HomeMy WebLinkAbout717-13_Kinner, Susan_20131202013 MON 13:17 FAX ­b-b CAMA Z00 1/011 Carteret Countv Local Government 717.13 Parrri!PluMbor CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT an authorized by the state of North Carolina, department of Envlronmenk and Natural Resources and tits Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area ManagemenC Issued to Susan Kanner, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 218 Soundview Dr., in Cedar Island, as requested in the permittee's application, dated November 25, 2013, This permit, issued on December 2. 2013, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below, Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This•permit authorizes: The -repair of drain -field for existing septic system. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done In accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on November 25, 2013. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes In the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a reevaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 252-72H545 for a final Inspection at completion of work. (5) Pursuant to 15A NCAC, Subchapter 710406 (b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third -party. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days or the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. Thla permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2016 In issuing this permlI it Is agreed that this project Is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. too J.D. O'Neal CAMA LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 402 Broad Street Beaufort, NC 28516 9tkVJ - PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) 7 FAX -4-4-4 CAHA 2002/011 Name: Susan Klnner Minor Permit # 717.13 Date: December 2, 2013 Page 2 (6) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575 feet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - QRW Area of Environmental Concern), In this case, 3,931 square feet Is authorized. (7) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H, 0209(d) (10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 50 ft. buffer, (8) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedlmentatlon and erosion control measures. Pdorto any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be Installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (9) Any proposed for grading within the 50' buffer from the Normal High Water must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remaln In a vegetated state. (10) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion, (11) Prior to any development, slit fence shall be properly Installed between all planned land disturbance and the adjacent marsh and open water areas; the slit fence shall be properly maintained throughout the construction period. Silt fence shall be installed such that it Is properly toed -in to the soli. (12) This permit does not authorize development within any wetlands or open water areas. SIGNATURE; DATE; JA' 9 ` ! l PERMITTEE SITE DRAZVINGIAPPLICATION CHECKLIST neate matte sure yotr site dranams includes the fullonine arfomsariam required for a CAMA minor derelopmeat perarrt The Loral Fermd Ouster xin help you. it rquesled PFn*SlrAL DIMENSIONS _[a6elraods _Label IIsP]Iw ys ngfn-of-vmys _ Label local setback pees _Label any and al]!arucmres amd dnctrsszvs currently exututg o ptepert.v Label a3tae ma watrtb dy PIiYSICAL CH AR4CFEFIST IC5 _llr-•.vase iabel murmai hicr wx?eel.ne rcxoict _Pr} fc Mictance: Grdev ;OCBaat at w-dice ,erhiewaler SY--lera If seu will be 3 v*ukg to the ocean hazard area_ Draw and label dime r.:ges (include spot elmration;) Dmw noel label we orduurm Ideadfy and locate firlo sine or stable mgetmen (mama LPO for aisistance) _.____Draw and label atodon ,dbaek rime fcontacl LPRfaassistartce) _Dmvand label topograplucal feawres (aprionall if,6ou uill be worlivS in a casual shoreline area: _Shaw the roofeeutamr as adarted I=xrotnhd thestrurwre _ Draw amd label landward I unit of AEC _Draw and label all wetlartd huts {comae[ LPO for assi�srri Draw and label the30-fans butrerlime DEVELOPMENT PI-4045 _ Draw and label all proposed aauctmres Dtaw and label arras that grill br disturbed sred,orlandscaped !lair size of pahuQ and depth to be placed to eramed ❑ran• and label all areas ten be prrodnt ¢ra+deled _ Show all arras to be disturbed Show landsrwprmg tiOTE TO APPLICANT HatiY }+au: wmpl_-tedall blank an&cr indicated ilnor apphpble? mcambed and irsred adjacent property uwmees° i!tdoded}err, site drawing• embed and daacd ilia application? mcloseJ the S 100.00 lee". - WmpietedweAEC Nmae(6 Boa.ce.rrneoc9f:d};iiyiustbe; AghcdD+t'+iepropertyowuerr FOR STAFF CASE ------ Sao tat _ Dale efAcb= Imed _ Emmieded _ Denied _ Appeal Deadline (20 days from permit school 9 APPUC&Ti0_V FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT le 1974. me Nos'rh Caralima General k* mW passed me CcassalAt" %ismagemem art (CANLk) and set the stage farvexuaisg dirveloprrtent i n fraO t and productive areas That li0s$erabesure's sounds =4 aceaofraW. Along with eegsiringspecial ore by shosewtw bmAd amd develop. the General Assembly directed the Cosstsl Ri ssurces Commission (CRCI w im plement clear regulatoas that rrumitorae the yards oa the ap;x-cam. 7Ws ■pplicedoes for a mmordesr]spocat perssrt sunder C4?FIA is pars of the CsrmmisaWe's effort to meet the sW1 am intent of the General:Nsernbfy. It has been deed to be mm ebtforwzrd end rtgvire a more time or effort Sian meccam ry frsm the sppbcasL Please to ovxrthis foMler with (he Local. Pernit06oer (LPO) InrThe Iatfity in which you plan to build to be ter•tain that you mderscamd what information he or she meets before you apply. Under CAM reg lsdomes, the minor permit is to be issmed within 23 days ssex a complete appfiestioe is in hand Often leas time is weeded if the projecl is simple. Tie process game rally takes abort 18 da)s. Ve■ cam speed rbe sppraval process by mlaimg artainrhatvosrapplication, iscomplete amdsiped.that your drawimgaeetathe ( sped licsdotasa Inside and dwlyearapplicstio■ Teets attached. Otherpermrits artsometimes regmrwd fordreeaopmeat i■ tee coastal area. V�hilt tbese arx not CAlii-relate d, we urge lou to clink with the Lent Permit OfGner to determine which of these you mar need. Alist isiselsded an Inge two oftho fdder- rife appmistevocrcoopmtioalist me!iertb Carn6ea Coasrai Siarugemerrt Progrraa and vorerwi®oegrma to build is a war Sias prafeels the remmrces ofour heaariful and prodmcAve ooarrt. frr%l teem Eft . a %A-> d Arm! =.ri., Coastal RtSeeUeces Cgmmissioa Mision *f Coastal .M&nASesueot C r� o i oceftY'3 >L- - lut.tl _ _ -n4Ne�ba _ _ - - _ ,--_ _. -. _ :fir=:_ • -_ - .Oaeaa;Aaffid'"=F�meadraioe flwshd d — PoTilic (3utt5httrlmc=` Olha=T .. _ _- _ : - ., _ _ -_ : !For.s�ir�auenwity.- _ =:� _ - - ' • _, GEVEtiL1L iKFORhiATlOTi LAND OFI:IIER Name;atwe�. 5+ Addmss Cie} stave iipi b r Z.5Z--;D�T 1 Email AVMORIZED AGEh E Address ' City State Zip Pbace OTHER Fff&Mrl'SMAX BLREQUEUD-the act Y4you areplanning mayicneiseperarit4other ItemtheCAMA tumor devr�mr pamu imdudi�. but not timired to: animg Water VMl, Sep4c Tank (a e&a• sanimry wade treatmatsy"I.Buiidhw_ Electrical. Plambb6zHeating and ArC ass.3tn9,InmLtiaeandEncWttinsavatiMVIA CertiSo¢o- Saad Dmte. Sedmcd Cattsd, Sabdtvw m Approval.,dabik Home Park App m-4 HWmw Cact=bon and od,as. Cheek Kih )nw Local Permit OdTi,oa lnr more information STAT£Aill.W OF OWNERSiM' I. fe undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minas rkvzlopmeat pnnkk being d&cr the ammo of ptopern in an AEC or a pasm a to ad as an age For purposes of applying for a CAMA mica de deproent permit, CMW)- that die person lasted as lamdowme ea ibis appbatiat lies a sip cmt icrwea is the sal pmpa4 titsaibed therein This bacresr era be desesi7md as: (chwlk ow) ✓ asot+ntrati>tecardtit1ST,deis.1M aDe dBack �-V;.Zzsis rye C'�- Igue!v� mj• Regis ofedt an Dune by vir>ne of iohaitargce_ Appli®nt is ao braTto the crane of probate Was m Cmcdy if atha mtaesr curb ss writisa rmbacl eer Eeas,a expl®u bdern ea pose a separam sheet & roach to this appliermon- KOTiFICAITCN OFADJACENT PROPLKTFOo4'Ni RS: I fnc@tamore certify that the fallow4ng persons arc owns of propetues adjoining this pmpeaj. I affirto shot I have Siv= ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concammg my unrest to dmtlop this p opr dy grad to apply Er a CAMA petmiL Em2d e) (Adhess) ^ �yQ�jQ LOCAi70NOFPROJECT `.(Ad�ess, amoeaad/or�tecamstosirc.Ifnotocea=L bar therrerneafthc ar�anear vratatbody-j o 1 �Cl u t�: . err; Ced" lUdafta - 'Vim {3) DESCRHvMNOFMOJECT:(LivaUpWamdcrosuuctioaaadlaoddutarbmcm) ` (4) SIZE OF LOMPA>RCEl. � ` e fed acres PROPOSED USE: Rcndmtialyj (Sksw-(atrtily)4 Multi Famdy ❑) Cattmaer6dffiadu9 W ❑ Other T] COMPLETE Earl= (1) OR M BELOW (CmueaaroQrLv of Permit Officer ifyea are mama wit M AECWEm za your prapaV): (1) OCEANHAZARDAECr TOTALFLOORAREA OFPROPOSEDSTRUM R&A& square Fed( — dud -air em cinkmed thing spaoe.pari®o eleraosd above wmmd lawz:l, rm-000ditiooed space dccaaedabwue gmemd leseL Lad excluding note -load -bearing smic spats) (7) COASTAL SFXWLME AM- SIZE OF BIRMI14G FOOTPRINT AND OTHM IMPE MOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES: A[ square fed (incLvdes the area of the roof&ip line of all huildi gnu titnxways awm9cd det3q eonctete ea trnasomy patint, etc dW ate within the apphcabieAEC Avwb roar ealeuhww vn* the Fwjvct bowing ) STATIC STORK ATERMANAGE.MF-NTPELMIrIstheprojectlocatedivauareasahjecttoaSbaeStocmcrater hhnqvoxmt Pawl issacdbsthePLCihvniemofWsbaQualu)r? YES_ NO ' — WMbstthaWWbatupmattwbopervic=Rufaceallcmvdforyow lot orparel: squamfea. AQQ fOALEDGEAM-iS- 1, the MAw3i ne L adoavxledge 9w the laced ewna is as m dsaa are proposed deatlopme nt is p1mmed far mt area chic h may be sasmptibea to erotica aodw flooding t aelaimledge that the Loral Peewit Officer has, Vqmioed to ere the patriot larhazardpmblemsamoctatedwith(hiskt.ThiscKplassatimwasa000mpniedbyroctatanco cans concerningsrabili>a- time and Eloodproorog techniques. l fmfltato= oatify drat I am audw3ized to grdM and do is &m gaul. pe missimt tb Divuoa of Ccaseal MaraapoMdA Aatf, the Local PamiCOffimx and their agora to eater on the afaresomfiooed muds m eomtecdao'Aida evaluating iff1formaa0d related to Oda perrne applecadoo This the 27 authorized to as as hisela wM fk purpose of filing a C&MA pesaut appli alwe TFtis dwffl osfwae iffidodles- gemelm' my a ghm Mds fbrmj_ a size dravrao as &wribed on die back afrhis oppdimfjor; die aWWrsirtpxraUMWK 1heOMMHamrdAEC?enticeuhemarcvaaf.9 o chrt:kjorS160W aaodeMuWczo Me!Mcath); mid racy tnforxerlort as �1be provrdrd er:'fly bur she eappffa�tr The dearils of doe elppiienrrae err described by zhr;re correct aze lmco"Fwtd -iftmr refermo ri mWperarif which mery be "Fad Dewadionfm m da w demlls triff eonsrbrae a uldlattan of mrupenma. Any p:rsm Arwioprge wran.fEC w9hompezrxre esseblecr io cr6r4 rdAreneal and ottgehristrmi r atrlan. 7- 12/09/2013 MON 13.18 FAX - CAMA 0005/011 .A7 3 2A. NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dlvlslon of Coastal -Management Michael F. Easley, Govemor James H. Gregson, Director William G. Ross Jr., Secretary Date 11 - aS' --13 ApplicnutNarne •SUe f'►�nne�r` Mailing Address 109 -•ACA e Lirt dr- PAuenor-k Nc— a$Sz9. .I certify that I have authorized (agent) 4 i to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CA IA Permits necessary to install or construct (activity) re c>p r [t rp► n Z , elcl , at(location) Q IT Scoina Viec'j drT CQAAr This certification is valid thru (date) Signature _ZS43.. la&=. 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 Phone: 252-808-28081 FAX: 252-247-33301Internet www.nccoastalmanagement.net An Equal Opportunity 1 Affirmative Aetlon Employer— 50% Recycled W 10% Post Consumer Paper :k 0. 00 cn .4 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION CARTERET COUP&Y HEALTH DEPARTMENT BEAUFORT, NC 2016 (919) 728-8499 CERTiRCA y as OF COMPLETION: Ground Absorption Sewage Disposal System G.S. 13OA-337 Nadca; see +tic s of sernpiexiorr itr no -way birxds-she-Ernirof%- mentai FtaaM Division of Carteret County Heaith Department nor implies a guarantee that this system will function in all circumstari= ces, ttul that the sustarrr is ompedy installed in z=ossdance With applicable rules and Article 11, Chap of the North Carolina General Statutes. OWNER: ' I � SITE LOC4�TION:ifbUN/2X/i--W 021 y CZ7J�b2 �3[rrtir I - 5- Z - t (3 INSTALLER: � xt INSTALLATION INSPECTED BY: t' rm � DATE: J t b" GieLi ELECTRICAL INSPECTION BY: DATE: LANDSCAPE INSPECTION BY: DATE: y CERTIFICA Qy60MPLETI N DATE: — r BY: 'ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS ON BACK OF PERMIT REMARKS: '! New Construction ElReolr - ❑ Existing System DIAGRAM OF INSTALLATION AS INSTALLED (if different from Improvement Rermil layout) 12/09/2013 MON 13:19 FAX — CAMA 14007/011 .0 CARTERET COUNTY HEALTH DEP TM NT' ' Environmonta! Health Division 3820 Bridges Street, Suite A, Morehead City IBC 28557 AUTROR=TION FOR WASTEWATER SYSTEM L-O*TRUJ TION CA #: 5L97 *No cartiticate of occupancy shall be issued until operation has been issued, "'No operation permit shall be Issued system until installation is completed an appro and all pertinent Iaga1 documents have been approved and recorded with the Calteret ounty egister of Deeds, G.S. 130A-336: This permit expires 5 years (60) months from dam of improvement Pem* Inua we, Ira 1r0on occurs the client shall comply with all changes in applicable regulation, laws, technical es sots, 4 to, that ay be efroadve at that time. This may requim additional prepoWan, more complex wastewateroystomm i, open on avid maintenance requiramortts, pre-treatment, etc. This could result in loss area for the home, Parkins, lower star usage and further development limitations. OWNER: SUSAN KINNER APPLICANT: SUSAN "ER ADDRESS: 104 JACQUELINE DR ADDRESS:104 JACQUELINE DR HAVELOCK NC, 28532 HAVELOCK NC, 2032 PHONE #: (252) 342-6771 PHONE #: (252) 342-677f PARCEL ID: 9407' 6224716000 PROPERTY LOCATION: 218 SOUNDVMW DR Carteret County NC, 28520 A/C ISSUANCE DATE: 04105/2013 A/C EXPIRATION DATES 04I05/2019 ! TYPE: Repair Permit BUILDING TYPE: House , � So�ixacrm3 i DESIGN FLOW: 240 (gpd) !:A SYSTEM TYPE: at veftar -1 SYSTEM APPROVAL: NA OTHER SYSTEM APPROVAL: NA SYSTEM CLASSI]F[CATION: Type lie WATER SUPPLY: Private Well SEPTIC TANK: 1000 (gal) ^lam Ki�ir\q DOSING TANK: (gal) J GREASE TRAP: (gal) RECIRCULATION TANK; (gal) FILTER DOSING TANK: -(gal) ' TRENCH BOTTOM DEPTH, 12 Below Naturally Occuring Surface TRENCH WIDTH: (in) BED LENGTH: 45 (ft) TOTAL LINE LENGTH: (ft) BED WIDTH: 6 0 LINE/LATERAL LENGTH: (ft) # OF LINESATSIA].S: OC ABSORPTION AREA: 270 (sq. ft) # Runs: DEPTH OF MEDIA:12 (in) MINIMUM INSTALLER CERTIFICATION LEVEL REQUIRED: I GARBAGE GRINDER: NO DISTANCE TO ANY WtiLL:10 (ft) DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS: 6 INCH TOPSOIL COVER REQ: YIDS Page 1 of 2 12/09/2013 MON 13:18 FAX -4-4 CAMA .7 2009/011 TRI-PARTY AGREEMENT REQUIRED - No EASEMENT RECORDED: PRE -CONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE REQUIRED TO BE ATTENDED BY: Irrstallef► CCH� COMMENTS: _ 1. The wastewater contractor (Installer) shall be currently certified by the NC On -Site WAllstewaR Con, told Inspectors Certification gourd at the Level specified for the perrimittod system, The installeF shape curitty registered with the Carteret Co4nty Health t)epartment. 2. The installer shall be responsible for notificadon of the engineer and the CCM for system inspection n stages as required and prior to backtilling any portion ofthe syatein, No portion of the system shallibe ba lied use without prior approval of the CCHD, placed Iitts 3. The system shall be installed in accordance with theiAPPROVED set of plans and speejficati ' s (if op liable). Any deviation in site modifications, sang a cificidon, layout, F pe ' 1 materials or other system eom eats s all be approved by the designer and the CCIiD prior to installation of the system. Failure to do sb may kesult in delay or refusal of final approved of the system, and may renderithe Permit null and void. A. Wastewater system shall not be installed in wet conditions. ' 5. 'Wastewater systems shall be Installed in accordance with the laws (Article I 1 of Chap 130 for the neat Statutes of North Carolina) and rules (North Carolina Administrative Code T15A. 18A .1900) fo4 sawag treatrhent and disposal systems, and the conditions specified in this improvement 6. Structure shall be laced ao that p permit and constnrtion athorizat on. 7. Do not sr p gravity flow is achieved or Pump system shall be required. park, pave, drive, or build over say part of septic system or repair area. 8. Maintain a minimum of Sve (5) feet between any foundation and any part of septic syste nl or rbserve aiea. 9. Do not Install well until well site here been permitted by CCHD. 10. The syatem shall be installed in a timely manner and staged so gs to avoid unnecessary ' _ ary ;exposure to welsther. NOTICE: Construction must comply with all state and local regulations, NOTICE: Beware much property in Cartmet County is subject to Wetland Regulations andlprope�tles con sining wetlands should receive approval from U.S. Army Corp, of Engloeers prior to developmen#, 04/05/2 13 nvtra ntal Health Specialist Aato �--� Accept systems+ may. be substituted for conventional 4 stems with Y gravel media if time accepted stem an be placed in the permitted/authorized trench footprint and the Installation is in accords f t with the ed an b approval, without Unauthorized product alteration. PotmiX modification, prior approval of thi h d separated owner sign•otyis not requited as long as no changes are traces ertt or (except reduction in line length), trench de sarY in the location f e nitrific on line len$th for trenches installed in new or exiapting filler fortbejd system,.�bmmj' Tbere steal! bb no re actions in trench "Accepted systems include: Ezflow Drainage ayatema: EV203H Infiltrator chambered sewage effluent subsurface disposal systems: &4nddrd and Standard WeWltukr (p01ye1hy1arre)°with 12 inch cover bfigb Capacity (Pubv*lene) with 12 inch cover Quick Standard-W, Standard SC, a„dStandardSidewinder (polypropyle,re) nradelsWlth 6inch cagier Conimm Wedge Standard Contour &vhVI Page 2 of 2 1:HVtrtU1`4Mr.NYAI_ KEALYM wiVi* urt - CART£AET COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT G.S. 13DA­M30XAM3TMiAJIIR C✓iA MM*ORT;•NC 2851.6[•-, F(919) 72886. L: S 4J 9 9 Ao [IR000Yj311ENTPE01M[ gA Y21AaO 1C OVA Ti .. o VALID FOR 60 MONTHS Subject to rel+Mtip^if,site pilar�Q � wiirii I.M51- Z' ' DATE %�' 3 M_ECLASSdFICATiON ciq�� a _ site is alterad�or,tsndad [ chapped ; . ... ; ELECTRICALI6MIT'iiErCiti Dyes 91:�sz {_ New Construction ._ ; -&ERlITiONSPERl rr-REQl1IF1EOVes CL jJINo ` Repair•: ... OWNER W[1�71�J� � l�t �ni siilil:L1' v.....i:•.... a. .: ... � - =•� Dasting.5yuiem 7L.'1iOT00 S,r{q$ ADnpFSS f/1 //i .S�!��-'7' ....• SY._..-... M TEY1"'NOTIBEINST-A' EBdi:..i�omONS :z'kOI'iE;?/ 271.;::�'�rerxtt� stePtbcobet!o Per thanc/Z",�2cw., nre 01 pR{!p�yp��T iArFJON6iy •j�" r1NE?i��,ey-h;-nz;yo, .r is, L jo nw.rturface. _C.GFL 11d1�t~JI/Fi�}{G Gri• 1„).. ���� 3�G�• ':l: f_..._... ..^a"�•�{. "r _... �. .. - /� .._LZ ♦ �S J7�Jyi: ��y:.,m 44J� �' ^�� �93�SrC: i �Q::J �f �•. i.. .[ h � - X_�7C �'Y _ .. - • :1}"---- ... - - - - - � - • ' � _ _ _ last ••' .'. •:.' : , :O 14gS . M017 Tit C?1C}Q.^, rnL :`1::7c:',?ill Sl:i' iv ? _ r�' +! `1 ilr, :1'1�" i:,J•s LOT: BLOCK: L•77F;0133 r•3.noizoi, a of :22F,:G[b1f3.^,3' :I:f�'.s�• > � __ ,:i+ii: ;41 • I;�.'rLfr-vTt S.:t:y�s �. 3;.h14. OPk r t _ �. f`t , t_ ;:A . DESIGIN FLOW.: GARBAGE GRINDER: Yes {) No( }. .. :, 3d;,i30 SEPTIC TANK: GAL_ PUMP TANK: I GALJQ .:�Ni?.iINES= T_� _ %PADTW-, LT1OTAd1ENGTF13 Q'Fc'i vllrr:}TOT%IL'gSJi ..'SQ:FT:" WATER SOURCE: JAW, WELL ;. rr••�- orl ri�1.�nL}}!!�1s1/1�ilclaf.�'}:.�VU-" f I L _ _ •', _ • , c, HORIZONTA:CDISTANCe FROM WELL: SITE MODIFIED: Yes (✓} No {. } Fj 1140vtz DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS: &!'�E -M 5f� IAM�Z EASEMENT REQUIRED: Yes '� No U ? DRAINAGE MAINTENANCEREQ.:Surface { Sub surface{ } t MAJNTAtN MINIMUM 10' FROAM WATER UNE a muiur RrAbL CDMMENTS: L-..417W. _ LL:�rwv�. } iUr�irn CLC. /�1fCop rtiA�yrr- �CtY iir�r . °D 'Prior to any change in system layout, approvaj must be obtained 1 from Health Department uJ1 - so ravel SNAG'k/•b7*' 2r'&W ^a OQ NOTICE: Construction must comply with all state and local ragg uta- HUC z lions. Do not Install well until welt site has been approved. Do not cover any portion of the system until approveb on inspection. KOTICEt Beware, much property in Carteret County+a subject to Wetland Regulations and properties containing wetlands should e receive approval from U.S. Army Corp of Engineers prior to develop- merit o. "ADDI REQUIREMENTS ON BACK OF PERMIT. IM TSFIV, MIT BY. N IRONMENTAL EALTN SPECIALIST 12/09/2013 MON 13:1$ FAX CAMA r 2010/011 postal CERTIFIED` • • m .. -. Ln L I PE r_ Pap. arune�►Fo. 4 © G cr;,ad ► Pates 5 Z01 peetd01e0 Da11wry Fao (Fr�on.mwu 6 11/25/201 Ir G T.W P.Wp d F*- r:t rn�5 ---.......�b..y OF DOX tti Ln Ln r` 0 F owmacifte f . c (s,do[aemetd a.qulre�l _ (3 (Efida BmWd R9gWmQ Ir Wtotal Pos�alp A Foss Cl N orPoBoxNa r .tit. 12/09/2013 NON 13:19 FAX -- CANA 12011/011 Applicant's Name; Date submitted: I I 5 13� Property Address: PIN #: •,�`i Phone #: Area ofpareel in AEC: square feet acres Proposed Impervious area: �Al _square feet Total' allowed: square feet �ORW 1751 AEC 3 ENENIPTION I'rEIxNII7' # Riparian Rights Statements / Certified Letters in f4!q I NO Date of Site Visits: application considered accurate and complete for processing Date: — 071 rI (initial - Application returned for the following reasons: Date Returned: The following site -specific observations have been made: I The following conditions are to be included on the permit (in addition to standard conditions): (Circle condition number CV (J5 7 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 30 31 3.2 33 34 35 36 0 38 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Other Note t WA Follow-up date visits: t Project determined to be in compliance with permit 9. 10 11 12 13 14 24 25 26 27 28 29 39 40 41 42 43 44 54 55 56 57 . g' 59 Date: %/ - a 6 - 2 e 1,3 t Project determined to be out of compliance with permit Action taken to bring project in compliance with CAMA: Final Inspection Date: LPO: Date: