HomeMy WebLinkAboutWO-29-11_Stimpson, John and Wanda_20111123A. Dec. 1. 2011 3:28PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0544 P. 2 Carteret Count v WO.29.11 Local Government Permit Number i LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commissforyor development In an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A DLS of the General Statutes, "coastal Area ManagernenV Issued to John and Wanda Stimpson, authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline - ORW (AEC) at 503 Banks Lane, in Newport, NC 28570, as requested in the permittee's application, dated 11101111. This permit, issued on 11/23/11, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permiltee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: Construct single-family dwelling, septic system and retaining wall (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawilngs(s) dated received on 11103111. (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office at 2521393-3204 for a final inspection at completion of work. (Additional Permit Conditions on Page 2) I; This permit adion may be appealed by the permillee or other quallfled persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing dale. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project alto and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or proied modirrcallon not oovered under this permit, require further written permll approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on: FEBRUARY 2, 2015 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this projed is consistent with the local land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances_ This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Divisbn of Coastal Management. Sammy Graham CAM LOCAL PERMIT OFFICIAL 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar - 28584 P ERM ITTEE (Signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Dec. 1. 2011 3:28PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0544 P. 3 Name: John and Wanda Stimpson Minor Permit # WO-29.11 Date:11/23111 Page 2 i (5) The amount of impervious surface shall not exceed 25% of the lot area within 575 (aet of Normal High Water (Estuarine Shoreline - ORW Area of Environmental Concern), in this case, 5688.91,square feet is authorized. (6) Unless specifically allowed in 15A NCAC 07H. 0209(d)(10), and shown on the permitted plan drawing, all developmenticonstruction shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of Normal High Water. No portion of the roof overhang shall encroach into the 30 ft. buffer, (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shah be retained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion control measures. prior to any land -disturbing activities; a barrier line of filter cloth must be installed between the land disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetative cover. (8) All other disturbed areas shall be vegetatively stabilized (planted and mulched) witl n 14 days of construcfion completion. I F i i I a 1 i s i i t. i i SIGNATURE: DATE:( t r PERMITTEE Jim Jennings, AICP Director 11/28/11 Raymond W. Worsham 128 Bluewater Circle Newport, NC 28570 Dear Mr. Worcham: Carteret County Department of Planning and Development Main Office: 302 Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28616-6709 Tel: (252) 728-8497or 728-8545 Fax: (252) 728-6643 Western Office: 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, NC 28584-8013 Tel: (252) 393-3204 Fax: (252) 393-3205 This letter is in response to your correspondence, which was received by the Carteret County Western Office on 11/23/11, regarding your concerns about the proposed development by Wanda and John Stimpson, at 503 Banks Lane Newport, NC, adjacent to Inter -coastal Waterway/rogue Sound, in Carteret County. The project consists of construction of new single-family dwelling, septic system and retaining wall. The proposed project has been determined to comply with local regulations and the Rules of the Coastal Resources Commission (71-1.0209), and as such, a permit has been issued to authorize the development. I have enclosed a copy of the permit, as well as, the applicable rules. If you wish to contest our decision to issue this permit, you may file a request for a Third Party Appeal. The Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission will consider each case and determine whether to grant your request to file for a Contested Case Hearing. The hearing request must be fled with the Director, Division of Coastal Management, In writing and must be received within twenty (20) days of the disputed permit decision. I have enclosed the applicable forms and instructions that must be fled prior to that deadline. Please contact me at 252/393-3204, if you have any questions, or if I can provide any additional Information. Respectfully yours, R106",b Sammy Graham, LP Carteret County Wester Office cc: Heather Styron, DCM Raymond W. Worsham 128 Bluewater Circle Newport, NC 28570 Western Tax and Planning Office 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, NC 28584 Re: Application for CAMA Minor Permit submitted by John and Wanda Stimpson dated 1 Nov., 2011 (enclosed) Although not listed on subject application as an adjacent property owner, I am indeed quite adjacent to the site he proposes to move his existing home. Refering to his submitted diagram, the "62 foot" line drawn at the top of the diagram is where my back yard ends. I would like to file my objection to Mr. Stimpson's proposal for the following reasons: 1. Building a second house on a lot designed for one house would harm the aesthetic value of the neighborhood. I realize thire is no legal validity to this objection, but it is nonetheless true. Another home situated. there would be an eye sore. 2. The proposed new home site is an area that has been flooded twice since I have lived here (16 years).. its simply too close to the sound. 3. There is no entrance to the Stimpson's property other than via roads owned by the Bluewater Banks Property Owners Association (BBOA). The Stimpsons are not members of the BBOA. By informal agreement between the developer of Bluewater Banks, Woody Warren, and the Jones brothers (Donnie and Robert) who had existing homes here, the Jones brothers were given permission to access their property via BBOA roads rather than having to use the now non- existent dirt trail through the woods. As a former Board Member of the BBOA, I am acutely aware of the costs borne by the BBOA in maintaining these roads. Not being members of the BBOA, the Stimpsons are exempt from these fees. Now they propose to bring heavy equipment in here via our roads to relocate one house and build another. This will inevitably cause wear and tear on our roads which the members of BBOA will have to bear. It is not fair. Respectfully submitted, Raymond W. Worsham /1/,2/111 BY: ................... .. (B) Development Standards. Development of wind energy facilities shall meet the following standards in addition to adhering to the requirements outlined in Part (a)(13)(A) of this -Rule: (i) Natural reefs, coral outcrops, artificial reefs, seaweed communities, and_significant benthic communities identified by the Division of Marine Fisheries or the WRC shall be avoided; (ii) Development shall not be sited on or within 500. meters of significant biological communities identified by the Division of Marine Fisheries or the WRC such as -high relief hard bottom areas, High relief is defined for this standard as relief greater than or equal to one-half meter per five meters of horizontal distance; (iii) - Development shall not cause irreversible damage to documented archeological resources including shipwrecks identified by the Department of Cultural_Resources and unique geological features that require protection from —uncontrolled or incompatible development as identified by the Division of Land -Resources pursuant to Q.S. 113A-113(b)(4)(g); (iv) Development activities shall be timed to avoid significant adverse impacts on the life cycles of estuarine or ocean resources, or wildlife; (v) Development or operation of a wind energy facility shall not jeopardize the use -of the surrounding waters for navigation or for other public trust rights in public_trust areas or estuarine waters; and (vi) Development or operation of a wind energy facility shall not interfere with air navigation routes, air traffic control areas, military training routes or special use airspace and shall comply with standards adopted by tine Federal Aviation Administration and codified under 14 CFR Part 77.13. (C) Permit Conditions. Permits for wind energy facilities may be conditioned on the applicant amending the proposal to include measures necessary to insure compliance witli_the standards for development set out in this Rule. Permit conditions may includoinonitoring to ensure compliance with all applicable development standards; and (D) Public Benefits Exception. Projects that conflict with these standards, but provide 4-public, benefit, may be approved pursuant to the standards set out in Subparagraph (a)(3) of this Rule. History Note: Authority G.S. 113A-107(b); 113A-108, 113A-113(b); 113A-129; E• . September 9, 1977; Amended E, ..• February 1, 1996, April 1, 1993; February 1, 1993, November 30, 1992; RRC Objection due to ambiguity E,f:• kfarch 21, 1996, Amended E . February 1, 2011; August 1, 2010; June 1, 2010; August 1, 1998, May 1, 1996, 15A NCAC 07H .0209 COASTAL SHORELINES (a) Description. The Coastal Shorelines category includes estuarine shorelines and public trust shorelines. Estuarine shorelines AEC are those non -ocean shorelines extending from the normal high water level or normal water level along the estuarine waters, estuaries, sounds, bays, fresh and brackish waters, and public trust areas as set forth in an agreement adopted by the Wildlife Resources Commission and the Department of Environment and Natural Resources [described in Rule .0206(a) of this Section] for a distance of 75 feet landward. For those estuarine shorelines immediately contiguous to waters classified as Outstanding Resource Waters by the Environmental Management Commission, the estuarine shoreline AEC shall extend to 575 feet landward from the normal high water level or normal water level, unless the Coastal Resources Commission establishes the boundary at a greater or lesser extent following required public hearing(s) within'the affected county or counties. Public trust shorelines AEC are those non -ocean shorelines immediately contiguous to public trust areas, as defined in Rule 07H .0207(a) of this Section, located inland of the dividing line between coastal fishing waters and inland fishing waters as set forth in that agreement and extending 30 feet landward of the normal high water level or normal water level. (b) Significance. Development within coastal shorelines influences the quality of estuarine and ocean life and is subject to the damaging processes of shore front erosion and flooding. The coastal shorelines and wetlands contained within them serve as barriers against flood damage and control erosion between the estuary and the uplands. Coastal shorelines are the intersection of the upland and aquatic elements of the estuarine and ocean system, often integrating influences from both the land and the sea in wetland areas. Some of these wetlands are among the most productive natural environments of North Carolina and they support the functions of and habitat for many valuable commercial and sport fisheries of the coastal area. Many Iand-based activities influence the quality and productivity of estuarine waters. Some important features of the coastal shoreline include wetlands,.flood plains, bluff shorelines, mud and sand flats, forested shorelines and other important habitat areas for fish and wildlife. (c) Management Objective. The management objective is to ensure that shoreline development is compatible with the dynamic nature of coastal shorelines as well as the values and the management objectives of the estuarine and ocean system. Other objectives are to conserve and manage the important natural features of the estuarine and ocean system so as to safeguard and perpetuate their biological, social, aesthetic, and economic values; to coordinate and establish a 15 ti, management system capable of conserving and utilizing these shorelines so as to maximize their benefits to the estuarine and ocean system and the people of North Carolina. (d) Use Standards. Acceptable uses shall be those consistent with the management objectives in Paragraph (c) of this Rule. These uses shall be limited to those types of development activities that will not be detrimental to the public trust rights and the biological and physical functions of the estuarine and ocean system. Every effort shall be made by the permit applicant to avoid, mitigate or reduce adverse impacts of development to estuarine and coastal systems through the planning and design of the development project. In every instance, the particular location, use, and design characteristics shall comply with the general use and specific use standards for coastal shorelines, and where applicable, the general use and specific use standards for coastal wetlands, estuarine waters, and public trust areas described in Rule .0208 of this Section. Development shall be compatible with the following standards: (1) All development projects, proposals, and designs shall preserve and not weaken or eliminate natural barriers to erosion including peat marshland, resistant clay shorelines, and cypress -gum protective fringe areas adjacent to vulnerable shorelines. (2) All development projects, proposals, and designs shall limit the construction of impervious surfaces and areas not allowing natural drainage to only so much as is necessary to adequately service the major purpose or use for which the lot is to be developed. impervious surfaces shall not exceed 30 percent of Ile AEC area of the lot, unless the applicant cat, effectively demonstrate, through innovative design, that the protection provided by (lie design would be equal to or exceed the protection by the 30 percent limitation. Redevelopment of areas exceeding the 30 percent impervious surface limitation nnay be permitted if impervious areas are not increased and the applicant designs the project to comply with the intent of the rule to the maximum extent feasible. (3) All development projects, proposals, and designs shall comply with the following mandatory standards of the North Carolina Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973: (A) All development projects, proposals, and designs shall provide for a buffer zone along the margin of the estuarine water which is sufficient to confine visible siltation within 25 percent of the buffer zone nearest the land disturbing development. (B) No development project proposal or design shall permit an angle for graded slopes or fill which is greater than an angle which can be retained by vegetative cover or other erosion -control devices or structures. (C) All development projects, proposals, and designs which involve uncovering'more than one acre of laud shall plant a ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion within 30 working days of completion of the grading; provided that this shall not apply to clearing land for the purpose of forming a reservoir later to be inundated. (4) Development shall not have a significant adverse impact on estuarine and ocean resources. Significant adverse impacts include development that would directly or indirectly impair water quality standards, increase shoreline erosion, alter coastal wetlands or Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV), deposit spoils waterward of normal water level or normal high water, or cause degradation of shellfish beds. (5) Development shall not interfere with existing public rights of access to, or use of, navigable waters or public resources. (6) No public facility shall be permitted if such a facility is likely to require public expenditures for maintenance and continued use, unless it can be shown that the public purpose served by the facility outweighs the required public expenditures for construction, maintenance, and continued use. For the purpose of this standard, "public facility" means a project that is paid for in any part by public funds. (7) Development shall not cause irreversible damage to valuable, historic architectural or archaeological resources as documented by the local historic commission or the North Carolina Department of Cultural Resources. (8) Established common-law and statutory public rights of access to the public trust lands and waters in estuarine areas shall not be eliminated or restricted. Development shall not encroach upon public accessways nor shall it limit the intended use of the accessways. (9) Within the AECs for shorelines contiguous to waters classified as Outstanding Resource Waters by the EMC, no LAMA permit shall be approved for any project which would be inconsistent with applicable use standards adopted by the CRC, EMC or MFC for estuarine waters, public trust areas, or coastal wetlands. For development activities not covered by specific use standards, no permit shall be issued if the activity would, based on site -specific information, degrade the water quality or outstanding resource values. (10) Within the Coastal Shorelines category (estuarine and public trust shoreline AECs), new development shall be located a distance of 30 feet landward of the normal water level or normal high water level, with the exception of the following: (A) Water -dependent uses as described in Rule 07H .0208(a)(1) of this Section; (B) Pile -supported signs (in accordance with local regulations); (C) Post- or pile -supported fences, (D) Elevated, slatted, wooden boardwalks exclusively for pedestrian use and six feet in width or less. The boardwalk may be greater than six feet in width if it is to serve a public use or need; 16 ,� r Crab Shedders, if uncovered with elevated trays and no associated impervious surfaces except =�=G those necessary to protect the pump; (F) Decks/Observation Decks limited to slatted, wooden, elevated and unroofed decks that shall not singularly or collectively exceed 200 square feet; (G) Grading, excavation and landscaping with no.wetland fill except when required by a permitted shoreline stabilization project. Projects shall not increase stormwater runoff to adjacent estuarine and public trust waters; 8Development over existing impervious surfaces, provided that the existing impervious surface 8 is not increased and the applicant designs the project to comply with the intent of the rules to the maximum extent feasible; (1) Where application of the buffer requirement would preclude placement of a residential structure with a footprint of 1,200 square feet or less on lots, parcels and tracts platted prior to June 1, 1999, development may be permitted within the buffer as required in Subparagraph (d)(10) of this Rule, providing the following criteria are met: (i) Development shall minimize the impacts to the buffer and reduce runoff by limiting land disturbance to only so much as is necessary to construct and provide access to the residence and to allow installation or connection of utilities such as water and sewer; and (ii) The residential structure development shall be located a distance landward of the normal high water or normal water level equal to 20 percent of the greatest depth of the lot. Existing strictures that encroach into the applicable buffer area may be replaced or repaired consistent with the criteria set out hi Rules .0201 and .0211 in Subchapter 07J of this Chapter, and (J) Where application of the buffer requirement set out in ISA NCAC 07H .0209(d)(10) would preclude placement of a residential structure on an undeveloped lot platted prior to June 1, 1999 that are 5,000 square feet or less that does not require an on -site septic system, or on an undeveloped lot that is 7,500 square feet or less that requires an on -site septic system, development may be permitted within the buffer if all the following criteria are met: (i) The lot on which the proposed residential structure is to be located, is located between: (1) Two existing waterfront residential structures, both of which are within 100 feet of the center of the lot and at least one of which encroaches into the buffer; or (II) An existing waterfront residential structure that encroaches into the buffer and a road, canal, or other open body of water, both of which are within 100 feet of the center of the lot; (ii) Development of the lot shall minimize tine impacts to the buffer and reduce runoff by limiting land disturbance to only so much as is necessary to construct and provide access to the residence and to allow installation or connection of utilities; (iii) Placement of the residential stricture and pervious decking may be aligned. no further into the buffer them the existing residential structures and existing pervious decking on adjoining lots; (iv) The first one and one-half inches of rainfall from all impervious surfaces on (lie lot shall be collected and contained on -site in accordance with the design standards for stormwater management for coastal counties as specified in 15A NCAC 02H .1005. The stormwater management system shall be designed by an individual who meets applicable State occupational licensing requirements for the type of system proposed and approved during the permit application process. If the residential structure encroaches into the buffer, then no other impervious surfaces will be allowed within the buffer; and (v) The lots must not be adjacent to waters designated as approved or conditionally approved shellfish waters by the Shellfish Sanitation Section of the Division of Enviromnental Health of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources. (e) The buffer requirements in Paragraph (d) of this Rule shall not apply to Coastal Shorelines where the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) has adopted rules that contain buffer standards, or to Coastal Shorelines where the EMC adopts such rules, upon the effective date of those rules. (f) Specific Use Standards for Outstanding Resource Waters (ORW) Coastal Shorelines. (1) Within the AEC for estuarine and public trust shorelines contiguous to waters classified as ORW by the EMC, all development projects, proposals, and designs shall limit the built upon area in the AEC to no more than 25 percent or any lower site specific percentage as adopted by the EMC as necessary to \Q protect the exceptional water quality and outstanding resource values of the ORW, and shall: / (A) have no stormwater collection system; (B) provide a buffer zone of at least 30 feet from the normal high water line or normal water line; V 17 (C) otherwise be consistent with the use standards set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (2) Development (other than single-family residential lots) more than 75 feet from the normal high water line or normal water line but within the AEC as of June 1, 1989 shall be permitted in accordance with riles and standards in effect as of June 1, 1989 if. (A) the development has a CAMA permit application in process, or (B) the development has received preliminary subdivision plat approval or preliminary site plan approval under applicable local ordinances, and in which financial resources have been invested in design or improvement. (3) Single-family residential lots that would not be buildable under the low -density standards defined in Paragraph (f)(1) of this Rule may be developed for single-family residential purposes so tong as the development complies with those standards to the maximum extent possible. (4) For an ORW nominated subsequent to June 1, 1989, the effective date in Paragraph (f)(2) of this Rule shall be the dates of nomination by the EMC. (g) Urban Waterfronts. (1)' Description, Urban Waterfronts are waterfront areas, not adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters, in the Coastal Shorelines category that lie within the corporate limits of any municipality duly chartered within the 20 coastal counties of the state. In determining whether an area is an urban waterfront, the following criteria shall be met as of the effective date of this Rule: (A) The area lies wholly within the corporate limits of a municipality; and (B) the area has a central. business district or similar commercial zoning classification where there is minimal undeveloped land, mixed land uses, and urban level services such as water, sewer, streets, solid waste management, roads, police and fire protection, or in an area with an industrial or similar zoning classification adjacent to a central business district. (2) Significance. Urban waterfronts are recognized as having cultural, historical and economic significance for many coastal municipalities. Maritime traditions and longstanding development patterns make these areas suitable for maintaining or promoting dense development along the shore. With proper planning and stormwater management, these areas may continue to preserve local historical and aesthetic values while enhancing the economy. (3) Management Objectives. To provide for the continued cultural, historical, aesthetic and economic benefits of urban waterfronts. Activities such as in -fill development, reuse and' redevelopment facilitate efficient use of already urbanized areas and reduce development pressure on surrounding areas, in an effort to minimize the adverse cumulative environmental effects on estuarine and ocean systems. While recognizing that opportunities to preserve buffers are limited in highly developed urban areas, they are encouraged where practical. (4) Use Standards: (A) The buffer requirement pursuant to Subparagraph (d)(10) of this Rule is not required for development within Urban Waterfronts that meets the following standards: (i) The development must be consistent with the locally adopted land use plan; (ii) Impervious surfaces shall not exceed 30 percent of the AEC area of the lot. Impervious surfaces may. exceed 30 percent if the applicant can effectively demonstrate, through a stormwater management system design, that the protection provided by the design would be equal to or exceed the protection by the 30 percent limitation. The stormwater management system shall be designed by an individual who meets any North Carolina occupational licensing requirements for the type of system proposed and approved during the permit application. process. Redevelopment of areas exceeding the 30 percent impervious surface limitation may be permitted if impervious areas are not increased and the applicant designs the project to comply with the intent of the rile to the maximum extent feasible; and (iii) The development shall meet all state stormwater management requirements as required by the NC Environmental Management Commission; (B) Non -water dependent uses over estuarine waters, public trust waters and coastal wetlands may be allowed only within Urban Waterfronts as set out below. (i) Existing structures over coastal wetlands, estuarine waters or public trust areas may be used for commercial non -water dependent purposes provided that the structure promotes, fosters, enhances or accommodates public benefit. Commercial, non - water dependent uses shall be limited to restaurants and retail services. Residential uses, lodging and new parking areas shall be prohibited. (H) For the purposes of this Rule, existing enclosed structures may be replaced and or expanded vertically provided that vertical expansion does not exceed the original footprint of the structure, is limited to one additional story over the life of the structure and is consistent with local requirements or limitations. (iii) New structures built for non -water dependent purposes are limited to pile -supported, single -story, unenclosed decks and boardwalks, and shall meet the following criteria: 18 DCM FORM 5 PETITIONER'S NAME THIRD PARTY HEARING REQUEST ON COUNTY CAMA PERMIT DECISION FILE NUMBER (Petitioner leave this line blank) PLEASE TAKE NOTE that the undersigned, a person affected by the decision of (check one): a Local Permit Officer acting on a CAMA Minor Development Permit application; or the Division of Coastal Management, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, acting on a CAMA Major Development Permit application or CAMA General Permit application hereby requests permission from the Coastal Resources Commission to file an appeal pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b) and N,C. Admin. Code tit. 15A, r. 7J.0300 (Please attach a copy of the permit application decision. Ifyou cannot obtain a copy of the permit application decision, please provide the name of the permittee, the project location and the permit number) Requests are reviewed by the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission to determine whether a hearing should be granted. The determination of whether to grant a hearing is in the sole discretion of the Chairman. N.C. Admin. Code tit. ISA, r. W.0301(b). . For this application to be complete, the Petitioner must address each factor listed below on a separate sheet of paper. You must address these factors before your request will be reviewed. The Chairman's decision to grant a hearing will be based on whether the Petitioner: (1) Has alleged that the decision is contrary to a statute or rule [N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b)(1)]; (Please cite the statute or regulation allegedly violated by the permit decision.) (2) Is directly affected by the decision [N.C. Gen. Stat. § I I3A-121.1(b)(2)]; and (Please describe hotiv you are directly affected by the permit decision. Persons directly affected by a decision include, but are not limited to: (a) any oivner of real property in the vicinity of the property to be developed tivho can show that the proposed development is likely to have a significant adverse effect on the value and enjoyment of his property; and (b) any person who can demonstrate a history of substantial use of public resources in the area directly affected by the development when the development is within or• touches upon an area subject to the public trust.) (3) Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the request for the hearing is not frivolous [N.C. Gen. Stat, § 113A-121.1(b)(3)]. (Please summarize the _evidence or arguments yoit. will present at a hearing in support ofyour appeal.) Based on the attached responses to the above factors, the undersigned hereby requests a third party hearing. Date Signature of Petitioner or Attorney Name of Petitioner or Attorney Address City. State Zip ( Telephone Number NOTES; This request must be served on the Director, Division of Coastal Management, at the address shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form, within twenty (20) days of the disputed permit decision. N.C. Gen, Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Failure to do so constitutes waiver of the right to request a hearing. A copy should also be sent to the Attorney General's Office, Environmental Division, at the addresses shown on the attached Certificate of Service Form. Approval of a Third Party Hearing Request allows a petitioner to file a contested case petition with the Office of Administrative Hearings within twenty (20) days of receipt of the Chairman's Order. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b). Denial of a Third Party Hearing Request is a final agency decision which may be appealed to the Superior Court in the county where the property is located under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 113A-121.1(b) and Chapter 150B, Article 4. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that this Third Parry Hearing Request has been served on the State agencies named below by depositing copies of it with the United States Postal Service with sufficient postage for delivery by first class mail or by personally delivering copies to the named agencies. Original served on: Director Division of Coastal Management 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 and a copy served on: Attorney General's Office Environmental Division 9001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-9001 This the day of , Signature of Petitioner or Attorney Updated: June 1, 2005 be heard. However, even if a petitioner files four weeks in advance of the meeting, he is not guaranteed a spot on the next CRC agenda. The CRC's titles state thatpetitions will be scheduled no later than the second regularly scheduled meeting following the date of receipt of the petition. 15A NCAC 7J .0701(f). Advise applicants -who wish to file a variance to submit their request as early as possible. If a variance is to be considered by an expedited process, the petitioner and the DCM staff (through its attorney) must agree on a set of stipulated facts upon which the Commission can make a meaningful decision. Stipulations must be finalized at least two weeks prior to the meeting. If the facts are disputed,'the variance regtuesf goes to a contested case hearing before an administrative law judge in the Office of Administrative Hearings who will determine the facts and recommend a decision to the CRC. Once the facts have been agreed upon, the DCM attorney prepares a "Staff Recommendation" to the Commission on whether the petition meets the variance criteria. The DCM attorney or your field representative may contact you for information and assistance in prepari Staff Recommendation. The Commission then considers the variance request and a decision is made by majority vote immediately after the variance request is presented. if a variance request is granted, the petitioi resubmits his application for a permit to the permit -letting authority along with the "Final Order from the Commission authorizing the variance. Variances may be issued with conditions, and tl LPO should read the Commission's order carefully to make sure that the details of the variance a:-..'.' included in the permit issued. N.C.G.S. § 113A-120.1(b). Any permit issued pursuant to a varia should have a notation in the upper right hand corner showing that the permit was issued pursuan variance. If a variance request is denied, the petitioner may seek judicial review in superior court. 3. Third -Party Hearinjz Requests -_Interested parties other than a permit applicant may appeal a permit through a -third party hearing request. A request must be filed on DCM Form S. This request most be received by the Director within 20 days of the permitting decision. N:C.G.S. § 113A- 121.1(b). The form maybe filed by facsimile. Thus strict deadline is for the benefit of the permittee so that he may know when he is "in the clear" to start construction on a project. If some third party wishes to file a third party hearing request and you know that the deadline has passed, you should still provide the proper form to the third party. It is up to the Chairman to determine the timeliness of the request. Once the request isfiled, the subject permit is suspended until the hearing request is resolved either by denial of the request or resolution of the contested case by the CRC. N.C.G.S. § 113A.121.1(c). DCM will send a letter to the permittee or his agent letting him know that the permit is suspended. The DCM attorney then prepares a "Staff Recommendation" to the Chairman on whether the petition meets the third party hearing request criteria. You may be contacted by the DCM attorney or your field representative for information and assistance in preparing the Staff Recommendation. The Chairman of the CRC determines whether the request will be allowed or denied based on the three factors listed in N.C.G.S. § 113A-121.1(b) which require that the petitioner seeking a contested case: a. Has alleged that the decision is contrary to a statute or rule; b. Is directly affected by the decision; and c. Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the request for the hearing is not frivolous. The Chairman makes a decision on the request within 15 days of its receipt by DCM. N.C.G.S. § 28 113A-121.1(b). If the request is denied, the permit is no longer suspended. The third party may seek judicial review in the superior court. If the request is granted, the permit continues to be suspended until the CRC makes a final decision in the case following the hearing in OAH. N.C.G.S. § 113A- 121.1(c). After the Chairman grants the request, the petition for a contested case must be properly filed in OAH within 20 days of the Chairman's decision. The procedure is then the same as that described above in Section 1 (Petition for Contested Case Hearing). (Copies of the OAH Contested Case form, the DCM Form 11 and the DCM Form S follow text) 29 The Coastal Area Management: Act rage iv of zo (c) Failure of the Secretary or the designated local official (as the case may be) to approve or deny an application for a minor permit within 25 days from receipt of application shall be treated as approval of the. application, except that the Secretary or the designated local official (as the case may be) may extend the deadline by not more than an additional 25 days in exceptional cases. No waiver of the foregoing time limitation (or of the time limitation established in G.S. 113A-122(c)) shall be required of any applicant. (d) Repealed by Session Laws 1981, c. 913, s. 2. (1973, c. 1284, s. 1; 1977, c. 771, s. 4; 1981, c. 913, s. 2; 1983, c. 172, s. 1; c. 399; 1989, c.727, s. 133.) § 113A-121.1. Administrative review of permit decisions. (a) An applicant for a minor or major development permit who is dissatisfied with the decision on his application may file a petition for a contested case hearing under G.S. 150E-23 within 20 days after the decision is made. When a local official makes a decision to grant or deny a minor development permit and the Secretary is dissatisfied with the decision, the Secretary may file a petition for a contested case within 20 days after the decision is made. (b) A person other than a permit applicant or the Secretary who is dissatisfied with a decision to deny or grant a minor or major development permit may file a petition for a contested case hearing only if the Commission determines that a hearing is appropriate. A request for a determination of the appropriateness of a contested case hearing shall be made In writing and received by the Commission within 20 days after the disputed permit decision Is made. A determination of the appropriateness of a contested case shall be made within 15 days after a request for a determination is received and shall be based on whether the person seeking to commence a contested case: (1) Has alleged that the decision is contrary to a statute or rule; (2) is directly affected by the decision; and (3) Has alleged facts or made legal arguments that demonstrate that the request for the hearing is not frivolous. If the Commission determines a contested case is appropriate, the petition for a contested case shall be filed within 20 days after the Commission makes its determination. A determination that a person may not commence a contested case is a final agency decision and is subject to judicial review under Article 4 of Chapter 1508 of the General Statutes. If, on judicial review, the court determines that the Commission erred in determining that a.contested case would not be appropriate, the court shall remand the matter for a contested case hearing under G.S. 150B-23 and final Commission decision on the permit pursuant to G.S. 113A-122. Decisions In such cases shall be rendered pursuant to those rules, regulations, and other applicable laws In effect at the time of the commencement of the contested case. (c) A permit is suspended from the time a person seeks administrative review of the decision concerning the permit until the Commission determines that the person seeking the review cannot commence a contested case or the Commission makes a final decision in a contested case, as appropriate, and no action may be taken during that time that would be unlawful in the absence of a permit. (1981, c. 913, s. 3; 1983, c. 400, ss. 1, 2; 1987, c. 827, s.139; 1995, c. 409, S. 1.) § 113A-122. Procedures for hearings on permit decisions. (a) Repealed by Session Laws 1987, c. 827, s. 140. (b) The following provisions shall be applicable in connection with hearings pursuant to this section: (1), (2) Repealed by Session Laws 1987, c. 827, s. 140. (3) A full and complete record of all proceedings at any hearing under this section shall be taken by a reporter appointed by the Commission or by other method approved by the Attorney General. Any party to a proceeding shall be entitled to a copy of such record upon the payment of the reasonable cost thereof as determined by the Commission. (4)to(6) Repealed by Session Laws 1987, c. 827, s. 140. (7) The burden of proof at any hearing on a decision granting a permit shall be upon the person who requested the hearing. http://dem2.eDr.state.nc.us/Rules/cama.htm 2/27/2008 4 ,' Dec. 1. 2011 3:28PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE CARTERET COUNTY WESTERN OFFICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPME FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM To: Organization:11 1 Fax Number: a From: wy/ Phone: 2521393 3204 Fax Number: 252/393-3205 ]date; Number of pages including cover: MESSAGE: No.0544 P. 1 Nov,28. 2011 11:11AM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0501 P. 2 i Raymond W. Worsham 128 Bluewater Circle it Newport, NC 28570 it Western Tax and planning Office 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, NC 28684 Re: Application for CAMA Minor Permit submitted by John and Wanda Stimpson dated 1 Nov., 2011 (enclosed) Although not listed on subject application as an adjacent property owner, I am indeed quite adjacent to the site he proposes to move his existing home. Refering to his q'ubmltted diagram, the "62 foot" line drawn at the top of the diagram Is where my back yard ends. I would like to file my objection to Mr. Stimpson's proposal for the following resons: — - 1. Building a second house on a lot designed for one house would harm the aesthetic value of the neighborhood. I realize thire is no legal validity to this objection, but it is nonetheless true. Another home situated there would be an eye sore. 2. The proposed new home site is an area that has been flooded twice since 1 have lived here (16 years). It's simply too close to the sound. 3. There is no entrance to the Stlmpson's property other than via roads owned by the Bluewater Banks Property Owners Association (BBOA). The Stimpsons are not members of the BBOA. By informal agreement between the developer of Bluewater Banks, Woody Warren, and the Jones brothers (Donnie and Robert) who had existing homes here, the Jones brothers were given permission to access their property via BBOA roads rather than having to use the now non- existent dirt trail through the woods. As a former Board Member of the BBOA, I am acutely aware of the costs borne by the BBOA In maintaining these roads. Not being members of the BBOA, the Stimpsons are exempt from these fees. Now they propose to bring heavy equipment Inhere via our roads to relocate one house and build another. This will inevitably cause wear and tear on our roads which the members of BBOA will have to bear. It is not fair. Respectfully submitted, Raymond W. Worsham Nov.28. 2011 11:11AM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0501 P. 3 November 2, 2011 David K. Lenker Jr. 245 George Taylor Rd. Newport, NC 28570 I I Dear Adjacent Property: ,i i . This letter is to Inform you that we, John and Wanda Stimpson have applied fora CAMA Minor Permit on our property at 503 Banks lane, Newport NC 28570, in Carteret County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 252- 342-5659, or by mail at the address listed below.. Jf you wish to file written coo rents or objections.with the Carteret County CAMA Minor Permit Program{,you may submit them to: Y I I Western Tax and Planning Office 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, NC 28584 Sincerely, Wanda Stimpson 6425 Sentry Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 i Nk 28. 2011 11,11AM-„r-CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No. 0501 P. 4 NAP -,.rac ��--� ter-• } �� ' .Sur 32-0c] Sf 1 c c ire- r n t- has 6ee-n Pis I�Io Est. -t�Q-t IS e'y-90'1^5 vn I&lq- % foe /►..tome d� �v Jllvr7� ��'� r p e✓�i.a��+�t dvN 1 d✓r ✓�. � �A�r� t 2 I f i� (a v� ( � fpof-r-; 30 o u 5� u N] rr o_ _ocklity P+satPtNumber Otmn H2=d Rowtine Shordina__ DRWShorclinc Ppbtic 7hm Slmrelin - Ofhor .=> /Fnrnffmxrl nsrora!elI Lr-N 0 7,MffJ ,s 1. tNPARM [1N 0 z ..A%D Oii'NER sL+ic IJ e,_ Xip S /4lwne Zsz `� Z- s� Lnai! ky (� S Sanen4r echoes. f alai ALTFM7F.D ACFWT Addm-m "Ply4 Stato Zip Pharr irrm'I ri p ACAi70N Or PROJECT! 1.4ddn:%, f.wm mmnxamVor direetiocs 10 vile. If not nc mnt. sukat is the awwt 0,: l.' z dFuxn ssalerbndy.t�,R�, (,�+t�Y- jy- Pvy-T' J QCJnOLCan^t' cI5.1G- � ��aCRIPTIONOF PROJF.C14 tLyt mR pmpopx}eomvwehon apd 4gddistarltona.l ,T,itt Ie.L lruaa►�S� O►^+y 17EOFLOTY1 UT..I.: 2Z� cpt"X) iglcrrcNee O ROPOSED 1r.SE: ReeidcmU V 15-6 e-11- ly ❑ Mulli-rnmily Cl) Conummttiidll ndvortial [] (fiber O t— Ol►DMF.TEEI'TARR1110R{2)J3RLO14'ICagrrc4}vrrvLornfPrr�oei'rpj�•,erljy�oerorCrtclarrCfaJilc'h.1E'C�Qiplhx Yff"pw,p9m1- w I OCEAN rrAZARD AECse'MT'iL niMR AREA OF PROPf>t4ED STRUCil: RE: V4 sY wTC KM (3,wlwle5 ¢ r RlndiCuned living spu, pertking deeylad ahmat: prnmld In•d. nornoortditmltcd space cicvaecil strove knnond icvel but c. `'dodinx m un-losd.b-- im; attic spa-1 M MASTAI..gMREIJNF. AMC: 5W..9OFRU11.11MGFOOTPICWTAND C3Tt a rmn-wousnRRUIr•T ::-::TqN SURFACES��gtmre feet I iaeJudes the arm of the mednp rice of all baildin;.s, drew ga. covcmd dctics, ? rmereta or rrw.wry poor,, etc, *91 an nithin The mppJicablt:AW. Altnch your miculatitms with IN, project drawins.) r rATE WORhlt ATER NIANAGLr,'► UNT PERMIM It the project Iccud in an wen mbjecr to m.Stare Sioram er man rrnenitPcrm't' bylhcNCr)ivisianorwater•Qoiicy? __ No o tity, tine the k+ral lan]l Upon mcuimpce+satYsarfhccDlltnttiYt riuva w of paml: -_ square real. Cyr C>a Crt i c: Z IyTH ER P!sR(1t17'S 4LT,Y BR RE(�L°I1iEQ 1'hc xliri�• yew ar► Dlamlin� may rcyuirc pcmri4t m6�T thaathr CAMA mintvde+tiopmctrt pan+il. i+IeJaAio(e,lfttt not lintiled tn: Urinl:+n(t LYat� tVrcll, �eptec 7anl: (ttt ttthw• :ctnitiry uaau Immimmt "cro A T;mik4n(6 McctrkRL PI armory.. Haim; and Air Conditioning, lawtaion mid Fntapv Conswsal ion. FI A Ccrtifianon, Sand Dune. Sadimcm C onlrol. 5ubditiismn Appm+-n!• M*i le Hw+rc P.UL-Approval, Hiommy Conmeclicin. t nd others C1+mk wi11t ytmr LOW Rrrrttit Officer for morcmrwmation. STATEN6N117 OFO► NERSHIP: L the mdrnipned. an appikut taro CAMAmfmordeticlopoaent pennk beinb cilbertM oavnernrpWem• in aeAEC Or n perwm aallwr zcd to act as m *vwt fm purpnseaof gpplyiaS fora C'AMA n6nor4mclopman nemti)t.atttiry tint thr: pomm, lishoTas lamhwitrao do%mpplwas;om Hasa significant inlerma in dw rcpl pivin ty d=61,cd therein. nix inGxcstwn he dcxn1ed at: tehttk one3•�tt _ ---: - - _ � M So r'1 .• 5L_.� oumx nrnnonllitk,Titlt: Is�»led in J o _jam, *• G1%Gnctc � [7t:.d Flaal � �'?''3 pike-ZX in the �G�t"t`t( GT Cvlttlry 11cti ryof I):eds un cover by virrw yr inhcritv+ce. Applicant lam heir to tlw rstale or jam' probwo %ws in County. il'othcr intucw. wcr2 as wyittcn contracts Iwx.LNp(ain beirm mused t imme 6=1 k attad 1n IN% application. .MTMCATtf),N OlPikM10ENT MUPFKW OTMRS_ T revdxrmnre etslil} Chm the fit]Ia>wiag perwns an: owners of pmpt rdcs r4ourieg Ibirt mhmy. r •rtlinn that I haw Wvm ALTUAT. NOTIGF. M cad+ ur Ihrnt 000crxning my rntem At dt;+cl.rp rids p7apQtp and to npph riot a LAMA permit e Narncl Wiliml 111 I�anrxtc a-Meart� !je 1arLr< Sol �a�Ks Csnet T$S'te { } �. �O_�ti J e�tfc •- J r 2 ACMWLF.DCEMENTS: 1.thennd,'*siglnCd aCralnwl04c#iatthelandm+aeri%awatcthiibcprupnsoddcw9apmenttrpbruwdrecanaaOUCCh Tan}• tre susa.•pd hk to trttriart and'ur I[noding, ! udrrosrkdgc thm'� 1bc J,ncal Petsmh flI}iaer htrs explained 1n nk>'1k partiert- Ir hoard prnblcm t msaemt milh tbte Jot. This explanation na t aocoenp:nird h; txarnmatdotiooa tenrztnm I pak+ilira- tion and llrxttlptonhnF lechnigeas. r fonhmtmtc oem Ij• that 1 nitre rn.•flwriacd to 1gvr1, slut du ice toxt prwt pcmttQdcm ro pisistan ol'Cavrtal ManarEcmcat slaty. *a Lucat 17mmit 011iecr and thtir mj=rrin to Lmicr on the aron-mmi iomd lands in comnoenum whit evalretliag information misted to thfsr renal tTplieotion. That the ._ tL,y or-P.'_17 Lanrluwna hr pence authori4,to ao w Mather agentrm pwpomeof Ming a CAM pa mil aypitca 616 Tkrfr upplkarforalrerlu+teiCxr.+Nvlii�.+rrvru+rut Nhdt frv,W, a eirc disru•6�r+r ekhrrthnfua rlx� Jt7s lr rJrba• ul�jr+Jrcrrum, rLr mrAt'o-OpzMem m. via' (A1•drt ewlin-PpwS1u•1.rin Irurnkrtrtuhh•m Jae hJLVd n: LW w>t +�W+nrrMt+rrturerus Arp rnrdhtr+ur(rhrlhreryyirruxN. Theikfatt+vftlrt•wrpfnwrwreel demnhi•rlht d rsr.wrru.•x ern' Orrrpr4tardr+•i7 ww rr(rmm irr rrrrti juicer vllydh)wt'hr m nor! Derxrroar fnurr An e,ki rots m0t4vrrlllatr r! VpJfarmrr M tmy/vrurrr ,fr(r jvrpatt •mitt/vnx at rat.dfit' rm mrppermrr re.rraS,•edMUJTv! t rrrruntN rsefcrfnwud+rrrdnr rh rrliPJ Nev. 28, 2011 11:11AM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE CARTERET COUNTY WESTERN OFFICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL FORM Tol}�,� Organization: 0-4 Fax Number; i From: 7l legs i Phone: 252/393 3204 Fax Number: 2521393-3205 Date; b1 IQSI L� Number of pages including cover: MaSSAdE: No.0501 P. 1 Loealfry ( is ; AU �5.11 l 3[A �C-� L�J a Permit Nnnthex " I Oscars Hazard Estuarine She hmc ORW Sbarel ine Public 7}ust Sbomlinr Other (Fur off-W rrse -*) LAND OWNER Address ' SO i dCr4KS La.�l�— C%. nn,­. Stale tL=-- TapI15:2%anc 3112— SCM S9 Email _ t, let1-to a__a Sfl hwn[o e% IS:) +1 CCL.OD. C_z N-- - AUTHORIZED AGENT Address City _ Email State Zip Phone OTHER PERMITS 74AY BE REQUIRED. The activity you are planning may require per ini is other than The CAMA minor devclopmenspvnih,iocfading, but notlimited to: Drinking WrierWell-S� .2 �oriftnvaL=V�M sreatinwDt syocm),Baddiitg, EloctricaL PI ombing, He:r(ing and Air Condidoni ty. salaliam and Energy ConscrvW m, Ffik Certification, Scin: d Dumc, Sc&nxnt Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Heave Park Approval, 11ighm7y Couneedam, mid others. Check with your Local Perrnit Officer l'ormore information. STATE hIENT OF OWN MgHJP: I. ibe undcsigned. an opplicwu foe a CAMA minordevviopment permit, being either the owner of property in as AEC or a persem aulhcriard to eel as mr agent for purposes ofopplying fcv a CAMA m(nor development permit. certify that the person listed as landowner an this aWlica(ion has a d6mificant inwresl in The tceil property described dienein,nis interest can be described a: (check one J _ Sfi Mf� �pso n Zan owner or recant tWit. Ti(Ic is wsWd in al o ft, e% Jim d Yw4r%dr_ CIcc Deed Hoak 1 1 � 3 page �_inthe 4A76-rfie.r CL County ReghdryaFDeeds. w atvnerby virore of inlic6tance, Appl icant is an beir (o the cmlc of prwbase w:rs (n County. _i f other intaegt, such as wTiuen contract or (case, explain below or use a separtvc shxt 9-attach to this appkarioo. NOTIFICATION OFADJACENTPROPERTY OWNERS: T furthermore cardfy that the following perians are oxvners of properties adjoiniogthis property, r atErin that T have pvco ACTUALNOTICR to caeb oFthernconcerning my int=T to dc%rlap this property sad toapply Far a CAMApermit. (Nan)e} (Addressl LOCATION OPPRO.IECT' (Address, strew Anse aotlror directions to site, Ifnot oeeayfront, what is the namy pftho (1) f3a rs n t d^ MGr-u. _IJ 4 Yf._J .-ne S S Of Kat_a_KS _ at.0 adjaxniya[rxDodyJT3 �jt [�na fjGxr.JPCV 22 exC4 ^1' fD 15oe,JG� (2) 1ea« l� i�..f��r J r 2efe— -r -�a� i .j.r� ✓^¢ rr, �i raced CSC (.0 /� J (3) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (].Jst all ropased omigwctiea and landdisturbaax.l 13 0 1 1 ,L k-D 0SC OPT (4) SIZE OF LOTIPYRCRL: 22r 4GL7 square feel I� acres � AC IaIOW'LEDGEMENTS: 14-l1 r, S 7T t I, the undersigned, acknowledSc that the land owner is aware tivt the proposed dcvelopmcnt k planned far anrcs awhich PROPOSED USE: ResidcrdW [Single-rarnily ❑ Multi -family ❑) ComaiercialAndusaisl ❑ cribEr �^ may beoisceptihie to erasion =&or flooding.I aclurosvlcdgetbal (be loco( Pamit ORicerhu explained some ilic pardcu- IaYhomed problems associated wills (Isis Jot. Tbis expJamnt7oa wag accompanied by reeommeadations coocaniog srebilia- COhIPLETL EITHER (1) OR (1) BELOW are rwd sarew6rt4rAJ£CappIW to3ourpropery): re_ E ^( (1) OCEAN I AZ>,RDAECs: TOTkL FLOOD AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: square feet (ioe(u:) air conditioned living space. parking elevated above ground lmr-cl, non -conditioned space elevate above grottnd level but excluding nor_-lca4gWng mCdc spaa:J allot (2) COASTAL SHORELTNEAECs: Sl%/F, OF BUTLDTNG FOOTPRINTAND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUTCC UPON SURFACESLL�09quate feet (ioCJudcs the =a ofthc MCVdrip fine of U buddiagt driveways, cowed decks, concrete. or masonry patios, etc. That are v ithfn the applicable AEC. Attach your calarligdoos with the project dra-wing.) STATE STQRMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: (s the proicet located i n an area subject to a State Stomi"'der Msnaguwrn( Porn it3,5trtA by the NC Division of Watcs• Qua] ity? YES_ W ]Eyes, list the lotol built upon ateaAmpetxi ous surface al lowed for your lot of pa=l: y( _ square feet. Ironand floodpraolinguc nigocs. IwTihmnore certify that t am authorized to grant, and do in Fact grant, perroi ssien to Division of Coastal Marugemen1 _raft. llrc Loral Prnnit Ot7iecr and tJucir agetrtS to enter oa the aForemcotiooed Sands in wnnccdon tiaith evaluating infonmadon reJatedin tfiislccrmit apulicavaa. was'-, J a,Pa1 This the L_ day of .20 w err err landmrmer person atnhorito act ac histha agent for purpose ofhliog a CAMA permit application z 0 Tkls appfreaftwr fachrdes: gmrml rnfili macron (rhrs fora)). a .wc draw-irrga% described oa dw bac* ofthis rWila(icarirrrr, she o mroeruhip daement. (he Oftva Ho-.wt AKA Notice where necmwn% a rhr4forSIM.M nradepen-able to lbr focaliq: and %_71 mrtrrijorrerlL'rurarmrnlirprrrvrdcdoralftbvflrruWirwa.77redcLdxojfheaMewtiwra•d -nhedbr'diesesour"saie 1mvrlwratrd rrifhoaf rrfercrrce 0 any pee-mrr which nrav he mneeff. lh rtiauon fmmr these driails will C='Wrulea vi o(ariva 6y aay permir..4 rl, rsurr rkrrfopitig in an AEC' rvUhoW permit is imt ierf to cvvif, eremrnal waJarlmuristraRtr aciion. ` � Nov.17. 2011 3:55PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0457 P. 3 Carteret County Department of planning and Development Mein Office: 302 Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28516-6709 Tel: (252) 728-8497or 728.8545 Fax: (252) 728-6643 CAMA PUBLIC NOTICE Western office: ° 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, Nfi 28584-8013 Tel. (252) 393-3204 - - Fax: (252) 393-3205 Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), Carteret County, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in areas of environmental concern, hereby gives notice that on November 3, 2011, Joe and Wanda Stimpson, applied for a CA4A Minor Permit to construct a single-family dwelling and septic system on their roperty in the ORW Estuarine Shoreline AEC located at 503 Banks Ane Newport, NC. The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by November 21, 2011, will be considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and upon comments. Notice of the. permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Tracy Barnes CAMA Local Permit Officer Carteret County Western Permit Office 701 Cedar Point B ulevard Cedar point, NC K8584 Please publish on: Sunday, November 06, 2011 Request to return Affidavit of Publication as soon as possible. Nov.17. 2011 3:55PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0457 P. 4 i November 2, 2011 David K. Lenker Jr. 245 George Ta;ylor Rd. Newport, NC 28570 Dear Adjacent Property: This letter is to inform you that we, John and Wanda Stimpson have applied for a LAMA Minor Permit on our property at 503 Banks Lane, Newport NC 28570, in Carteret County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 252- 342-5659, or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the Carteret County CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Western Tax and Planning Office 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, NC 28584 Sincerely, Wanda Stimpson 6425 Sentry Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC 28409 • Nov.17. 2011 3:55PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0457 P. 5 A November 2, 2011 Donnie and Mary Beth Jones 501 Banks Lane Newport, NC 28570 Dear Adjacent Property: This letter is to inform you that we, John and Wanda Stimpson have applied for1 CAMA Minor Permit on our property at 503 Banks Lane, Newport NC 28570, in Carteret County. As 1`tquired by CAMA -: regulations, I have enclosed a copy of my permit application and project drawing as notification of my proposed project. No action is required from you or you may sign and return the enclosed no objection form. If you have any questions or comments about my proposed project, please contact me at 252- 342-5659, or by mail at the address listed below. If you wish to file written comments or objections with the Carteret County CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: Western Tax and Planning Office 701 Cedar Point Blvd. Cedar Point, NC 28584 Sincerely, *4--- Wanda Stimpson 6425 Sentry Oaks Drive Wilmington, NC28409 Nov.17. 2011 3:55PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0457 P. 6 Construction Inspector's Summary INSPECTIONS Inspections for Mr Sammy Graham LAMA CA11-45 Cama She Visit 603 BANKS LN NEWPORT, NC 28570 Schedule Notes: Measure from NHWL to proposed house location, corners of house have been Slaked Remarks: PASS FAIL CONDITIONAL v� Nov.17. 2011" 3:55Pllr30CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE ne— I Jwf lw do ZK76 1—^ & 7 F°o 1 3n f- lov,r•ervLa,jS SJr20 (3 Sf r V� hG 4e) 3a Ifi" Lr"e No.0457 P. 7 f P°�`°� Qrup�- k 7 rr� ovc pa,., r� t 2 t�-r-4--ell Q,Ai t-6 e--k Nov.17. 2011 3:54PM CARTERET CO WESTERN OFFICE No.0457 P. 1 CARTERET COUNTY WESTERN OFFICE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSAUTTAL FORM To: Woq Organization: Fax Number: From: I gx wff3 Phone! 252/393-3204 Fax Number: 252/393-3205 Date; i 11 I-1 I 1 f Number of pages including cover:, MESSAGE: