HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-300_Reinhard, Mark_20040312`r R-12-2004 11r38 P.02 4 �Town of Pine Knoll Shores 2004-300 Local Government Parmi NUM er CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, -Coastal Area Management-0 Issued to Mark Reinhard authorizing development in Pine Knoll Shores at 115 Dogwood Circle as requested in the permittee's application, dated?,/ 2 7 /04. This permit, issued on 3 / 12 / 04 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes setforth below. Any violation of theseterms may subject pormittoo to a fina, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the application dated February 27, 2004. 2) The structure shall comply with the NC Building Code and all other Federal, State and Local regulations. 3) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will required a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 4) The structure must be located entirely off of the frontal dune. 5) The structure must be located behind the primary dune and no dune disturbance allowed. 6) Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of the time when it becomes imminently threatened, and in any case, upon its collapse or subsidence. however, if natural shoreline recovery or beach re-nourishmcnt takes place within two (2) years of the time the stmcmre becomes imminently threatened, so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit holder's right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC rules. 7) Pursuant to 15A NCAC 07J .0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party by the applicant, agem or any entity other than the NC Division of Coastal Management. This permit ruction may be appealed by the permitter or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mh m.,st coaso until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work must coaso when this permit expires on December 3�t, 2007 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent With the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. 9"q. 0, #W,., 00 name _1.00 Municipal Circle address Pine Knoll Shores Permittee (signature required M special conditions above apply to permit) TOTAL P.02 MAR-01-2004 09:33 P.02 �- • . .... .• r.tL_ Locality l Crmt X4 li ea: tuber__ crn ocein]*i;tud . l:jrvariae'Shoreline_: ORw5hortline PubiieTrwiSbo [iae •�--�, . Other :qu' (T:oie g�cial tsre Daly) .-"" 'N) GENERAL INFORMATION IAN V OWNER Name. (T Iar1C. HY cic(r Tc Scat - v� zip ^l b t rhuur AUTHORIZED AGENT y41 Name-. C-. Addrrss S -70 9,...jcjg Ad- . ^•� .M. ziip . O Phont LOCATION OF PROJECT- (Addrrss, scent runt andfur diracdons w tire. (f not 4uanfronc. whit iv the name c,F ►'� t the rdjaccnt <ra(cxbodv?) C ;rt: �tno Ev DESCRIP17ON OF PROJECT:. (Lisr All prop*scd cOttscruedun and land dlstm . nee_) X �o >� b or,1 't A / ' - a� /ass n � n, _s.. �. sue. .�% _ L � %� _ . / . n .. rf i SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL:- PRorOSED vsl Rtsidaicia! +(Sin 1t-Oily i 4ulri-family } CorntnCrical/Industrial OT TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE O( EAN YARD ARFA OF ]:N yI- tve RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): , 27 Ia aqUam {m (indudts Al floors and rook-overed decks) SIU OF BUI.LWNG FOOTPRINT AND OTHER 1MPEMO1JS OR BUILT -UPON SUR7=ACE5 IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMEWA L CONCERN (AEC): �aq• ft_ICalcui)(ions 1ndadt thearea ofhe raafari line .)f dbu' �, c�iYrwaP, covered decl�, toneracs nT maanr1 psuu,, ArG (lt-1r Art wirhiq the Wllcabie AEC, Attach your calculativas -ith the prola:r.irawing.) Choout the AEC area that applies to )var property; (1) within .'5 lect of Nounal HiSh Wamr for the Escwrinc ShoMinc A1:.0 (Z) -idAm 575 fect of Normal High Wacct For rite EauarinShnrelic AE(Z adjacntvVu Si KtseUcr A*13, atandit (3) within :40 Feer 4?f rht Public Trust Shoreline AEC �r (Conr---( your Ltial Permit. Od'ictr if you arc nor sure •wi)ic�►,a,�C applies To.your l+rnptrry•J SSE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMITr Is rht project Iucatvd in an arcs subjccc us 3 Sate Scormwatcr MCn3ze'tcicnr Pcrmir issued by the N.C. Ui.isiun of Waco ga4lty' YES l�tq If'Yes. Iia dtt total bail(-upati ;wez4uperviuus iwface alluwcd for your lot or pema uarc foer_ $9 MAR-01-2004 09:34 P.03 OTHER PERMITS MAY Bk R13'QUIRk.D: The auiviry planning y rtqulrt rennirs o1.VAA other than the Y�1tr an: ma '' rtiuler J-doFtttmlt permir. At a urAcr we hart rurapilud a list of dht Wads ofpermirs that might be required, 'We juA p= y,Kr thole artr dl, liar r. irh rti.ur LkC) ro dtiermu+c tfany of rlaese aMyly ffv your Project: s!,)a;ny;, Driryking \Catuttl, Se}+cie luilc (urorlttr sanitary Wsstc aeaunrnr svNtem). burning, Elmri=l. Plumbing. Rzatiagand ,Sir CoruliLivn;n& insLlahirm aAdgryerg} C.onscrnrion, FLU �'crcifl�asi�•n. Sand mane. Sediment C'OhMal, Sulnli-;jjon Approvd. Mnhilp HatnC PUt Appn,vstl. I Conncerion. and adl,-m ST"EMXNr OF OWNERSHIP: 1. the undenigued. Wn appGeartr ior a CAM•A rAinvr tntac dcYclo crmir, P P being tither the o„rncr of proptrtr- is an AEC or a Pcrcr,n anrhar4;bd to act as set agent fvr purEKOres of appEving For a LAMA rnitior'l,,lnpment permit. Certify chit the pervc•n Iism4 as landowrlrr "an this tpplicorion 1104 oigaiftant interest in the real p14 1crt)• described therein. TK, interest cm be iieacribcdas: fchfcknnc) an owner or rccnrd rids. 7 ale is vcsccd in , s Oted Book x Pa1Ke .. �-1 in nc� _ County Registry of I�scedce.� et a►'% o W A(-r Lv) virrac of inheritance. Agplica= iY an heir to die os am of probate was in_ _ Cpunr), Y'�---` if orher inrereic such as *Titren contras or I&Vei explain below or we a scpautc sheet arrd attich to This applieuion_ NOT MCAnON OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthermore eertiiY that the following persons art vwnen of properrits =119inin this property. I aA'um that I have giver, ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them ,vncerning my inrenr to dtvclup this property and to apply f6r a (,,trey perrhtit '(Name) , . „ , (1) Q) (3 ) R) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD ARC; I acknevwledgb chit,fir land owner is awprt rlhat Elba propuxd dcvelvputent it planned for an area which nay be susccprib t ra crosie,n .end/-)r flooding. I aeknvwlcd&e chat The local pertnit officer has explained ro rtte tlhe particular haurd problems assuci atvl with rhi$ I0c.'114 cuplsnation eras accornpwnied by k-commandadons oonetrning scabilizatit)4 and floodprooring tcchh- niqucs. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: I furthermore certify that I am autharixed rp gram and dv in her Vinc perm Won to the local permir officer and his;1prrts to rrhLcr can the afon menrianed lands in connection wirh evaluating inf rtt-vat;';n [slated to 66 pertrtic atppli,cauon, Th;; -VOC.Ltinn incluctm- general i drurraadon (this farm), a site drawing as described on the back of rhis apF houi%,n, the C—ncrshiP acateater►t. the AEC hasard notice wle= acccsary, , check fvr S 100 0U madr payable to eht (ncaliry, :40(1 Aav lessor, marian as may be prov;ded urally by the applicant.'I1he details of cht appli"tioA as described by these 3aurcct are igc,rporatcd wirhuut rtferenee in any perutdt whi& may be issued. Deviatwn from dle�e details will consriruce :t violation of any permit. ,goy Pers.uh developing in an AEC w;elhuut permit is %Lkbicer ro civil, criminal and administrati.,�e aeri,)n. I leis. dhc .hay of 20 _ L:uula"vner or per,:on aur.606 ad to =c as his afear for PurPOx of filing 2 CAMA permit applicari.tin. MAR-01-2004 09:34 P.04 • �-�� 1 .c�a r t 1b� P. �1 %-.• Q Greg, 1"2T 50`. r'4: e * ;4'- d, 4 TOM OF PINE KNOLL SHORES i m 40 0 40 80 120 Mc GRAPHIC SCALE - FEET E DR7RiM m CIRCLE SITE S W E (TIC lIt1E) 19' DOGWOOD CIRCLE 89° 22' E _ Ex. NA IL 99. g8'--..'_Ex" a IT—+( - -1"---) S 60 PUBI. 1 C RAW ) 30.59, S 00040' 00 W R.W— _ _ S 8893G1 • LKKWD Elk ,. 100. oo� .. IR_.,RyM' Sir. Tlpp���}� ry $IR - WT IIIQM Ilp{' [iT • 1{TI/0 IPIP[ O a UP �if7m InkR01 A � i G WA - tzlrrlx* ccoluttt �olluR[gt `nn ■ wor III N L X � UL VA M � O •� 1 4 .2 N L STORY "cuoE REFERENCES w art PILING 7 O DEEDBOOK 892 PAGE 173 $ o MAP804K 7 PAGE 77 KOI d LOT 8 BLOCK 8 v E PmI PINE KNOLL SHORES PIN 4 635519712022 R g vs 10 L.z SIR SIR TOP OF . DUNE .. TOP OF OVNE Poo( size I A X C2 3 a TOE OF DUNE • $ QO �- ACREAGE �►'f (COORD. ME7100) 1+i TOE w ouNE 0.01 AC. NOTES. PROPERLY IN IM MS' IN A 20NE 'V =267-000Z 0 OATEC 2-i'S,iGbS 14. �I YAP PROPERTY IS I26y-ONE6353 JEL01A171R 6-Z00,Z ATLANTIC OCEAN 100.03' JL S 89° 19' 37" W , 3iAP PRPPamLEE FOR: w MARK RF I NIPAPIn MAR-01-2004 09:35 P.05 Mark Owens P.O. Box 1 Fountain, NC, 27829 Mr. Owens; This is to irdorm you that Aqua Clete Pools aW Spas of Rocky Mount, NC will begin construction of an in -ground fiberglass pool at the residence of Marls R.1uhn rt,115 Dogwood Circle, Pine Knoll Shores. Approximate start date is towards the end of March or first of April. Aqua Clear Pools and Spas installation will meet all requirements scr forth by thc'1'own of Pine Knoll Shores. Sirucroraly, Mike Baker Customer Service Aqua Clear Pools and Spas 800-399-7946 eA 21 MAR-01-20e4 09:35 P.06 Samuel Francis 6320 Theirfrc:ld Drive Raleigh, NC 27614 W. Francis; This is to inform you that Aqua Clear Pools and Spas ofRoeky Mount, NC will begin construction of an in -ground fiberglass pool at the residence of Mark Rcinhart,115 Dogwood Circle, Pine Knoll Shores. Appra dmate start date is towards the end of March or first of April. Aqua Clear Pools and Spas installation will meet all requirements sct forth by the Town of Pinc Knoll Shores, Sincerely, Mike Baker Customer Servioo Aqua Clear Pools and Spas 800-399-7946 ext. 21 - MAR-01-2004 09:35 P.07 THE TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES 100 Municipal Circle, Pine Knoll Shores, NC 28512 (252) 2474353 • Fan (252) 247-4355 • E-mail: pksbi@nternet.net March 1, 2004 Carteret County News -Times Legal Advertising P.O. Box 1679 Morehead City NC 28557 NOTICE OF FILING OFAPPLIC4TION FOR CAMA M12VOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCOS 113A-119(b), Pine Knoll Shores, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives notice that on March 1, 20K Mark Reinhard applied for a CAMA permit to install a pool at 115 Dogwood Circle, Pine Knoll Shores, NC. The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by March 12, 2003 will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the timc of permit decision_ Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Linda Brickhouse CAMA Local Permit Officer for The Town of Pine Knoll Shores 100 Municipal Circle Pine Knoll Shores NC 28512 (252) 247-4353 ext. 20 E-mail: lbrickhouse&ownofpks.co PLEASE PUBLISH ON: Wednesday, March 3, 2004 MAR-01-2004 09:35 ~118 105 104 IN C> 11e 108 114 1M 103 109 112 105 107 110 �.�'�1• •.-. P.08 TOTAL P.08