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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Foley and Foley_19960429 (2)County of Craven
Inspections Department
Director of Inspections
,Joseph V. Squires
r�AY 1 o 1996
04/29/96 •s.uis&
Foley R Foley
PO Box 348.
New Bern, NC 28560
Re: Fxempted Project (Minor) Rill Willis 710 Madnnla Moore I n Now Bern, NG,
Dear Mr. Foley:
We have received your proposal for development rogulaled by the Coastal Area Management
Act (CAMA). The activity you propose is exempt from needing a Minor Development Pormit as
long as it meets the conditions specified bolow. If your plans should change, And your prolocl
will no longer moot these conditions, plen%o contncl nln boft►rn piocondiny
Piers: (7K.0203) - A private, non-commercial pier may be constructed if it does not oxcood 200'
in total length offshore, is not within 1W, of a ledorlllly nu11111 alnod Chnruir►I, door not oxlorld
beyond the 4' mean low water contour line or normal water level (whichever Is nppllcnble) of the
waterbody; does not exceed 6' in width; does not II1CIUde An enclosed 511uCU110; arid, does nol
interfere with established navigation rights. The 4' mean low water restriction shall not Apply to
piers constructed on man-made canals and basins. It may bo built through wetland vognlalion
only if elevated and may have a T-head or platform not exceeding 500 sq. ft. In Area at Itn
waterward end if no wetland areas aro covered. The plor must be sot bank a minitman of 15
from adjacent property owner's area of ripalian Access unless waived by a wrlllnn ngromnnnl.
Also, piers authorized by this exemption shnll bo for the exclusive nsc+ of the Inndowner, and
shall not provide either leased or ronted docking space or Any other commercial sorvlc on I )Ines
and mooring facilities designed to provide docking space for more than four(4) hoAtn shnll,
because of their greater potentini for Adverse impacts, be reviewed through the ponrrililny
process, and are therefore, not aullimized by this exemption. This oxomplioll +hall clot apply to
docks And piers being built within shellfish ftnnchlnes or Iminan unless the Applleranl for
authorization to construct can provide written confirmation of no objections to tho proposal from
the leases.
ThAnk you for the stntenjoilts horn the dparlall plopelty owners IndlcAtlflg Ilinl They have no
objections to the proposed construction. Please feel free to contact our office if we call ba or
further assistance.
Jonathan Leake
Local Pormil Offic;or for
Ihmnn ,Sewices Complex 2818 Neuse BlvcL, Suile 15, Neu) Benr, NC 28562 Oflice (919) 6.76.4987 I-ax (919) 636-4984