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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Foley, Don_19960214 (2)Director of Inspections Dan Foley PO Box 3482 New Bern, NC 28560 RE:Dock Exemption Frank Rackley Residence 101 Vida Lane New Bern, NC County of Craven Inspections Department 02/14/96 75 O Joseph V. Squires 21 1 M3ii+q�yrrarlAAiiA� Mr Foley'' 16 We have received your proposal for development regulated by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA). The activity you propose is exempt from needing a Minor Development Permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Piers: (7K.0203)-A private, non-commercial pier may be constructed .if it does not exceed 200' in total length offshore; is not within 150' of a federally maintained channel; does not extend beyond the 4' mean low water line or normal water level (whichever is applicable) of the waterbody: does not exceed 6' in width: does not .include an enclosed structure; ancl, does not interfere with established navigation rights. The 4' mean low water restriction shall not apply to piers constructed on man made canals and basins. It may be built through wetland vegetation only if elevated and may have a T-head or platform not exceeding 500 SF in area at its waterward end if no wetland areas are covered. 'The pier must be set back 15' from the adjacent property owners area of riparian access unless waived by a written agreement. Conformation must; also be given that written statements have been obtained from adjacent riparian property owners indicating that they have no objeiction, to the propoWed pier. Also, piers authorized by this exemption shall be for private use only. sincerely, Jonathan Leake LPO cc: DCM Field Representative Human Services Complex 2818 Neuse Blvd, Suite 15, New Bern, NC 28562 Of ce (919) 636.4987 Fax (919) 636.4984 w ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to —F&.JK s, 4 14A.4 a►. Raa14S prope ty located at _ lot jS oA L.(%.J z. (lot, block, road, etc) on _ .Neu s ,_ R iEA- in 4 otJ ,a aAA)` (body of water) (town) North Carolina in CRAjzA County. The proposal has beep described to me as shown below; the development, a pier/bulkhead/structure, and the (circle one) propo:ed location, and I have not objection to the proposal. I under- stand that if the development is a pier, it must be set back a minimum distance of 15 feet from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. I do '.o o waive that setback requirement. (cirr:le one) Descr'.ption and/or drawing of proposed development: (to be filled in by indiv.i.dual proposing development). INDICATE THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF THE STRUC:'URE AND THE DISTANCE BETWEEN EACH PROPERTY,LINE AND THE WATER. r ri.+w• pit SCxLPrte'r: 'g I f I Isn4. wrn+ \\ wc• �.,�R�,. i' % 14, 1. ad 0. At a T To ae. -i )riginal must be retained in the Inspection Department to S gnature Date GJxc.LLnM E_ Po&JLC.C_ Name (T.' Lease Print) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I he aby certify that I own property adjacent to Fmk -S, &4. &ie%s prop rty located at _ I a l -is 0 Ay4,4 X. (lot, block, road, etc) on _ NEu s P_ PxiEA- in ,J RJ a 2,�n) (body of water) (town) Nord. Carolina in CAAJzj County. The proposal has been described to me a: shown below; the development,,a pier/bulkhead/structure, and the (circle one) prop, sed location, and I have not objection to the proposal. I under- stan. that if the development is a pier, it must be set back a minimum dist.nce of 15 feet from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. I do ao ish_to waive that setback requirement. (Cl Desc'iption and/or drawing of proposed development: (to be filled in by indi'idual proposing development). INDICATE THE SIZE AND LOCATION OF THE STRU.TURE AND THE DISTANCE BETWEEN EACH PROPERTY -LINE AND THE WATER. `•T�"'• •y' �Rtc1LLPrtid: T' >< I /im- wnl AW0. ,.• .• _*= �' to ee" rh .t u.•' 8 1 ,as YO ""to 00 '71 q4 y y 'Original must be retained in the Inspection Department) • Zs 2Z 'do S i1clinaturei Date Name (',lease Print)