HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempte_Garner, Jerry_200305025/02/2003 09:33 2527286643 Carteret County Department of Planning Courthouse Square Beaufort, NC 28516-1898 (252) 728-8497 Office DATE: J'-9 M O 3 NAME' U'1:5�RRN (252) 728-6643 Fax ADDRESS: ieNicelAW4. CITY: +- STATE: IV* - C. . Dear M R , O-ARNe - CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 02 EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION #: / / d - ° 3 We have received the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of fling an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit providing It complies with the conditions specified below. if your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY AND CONDITIONS: f- ,✓Ce •�i4# Conditions: Any change in this proposal shall be reevaluated by the CAMA Officer. A building permit is required. Construction must be performed in accordance with the permitted work plat originally submitted 9-eo3 . All construction must conform to the North Carolina Building Code requirements and a o er oca , State, and Federal regulations. IN ADDITION THE CONDITIONS CIRCLED BELOW APPLY: 1. The amount of impervious surface areas shall not exceed 30% of the lot area within the 75' Area of Environmental Concern (AEC); in this case, square foot. C The amount of built -upon area shall be limited to no more than 25% of the Outstanding Resource Water (ORW) area of land to be developed; in this case, �5 a . - square fleet. exempt ion, i nspoctors 02/2003 09:33 s 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 03 3. In order to prevent sedimentation, a vegetated buffer zone must be maintained between all disturbed areas and the adjacent water body or marsh. in this case, a foot wide buffer has been accepted. Prior to initiating any land -disturbing activities, a barrier line of filter cloth, staked hay bales, or burlap must be installed between the land -disturbing activity and the adjacent marsh or water areas, until such time as the area has been properly stabilized with a vegetated cover. 5_ The applicant has effectively demonstrated, through innovative construction design, ,that the amount of impervious surface areas may be exceeded in a way that runoff water will be managed and the AEC protected so as to all percentage of impervious surface areas within the AEC. Uov Pursuant to 15 NCAC, subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not be assigned, transferred, sold, or otherwise disposed of to a third party. Stormwater collection systems are prohibited. A 30-foot buffer zone must be provided from the mean high water line (normal water line). This certification of exemption from requiring a CAMA permit is valid for ninety (90) days from the date of issuance. Following expiration, a review of the project and project site may be necessary to renew this certification. LOCATION OF PROJECT: Ue,v� ce. LAae New c.et Al C - Sincerely, Local Permit Officer Carteret County (252) 728-8545 +z&mption. inspectors /02/2003 09:33 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I SIP-27-02 PR1 12:11 PM PLARViNGUNSPECTIOHS MA1 RV. 1U1100047 PAGE 04 ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATZMENT 's I hereby cerdiy that I own property adjacent to dame of* � y. Uim") property located atLALI� Roa p N.C. On in Mtn.. r >a re materbody} (7own atfd/or County) He has desCtibed to me as shown below, the development be is proposing at "t location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRIPTION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (To be,jilied is by individual proposing dsvdopment) Signature Print or Type Name 7, e'—:' 7rY-9 Telephone Number Date: f ZO -20- -2003 09:33 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 05 su-21-02 FRI 12:11 PM PLANNINGMSPHTIONS PAX NO. 2527286643 I ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT i hereby certify that I own property agjACatt to� 's (Nome of Property Omer) Pr�Y located at U e { G r .. Ksf- 'z Z (Lot, Block, Road, etc.) j L on ��G SCc —A , in _ 1A_t„�, D y rC. ,l_,_�i4�� /g . N.C. tWaterbody) own and/or County) He has described to me as shown below, the development he is proposing at that lecatian, and, I have no objections to his proposal. DESCRMION AND/OR DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPAMNT (To be fillyd in by "vidual proposing devekPme t) >frint dr Type Name e Telepho a Number — Drn= l) 46 in _29- 05/02/2003 09:33 f 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 06 Action Id. 2003003R2 U.S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS Wilmington District County: C.artew Notification of Jurisdictional Determination Property owner: Mr Jr= Garner Address: P.O. Rax 326 Morehead City_ N_ 7C _$S52 Zone: 18 UTM: North: 3843614 East: 324687 Quad: Salter Path Size and Location of Property (waterbody, Highway nametnumber, town, etc.): The o-90 a_rre lot Ont 2 !0c,Rlrg0 We_r Rerareal on V ni T anrndisinmt to Rno ie grnmd, Rrnad Creek C'aTtrret Cpnnt�y North ramlina Basis of Determination: Determination is based on a field visit made by Kevin Yates on 24 May 2002. Indicate which of the following apply: There are wetlands on the above described property which we strongly suggest be surveyed. The surveyed wetland lines must be verified by our staff before the Corps will make a final jurisdictional determination on your property. Because of the size of your property and our present workload, our identification and delineation of your wctbmds cannot be accomplished In a timely manner- You may wish to employ a consultant to obtain a more timely delineation of the wetlands. Once your consultant has flagged a wetland line on the property, Corps staff wH1 review it, and, if it is accurate, we strongly recommend that you have the line surveyed for final approval by the Corps. The Corps will not make a final jurisdictional detetmination on your property without an approved survey. X The wetlands on your lot have been delineated, and the limits of Corps jurisdiction have been explained to you. Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed rive years from the date of this notification. There are no wetlands present on the above described property whicb are subject to the permit requirements of Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1344). Unless there is a change in the law or our published regulations, this determination may be relied upon for a period not to exceed three years from the date of this notification. X The project is located in one of the 20 Coastal Counties. You should contact the nearest State Office of Coastal Management to determine their requirements. Placement of dredged or fill material in wetlands on this property without a Department of the Army permit is in most cases a violation of Scction 301 of the Clean Water Act (33 USC 1311). A permit is not required for work on the property restricted entirely to existing high ground. if you have any questions regarding the Corps of Engineers regulatory program, please contact Kevin Yates at (910) 251-4482. Property owner/Authorized ,Agent Signature P er Signature Date Fahniary 26, 200-1 Expiration Datc _ F rary 26,_2008 SURVEY PLAT OR FIELD SKETCH OF DESCRIBED PROPERTY AND THE WETLAND DELINEATION FORM MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE FILE COPY OF THIS FORM. CBSAW Form M6 05/02/2003 09:33 2527286643 CARTERET CTY P I PAGE 07 NEASURBNENTPTAKEN AT -BASE NOTES: SEE MAP BOOK IT, PAGE 19 404 WETLANDS DELINEATED BY THE U.S- ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS WETLA D AS 914" HEREON 1#S ONEFNLEPWRTHETNEBY-AND CORPS OF ENGINEER$ REGULATORY BRANCH, WILMINGTON OFFICE F I- p00 9t 0"%5 A's - �9 . LEGEND: CLI CENTERLINE. MHWM- MEAN HIGH WATER MARK OR NORMAL HIGHWATER. RNY- RIGHT OF WAY. EL- ELEVATION-NGVD 1929. DIST,- DISTANCE. A a 0.90 ACRES TO NHWM (BY ANALYTIC GEOMETRY) PROPOSED FILL ARrIAM 3' 41 p F IL1- tT GOU l- L- l- L. 4 CONTR ANTROL m L- mu L- PROPOSMiD HOUSE I. FOOTPRINT WITH �. poRCHE t OUTERSMOSI ROPDSED RECTANGLE FILL AREA 69.33 X6B SYAKED IN FIELD) F� _.nv . 3 CONTROL q L-3 11I1e L-1 PRO1'OSE3 0' 1 AREA FILL 40 By 4 W OLANDTlIE 1 FOUND IRON PIPE U.S. ARW CORPS OF T I / • 39' eel, ENGINEERS � ��+ . RE -MARKED WITH 36' ti / / / �23' r wooDEN STAKES AND/' PINK AND BLACK I / // L�TL+ EL- FLAGGING►- L-B� / // I 1 4-9URYEY LINE 1 FIELDM DOES NOT I ar REPREtENT A•'• 1 Aye\ BOUNDARY OA II ' MHWM L I 1 �/ /.y l / 1 MARBN BELOW MIiMYM 1 & lieoVE Mh1NM � -' I •• Eli I.6' �,. Am