HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-303_Honey, Rhett_20040607JUL-19-2004 11:20 Pine Knoil .S fires, Pit, 28512 Local Govarnment P.04 2004-303 Permit Number :ILA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A•118 of the General Statutes, 'Coastal Area Management.' Issued to _ Rhett Honeycutt authorizing development in Pine Knoll Shores at 101 Knollwood as requested in the permhoo's application, dated 5 / 26 /04 This permit, issued on 6 / 7 / Q 4 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittev to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1. All proposed development and associated eonsttucdon must be done in accordance with the permitted worm plat drawing(s) as originally submitted on May 26, 2004. 2, All construction must conform to the N. C. Building Code requirements and all other local, state and federal regulations. 3. Any change or changes m the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. 4. No impermeable sum shall be allowed over any functional part of the septic teak system. 5. Any unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading,and Iandscq ttg shall be retained on she by effective sahmentation and erosion c m&ol measures. 6. All dabgbed areas shall be vegetatively planted and mulched within 30 days of cortstrucdvn completion. 7, Pursuant to 15 NCAC, sub chapter U0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposal of to a third party. 8. Any change in plans must be approved by the Building laspector's/l ocal Permit Officer's office before commencing work. 9. The structure: must be located entirely off of the frontal dime. 10. The inrucxt>t+e must be, located behind the primary dune and no dune dishubance allowed. 11. The structure must be set back a minim m of 60 feu from the first line of stable natural vegetadon, as determined by the DCM or the LPO. This permit action may be appealed by the permittce or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the Issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, 2007 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Chris Jones name 100 Municipal Circle address Pine Knoll Shores, N. C. 28512 r Permittee (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit) JUL-19-2004 11:19 P.02 Locality r _ l� J 1'ernut Number' ase Accsn f zard Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline -,_ — Pubiit Trust Shoreline Other mi (For official use only) uc: l,, GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER AL Na.nie fiie ea lY� City tt//`e srate _ _'Lip 271T59 Phone AUTHORIZED AGENT tau N:urtc...Llr rW-N .suidrLss ci �,rl'iState lip. 'lip 28 SS-1 Phone Z 52--7ZCe-g173 LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or direcrions to site. It not oceanfront, what is the name of ou die adjacent waterbod)-?1 ©1 D y i✓Ge eI -Vr ,Vl DESCRIPTION OF PROJJLECR (List all propcucd consrruccion and land Ji rurbancc) 3APZP 5 9 7� /1 /9/CSf- - WAlkrv, N 7`b o ce-z . deck'� Ap.rle,04 6 we/ de, 44d ;„ SIZE OF LOT/PARCEU ,.._ 1 ' Q � square feet _ _ acres PROPOSED USE: Residential '`;(Singlc-family Z Multi -Family --..,.) C:.ornmerical/Induatrial Usher — )T TOTA.L ENCL )S$D FLOOR AREA V BUILDING 1N THE OCEANHAZARD AREA OF ENVI- RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEQ: 0d square feet (includes all floors and roof covered dccia) �C • SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT' AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): sq. ft. (Calculations include the area of the roof/drip tare of all buildings, driveway,,, covered decks, concrete or itLuonry patios, ecc. chit are within the applicable AEC. Atcac:ll your cakuiations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: _ (1) within 75 Feet of l ormal High Warer for the Fsruarinc Shorclinc AEC (2) within 575 Eder of NornW- High Wates for the 1?stuarine Shorelinc AEC, adjacenr to OwsaulcLng Rcsoumc Watco Si (3) within 30 feet of the Public Tmir Shoreline AEC: Si (Conrac-r your Lucri Permit Officer ifyou arc not sure which AEC. 2pplics to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMI'I't Is chc pruicct located in an area subject to a Sore Srormwster Mw1ugcmcnt Permit isuucd by the N.C. Uiv6iun of Water Quality? YES NO )al IFY zs, list the total built -upon areaAmpervcuus surface allowed for mur lot or pawel. square fcce. TOTAL P.03 RPR-2-2004 1'RI 03:06PH ID- PACE:3 JUL-19-2004 11:19 P.03 ' C?'i`HER PERMITS KAY BE REQUIR.ED:'1'hr JL:rivin-yvu are planning nii_ rrgtdre petmiia ocher dun the C AkL,q minor dcrclupnrnt pernair. Ati wtvicc we ltavr compiled a 11V of the ltinda of permirs char might be niquircd, WC auQcsr you ehecl over the list Y"'Ir LPO to drrcrminc if my of nccsc apply ro your projec:r: Zoninfi, T rLuig Wager V6'dl, Scpric T.ink (or ocher sanilaty Wasae trearm;ne s; a rm), burni;ns, FlecrrieZ, Plumbing, l leatius .and Air C ondi:ioning, lr,sularion and F.t,rr C:o,aarrva:ion. FTA Cerificati.in. Sal;d Panne. Scdwirnt Coauul. Subdiviswn Approval, ;�1ubi!� H��r7;1'ark ApPn,,v4. i lichway, Conntc,ion, and ethers. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP; 1, flit undersigned. an applicant ,`or a CAIvL-1miner dcvclop:nenr permit, being either the owner of property in •ua AEC or a person authorizcd to arc w an agent fair purposes ofapplving fora CAINL9 minor dcvcInptnent permit. cerrifv rh.it the penon otvncr on rhi.-i application hat.a sipiifieanr i:tt:rest in the real property described thcx4n•'fhis inrerest can l-it iistcd as 13nd Liest�ribcd as: (;neck one) /an owner or rccurd rle,'1'itic is vc%red in Ca r ��°-V �%� _._, sce Dccd Book page 440 in cite ea V few• _ County Registry of Det-,6. _an owner by virruc u! Whcrirance. Applieanr is ,an heir to [he caatc of - Probate %vas in _, .-County _-if other inrerest, such as written contract ur lease. explain bones or use a separate sheer and attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF APJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: 1 futihctmure cer[ih that ncc fttlllJwinr persons :arc Uwncrs of pruperties ,adjuinin,, rhib properry. l affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE cc each uf them concerning my intent to develop this prnpeny and ro apply for a e:,ghgq permit. (Name) (Addrec ' l Q (1) X ore �'v ra 1 t � esf eK �� �� l .Jc 2 $.�I �., 5� 27 x (2) c n ox 6� o t(sr-v (3) �4 5 ( .b.l� (`rt� Fp�a�S► s 1,8 4 NuDY �25 o 1c�E'izb-Acs,"Cc Z18To _ FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD gyp$: 1 ad=wlcdgn that the land owner is aware that the proposed develgpmrnt is platarted for art am which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I ack-nowlcdge rh.ir ncc local perruit of xer his explained to me tht particular hazard prnbleatas associ. ated with this lot.'1'liis explanadvn was accompanied by recununendatiuns concerning crahilizadun alad floodpmofing tech. niques. PERMISSION TO ENTTR ON LAND: 1 furthermore errrify Hutt I are+ authorized to bran( and dr. in fact gram permission en ncc local permit officerand his agents to enter on the alorcmcntioned lands in conncctivn v►irh evaluating information related ro this permit applicatinn. This application includes: general 44orrnaci,7tt (this tc,rni), a site drawing as described on the back of This applir-"nra. the ownership srarement, the AEC: hazard notice where necec ,pry, a check for 5100.00 tnadr payable to the locality, and any in -for. manon as may be provided urally by die applicanc.'lhc details of the application as described by these sources art incurporaccd wid►aut rctarence in any permit which may be ksued. Deviation front rhr_ee der;dls will con,ticutc r violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit as suhiecc to civil, criminal and adminvtrarive ;action. ThisThe ZG day of 2pn4 Landowner or person authorized rn ties tic hic garnr Fnr MI—.— „c cr:.... - ne 11 A -,.--,_ .. r- APR-2-2004 FRI 03:05PM ID: i JUL-19-2004 11:20 In 203 Oxford Road Greenville, NC 27858 May 26, 2004 Mr. K.D. Kennedy P.O. Box 6427 Raleigh, NC 27628 Dear Mr. Kennedy: Cons-idcr this letter one of informing you that T. Rhctt Honeycutt and Joanne E. Honeycutt will build a dwelling at 101 KnollwoW rMve, Pine Knoll Shores, NC. This saki parcel, Lot 12, Block R. in Pine Knoll Shore.,. is contiguous an the castcrn- mosrt side with your property_ Our intent is to begin construction this spring of 2004. Me= address any questions to the Iloncycutts at 252-756-5432, or by letter to the above address. hank you and we look forward to being your neighbors. Sincerely, T. Rhett Honeycutt Joanne E. Honeycutt JUL-19-2004 11:21 P.06 203 Oxford Road Grecnvillc, NC 27858 May 26, 2004 Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Edwards 1821 Hwy. 125 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27370 Demur Charlie and Anne Mariah. Consider this letter the official one to inform you that T. Rhea Honeycutt and Joanne E. Honeycutt wiU build a dwelling at 101 Knollwood hive, Pine Knoll Shom, NC. This said parcel, Lot 12,13iock H, in Pine Knoll Shorts, is contiguous on the Southernmost ,We of your proputy. Our intent is to begin construction in Jum of 2004. Please address any questions to the Honeycutts at 252-756-5432. or by letter to the above address. Thank you and we look Ibmad to being your neighbors. Sincerely, Jfm � u T. Rhett Honeycutt Joanne E. Honeycutt JUL-19-2004 11:21 P.07 203 Oxford Road Greenville, NC 27858 May 26, 2004 Coral bay West Condominiums Box 3094 Atlantic Reach, NC 28512 Dear Mr, Morey: Consi*r this letter one of informing you and your organivation of owurrs that T. Rhett Honeycutt and Joanne C. Honeycutt will build a dwrlIing at 101 Knollwood Drive. Pine Knoll Shores, NC. This said parcel. Lot 12, Block R. in Pine Knoll Shores, is contiguous with the grassy arm ocean side, or the Coral Bay West Condominiums. Our intent is to begirt cons-truc-tion this spring of 2004. Please addtm any questions to the IToncycutts at 252-756-5432, or by letter tW the above address. Thank you and we look forward to being neighbors with Coral Bay West. Sincerely, &74& Alloar T. Rhett Honeycutt .toanac E. Honeycutt JUL-19-2004 11:21 P.08 THE TOWN OF PINE KNOLL SHORES log Municipal Circle, Pine Knoll Shores, NC 29512 (252) 247-4353 • Fax (252) 247-4355 + E-mail: pksbi@nternet.net May 27, 2004 Carteret County News -Times Legal Advertising P.O. Box 1679 Morehead City NC 28557 NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLIC:A77ON FOR CAMA AMVOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), Pine Knoll Shores, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern, hereby gives notice that on May 26, 2004, Rbett Honeycutt, applied for a CAMA permit to construct a single family dwelling at 101 KnoUwood Drive, Pine Knoll Shores, NC. The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by June 7, 2004 will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time ofp=* decision. Project modifications may ocau based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request.. Chris Jones CAMA Local permit Officer for The Town of Pine Knoll Shores 100 Municipal Circle Pine Knoll Shores NC 28512 (252)247-4353 E-mail: lbrickhouse@hotmaU.com PLEASE PUBLISH ON: May 28, 2004 JUL-19-2004 11:22 n rr:aYn lar.w•w I i 1•••Inv w. ml _� S% 14 I j 17 14 uf' 1:NI?l .lt'dgG r,R;I C ' /' raYTCPr241e2RA ■■i ■M■LL W O■L4 YAMM6. i i IwwYK• _ •h7ia■1■raMi'A +r . +r rR1'ar aa■ .SI Sl ROU UML'7 •Dr/ 1 0 �1 _VT [k D %■1L ■MiLL MU ihUM1'nv�n P.09 i I + 1 I me nrau DMWEi a,eavlwM i I _ r•r � I 1» •M'n••1 i I �VKWY Ma► r4T M UAU �I � I .1 I is fL I i AIOPD= I smcrnrM I � 1 xa caerr+ \ `R 1 rKrw NT II. ` li •a.-. I i I 7 � 1• S ! .._• „.�.'�S� ..Wile —17 .Irv\Y •� f ILIGIY fl1 • wa NTwa —_ �—' `II Q .vw'Yu IH. L•rM --_ � 7 o wvai I .••.....L.. +rR . __� � 1 12 Cirwwra�n`caE i 1 1 17 r�� ► vi li !.Z1N.fly.�A.',:,=,Eir•WINC_, W7,,LL NOiEt 1 W O.avly •Mu mlo 04r0 ti: a7srwM nuarw ' rwNMN'ISTannesLMIUJT:.AA13AIr0 I%v�•'vvuwlrrDw•r.Mwl+HUM MM. a 1 n1 e r I A f k_F l.1 DOLM ARfANDrOPOOK"we'ZMWI*AM4trL7T N ' CYtZMAS;SWa. <U 1101ii M f110WM QM TIE SLNW WG Mom. -- .4T A"W TO row■0■M WfrM TWI110 At - "FM q— A$WrmallwTKWD.FFf 5!! L PLAN i ' Mo GOOK I oas MCC AGO. I/7 WIMN va"a(f) _ Y.au' ly ■ • ■ a yt7NEYCUif kc5+!.)ENCe. A 7 - ae wYla»■ ,Y; D■ lmr 'ard: ! 1'FI':. 11; 4. ltl!wWn i ��• r .wr. r Y '37 rr 6 �O' If Ml:frlt M 1'M MMI I •'MY.f 4YP1'r1Mf.M y i i � '@S.■!!�.�lw SI SITE PLAN , lY�••�� wYlnlw w» r■Yl+r.r !¢;6 I Ino[.e7onalr.wlwlnv11..1..1»v+uY. ._.._ _..i _"•-- I wl.»». TOTAL P.09