HomeMy WebLinkAbout710-13_Baker, Bernice and Barbara_20131004Carteret Count x 710.13. Local Government Permit Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT - as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Ssctlan 112A.11a of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management" Issued t4 Be Ice and Barbara Baker, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AEC) at 174 Jennifer Dr., in Harkers gglarT , as requested in the permittee's application, dated September 27, 2013. This permit, Issued on October 4. 2013, Uubject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: The construction of a 30' x 30' detached garage with a 10' x 30' lein to, (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be. done In accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received on September27, 2013. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA flood Regulations, (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit, (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 252-72U545 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) This permit action may be appealed by the permlltee or other qualifled persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing dale. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal Is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit, require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: DECEMBER 31, 2011i In Issuing this permit It is agreed that this project Is consistent with the local rand Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. J.D. O'Neal CAMA LOCAL PE MIT OFFICIAL 402 S ad treat eau 2$ PERMITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) 010/Taal2 VXV0 rrr xva 99.8 IHd ET0Z/90/0T Name: Bernice and Barbara Baker Minor Permit N 710.13 Date: October 4, 2013 Page 2 (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within 75 feet of NORMAL. HIGH WATER (Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern), In this case, 5,789 square feet is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all development/construction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of NORMAL HIGH WATER. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer. (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. Prior to any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) Any proposed for grading within the 30' buffer from the NORMAL HIGH WATER must be contoured to prevent additional stormwater runoff to the adjacent marsh. This area shall be immediately vegetatively stabilized, and must remain In a vegetated state. (9) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction Completion. SIGNATU RE. '` DATE: PERMi TEE OTO/Zoom VKVO re-r XVdi 9q:$ I2i8 £TOZ/DO/OT Applicant's Name: _ P fir' M 0. ,PA Date submitted: q Ig ? // -? Property Address: 'r% PIN M 0 Phone #: — Area of parcel in AEC: square feet acres 10 Ned GO " Proposed impervious area: 1A 00 square feet Total impervious area allowed: square feet 1575' O}. W 75' ARC EKE1VEMON PERIVI[T it-71 o� Riparian Rights Statements / Certified Letters in f eXE / NO Date of Site 'Visits: application considered accurate and complete for processing Date::., 0.. 2yJ_4,pq(initia1), I Application returned for the following reasons: Date Returned: I The following site -specific observations have been made: 1 The following conditions are to be included on the permit (in addition to standard conditions): (Circle condition number): (6 6 _& 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 3� 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 . 58 59 Other Note LPO:PL,�/2 Date: 9 — L3 Q — ;? 4 I.3 Follow-up date visits: 3 Project determined to be in compliance with permit 1 Project determined to be out of compliance with permit Action taken to bung project in compliance with CAMA.: Final Inspection Date: IIN:163 010/Eoom Date: VKV0 xva LT-8 IdB EZOZ/70/0T SITE DRA VINGIAPPLICATION CfIECKLTST Ploae �m10e S@O yoga 371E dISIrID$ IDG1adGt the rollowiog dtffaooaeca regnced fir R CA�tYmmw desdop mml penasj_ The Local Peaeit Officer wilLhOp yom irregomeed PHYSICAL DD"NSIONS _Label roads —Lab-I highways t ght_o€ways I.,bet local setback Imes Label my aid elf stttacE m and daverrays cmTendy cm mg oa property Label adjacent wanx am PHYSICAL CILAMCTERISIICS Draw and label ieonal ugh grater line (eoetad LPO fir assist) Draw lavabos of eo-ritwastewzter sysmm Ifivo will bewarbcg intheoamhamrd awn: _ Draw and Wd d®E ridges (ichrde spot d"miom) _ MINW and law 2e of times ^_ Idmefp and loge fim Uns of stable vegetation (cmmct LPO Lnr assisrZce) Draw and label u0nm scmu t [me (cam LPO fir asmi-Faire) _Dfsw amd]rbd sopogapbicai 5emc[2s (cptomt) If}vnwill be wodmtg is a crosmi Iburdme user: _ Shoos the marovalaog as a dotted tine men d the ettncoma _Draw and hbol Imndwud ]ink ofAP.0 _Draw and Idbd all weaaod lines (cmuctf.P016r amimoce) _Draw and laid the30-Axt lime DI"LOPMENT PLANS Draw and Uml RU Frsposod sbu=ft _Urea and labd earns thawM be dishabed and+or Imdscapcd _Nose sim orpilinl and dap& so be placed. i n gumd _Dtmw and label all aroma to be paved or gusr].ed Show mu arm ro be dahsbed Show imAscaping tianT40APPLICANT Hose you: - mmocted ail blaltsaxmLW a i=adirmgplicablaa - namodied and limed adpond property owns? - indededyarwshe dmwimgf - segued mod dAW the VA= m? - -closed the SIt10.00 W. comuletod anAEC Hau[d Notice, if neccuny9 (Mm,t be rim by the ply a%=) 1/0-5 'yd C of f ".MCAMN FOR CALMA NIINOR z DEVELOPMENT PERNUT In 1955, be ]tiortb Carolina GeaeralAmembly paged be tSasbtArm NuawmatntAcr (G"1A) and ad besbro 6rgaidmgdewdopmmim fro pit .md prodazOnasns &A border the states sam&mid uccok nt.4loogw'ithrtqukkgspeaalarebfbonewho laiild and deselop� the GenerslA>ambty eTrr�d Se Coastal Rcsiaree 6somdssioo CCRC) b haplammmt drat stgabdm bat mkbnim be bmsk9 on the app*nL This appUi*fim ror a muaor drrslapnotpermit Rader CA5Ujs partaftie CaimnasiomVs eftirrt to meet tye rpi it and iaseat of ft General AssmMy.It has bm desigaW h be sIr gkL% wmd and railai m An Rm m time or efart thou Reomcul f ram ba srp;sis�t Please ao ovQ ffi blda wigs rbe Loallermit 06oer ClPO) err sbe loofity kvikh you pba to baU to he aerdass &A you amdnvbaa what kaforaabm be r' or At coeds betlam yea apply. iLier CAM reolatimt4 At cdoar pcmit Is to be Meaed wiffiia 25 days amtt a complete all m don is a haad.0b m due is mended if ffie project fe siink The pneers pneaQ{ taltas zlomt 18 daps You era speed 9e apprrval proems ly —U, OCr. . that yamr appScr am it complete and s%" 60 3, wnr & — anti tie sl m&mfa®s &= Ada said bal ymr MMS.Wom he is atdehcd Other lestaob art: sous nquism l for desebpnmt m tie emtal asses. Rule btse meant CAMA-rdased, we orge yam b &hark ith ilhe feral Petmtf Officer to detrsmme wlkbeb of Ame yea very aeed A fht is iododed on page tow of thdo tildes We alprsriate yom cooperation wtb fbe Nor& Cara ma CaasW Mmagmut Program amd your wWm ma terbdldhasway thatpro tecfatherssoememoroorbmsdfoland pndacdweonast. CautalYesma-m Commission Dkvb" oSCaatal Maaa;ramt DQa FoasistLsa-7elo�ts.ind A}dt 70]0 0 P 0 OTHER IIIHtMifS MAYBE RX QUMM: The actiM yum we ptauung may rogoirr yaarirs other &am ft CAM A minordevdopmmtymmri iachtlire.buteotkmitndto:Dna)cmwwWata9ddkScpueTank(wotlte mm4uvwaste mcmanmr s)TM), Bwldatgw Bmtrirat, Plumbiox Kcafms rod Air conditioning msalssim and Fkatty C—=wv too, VIA Cemfitaboo, Sand Dvne, SWkoim t Co Wok Subdivi —Apy m%4 Wbilc Hine Pant AppravaL MO-7 Caoseariaa, Wd D&= Check W i& yma Loma Permit 05= fac Marc iofwmxbm. r 0 0 P tJ O r ORAL INPORhfATTON MTEMENIr OV OWNEBSOM: O° X 6A uod=gtcd. = apph=t fat a C'AMA minor &-Mopsarad pamsA Leroy citba the owns of property k as AEC w a LAND OWNER /Q� prim aathcdud to art as an agat for pmpesa ufappkin.- Sate CAMA tumor devclopmmtpermtr. ca* drat the pawn Teams 1; 7 PJr'n . C• ]islad m Jaadawaet nfl Ibis appliamon 6es a sigoiffpN interest is the reek property desar3od dmffcia 'Kris WD M ram be I rr i f —i" — - _ I IIp_ _ drmvtibed ere (check am) city %y +>•rs — - A" K& -jp pw. qn-419 —DZ) 10 AUTHOt EM4kGUgr C f_ zipP600e �S WCAMN0F MCAdd:ea�taameandlorditeciioatloaieelfboteo�&MW, tcatistbezmoaftLe 1.$.� Wesf ffwakl- DESCRIFMNOFPRMCP.(JUAall p"VasedoaestroctimaidInd dis�) sr]y-_•'n C�Lssri�, %N7P OMOTMARCZL• sqme fed _ acm �r l OyG 3o r�eir} RWPOSZD UN: Redamoiaf P9 pbec-btu -V [] Matti-&Mqy ❑) cn..ddlmdwbu Q 06a 00'~TTLBTE 8gT1QCR a) OR {2) BEIACV (Co,�tryvv Locd Prraid Of j+m' (I3m rye woP.we raidcarAECappdna a'°yr,+►�4k (1) OCL MELkU=.QX!s-TOTALFLOORAREAOPPROPOSM9'RE)CMUB: sgameferet(roda mr cmdfiaeed Iarm; rpaae, parbing cL-aud sbam pomd kve4 non-con&bmed spans dxwded abort graaad lard but e-Jadtas st— aad4offm3 attic rpaot) (2) COASE41 SHORVaM AECs SIZE OF BUMD NG FOOTPRINtAT'D OTHER IiL E MOUS OR BOILT UPON SURFACES: jjMrgtmsfeet(memdes the w=oftberoo6dripb3c afmILbml&zv,dtthttrrmcwvcmddw3:% comavAm arusmMy patios, etc d = ere urAum the applimUc AEr-Afsac6 yom ca]colatirms witb>be project drawing.) MTX SlOiLKWATER M MAGIL MU PERbii1T: Is Ibe prgeR fo mW is rot ara.mbjea m a Stale Sti3uwaia Mn= bytheNCDivmmofwatrrQoaliiy9 `r FfM That is %W bdit tom x=hwpQviata mrfarx alllwtd for yyttW Irtt err pond cgmc 5r_tt aroma a recur title, Ti Ic is vesW in b? Cp- _r +ar er . am Deed Book in the Cototy Reg=y ofDoods. Dan awmx by am ofinhairan=Aprbmd is an heir to the unite ad , probam was m Conaty �Femaiataesa, sech m t+rimn nomnact err Isas>:, Mpimb bdow err asm a scpwak sheet A amocl to this 4vlwz&l . NOIMCATTONOPAD.IACXNrPAOPB 01%--N RS: I inrtheMors cub& that the knawivz paeoae arc owners cf properaea adj nmios thin pcgmrtt. I aEn that I lwae viva AGTQAf.NOTICEtoawkadItemvmocmEtoy irtt-MdevelopousraapmvasDorpptyforacAuAx oat (Name) (Address) (3) (4) I, me mdrm� admw,-kdge that t6a food wrest is arras that the proposed devdop®tu2 is plamaedlhraa area Thirh may be msoepffic m emsiea =Wur 9oadiag I ac mowledge thathe Local Fermat OHicrehas mptamad to ma the putica- Lr bszerdFobkms aswc med wish this tat ibis cxpkaaam was accumpamed by mot nmeodatimt Omraomg sobty'm- don and ff(K4" etdng ttehnig4m. I fust u== entity thad I am zmbwmed to grant, and do is Rd grant, pamissim to Dins6m of C 421 Maosgmeol sbf� the Locai ?erromt Odca and their ageuls to mu om the afaremeatiaaad leads in maastion with evalmuog inkutsadam rdeAed iD this pa®a applicabm. lux the d-Y of .20 kgbmimd Dn as as l br=agent inr pmrpaam of filing a C AMA patellapp Ecsd= �'�t y® dwisar i' i5edoif� goetrab uy6nte�oa (65frJ6rar), astae a5owirryar deaQibedoa the 6ackcfdho �flmMm4 �e seamy ag Me Deeea+finaardAECVv&-e where Masao% a dext for SM 0 maotepgyab r to she doaa t. set wry&fo wknmaroyQaprvrdsdorartyayeleer¢prtrmrerlte:A-Is grthaypprooYAaamdmertardbyahym=svevvv irazvpwaiod whhwd nfaream be arypvw& wkrh stay he iuued Derikurmfrom dam drkuh Kra! oorastitott avid' ew" of m+yPuzfLAayj 3m &wdvpvt8 m at"C riawwp&cmu smbiza ao rt W. crfarbW ardaimniurarrw argaa V 0 r a 04Z17/2613 WED 13128 FAX IZO02/006 &JtLRA NCDMffik North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Dlvlslcn of Coastal Management Wool F. Easley, Gevemor James-H. Gregeon, Dlroctor Wham G. Roes Jr.. Secmtary Date 9 �.(a I:!) —� Appan lletName 1GCt�Q„y" Malltag Address i 4 f certify that I have nuthorrked (agent) -.Wei ao p to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary, to fnetalt or construct (activity) 9'�Oq.3a 'DeigoIjA CO I OY-- at pocattow l q lI 1pm-.- 'Le. Thin certification is valid thra (data) 5ignature . 400 Commerce Avenue, Morehead City, North Carolina 28567 Phone; 252-OS26081 FAX; 282-247.33301 Internet; www riccoastalmanagement.net An Equsr OppoURY IAfArmsOve Aatlon Employer, W% R.oy W 1 togs Poet Consumer Paprr 010/90012 VKVO rrr xva t9 ;B IHA ETOZ/90/01 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR LAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to f r 1 (Name of Property Owner) ) property located at 114 -5ew-'t w Dr. �" ` ��_ Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) on. VtJ�st mobA In Cozye.t , N.C. (Waterbody) (Town andfor County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and project drawing(a), the development he Is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTACHED) Sig nflitl rd'r� ' { Print or Type Name Telephone Number 2--021(:V-)3 Date 010/L00121 xva LD.6 Iud fiTaz/9a/oz %dWi;Hlfkf n I M(f, NU ` {' .�t9!lQHilliloM;' N �l66tt%fiBA�ti t 2, B".% Smolt ' , .%,`,,;�„ �, ;�:3 � � ��lplii •F6171i1y', 3 tredioorrl•f►'�dultr horns .. to sw t8 33 ra 1r: up d-topom Wch 8 ....w r. �'.I���ti. r.G►�i?:•��'�' � � I•ti�•r•Yr�:J/ri:ii�.�a�r�ai'�,T�S�1•fylrrvLr:.a''rJw:L!,. rr..� '+r..�..rrrMb:lm"Sflr•�I�ii'��:r..� :- • • .' •' ��rr scam rand .. . , � • •. •jRs • '..�►.'^T:.r i.rrr�Iwrra�%.r�+.........grrrr. i MOM N. rnodutari+tirt►'s '�"8". Dk 04' 'ttk I Ix �. iforir�pEap�falM�tohorns _ �;� ,�.:,..•,•` . �' •�.. w.w ���irY if►�YlYr�����ar. �-'S.�rJL W'r•W�Yi�u4�r�.�.i�..--.----..—..--.--- r.Wr• ,,^]=.ram � • � ' . � .: �` � . ' OTO/BQOI�j EiiiFla rrr xva B9;8 Intl ETOZ/90/QT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT FOR LAMA .MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Is 1 " (Name of Property Owner) I property located aty 1'r J er\K4 Qtr Dr.. k•�c�r ,. "ram lf�� A Addrea�sta,,�Lot, ..--Block, Road, etc.) an ut.ID&A Rea In 5..,�,Q1My� . N.C. (Waterbody) (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shown In the attached application and project drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that locatlon, and, I have no objectlons to his proposal. (APPLICATION AND DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ATTAC ffi Signature Au w bt. far�1 Print or Type Name aL,r, D.- .7a8-yif4 Telephone Number Date OTo/soap VKVO t xVd 89;8 I-dd CT0Z/90/0T " %r;•,r'��;.�" '',�:= � PfC .'t�'i��Ql�ttlN��t��(Vi'ii9irke�'i titAnd�'hl�: . ;:�: ::.�;.: - r;.;� •'•,�6�i':�►!�1op'�'W�y'tos.G.�loak&.seclk ' SMle Fmdy, 3bs*oom modular home Toad to -Ow 18 89 I•,�:\�: '•�•• '� cam'-" � ' 29, . .. �■■r■■r■i�yr�.�'w:��. d�:+r��r�:1w::�'rrr�ri+�l��wlw►rAaLiuirri:+Wrial■w.r...� �rrr..rrrr♦r+�Riti;■f.4.i1�%S 'rY yi1 ' ;rr.'■w■a+..■.Li■��ir:■I:r'::,Lir�iGii'.:�:i� PAM _• ' .' �16'ltortt•toad •'�.�. J . I j { i• �W�C�[(itDQ•.��htll�faS' t a' x Sol PO%M,v rh.MQf 1 modular '�''W X84' itl' �•''.'''• .t..■w.■� .r■i�t:.::ti�:..rw.�.. �'■t�CL`.'�cws�r �..�..�..�..w..w..r.■w...+.rr,.� lot oia�oza� VNILTO rrr xvdi at rs ildd ezoz/,so/01