HomeMy WebLinkAbout60-97_Sportsman's Pier, Inc._19970929 (2)60-97 Permit Number Atlantic Beach Local Government �s CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMITS cv � as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment. Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the - General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Management.' Issued to Sportsman's Pier. Inc. authorizing development in Atlantic -Beach/ Carteret County at 500 Money Island Drive as requested in the permittee's application, dated 9.111.197 This permit, issued on 9/29/97 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1. Paving of the parking lot waterward of the 60 feet setback line is not authorized. Only tt development (i.e. paving of parking lot) landward of the setback line as shown on the modified p dated 9/2/97 is authorized. 2. Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. This permit action may be appealed by the permittes or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2000 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. Local Permit Officer (signature) Lloyd C. Wood Director of Inspections name Town of Atlantic Beach. , P.O. Boa 10 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 address This permit may not be transferred to another party without Permittee the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit) h ' C 12 1997 w CO STAL GEMENT State of North Carolina MoRE!->•Eao NMI LUU. 1-. EASI.GY I)eparlrnent (4.IUstice .\'1-rt )ItNtil' GENERAL P. (). I3(A G29 C-� REPLY TO: Robin W. Smith v RALEI it I Environmental Division Tel. (919) 716-6600 ? i G(Y.3.0629 Fa:.,919) 71&6767 December 5, 1997 Mr. David G. Bradley CERTIFIED MAIL P.O. Drawer 820 RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Atlantic Beach, N.C. 28512 Re: CAMA Variance Dear Mr. Bradley: Enclosed please find the final order, signed by the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission, reflecting the Commission's decision on November 21, 1997 to deny your variance petition. You may appeal the Commission's decision by filing a petition for judicial review in the superior court within thirty (30) days of your receipt of the order. A copy of any judicial review petition must be served on the Commission's agent for service of process at the following address: Mr. Richard Whisnant General Counsel Dept. of Environment, Health and Natural Resources P.O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N.C. 27611 Please call if you have any questions. cc: Dave Heeter Charles Jones Very Truly Yours, Robin W. Smith Assistant Attorney General I( t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA BEFORE THE NORTH CAROLINA COASTAL RESOURCES COMMISSION COUNTY OF CARTERET IN THE MATTER OF: ) PETITION FOR VARIANCE BY ) DAVID BRADLEY and ) FINAL ORDER SPORTSMAN'S FISHING PIER, ) INC. ) This matter was heard on oral arguments and stipulated facts at the regularly scheduled meeting of the North Carolina Coastal Resources Commission (hereinafter CRC) on November 21, 1997, in Wilmington, North Carolina pursuant to N.C.G.S. § 113A-120.1 and T15A NCAC 7J.0700, et sea. Assistant Attorney General David Heeter appeared for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Coastal Management; David G. Bradley represented himself. Upon consideration of the record documents and the arguments of the parties, the CRC adopts the following: 1. Sportsman's Pier is a restaurant/tackle shop and fishing pier located at 500 Money Island Drive, Atlantic Beach, Carteret County. 2. The restaurant/tackle shop and the fishing pier are located waterward of a wooden seawall over the beach and waters of the Atlantic Ocean. 3. The erosion setback is measured from the wooden seawall since that is where the first line of stable natural vegetation existed prior to the Atlantic Beach spoil deposition project. 4. The highground property landward of the seawall is used for a parking lot to accommodate customers of the Sportsman's Pier. 2 5. The western portion of the parking lot is paved with asphalt. 6. The eastern portion of the parking lot which measures approximately 100 feet by 120 feet consists of layers of marl, clay, tar, and other materials and some pieces of asphalt and concrete. 7. In the past, Mr. Bradley has maintained the eastern portion of the parking lot by resurfacing it with marl. 8. David Bradley applied to the Local Permit Officer, Town of Atlantic Beach, for a permit under the Coastal Area Management Act to pave all of the eastern portion of the parking lot. 9. On September 29, 1997, the Local Permit Officer granted Minor Development Permit No. 60-97 authorizing the paving of the approximately 40 foot by 120 foot portion of the eastern parking lot landward of the minimum 60 foot erosion setback but not the approximately 60 foot by 120 foot portion seaward of the erosion setback. 10. Mr. Bradley refused to accept Permit No. 60-97 and instead petitioned for a variance to pave all of the eastern parking lot, not just the approximately 60 foot by 120 foot seaward of the erosion setback. 11. The parking lot in question was developed approximately 40 years ago prior to the adoption of the Coastal Area Management Act. 12. The number of cars using the Sportsman's Pier parking lot has increased due to an increase in business at the Sportsman's Pier. 13. Glenn. Street is a paved street to the north of the Sportsman's Pier property which provides access to the Sportsman's Pier parking lot. k, 14. Increased tourism has resulted in an increase in the traffic on Glenn Street some of which enters the Sportsman's Pier parking lot and turns around. 15. Neighboring property owners have complained to the Carteret County Health Department about dust from the Sportsman's Pier parking lot. 16. The marl atop the Sportsman's Pier parking lot is crushed and dispersed by vehicular traffic and becomes dusty during dry periods. 17. The Sportsman's Pier parking lot presently drains towards the ocean so that substantial rains may wash ruts in the marl and transport material waterward of the bulkhead. 18. Paving the approximately 40 foot by 120 foot portion of the parking lot landward of the erosion setback line will not address any dust or erosion problems on the remainder of the lot. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact the Coastal Resources Commission makes the following: 1. The CRC has jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter. 2. The parties have been correctly designated and there is no question of misjoinder or nonjoinder of parties. 3. All notices for the proceeding were adequate and proper. 4. Application of 15A NCAC 7H.0306(a)(1) and 7H.0309(a)(2) will not result in practical difficulties or unnecessary hardship to Petitioners in that Petitioners can continue to use the eastern portion of the Sportsman's Pier parking lot in compliance with the rule. ti 4 5. Petitioners have identified no conditions peculiar to the subject property. The conditions identified by Petitioners relate to Petitioners' choice of surface material for the unpaved parking area. 6. The Commission could reasonably have anticipated the conditions on Petitioners' property when the rules were adopted. 7. The creation of a paved parking area seaward of the minimum oceanfront setback of sixty (60) feet is not consistent with the spirit, purpose and intent of coastal management statutes and rules which intentionally restrict development seaward of the minimum setback in order to minimize danger to life and property associated with the placement of structures in a high hazard area. Based on the foregoing Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, the Coastal Resources Commission hereby DENIES Petitioners' request for a variance from 7H.0306(a)(1) and 71-1.0309(a)(2). This the S day of December, 1997. EugA B. Tomlinson, Jr., Chairman Coastal Resources Commission ' —FROM— 0 / �. �"� / OI '7 THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE TO Ted CZ-++ 0"- h c 4t 'Is a, o p & a 'F -Ell .� P c r -i-s ►,•� A K' s t, c v P t et r cr ti�� c-a. ! 1 �►-t c s d W C c, C -r f k r 1 (vuvCat 6tr 'LI-c— D OCT 2 9 1997 COASTAL MANAGEMENT MOREHEAD ~�' H C t Teth 'Sportsman's Pier, Inc. eo Drawer azo 0,t-7"SniMoney Island Drive c Beach, NC 28512 USA rnone ty t yq i Lo-.s i Fax (919) 726-6873 October 15, 1997 Director Division of Coastal Management PO Box 27687 Raleigh, NC 27611 RE: CAMA Variance Request File Number 60-97 Dear Sirs: RECE1 1aD OCT 171997 GOAStAL MANAGEMENT I am requesting a variance from CAMA regulations for the purposes of completing a paving job on the parking lot of the Sportsman's Pier in Atlantic Beach, NC. We resurfaced 150 foot of our parking lot with asphalt and wish to resurface the remaining 120' by 100' parking lot which has been maintained and used by this business since the mid 1950's. The subject lot has been surfaced with multiple layers of impervious surface over 40 years and currently has over a foot of marl, and 6 inches of clay, hardpan, concrete paving and other materials as indicated on the attached drawings. Increasing levels of traffic through the parking lot along with more use of adjacent property (consisting primarily of cottages and residences) has created some conflict arising from dust created by traffic through the parking lot. Following are answers to the questions required by the variance request form DCM 11: • (a)Enforcement of the applicable development or standards will cause the Petitioner practical difficulties and unnecessary hardships. The difficulty is primarily dust created by traffic through the parking lot causing hardship to neighbors. This in turn has raised health concerns by the Carteret County Health Department which was contacted by these neighboring property owners. Copies of letters from adjacent property owners, the Atlantic Beach Town Council and the Carteret County Health Department have been forwarded to Charles Jones. Other difficulties are higher maintenance costs involved with continual replacement of marl and grading of the lot and difficulties caused by the fact that this material is continually washed onto the beach. • (b)These hardships result from conditions peculiar to this property. These hardships result from the pier parking lot being developed in the mid 1950's and from changing commercial/residentiallresort mix of property use. These lots were developed and sold being only 100 feet deep without enough depth to accommodate setbacks now required by CAMA regulation. The lots were sold for residential, resort and commercial purposes. Increased development and increased use of existing houses in adjacent residential lots have made dust driven by the predominate wind and created by increasing traffic more problematic. Also slope of the property is such that substantial rains wash ruts in the marl and carry the material onto the beach. • (c)The Coastal Resources Commission could not anticipate all of the problems caused by changing uses and changing of the mix of uses in preexisting developments on these islands. The Commission could not foresee increasing health concerns arising from dust. As well, interpretation of the definition of development as it pertains to preexisting development is difficult to foresee in all of its facets. While both gravel and asphalt are prohibited from setbacks in undeveloped lots, resurfacing this existing lot (which contains clay, concrete paving, tar and pitch, and other materials) with more gravel is allowed but changing to asphalt is not. • (d)The proposed development is consistent with the spirit, purpose and intent of the Commission's regulations because it will better handle the existing traffic through this commercial area by lowering dust levels, and by preventing rock and gravel from washing onto the beach from runoff. It will also promote the health and well A being of visitors and well as the nearby property owners by controlling dust created by traffic through the lot. Over time, less money will be spent paving than would be otherwise spent in replacing gravel and grading. Due to the above reasons and for the welfare of all involved, I request a variance from the Coastal Resources Commission to allow us to resurface the existing 120 foot by 100 foot parking lot with asphalt. Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, David G. Bradley, Preside t Sportsman's Pier, Inc. DCM FORM i I PE n nONEWS NAME COUNTY � F7' i CAMA �9 (Perittoner leave blank);:;:� COASTAL MANAd1IT Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 113A I?t}.I and 15A North Carolina Adrnin saat'ye Code Section .4700, the Petitioner in this matter applies to the Coastal. Resources Cotiiinission .for a variance. For this application to be complete, the Petitioner must provide co=leteireSpOnsw to each statement below: (a) Will enforcement of the applicable development guidelines or standards the Petitioner practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships? If so, the petitioner must identify the difficulties or hardships. ' (b) Do such difficulties or hardships result from conditions peculiar to the' •Pt* t tia;.es EXplaln' {:.: (c) Could the Coastal Resources Commission have reasonably conditions when the applicable guidelines or standards were a�dopted� (d) Is the proposed development consistent with the spirit, Purpose aad iritenirof thie Commission's regulations? Explain. ' NOT8: For this request to be considered, size Petitioner must be alile to answer (a), (b) asad (d) in the aff anative- and (c) in the negative. i7ue to the above information and p=umt to statute, the undersigned hereby requests a variaa e- The undersigned states that (check one): He or she has ieceived a final decision on an Application far a CAMA Major ]development Permit; or He or she has received a final decision on as Application fot aCAMA . Nfinor Development Permit. The undersigned has attached: (a) A copy of the Permit Application and the decision; and ' CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE T I- (Mis Certificate of Service should be attached to any Variance Requestea with die Office of Administrative mis6dve Hearings. You don't have to a=6 ai'6i' &M. any Variance Request you file with the Director or any District Mmiager ihi-Di aa: if Coastal Management under the Coastal Resources * Commission's ex vAfiailcd .u, o ped.iteid I hereby cmthat this Variance Request has been served on The Stateie*- a- w depositing copies of it with the United States =fficied postage: for es Postal Service 77 by first class mail or by personally delivering copies to the narned Served on: Director , Division of Coastal Management n P.O. Box 27697 Raleigh, NC 27611; and Attorney General's Office Environmental Section P.O. Box 629 Raleigh, NC: .27602-M29 77V This the clay of e)z&&j- Signature of Petitioner or ep/1 8773 RECEIVED OCT 17 1997 COASTAL MANAGEMENT TOWN OF ATLANTIC BEACH 125 WEST FORT MACON ROAD ATLANTIC BEACH, NORTH CAROLINA CERTIFIED MAIL #Z 055 670 539 September 29, 1997 Sportsman's Pier, Inc. Mr. David Bradley P.O. Box 820 Atlantic Beach, NC 28512 Dear Mr. Bradley, After reviewing your application in conjunction with the development standards required by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) and our locally adopted Land Use Plan and Ordinances, please find atta"ch'ed CAMA Minor Development Permit #60-97. This permit authorizes the paving of the east parking lot, on your property off Glenn Street, adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean, in Atlantic Beach, Carteret County, North Carolina. However, please note that Condition #1 restricts the development (i.e. paving of the parking lot) to that portion of the parking lot located landward of the 60' setback line. The proposed development waterward of the 60' setback line is not authorized. The issuance of the permit with conditions is based on the finding that a part of your request violates NCGS 113A-120(8) which requires that applications be denied which are inconsistent with CAMA guidelines. Without Condition #1 being attached to the permit, your application would have been denied, thus not authorizing any part of the parking lot to be paved. According. to your application, you have applied to pave an existing gravel parking lot, in which a portion is located within the 60' setback area. This is inconsistent with 15 NCAC 7H .0306(a)(1) which states that, "If neither a primary nor a frontal dune exists on or landward of the lot on which the development is proposed, the development shall be landward of the erosion setback line. The erosion setback line shall be a distance 30 times the long-term annual erosion rate from the first line of stable vegetation or measurement line, where applicable. In areas where the rate is less than two feet per year, as in your case, the setback line shall be 60 feet from the vegetation line or measurement line, where applicable." As you are well aware, you are allowed to maintain the entire parking lot, including that portion located within the setback area, by resurfacing the lot with additional gravel or other suitable materials. 4 Such maintenance may reduce the amount of fine powder materials that may become airborne. POST OFFICE BOX 10 - ATLANTIC BEACH. NORTH CAROLINA 28512 - (919) 726-8380 - FAX (919) 726-5115 R, Mr. David Bradley September 29, 1997 Page 2 You have the right to appeal the decision to issue this permit with the stated conditions. Appeal notices must be received by the NC Division of Coastal Management and Office of Administrative Hearings.in Raleigh within 20 days of your receipt of this letter. You also have the right to file -a- variance request. If you need either form, please contact me at 919-728-8380. Sincerely, Llo FdC. Wood Director of Inspections/LPO Attachment Xc: Ted Tyndall, DCM i SpK GLENN .:STRE 20' R/� '(PAv l 120.00' SIR TEL q . - EIA OE ---- - WOOD EIp - rp .- - -- ASPHALT PARKING �0 AREA - 0.759* A R A ING SETSAcK oz p 9.0Bp T---r IR .CHAIN LINE- "FENCE. PPb Su/ 6,fOS5EG77Z)A)' ` .0r-86,4 �6 46.3' lax • 12 �►;�.e MARL ONE STORY . VINYL SIDED O r' RESTURANT A ,� �"viaLinq GEA!'' TpCKLE'SHOP/ON PILINGS •s; ti 6 CZ4 Y - CD ocK ' QK�NFj 'I�ESciRFAC04 EXISTING ASPH4 L T SPK PA rl ING OPEN CUF ASPHALT ----------- ... OE ......... . .......... EIR --- OE ------ ......... pp . . 130 LF 4"DIF C-rwrD I I k1r, 4--- 136 LF 2"SCH-40 1-� w CD "PP E X - D —i-, 0 X � DRAIN LINES (TO FE-1.11-AN) - a S03' 30' oo"w GI ENN ST -4-78 SIR S81-00,00"E 120. 00' FS i Cs 1.07. MIN. PVC FORCE MAIN W/36"MIN COVER Ice)- EXISTING 800 GAL SEPTIC TANK TO RE CONVERTED TO P: 11Y. P TANK "C-V pp ............. Tv —�ULKH[t�D LP T t. DUNES - r- , - V - . NCE GFYAVEL PARK I N 20, 1.01 :20, 40. SCALE 1 2 0' SIR l CARTERET COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT Courthouse Square, Beaufort, NC 28516 J.T. Garrett, Ed. D., M.P.H. 07 October 1997 Mr. Charles Jones, Director N. C. Division of Coastal Management Plaza Two -Suite B 0CT 0 9 1997 J t�, 151 Highway 24 / Morehead City, NC 28557��o�.f Dear Mr. Jones: `'h,te� Y�✓''r`"' r'�' The Environmental Health Division was requested to take action on a dust problem at the Sportsmans Pier parking lot. We have received letters from and talked to adjacent property owners. I have visited the property on three (3) occasions to witness the dust being created by traffic in the parking lot. Mr: Bradly has informed me that he has applied for a permit to pave the lot and is awaiting approval from your agency. We are not in opposition to -Mr. -Bradley's request to pave the gravel parking lot since this should alleviate or reduce this dust problem. If I can be of further assistance please feel free to call me at 728-8499. Sincerely, William L. Yon,., R.S. Environmental Health Program Specialist cc: Joe & Ruth Martin Cathy Gibbons ` Dr. J. T. Garrett Health Department (919) 728-8550 Health Director Environmental Health (919) 728-8499 Fax (919) 728-1820 (919) 728-8401 Fax (919) 728-8577