HomeMy WebLinkAboutW002.03_Hock, Raymond Jr_20030212APR-2e-2009 MON 12s4S IDtCARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TELt252 393-32OS P102 t Carteret County Local Government j CAM MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, [)apartment of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development In an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management.' Issued to Raymond Hock, Jr. , authorizing development In _ Newport, North Carolina a 287 B.J. Taylor Road as requested in the permittea's application, dated January 16, 2003 This permit, Issued on February 12, ' 031s subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, Imprisonment or civil Action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. Install 1320 sq. ft. pool with apron on said property. W002,03 Permit um er All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with permitted workplat drawing(s) as orignially submitted, or as revised on January 16. 2003. All construction must conform to the North Caroling Building Code requirements and all other Local, State and Federal regulations. Any change or changes in the plans for development. construction, or land use activitie will require a re-evnluati.on and modification of this permit. The amount of impervious surface areas shall not excawd 307, if the lot area within the 75' Area of Environmental Concern (AEC). Pursuant to 15 NCAC. Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold or otherwise disposed or to a third -party. This permit action may be appealed by tho permittoc or other qualified persona within twenty (20) days of the issuing data. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this per- mit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project Is Inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit requires f dnher written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on December 31, _ 2006 _ In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project Is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Dalton Henry name 701 Cedar Point Blvd. address Cedar Point, NC 2$584 Permillos (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit) JAN-21-2003 TUE 17140 IDtCARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TELi252 993-320S Ps04 -SEP-16-2002 MON 12 s 09 PM NO D I V OF COASTAL HGMHT FAX NO. 4 P, 03 L�)clllty •_. Permit Number L- 03 GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER 1-1 N:une R•(m 1�L.- Paul 1A 8 cA<,, �R Address - . City ..tlaLuzeQCLT.State W.- Zip 2 "-D Phot*/jSz)^43�3S392 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name N /,4 Address City State Zip Phone LOCATION OF PROJECT ,'Z2!j 1 Th4d9ft .ROAA W 1b,-jbQt. (If not oceanfrant. Is waterbodynatural or Inzinmadc?) t1aWhHCE...�_.. .....- DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT SLqimMj&IC. NOL .� AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To bi filled in by th,, Local Pcmi t Officer prior to completing applicatio(i.) _ Occon Hazard `� Estuarine, Shorelinc �..,� ORW Sliorelinc �Pttblic Trust Shork4inc Other PROPOSED USE ma�r�� ctnalL )C__ Residential , Cormnerical/lndustrial Other SOITARE FOOTAGE, OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR I3UIT"J.'X'ON SURFACES (such as driveways, etc,) within 75 feat of flit estuarine ,Shoreline, or 575 feet or an (.)l:W shor0ine. or 30 feet of the public trust shoreline. jj7tQ 62riaL Apa") SQUARE FOOTAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING SQUAIZE FOOTAGE OF OTT IER PE•R.MITS MAY FIE REQUIRED: The activity you tire planlliug may require permits other than the (:'AMA minor development permit. As a service we Have eompilyd a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you cheek tWur the lilt with your LPO to determine if any of These apply to your project. Lonlag, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tani: (or other sanitaq waste trriament systcln). Bun)ing, Llcctrical, Plumbing. Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation. FIA GC1tIfiCati0A. Sand Durte, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, I lighway C01111OCiioti, and others. JAN-21-200a TUE 17i40 MCARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TELe2S2 a9a-a2OS PtOS • •SEP-16-2002 MON 12:10 PM NO D I V OF COASTAL MGMNT FAX NO. 4 P. 04 STATFM1'.OF OVVNF', k-jqL I. the undCnagned, an alFiplicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property' in an AEC or a��t rxon auttrorized to act as au agent for purposes. of applying for a CAMA minor development permit. ccrti y that tltc person listed as landowner on this application hhas a significant interest in the: teal property dc.scribed therein. This interest can he described as: (check one) Zan owner or rrcord title, Title is vested in AR �o��scc need Book 98: p,g,ej.��in the CA2 � .L. CountyR•gistry of Deeds. owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in _ County. If other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS l furth=vre certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that 1 have g I pen A(:'i-I•IAL NOTICE• to each of them conceniing my Intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA pormJt. (Name) (Address) -Inar• � • �• ► • FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acla%owledgga that the land owner Is aware that the }noposed development is platuied for an area wluch may be susceptible ic, erosion and /or floodin . I aCknow edge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problerns assoct,ited with tl-ls lot. This explanation was accompanied by reconunendations concerning, stabilization and floodproofing teclu-tiques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND 1 furthermore certify that I am authorixcd to grant and do In fact grant permission to the local permit off cer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in conanecdork with evaluating infornation related to thi: permitapplicatlon. This application invlurlrs: general information (this forin), a sito drawing as described on the back of this application, the o%vnership statement, the AEC hazard notica where. necessary. a check for $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any inforrnarion as may be provided orally by the applicant, The details of the application as described by these sourvcs are ince)rporaied without refen-nue in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any hermit. Any person dcvcloping in an AEC without permit is subject to civil. criminal and administrative action. This the 12._ Ily of ?O�Q• . ed to act his a cnt Lando r or person Out �oriz g for purposes of filing a CAMA permit application. JAN-21-2003 TUC 17s41 IDiCARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TELr262 aaa-a2os P106 ..SEP-16-2002 MON 12:10 PM NO DIV OF COASTAL MGMNT FAX NO. 4 P, 05 SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Plcase make stire your site drawing includes the following information required for a CAMA minor develop- ment permit. The drawing may be simple and not necessarily to scale. The Local Pernzit Officer will help you, If requcsted. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS -_Je label roads _y label Hgh ways right of ways _.,,✓ 1:�hE1 local setback lilies label any and All structures and driveways cunveatly existing on property PHYSICAL CHAl2ACTF.WSTICS _ / draw and lalwl niewI high wager m;uk __4 draw locatinn of on -site wastewater system If you will be working In the ocean hazard area: VA., draw and label dune ridges (note height) draw and label toe of dune: idt�nLify ;arid locate first line of stable vegetation C-/A draw and label setback line under CAMA A/r9 draw and label topographical features (optional) If you will Leo working tri an estuarine shoreline area: draw and label landward limit of AEC describe ternfln (slope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS _.V draw :end ]abet areas that will be disturt�d _ if a Douse is to bE }placed on lot, describe location of house note size of pilin • and depth to be placed in ground _ draw and label a areas to be paved or graveled _ v,' describe? eomFositiort of surface 01 note and list fully all trees and vegetation to be removed or relocated show landscaping NOTE TO APPLICANT rt iVe. you; *c".)Inpleted all blariks and / or indicated if nor applicabie7 *miff ed and listed akliace.nt I7ropeilty owners? *iiiebi ed your site. drawing? *sigricd both a liealiun and 6tatemant of ownership? *Cliclosed tho Il O().00 fee? *complrred an AEC IIazard Notico, if accessary? FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted Final Inspection __ Fcc Received Site Ins}-)ettiuns Date of Action: Issued _. Exempted . - Denied Appeal Doadlire (20 days) JAN-21-2009 TUE 17t42 IM CARTCO WESTERN OFFICE 2 TELt252 999-92OS P309 G�K r;r AJ r �•JA�A Y7• �� .� Iry NOT r0 $GALE d7%/ ,,.A;A�ssr�, J.l. /v.,.:-.S, .1175rp/Z2,, G N L_EGEND A V.P. EXISMC IRON PIPE PIPE 5.1.1? R/W SET IRON MOW OF WAY' ALB.S.L. MINIAMAI BUILDING SETBACK LINE AI.B. TAG, A"P BOOK PAGE: S.F. SOWRA: FEET I RR NE CENTERLINE i7 97WC CONCRETE AIONUAIET/T f l.S EXIS77NO IRON STAKE E.ALN. ESl'ISTING ANC NML J SM.N. SET AAAG �.& PP��JR A'0ZA� L _._i'.— dl't'A//fA/.a Ott r'IY.�/�• tom+ `l `j 1. 2. I 4.1 . I !S 73 NOTES ARFrI CLOSURE k 7: co,OC70! •:, ,+A+�,r� r� .. REFER&WC£ ' M.B. 4A• PC. /0 I P.I.N. 5075, :ij?e - FW. , - Fr r! A U FLOOD ZONE ' Z0,V& � :-Crc a) frr. e F .. A- •�, l 37natJ'3-r•+63.4-�,,4u�/ 'r /9, /'Yfi':� J nAML. A(AP' RECOROED ; IPA/A 2 as , / 1) 5 7 �l Tws PROPERTY LS` suBJf.Cr r0 ALL ' CAS , � / d EAMfEArM AGREt:XIEMS, AND RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD PRIOR TO THf_ DATE OP PHIS PLAT .lt✓ l-!:', �.�7.. �: �'�i1 'r ; Y i�'.:� :. J/.$.' /, J, F/S711 rhv -v.,;r w . S(..v.X 7:r !L .?A. 0 �13`1 F3 .�� ILaI - e har�bl! cffriW Omi thin ,no prepared aceordOW to tht,11 FrLtotu�t for Land S•uow CLariplim. It th4t (thJJtq Tina ancrottch»tants aiV9r-;1 P-rS 5,iP 115,�n �1 L-3062 or5 „Su7vayor �/ Ah1 t� No. d DRAIM 9Y ..•;4,.. I �� A/ 7V"/5'd0"--T 12S.00. ��I.A, - LUnSVE RTC'' e bYsrILM V w sai A9k/t s- I. Nadi t 1 Pt.4'Lw�/ •4��•fl. /`5.00'+-- 5 7# ;L 4l:i1SE c-RE:E &* .i��.kl✓1✓/S/6'N sau aJirt Prtarcr NO. Prestigr Land Surveyinj, P.A. 501 V.D. Noleen Blvd. -- ape Carteret Swanaborc. North Carolina 28504 JAN-21-2003 TUE 17t42 IDtCARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TELt2S2 393-320S P107 A'TTi�cL,mav�'� "� 5ll2 V�1 p 1 f I I I 1 St i a An"r.1 w! PmL G Qa�c�rat�.b o� Pr � OF Low Suerrli cp— 41/2-' AAowV Satz Aa r Va.' bl j 0 hr 1 !il JAN-21-2003 TUE 17143 ID+CARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TEL+252 399-320S P109 - • too, IdaIrk II11.lt ._ __• un ad? ' i�i s 1 •! u�� Ina 39 L41 1 f fa6D r . - ! 4.1wpail ® %v p f9 , �a e �.at wt ► _r e. ,, dw Woe FM r1. MSI MON so m►w = t = \ \ ! K w >tAllot r\�W • _ , p,, � � lIII' _VA .. ••• cw • utI n 4iii au s> /i qr ' HIM IN rwe to �® JPN-21-2009 TUE 17140 IM CARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TELt2S2 393-320S P103 'Carteret County Department of Planning Courthouse Square Beaufort, HC.28516-1898 (252) 728-8497 Off cc (252) 728-6643 Fax Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), Carteret County, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in areas of environmental concern, hereby gives notice that on -JceXA %O I _ 200& applied for a CAMA permit to_—hLu�, t rn r �py The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by -b. 3 will be considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision In this matter will be provided upon written request. 7. CAMA Local Permit Officer Carteret County Central Permit Office Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28516 Please publish on 0.'3— and return Affidavit of Publication as soon as possible JAN-21-2003 TUC 17139 MCARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TCLe2S2 393-3205 CAMA PROJECT TRACKING SHEET �ppllcant's Name: Property Address: Dates of Site Visits:(U- I• o3 Exemption: Permit: Number: L000a • 0-5 Application to be returned for the following reasons: Date Returned: P102 Application considered accurate and complete for processing?.. Date: The following site -specific observations have been made: ❑ The following conditions to be included on the permit (in addition to standard conditions): �- wo-, 0 aeo, Dates of follow-up visits: Final Inspection Date: Project determined to be In compliance with permit Project determined to be out of compliance with permit Action taken to bring project Into compliance with CAMA: .— LPa: Date: JAN-21-2003 TUE 17t39 M CARTCO WESTERN OFFICE TELt2S2 393-320S P101 &I CARTEREr COUNTY Fax Transmittal Force To Name:rV-6— Organization: Office Location: Fax Number: urgent For Renew Please Comment Please Reply Message: WESTERN PLANNING 8 INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT From: 6 nm Phone: 252.343.3204 Fax: 252.393.3205 Date sent Time sent: Number of pages Including cover page: