HomeMy WebLinkAboutNot Given_Dewalt, Dale_19971109NOV-17-97 MON 9:27 AM PLANNING&INSPECTIONS PAX NO. 9197286543 P. 1 14OV-17-97 Ftl7N 19.07 AM CEIVAR Cj 10t4a HA LL 9293933295 F.02 ,i Yu�+,-t,'i �Bii 11:41 AEI PLt44�ii�r�IDISFEG�IO!1S fiAx IIO. �i97286643 P. 2 �Y ADJACENT PJPAPJAN pitap=TV oWMM STA,T i ' (FOR A PI&VVNWVEM Bl1AATLIM r� I ltorehy ccrtify that 18wn property adja+xst to „j +`r—_ -- —ts 3` (Name of Property Owner) property I=Icd at {Got, Block, ROW, etc -)an in akrbody) (ToF/A su &ur Count .; Hit has described to me, u shown below, tha dwelopment he is proposin& at tbu loaadon. and. I hm no objections to his gropOsal. I undustand ft a pierluntaverdd boat lift must by act back a minima ditU= of fifteen feat (15') from my arcs Of riplftn ar= unless waivcd by me. •�` ., I &L=t wish to waive the actback requitement. �a I da wish to waive that setback rcquirctncnt, DESCEIMON JI.MIOR DRAWJNG OF PROPOSEI) 1DEVEwp11MN'T.- j7'a bajll/d in by individual proposing dcvei'oprneat) :s r A fohpt'so s , qIelk L ature -- Ai fe P ASI of Type I 1tiC bM: T NOV-17-97 11011 9:28 AM PLANKING&INSPECTIONS PAX NO. 9197286643 .P. 2 tOMP-17--xv Hopi 10:05 Am Can 9193933203 P.01 N' EGY-'.G-37 I'HH i 1:40 All PLAHH1l4G�IHSPEG'f I4fitS fAX H4, 9197266343 4 1r j 3~3a) ADJACEW IUPAVIAIq PROPERTY OWNER STATEMnW (POR A PII<RIV)Vf0VAJ BD $OAT LIM I hereby certify that I awn property adjacent to� (Name' of Property Ow4ed ,b prop" lacatai at, (I.ot; M el s. Ra$d, tt .) i (AW 129 Cep_ N.C. (Watubody) (Torn anNor Cw aunty) Her has described to me, as 3bown below, tho devetoument he is Proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. I understand thit a pierluncovercd boat uR must be set back a minimum distance of fift= feet (15') from my era of riparian ao=& unless waived by me. I SIG no4 wish to waive the setback xequlrement. r I do wish to tiv9v0 OW 3dba* muiremcnt. DESCPJMON AMOR DIUV lNG OF MOPOM #)FvgL0phW.NT-. rh bfwffd yin Iyr irldiridrrol pmposl rg davelopmenO To C o 1rJ fit" sJ 11 i� ;. Print or 7% Nam ` Tcke hone Number 4.'