HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-318_Beacons Reach Masters_20050502MAY-06-2005 14:37 P.04 Town Grove Knoll Shore�t" a 2005-318 Local nr 3 r I Permit Number j.�,1i CAMA MAY 0 � 2005 MINOR DEVELOPMENT [Worohead City OOM PERMIT ^ as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment i and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development I in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A•118 of the General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Management." Issued to I Beacons Reach Masters authorizing development in Pine Knoll Shores ssocation, Ind. 590 Marina Drive at ' as requested in the permittee's application, dated April 22 , 2005 This permit issued on May 2 , 2005 is subject to compliance with the application and she drawing (where consistent with the per it), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittoe tq a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. (1) All proposed development and associated mnstruction must be done in accordance with the application dated Ap6142, 2005. (2) All constrticdon must conform to the NC Building Code requirements and all Local, Stater and Federal regulations- (3) Any cha* or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (4) Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07j.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party by the applicant, agent, or any entity other than the NC division of Coastal Management. (5) The amount of impervious surface areas shall not exceed 3ooio of the lot area within 75' ° of the normal high water- contour/normal water contour, which defines the Coastal Shoreline AEC at this location. This pe�mIt action may be appealed py the permittae or other qualified pqrsons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit must cease until the appeal Is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit offlear when the project is inspected for compliance. Any mJintenanco work or project mod'rficatlons not covarad under this liermit requires further written permit approval. All wort} must cease when this permit expires on December 31, �A in issue g this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the locial Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This pe it may not be transferred to another parry without the written pproval of the Division of Coastal Management. r �Lom ormlt fficer (signature) Chris Jones name 100 Municipal Circle address Pine Knoll Shores, N. C. 28512 Permittee (signature requl it special conditions above apply to permit) MAY-06-2005 14:36 P.02 • l.cx;alit _ ,.._._ -- __�.._..�.......- Permit Number Ocean I Nuint Irsni7riue Shor��lin¢ ._,,,, __URW Shoreline PublicTrun Sbotcline_Other Wor oflicial use only) y17 �---, i C11�.1�.. tA" Ii�1()i Y191'IUI�I ,�%`-� `, F, !.ANI) )�VNLI.lt MAY 0 �j 1005 ; t ldit �� V y'r; LO , So_ 1i•r �a3►'t.�oe,e�. ?t ;S1 _ Poi>ot cw% eGIU^�1 DC1V1 :ity A",1n•ktic•�G-t�_._--.:._.__ 1t:t:r r1JL 'Lip 22sn -- 1111mir LSt`P21n-4101-7 %DTI I RI71:1) AGENT ` "Ir%v^ �wvr.� ! ►a�.lastV^_ �U!�iCK.,, :.gam!. _!•�CL+ .4�ka'1 - ;-att,•, Q;ce,Cl� r+rlii�l:: 11hnnc _. 1,0( MIJON Oh' 11ROJI:t:le (Addrrsti. krrm name ;trd/ur directions to situ, If nut oceudcom, whir is the name of lit :t,ij.,.�ttt Warcrbot'y?) _ �ratc,:� Fic,acl i.,_. y-.�! '!�,.aBGa►� '"JCS �i�. D SCI IPTION UI' PlUkIE:C-f: (Lt..r ill pruposed construction and land disturbance.)_ Actrmw1 oP _„_,_,•�_, `4x!. l+�- Go•h:r;iar-.--er�c9,_.��e!�.,.(?�x�,Q^i:'4k..Ft.?Aso_d,�r�G,ai_,S!�o�K.-�,_�'`'P_2es�:+s-� rJ..�l ti• .. R.rl� -- fy, 7-. _.,,_ CLY`x.�•Tt ��, S � e L� � IO+rO iS f�' Q wi' �P MOhr%G► . i ff l:, 01;1(Y171'A RC: FL: ?iZOP( SEI) t7SIi: f cridetttial...,,_.-., ($iti�lc Iarnily .,, Multi -family._•✓_ ) Comincriol/Inductrial .)tltt•r_, ?„-t,a tits-tt,(R.pl�, �i•st•- �� rO AI ENCLOSE[') I-TOOIt AREA 01rA BUILDING INT.".' OCLr.AN ILAZARV AREA OF ENVI- 10NN41;N'1'A3, CONCERN (AEC): -- i7. —_ square ft:ct (includes xll Iloort and maf•comvd decks) SIZE0 F RU 11 DING >EUUTPWNT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN T 1IF. C:. ASTAI. SFJ0)QJ.INt:AKF.A Ole ENVIRUNMENTA.L CONCERN (AE(,)t _ sq. ft. (('31Ctd:t i:nts irulutl: rbe arcs of the r0af/drip line of all hnildingc, drivevray3. eovmd dec6, eonerm or masonry patios, etc. il,at ate trnthin ncc applirahIc.ArC_ Attach your ealrulstions witl, the project drawuig.) ChtutsJ the AM area that appties to your property: (I) v; itliitt 75 fret of Norm.d 11iZh:% ;ttcc for the )'%marine Shoreline AEC 7) witl1in 575 feet of I\Totimtl I Iir,h Wacer for the rstuarinc Shoreline AHC, adjacent to Outstanding 4ourk:4 Wx.,.rs 3) W itliin :I0 forPt t of tl-nc Jblit:'1i oat Sl:arrlinc AL'C CIcedar your bit,tl ('.rtatit C)Jlicrf'if yctt are riot suns which AFC applies to your property.) i lATEIS I_0RMWKrF_(t MANAGEMEN Y PERMIT: Is die project located in an area subject to a i::,c� Su�rn:w;trt r klareagcusertt Arr tit issued by the N.C. Divi&iun of Waicr Quality? -i 1 yt't, lilt tltr t+)t�l bullt-u,..,tl :trCalSmpCr1'i<<ItS Surface ,6-jwcd tot your lot or patccl. ,,,,-__.- square fete. i MAY-06-2005 14:36 .V (.i1'iln lvvel.,pnl with your trcatilleill S,ed I )un STAT t'I H&TITSMAYDHRFQU'11kEM I'lica:tiv,tyyouyrcplanningmayrcquircperrnit%otllerthantheC;ANIAminvr y it ivrnii+. AT:;1,etvicc ► e llave compilcd a liar ul tltc kit itb ucimmilfs that miblu be IN I-vt f`0 to yt,ur ivoicct: Yenning, l)riniting Watcr Well, Septic Tank (otroihe: unitary -.rite rstru'r), ltoildir,g, rlt cuical. Pluml,irig,1-it'ating aricl Alr Co+tvlitimi'at& 1mk;1atioa and Energy Cun�scryatioit,`F)A C,crtiGca:tun, Scdi1fWatt (Allupl, Stt(+ Iviskin Approval, Mobdc Hoft,c (tazkApproval, l fighw'ay. Conn --tin l cad ot�% � f w �1 + 0 v1U.' iT OF OWNNRSHIP: 1. the urn cramnod, an ipplit-irlr For a'C.ANth minor dcvelupitictlt hermit. Being tither the o QeVCPfoperty in an AL-C�or a peruin :tl 11141tinA c11 act ai .in a-cttt Air purpwcs of applying, fnr a C:AMA miner development permit.%QRNhfq +that the person 11:,1LA �, IAndimllt'1' till this application ha, a aiguiJicaot inttrest in tllc rea1 pruperty described therein. This tntercitL, -bed tic•:crih:► a�: ichcck unc) '��''[ ��''�f� .._ .. ,n r tc nu ,u race titfv.'litic i,c vccu'J in G? .L.I ii�,, .fi� __2�fd. ,ice Deed Book-•-- )1;11:c County Registry of Dct:ds. t w114r hY virtttc ,>{ Inhvtltanre. Applicam h an Kit to tltc otatc of ilrc,bate t gal. itt .............._ Y .__.._ t.uunt): ;f 4, ltc r inlc+4,i. ,,,�h ,�� wt ilt4n cuntract or lease, cxhlatin below tar use a separate slwvt and arraeh to this; applicarion. i (Tl•I 1rCATION Or A1J4UNT PROPI-MIT OWNERS: i linthcr 1tu•C CC+tily tlt:lt div lull4\viR$ pt-minc arc owners of propertict adjoiniq this property. 1 affirm that I have given Aral UA14. NO VICE it) LaJt .1f dici z xiniccruin- city inwat to develop this propel ty and to apply fora LAMA permir. 44 1Na1ttr) (Address) (]) , :.74:4v\r.. 4. te•�_ r�v�t,- Pa -s OcYlv.-- M ►t ,.`we.. !3�! Nodaej �d�e�X_Rn�x,� ,JC.�o*1 i 3.1'� �- tx�. lsaa ...._. f'c+c a cd•-j► - ���}�*i . x..t�_ sty Ro.,Y ' «, ck . �,.���..�lb 4�._� F()R I�i1 VI?I.0Pt-RS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND F,STUARINE HAZARD AREAS: 1 act.nttr,Lt.1 fc thst tlic l.incl utvnt;r ie-at+aic lhat tilt propwCd dcvelupnirlu is planted for an area which may be sumeptiblr to Clasiuu td/ur floudin-, 1 a,.ktlowh%iie that the loc;d permir officer has explained to me the particular hwrd.croblem: assoti- a;4tlwill thi;P, lut. -his explanatitrn tuns acconlp.tnird by iccnmmendacions eonecraiag stabilization and flood footing tcch- ruques. ONTO EN C'MON LAND: I funiIivi(6 orc crrtify rhu r i ant atirho riz,.d to grunt and do in facr grant pem rsttor t,b ICU aforcrnentioucd lands in Cunnietion with cvalwiring inforluatia to 'I'll is nppiir.•ation itlt;ludes: Sc'sieral infprtlzarion (this form), a site drawing as desc ed on the back of this application, e u'.+rriers ijp srucrrrcnr, flee ACC.: hay:ird notice whcrr, necessary, a ehrek for 5100.0 itti'or- Twit 'i..--n ass may be provided wally by i6e applicant. "Pile details of the application as describtti by these sourcas are incorporated witltmn fcfcrenca ill ally rcrialt Wilicll 1113y b¢ iswNi. DCviat'ton {morn these details will constitute a violation of anypermir. Any 1>ces.em dl�vclrtl»tty, in an AFC: widiout permit is subject to civil, criminal and adrttirristrativt; U6011. !'Eris the r (F day or— 4eEA . YY ,, L�,'/�`�,�20 2�L A.a< w06 - I.atidouymcr-or pt:rson authorized to act as his minor for purpose of {dins a CAMA permit vpplieation. MAY-06-2005 14:37 m MAY-06-2005 14:37 P.06 FLl.00R MY 'AID 0i 1 pajeL/'1NN5 1` -99[i3iSDY' �arinA743a9 i .r v 1 v: n i r r7rx WT. I l i _-sue a �� •:a... �, .,, � ,�, _.�..� 7 �- C ) t�� b i Aaeby wdty t6t wcaport ik 1= owm property die lkwm-s Vmuh Smd my Patio Pr+%Paty boded w M* w D4vc, na we3 Radt, Pion mma sib N.C. They h m domW to nto as rmcd belaK the ac.TWW4 4 that uc propo4 at thu location and I b vc to obje,tr- ,s to tbn De-a'wtwa for dmwn of p vgowd de rdvpR Rtmovg a tiv tdm* Doman m;d teu* pefio any m►d rvtamnai with a =w r4mac patiom at, U ft the same rm prk. bsi TWO 1?ata 7 p TaieptwnCi�hunFia ..--.... .... - 1_- .. - -- -- .-I.. MAY-06-2005 14:38 MADY FlAOJM MT - ,4 PAGE 82 Beacon's Renck N+ aaer Amedawn, . A&b** do some�PA" s yVAIL R an ?�hK" tkivr, i3e�con� rw XWO 5hmms, N.C. � M-.v u� me �: �wscai bdovcv, the gy&p r.* t dW l�M to are pc�posi that {oemQa anJ 1 ob�e�sions iMs DtaiOon moor dr;w!W of pr,)ported d*v*pnw r R ",Ov4 a£ OW 916� ate and brkk patio arcs an►i nepleeerneot wills g now ea.Wtiv pat6, Ana, uwq theSmm 4w psiet. TiArne —_ . ` ... .� �...s: �r.....:�• � Qom= T; Tick [ate Yrk�x,naNuas�6ear MAY-06-2005 14:38 o 0 i o � • �Ortli Catot'��/ April22, 2005 P.08 THE TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES e-ma11:adm1nWtownofpks.corn website:www.townofpks.com 100 Municipal Circle, Pine Knoll Shores, North Carolina 28512 (252) 247-4353 * Fax (252) 247-4355 Carteret County News -Times Legal Advertising P. O_ Box 1679 Morehead City, N. C. 29557 CP NOTICE OF FIIJWG OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMrr Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b) Pine Knoll Shores, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives notice that on April 22, 2005, Beacon's Reach Masters Association, Inc. applied for a CAMA permit to replace a Concrete slab at Beacons Reach Marina, Pine Knoll Shores, N. C. The application in&* be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by May 5, 2005 will �e considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request Chris Jones CAMA Local Permit Officer for The Town of Pine Knoll Shores 100 Municipal Circle Pine Knoll Shores, N, C. 28512 (252) 2474353 x 18 E-mail: biceontOwinof&s.r.Om PLEASE PUBLISH ON: Sunday, April 24, 2005 TOTAL P.08 MAY-06-2005 14:35 V v P . 01 C�'Oa5 f 318� .: o� APPLICATION FOR r"A MINOR 4^'^'� �^'^ �;••� nc—mac^' DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Norehead'Cl y W1 9 , Lilt North Cool ni Gcncral Assembly pzsxd the Coastal AMA rmant.Act and het the stage'for �iditt�'�crslopateut in f lek a and productive areasLhatborderthestzte'ssoundsandoecanfront. Along with requiring special care by those who build and dc--tilop, tltc Gcutt.tl 1%sscnhbly tiirrctctl the C'o.tstal Resources Commimlon (CRCI to imple- tncuL clear rcgulatians that hninintize the bucd:n on the applicanr. This application for a minor development pertnit Uhler iCANIA 6 lrart of ncc Cuum16sion's effort Lo Meer the spirit and intent of the l.iethvnhl ,1►wmlily. 1r has ll.tn tih•sirnr•i to be straightlonwtrd and require no morcr time or effort nccnsary from the applicant. Please go over this folder svith % he Local Permit Other (LP01 for the locality in which you plan to build to be i-main iliac ynu understand whatinfornmtinn he or She IICC46. Uhair C ANIA r,�,utstion., dw minor jumnit i, to L►• i cl,=11 ,'s d.ty.% once a cumplrrc application i; in Ih.ind. 01'tcn leis tint. is thcuti:d iF the project is simpl:. The procrsr lcncrally talkcs :hhnut 13 days. You can sper,l he appru�.,: r..,.cs jhy making certain that Your .19111 cation is cuhhhhlctc and rit;nrd. that �•aur.lJa��u1 hhhlct. tlhr.pc�iiit:htiuui 6is'ett insult and 01.11 yuut ap))livat ir,a sic i"mock r4i Other permits are required fior &Yelopmrnt ill Litt co.tstal area. Whilc the,c ary ntht CANIA-related. Ue urge you ro elheel Willi the Local l' emir Officer to dctarnhihh.: "Ili:kh ;If tlt-sc yuu alai nve'l. 'i listing i:. ithciutled oil pad. ? ul'ttis fol&r. VVe 111'Prmiaw Your enoper:Ltit,ht cvit6 tha North C 0014ha Coasml Man. ;iVmcnt Pragrnrn and your willingnc. S to build in a way tilt prntCets tltc rviourcus of our boauriful and produetivc enia. C:uastal Resources C lmmission Divisinn Managcmt:nt I