURED. Permit Ofi_icia Permit Holder 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 07 Application Date: -)-' O 7 Craven County Planning and Inspections 2828 Neuse Blvd. New Bern, NC 28562 Planning- (252) 636-6618 Fax (252) 636-5190 Permitting/Inspections- (252) 636-4987 Fax (252) 636-4984 Application # • "Office Use Only** Fees Paid? Yes— no Amount Paid $ Method of payment: Cash Check__ Other: Disaster related? Fees waived? Comments: GENERAL INF07MATION Apolicar&4nformatlon ra`Aft 1 Name: D l�-�"->� ✓ � Address: d±a %,u--st ` 4 r l 04 . City:_ N 1¢ r'� -, Stat Zip: Home Phone: Work Phone: Driver's Ucense #: State: * What name is listed with the power company?, ProRerty Owner Information (if different from above) Name: Address: City: State: Zip:. _ ....... Home Phone: Work Phone: Driver's License #: State: Property'r Information ** NOTE: An address must be assigned before proceeding with this application ** Address: L 6 3 lU tA,So r 1�� Parcel ID:S - , ,& - 3 , - 1 S: q'f_._.,, City: State Road # (if applicable): Parcel size (acres): Is the property located within an approved Subdivision? Yes_ No Mobile Home Park? Yes No If Yes, Name of Subdivision or MHP: Lot #: Section/Phase: Year Recorded: Did you (or the listed property owner) own this property on Jan. is' of the previous year? Yes No * *Directions** (attach map and indicate appro dmata location of construction): Permit Information- Please indicate which permit(s) you are applying for: —Building Inspections Permit Mobile Home Inspection _,,_,6dsttng Septic Tank ,_,_Non -Public Well/Water Supply Construction --Non-Public Well/Water Supply Operation _Development In a Flood Hazard Area New Septic Tank/Flow Increase/Change In Use/ Foundation Increase affecting existing system —Preliminary Tract Evaluation _Repair of an Usdng Septic Tank 2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 08 Memorandum To. Seth M. Laughlin, Office of Planning and bnspecdoo CC: Tom Steffens,, Steven Lane} DW� From: Robert & Mary Brainard 3 Date: 11/13/03 Re: CAMA, Minor Development permit, 403 Neuse Harbour Boulevard Written description of proposed course of action if granted permit • The purpose is to grade some of the top of the bluff from 24 feet elevation to about 21 feet elevation. This will be done predominately on the right (down stream) side because of the large tree to be preserved. This fill would be moved back behind the 75 foot waterline distance to decrease the slope on the land towards the interior of the lot. Note that the direction of the slope will not be changed only the amount of slope. • The water level shown on the survey was determined on Saturday, November, 8, 2003 a day with a North Bast wind. The enclosed picture represents the shore line on Thursday Novemberl3 a day with South West wind. Because of the flat slope of the shoreline and previous erosion, a relatively small change in water level makes a large change in shoreline. The reason for requesting the minor development permit now is so that planting vegetation in the Fall/ Winter growing season can protect the top of the bluff as soon as possible. We intend to plant the top of the bluff above the rip -rap as soon as the stonn damage is repaired. Copy of permit granted to repair the rip - rap is enclosed. 1 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 09 ADJACENT WMIAN PROPERTY OWNER S AEMENT h 1 d- � a r IJ vac ►� v� a v c� I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to o— (name of property owner) property located at 3 %-a- 146L r b 0 (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on��}Q�SQ-,in_N 1•5eY►�, eY�Vt-V% ) ,NC (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He/Sbe has described to me as shown below, the development he/she is proposing at that location, and I have no objections to his/her proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPNMNT W j t f d (To be, filled in by indiVU4 YdPrOPOSing development). +Y- e �-30 'S �(5e ff %r e a,r a -A. yv� a V Q. d 110/ 54Ykt* --• NQWS° j �vc� l 11yy!'c Signature 22. r CRVCeee- Print or Type Name 6' 19 9�09� 1 yO 4- Telephone Number 1j1z't%3 Date m LD m LD 04 to N W m to m to CV In m CNI f UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Firsf-Class Mail 1 Postage & Fees Paid I USPS Pelmk No. G-10 • Sender. Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in t �X 6n Y'G f w rtcr it '� b� O, f�oX 3 A) ��Q,r tnj �2 11lltl�iFliiilliilEiF1�EE1til�i� 11011tit tit till Fit 111�I1i1111loll lilllllfill UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Runt -pass Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Pemnit No. G•10 • Sender: Please print your name, address, and ZIP+4 in this box • r ff T 0 3 ,\'h� -BQ r ►11 N C at�61 at 11tiIII III 111111111E1till I All lii'Il11111 ll�lltilt511111kill 1 a CL LO cn Lo L0 N OD m iri 14 m m m N m m N, 4 AMA PERMIT APPLIED, FOR aaaecr: 6n1.:. 4l.CC i..l....l l.. c-ra, COMMENTS ACCEPTED THROUGH APPLICANT: Afr r- &L . kot rem a. 15lalrr ad' P.O. Rax w L FOR MORE DETAILS CONTACT LLTHE LOCAL PERMIT OFFICER BE LOIN: 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 County of Craven PAGE 12 Office of planning and Community Development Donald R. Baumgardner, Director Stephanie S. Currier, Assistant Director Shelton P. Toler, Chief Building Codes Inspector 12-03-03 Robert B. and Mary S. Brainard F.O. Box 3152 New Bern, NC 28564 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brainard, Human Services Annex 2828 Neuse Boulevard New Bem, North Carolina 28562 planning & CD (252) 636-6618 Fax (252) 636-5190 fi spections (252) 636-4997 Fax (252) 636-4984 The North Carolina Division of Coastal Management hereby acknowledges receipt of your application for state approval for minor development of the property located at 403 Neuse Harbour Blvd. in Craven County. It was received on 12-03-03, and appears to be adequate for processing at this time. The projected deadline for making a decision is 12- 15-03. NCGS 113A-I 19(b) requires that Notice of an application be posted at the location of the proposed development. Enclosed you will find a "Notice of Permit Filing" postcard which must be posted at the property of your proposed development. You should post this notice at a conspicuous point along your property where it can be observed from a public road. Some examples would be: Nailing the notice card to a telephone pole or tree along the road right-of-way fronting the property, or at a point along the road right-of- way where a private road would lead one into your property. Failure to post this notice could result in an incomplete application. An onsite inspection will be made, and if additional information is required, you will be notified. Please contact me if you have any further questions or concerns. Sincerely, Seth M. Laughlin Local Permit Officer Enclosure cc: Ted Tyndalll 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 County of Craven PAGE 13 Office of Planning and Community Development Donald R. Baumgardner, Director Stephanie S. Currier, Assistant Director Shelton P. Toler, Chief? Building Codes Inspector 12-03-03 Kevin Blaylock Sun Journal P.O. Box 1139 New Bem, NC 28563 RE: Classified Ad Human Services Annex 2828 Neuse Boulevard New Bern, North Carolina 28562 Planning & CD (252) 63 6-6618 Fax (252) 636-5190 Inspections (252) 636-4987 Fax (252) 636-4984 Dear Mr. Blaylock: Please run this ad in the legal classified section of the Sun Journal one time on 12-05-03. The ad will be billed to the Craven County Finance Department, 406 Craven Street, New Bern. The ad will be. charged to 4001430. if you have any questions please feel free to contact me 636-661 S. Sincerely, Seth M. Laughlin Planner I 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 14 NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 113-119(b), Craven County, a locality authorized to issue CAMA, permits in ,Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on 12- 03-03, Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Brainard applied for a CAMA permit for grading of a bluff at 403 Ncuse Blvd. The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by 12-14-03 will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Seth M. Lau hg_lin CAMA Local Permitting Officer Craven County Address: 2828 Neuse Boulevard New Bern, NC 28562 Phone: (252) 636-6618 PLEASE PUBLISH ON: 12-05-03 12/09/2003 02:43 2526395190 PAGE 01 DEC 0 2003 " NOTICE OF FIUNG OF `APauCATtON FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PtAMIT Pu ant to NCGS'113-119(b). dTAven County, a locality au" ttton;od to iesuo CAMA permits In Areas of Environmental Con— r corn, haroby glues NOTICE that co December 3, 2003, Mr. ` and Mrs.. Robert EL Brainard ; i Ev gad for a CAMA permit for •• ding of a bluff at 403 Noose d. Tfre:appllcation may be Inspect qd at tho address bOIOW..Pubiic comments received by Decom- ij ,14, 2003 wig be corisld- , t erEd 20later comments wU1 Do 'a,xepted and considered up to rRe' dme of Permit declslom Prolod modifications may cc, = based on further review jpd.cgmrnentL Notice of the poTvnit dedslon in this matter yAd. bo provided 'upon .written Wiest. . Seth M. Laughlin CAMA LOcat Perot M Officer Craven County ` Address; 2828 Neuee Blvd. . New 8em NC 28582 :Phone:(252)8364618 Doombar5, 2003. Affidavit of Publication. SUN -JOURNAL New Bern, N.C. Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public of the Countj ---qf Craven, State of North Carolina. on this the day of t)%,-W 2003 of the Sun Journal, being duly sworn, states that the notice entitled a true copy of which is attached hereto, appeared in the Sun Journal, a newspaper published In the City of New Bern, County of Craven, State of North Carolina, ©s,t e- a week for �►hr�- weeks, on the following dates: 200 2QO 20Q 200 200 200 900 200 The New Bern Sun Journal Subscribed a d sworn to this 0"� — day of—- o" 2003 4z�kl� 4M ,,,,,,A „ , &Wrf%M Notary Public 12/09/2003 08:43 2526365190 PAGE 02 fa s CRAVEN COUNTY PLANNING FACSIMILE 2828-Neuse Blvd. New Bern, NC 28562 171 Telephone # : (252) 636-6618 Fax #: (252) 636-5190 DATE: lZ -I ` °-� NO. OF PAGES: Z- (Including cover sheet) ITO: tl1 COMPANY: A-,119 FAX NUMBER: ZK? 31o FROM: Ll--- MESSAGE: (If any) 0 Slt 12/03/2003 15:38 2526365190 PAGE 01 CRAVEN COUNTY PLANNING FACSIMILE Qlsauxn�fII�urd�j . Y 2828-Meuse Blvd- New Bern, NC 28562 "" Telephone #: (252) 636-6618 Fax #: (252) 636-51.90 DATE: 12-- 02 0 -� NO. OF PAGES m. H (including cover sheet) To: COMPANY: C'•��l FAX NUMBER: _ ZS ZH7-Z-30 FROM: t Z4,lp MESSAGE: y (If any) PO