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HomeMy WebLinkAbout006-90_Magnolia Plantation/ Carolina Pines Country club_19900621Local Government �I ' U .r JU 2 6 1990 ....__-___-..___-____-__ CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop- ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." Qo 6_fo Permit Number Issued to If lfl o / " a K/ V_4f1: tt #Y 4 UIJ#.> L,051 authorizing clevelooment in , at C-640 ( AM$ iz da el!;/ �0P as requested in the permittee's application dated S — /7— gd This permit, issued on 6 — A 1 —11 D , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. l wrws-/- 740?%'50 �4, N D�Zd�.,, G�.Y� /•S� C�� This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit require further written permit approval. All work must ease when this permit expires on In issuing this permit it is agreed thSt this project is consis- tent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. Local Permit Officer (signature) name address This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Office of Coastal Management. Pennitee (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit)