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HomeMy WebLinkAbout9747_Fear, William Mark_19901107r` p November 7, 1990 William Mark Fear LJAH I2004 Williamson Dr.81991 New Bern, N. C. 28563 Dear Mr. Fear We have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of .filing an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet those conditions please contact me before proceeding. Sin e yours, V Squires Loca Permit Of icer for r-rajen— Address: P - 0. Drawer R Phone: ( 919 ) 636-6607 xc: Jim Mercer, Local CAMA Officer File 0 •S„ J f 1` l� kl- A W K 5 op ; �115 1-,7 lll-\� -Ts t 1 t at r j1 �r iV Y b CRAVEN COUNTY INSPECTIONS OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT atxxxxac�txacu�ta{xxa{�tt{x�ta{ytxxac Owner Information Name: _ID_ ii.-av-n- mm.r/�Du i ld i ng 'Type Addi-e<a�; : vl/ � rCl11l .Q_......___..___.... ___._. sc�__7 -P. L NOV 0 91990 C: i ty • _l .l. ���.._._._. � __.__.._._._ _ __ _._... i.:;fli" A Invo Lved ........ p Y-Yes _/, -7 State: Z i p Code: : czC.U. so N-Na Home Phone: ------------------ is Lood PLa in: ________ Y—Yes Work Phone: ,,.._._. ._ N—No x�ex�ca{a<x�ca�a�xa{�F�exxac#ate{ Permit Information Inspections F'et~rn i tag q*77=. Fd{�<a Lth i• erm i t If no Mea Lth Permit, Water Source: _._.._—_--____--_.________________ Major Contractor Name: License Number: -------- Phone Number: --------- Type of Construction: -------- Type of Occupancy: Number of Bedrooms ___....._____ 4 of Peop Le Served: -------- Plans Submitted: ________ Date P Lans Submitted: --------- Location of Inspection Job 6 i to Address: _ �..ir_'o 7-_.._ � �l l� � S�'(_.1_✓_� ___.------___ �_____.__ City: Flp t No. Dui L d i ng Subd i v i s i of 'Name: __ � a.[.'__.._Aw -------------------------------- (If APPlicable) _ Lot: _11-__________________ Section: ------------------------- Directions: _ IC_�C �i'�i C�.%i �l /CIIL�Shc'1 lL ?�t)u(- �LI JC 6 Map Submitted: L��- _--_-__-____.__ State Road 0 : ------------- .Tax Parcel. II); : Township __1_._.__.__ Mapw ---------- Lot :"i: _________ J PERMIT NO. 9747 CRAVEN COUNTY INSPECTION DEPARTMENT MASTER PERMIT 919-636-6607 Permission is hereby granted to: NAME ADDRE138 GLJJIII �IIGI ( /C1�c� 73P n At C , PHONE ql q 635 DATE to perform work as described in the PERMIT APPLICATION. shall be in strict accordance with the NORTH CAROLINA STATE BUILDING CODE and all other applicable LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL laws and ordinances. 1 Failure to comply with the terms of this permit may result in the revo- cation of the permit. It shall be the responsibility of the permit holder to schedule all inspections, giving at least one -day notice to the INSPECTION DEPARTMENT. PERMITS ELECTRICAL PERMIT BUILDING PERMIT INSULATION PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT SIGN PERMIT DEVELOPMENT PERMIT v vaas�..a.aa RENOVATION PERMIT MOBILE HOME PERMIT SWIMMING POOL PERMIT CAMA PERMIT CODE BOOKS DOCK PERMIT pCO- 0 0 UNDERGROUND TANK PERMIT TOTAL FEES .2o • d d •permit.holder C-1Vi ao v� Cil October 4, 1990 Jennifer Smith Dauguess 208 Helen Street Fayetteville, N.C. 28303 Dear Ms. Dauguess: Attached please find a plot plan for a pier I wish to build in Snug Harbor, Lot #11. If you have any questions concerning this plan please do not hesitate to contact me. My home number is 919-638-3233. Sincerely, Mark Fear cc: County of Craven Inspections Department Kenneth James Johnston, Lot #10 October 4, 1990 Kenneth James Johnston 21 Ridgefield Drive Centerport, New York 11721 Dear Mr. Johnston: Attached please find a plot plan for a pier I wish to build in Snug Harbor, Lot Ill. If you have any questions concerning this plan please do not hesitate to contact me. My home number is 919-638-3233. Sincerely, maZ6�zu Mark Fear cc: County of Craven Inspections Department Jennifer Smith Dauguess, Lot #12