HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21_Davis, Walter G._20031124• MOREHEAD CIS GERALD A.�JOONDNES, JR., Mayor N O R T H C A R O L I N A F a FLOYD M. CHADWICK, JR., Mayor Pro -Tern 706 ARENDELL ST PAUL W. CORDOVA P.O. DRAWER M FAX ROBERT B. HOWARD, JR. MOREHEAD CITY, NC 28726-857-4234 R. RANDY MARTIN JOHN F. NELSON F(252) CityMana er DEMUS L THOMPSON FAX (252) 726-2267 267 9 EMAIL townotmcOnternet.net November 24, 2003 Mr. Walter G. Davis 503-300 Oberlin Road Raleigh, NC 27605 RE: Exempted Project (Minor) CAMA #03-21 Dear Mr. Davis: DEC 0 9 2003 We have received your proposal for development regulated by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). The activity you propose is exempt from needing a Minor Development Permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY AND CONDITIONS: According to your permit application you propose to construct a single-family residence on your property located at 1107 %Z Shepard Street, Morehead City, NC. The structure must be located more than 40' landward of the mean high water mark or normal water level within the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Environmental Concern. No land -disturbing activity may occur within that 40' buffer zone other than construction of a 6' wide access to the water. Confirmation must be provided that written statements have been obtained from adjacent riparian property owners indicating that they have no objections to the proposed work. Sincerel , Rick Sc lz Local Permit Town of Mol Cc: Terri Barrett -Division of Coastal Management Mickey Suggs -Corp of Engineers ADA/EOE/P Equal Opportunity Employer Provider No-lti'mre lull €u;44 till ntr t!!v v, vvi—a-L. llVt ult ..... ..... ti DEC 0 9 2003 DIVISION OF COASTAL M434AGEMENT AnxA Cr.NT RXpARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICA nowiVAIVER FORM riame of Individual applying for i�crmit: 11 Address of Pr t3Y= _ .i . �y....'•.oy.� /ltfl , .�• (Lot ar Strut V' S(eat or Rye. City & County) rt adaccnt to the above referenced Property- The to tvs i i ltareby certify' that I own pro P-aY a i ing for this permit has dowribcd to me as AMA l0mensionscs Dull be provided with this PP yf p A description or drawing, it they are propo$inb. letter.ar7r, htveno objections to this proposal 'ections to w)teyt is being praposed, please write S7t a call { 2j Coastal If you have t�ltl HWY. �, hloreitead City, NC, 2 hlonagemerrt,'le "" Plaza 11,151-i3, .2808 within io days of receipt of dds notice. No response is corisidererl tlse same as no Objection if you have been notified by CertLried Alait. WAIVER SECTION i Ltse- lift or sandbags must bl� utyderstan:T.tlsat spier. dock. mooring pilings, brealcwm Aly area of artan aoccCsat s unles3 wai by me (ifYop set back tt rninicnuni distante of tuusti� al h appcopriatc blank below wish to waive the setback, you . I do wish-ta..waive the 1 S' setback requtrcmen . I do not wish to waive the 15' setback Mquitesnent, ate f Print Name T! p o- e�Number With Area Code NOV-18-2ouz must t -44 WI rik, u, V V, WAIW „L. . . O-C 0 9 2003 a DIVI5I0N OF I{COASTAL ' NOT A� I�VAIVER F0�'i Ap �t Cr•.i ' � �rRIAN PItCpCIt'1"Y wNM f. ,..-.„ AA, J/r .. f _..,t..: wh -FKt dame of In+ Address of ... ........ ...... ..... __ ..... ............. he indivi i hereby +certify that 1011 property adjacent to the ai�ove refercnoed propera development for this p� with dimensions, should be prOvided with this appl3ri�., mit fins described to me as shown on the attached drawi%% they are p;opo�sia• A do setiption or drawing, letter. / 1 have. no objections to this proposal. , please wi ite the Coastal !f you ltttve objections to tvltat is being PrOPOscd orehead City, NC, 2S557 or call (252) 848- A'lanavmerd, Ile.�a Plan a 01 i5I-tI, Hny, 7.4, Bred tits $ante as' no oblectiona 2R08 wit;:en 14 days' of receipt of Ilds notice* ho re,� ctse is +ror+sid (f you have been notyled' by CertUted Mail, _ WAIVER SECTION Pic dock. moorin8 pilings. breakwater, boat bouse; rift or handbags roust be t understand /bat a p acea of li arian mess unless waived by mc. You set back- a itutttum diStanc of I Y from MY You must init ai the appropf ate blank below_) wish to waive the setback, y H:.................:...............:_.....: e,tt I do wish to waive the 15' setback' I do not wish to waive the 15' setback rt;rinircment. �~r Date f Si at re 1 1t� r •n1 Nape T cphonc Number With Area Code I -Davis Kane architecture a planning • Interiors A R C H I T E C T e. P A DEC 0 9 2003 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL I PROJECT 07 DKA PROJECT NO. L�%2 DATE � 2 ' ' 03 TRANSMrMN��G FAX: 919-755-1771 FROM: 1`.' .2� T: ` e-) TRANSMITTED T0: Tz- & - ;� ?- ATTENTION: -TovL CC: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES (including cover): 1 MESSAGE: io.z� s L110V/101 2 iS ltAV'1, j Cu la 6 tax.dat 503 Oberlin Rd • Suite 300 • Raleigh, NO 27605 • ph 919. 833 . 3737 • fax 919.755 .1771 info@davis ns.com TO'd Tb:ST S�OOZ S 3@a T1ZT-SS1-6T6:xPd S1031II-131H 3NlN SIAba O DEC 0 9 Lo*7vR 4'"' NG 0UND'� 5 MHW LINE Tor dt .17»KZ p'boo �• �► atAlum CP L-.fJ • CP Ng4.56'�9 �''� N �9 `/� 50A0 Ate„ . N ,pRiG1NAt,��g' N YRS P r LINE . . CAMA LINE 30' BUFFER LINE '•' it 1 `r 40 or !4! \ La ��LIACM s `51ool0w;Aps 0 0 �AREAm CAMA 60111 sq.f 14/— �7S' A.E.C. LINE t By Coordinates = ♦p-s ILINK f ENG Z . S84its15 LEGF�IND IPH RF IRON RC IR RON A r 0 DEED ( PC PAOEeO a an 9 0NERHEAP ELECTRIC ST. , U Y. ' .rr � ��� U fi r q i s L0l ALL �O r GRAPHIC SCALE �• ' Ym TO '►K' NAft FOUND AT TK INTERSECTION OF sw:p s ST. s Sza, ST. 1N >Rm ) I MY YR SCALE? A.. .. ZO'd TV:ST �OOZ S 3@a TILT-SS&6T6:x*e3 S1031IHO�li 3gcN SIAUG K 101 28557 Cur-DADr% C-rD[=Frr -I- I—Vam rp IMINEW ro CAMA CALCULATION AREA ALLOWED: 75' X 50' = 3750 SF 3750 SF X 30% = 1125 SF AREA SHOWN: 19'-8" X 35-8" = 702 SF, 6'-0" X 10'-0w =-60 SF TOTAL SHOWN 762 SF OUTSIDE MECHANICAL UNITS ON TREATED WOOD PLATFORM EXISTING TREE TO REMAIN BOGILIESOUND NOTE: FEMA ZONE A-8, FEMA SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA SITE PLAN FT1-- 1 1 " = .30' 'HEET INDEX Walter G. Davis rG--� U Walter Davis U U -L-X c) 0 VIS T-1 Title Sheet. Code Summary, Slte Plan