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HomeMy WebLinkAboutViolation_Mayo, Guy R._19840725 (2)w.:
Carlton P. Smithaim
Mayor - _
John G. Gaw. Jr.
Town Attorney
Town Council Members 1981
Harvey K. Hess, Jr.
D. Paul Pruitt THE, TOWN OF Mary E. Qwdley
Town Clerk
Elizabeth A. Smith KITTY HAWK
Samuel O. Smith
July 25, 1984
Mr. R. Guy Mayo
105 West Greenville Boulevard
Greenville, North Carolina 27834
Dear Mr. Mayo:
on July 16, 1984, as the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) hocal
Permit officer for the Town of Kitty Hawk, I visited your project site
located adjacent to the landward side of Highway 158 Business, ±1/8 mile
south of the old Kitty Hawk Coast Guard Station in Kitty Hawk, Dare County.
on this visit,I was assisted by Mr. Nelson Paul from the Office of Coastal
Management, Elizabeth City, and our.purpose was to take measurements to
establish the location of the condominium buildings presently under construction
with the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) ocean hazard Area of
Environmental Concern.
Based on our measurements, it was determined construction of the
northernmost structure was undertaken within the ocean hazard Area of
Environmental Concern without a CAMA Mirror Development permit from this
local authority. Such action is a violation of the Coastal Area Management
Act.. aut}
No person may undertake minor development in an Area of Environmental.
Concern within the jurisdiction of the Town of Kitty Hawk without first
obtaining a LAMA Minor Development Permit (NCGS 113A-118a) At the present
time the policy of the Coastal Resources Commission is to assess a minimum
civil assessment of $50 for violation of the minor permit provisions. This
assessment could range up to $250 depending upon the resource affected, the
extent it was damaged, and the lack of, or unsuccessful, restoration.
Further assessments, and even imprisonment, can be made for willfully repeating
and continuing unresolved violations.
It has been determined this portion of the project could have been permitted
had you applied for the property authorization prior to construction. Therefore, -
no restoration is being required. You should, however, secure a CAMA Minor
Development permit for the remaining phases of your development. For your
convenience the proper application forms have been enclosed. The Legal Branch
of the North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Catmunity Development
P.O. Box 549 Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 (9 l 9) 201-3 5 i'
Page 2
will be contacting you in the near future concerning a small civil
assessment in this matter.
If you have any questions concerning this, or any other related
matter, please feel free to contact me in the Kitty Hawk Town Hall.
Cordially yours,
Jesse T. Lee
CAMA Permit Officer
Town of Kitty Hawk
cc: Nelson G. Paul
108 South Water Street
Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909
Patsy Govert
P.O. Box 27687
Raleigh, North Carolina 27611
Terry Moore
P.O. Box 1507
Washington, North Carolina 27889
Mayor Carlton P. Smith
Town of Kitty Hawk