HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-036_Kozej, George J._19840807Nags Head ELCEI��kr' 84-036 Permit Number Local Government Q AUG 1314 CAMA fin• oc.t-WI OR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT -Y- as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop �Q ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." Issued to George J. Koze' authorizing development in an estuarine shoreline AEC , at lot 81, Section A, Old Nags June 11, 1984 Head Cove as requested in the permittee's application dated This permit, issued on August 7 , 1984 , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on �e--G - 31, /98h In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consis- tent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Office of Coastal Management. • ��1 CIi Z V alV_ 9. Local Permit Officer (signature) M. Edward Harrell Town of Nags Head name P. 0. Box 99 Nags HPpN. C 27959 address Permitee (signature required if special, conditions above apply to permit) :RECEIVES `y GENERAL INFORMATION ~~ JOt 0 9'84 ,} 1. LANDOWNER ocrt.t�, i �. CU%(�-tom � Kc �s� Name Address 9.1 o O PA tixv i air—/q as City try 6U r fr State JA Zip Phone i V2. AUTHORIZED AGENT Name t �'R/�!L� /� V "? k 17 Address �' o c2 Cl o� Phone City i`�- nr�Q ri )`'7► P State f-- Zip L a 8 ( S t%CT' ocJ A OL-D �-/A OF PROJECT &s � 3. LOCATION/DESCRIPTION ) 4. AREAS OF ENV IRONMENTAL.CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To be filled in by Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.) Ocean HazardEstuarine Shoreline - Other 5. PROPOSED USE Residential Commerical/Industrial Other SIZE OF BUILDING IN SQUARE FEET: i V7. SIZE OF SITE IN SQUARE FEET: 40 This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this . application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $25.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be pro- vided orally by the applicant. The details of the applica- tion as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a CAMA permit is subject to civil, criminal and admini- strative action. OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED... This the day of 19-'W . i . 1 Applican ' naitu�A(or auj rized agent) Indicate below address and phone if not shown above. The activity which you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor permit you are applying for here. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits which might be required. We suggest that you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any, of these may apply to your project. This is not a requirement of CAMA, only a suggestion to help you complete your project as quickly as possible. zoning ... drinking water well ... septic tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system)... burning ... electrical ... plumbing ... heating and air conditioning. ..insulation and energy conservation ... FIA certification ... sand dune ... sediment control ... subdivision approval ...mobile home park approval ... highway connection ... others: TEMENT OF OWNERSHIP the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in ea of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA r development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one) 2 _ _ an owner of recoY_o� rd title, Title is vested in�� �G F see Deed Book --, page (2 in the A P_ F County Registry of Deeds. _ an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of • probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet attached to this application. T IFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS rthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that e given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for MA permit. (Name) (Address) of Aso - �l 3� i pn e A E. a a /t�,,�oo,cf � S f1 i r9i Ni /; '-af'4?2 C�F_LRNe �� /i f�r�o Y ,aurnhAr� P1��2 Nec��o�f IV e DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE SHORELINE EROSION AREAS: acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may sceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the cular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations erning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. MISSION TO ENTER ON LAND furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer his agents to enter on r the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this iit application. his theday of awN� , 19-2.L �1 and owner or on auth ized to act as his agent \ for purposes o filing a CAMA application. - z c 3 � 1 b i. 0 ' w� " Q-® 2 s* I nil �Y Area Cooling May Save You Money• gr1t]If By JOAN GOSPER dollars. "If you already own a pressi * ' S E M E NTS_ N. C. State University canner and jars the, out-of-pocketc Do summer utility bills get you hot of canning will include only the cost under the collar? Some North Caro-; ';;.the produce, new lids and the energy - ,!FORTH , linians are buying room air condi- process. At 1-1% pennies a jar foi el CAROLINA `_ DARE COUNTY NOTICE OF FILING tioners rather than air Conditioning the trlcity to pressure process, canning I IN THE GENERAL OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR Cntlre 110me.' the pressure canner is the least exp l COURT OF JUS710E • COURT DIVISION . DEVELOPMENT PERAfIT "Even people with central air are sive method," says Dr. Nadine, To, _DISTRICT FILE NO. Pursuant 113 Pto NCGS A-119 (b), the North Carolina Department of looking into the cost of area coolie g enss annus l extension foods nutrition lalis �r NOTICE OF SERVICE .' OF PROCESS ; Natural Resources and Community with One or more room units,"' says North Carolina State University, d BY PUBLICATIONd �'l1fARGBYPUBLUERITE •LISETTE Development Office of coastal Management, the State agency Sandra Dellinger, g , extension housing " If you own a freezer, it will pay t . ;i a•ALDEN, plaintiff authorized to issue CAMA minor development permits in Areas of specialist, North Carolina State Univer- 'sity. keep it full. Plan 6 use freezer spac it Environmental Concern of unincor- Cooling unoccupied rooms for the for items you prefer frozen and f RICK LYNN WALDEN, pointed portions of Dare County, hereby gives Notice that on June 24, entire summer can be an expensive Pe items'that you can move fairly Y Y qm�1 Defendant TO: RICKY LYNN WALDEN TAKE NOTICE that,a. leading 1984, the applicant, John A. Soprano, proposed to construct a single - waste of energy." to keep storage costs down," Dr, To seeking relief against you been family residential structure at Lot s To decide whether_ it would be more recommends. filed in the above -entitled action The nature of the relief being sought There ofterelidivorcebased �e Colington creek Estates in Atlantic Township. Persons desiring : economical to heat one or two rooms , is as Absolute to inspect the application, to com- consider the purchase price of one or MICROWAVE fx one year's ration- i You are uu ed to make defense ment thereon, or to appeal the local decision are directed to contact the ]veal permit pe t officer at the below ad more room air conditioners versus a central unit the BLANCHING :.. When freezing Ito such plea not later than the day of July, 1984, and upon AMR: and annual cost of cool only small amounts 30th yyour (allure to do so, the party seeking GEORGE WOOD I ing your home. vegetables,'blanch in 1 cup of water in will service against you apply to the Court for there 'ef soupn Office of Coastal Management 108 South Water Street The cost grid at the bottom of the three quart, 'covered casserole in tt1 This the lath des of 1984. Elizabeth city, N. C. 27909 bri t ellow ener label. attached to Y gY :microwave. Extension foods and nu .tune, ALDRIDGE, SEAWELL & 1919) 338 1558 eW .units will help p you estimate the rive specialists at NCSU offer .thes BY: Christopher L. Seawell It's annual operationg cost- Check direction for these favorites: - - P.O. Box 3 Manteo,-3C j0NV'N y ur utility bill or call the office to find -. _ — Broccoli pieces: Cook_ 4 cups of 4 t (919)4773-344H " y ur local electric rate. The average 51/2 minutes. Stir twice. u 2i,za,7 rth Carolinian runs . his' home air - Cauliflower flowerets or` peas -� I conditioner approximately 750 hours a Cook 2 cups for 4 to 5 minutes. Stir on `%ORTH CAROLINA ` yoar.. j - Okra, whole or W-inch pieces +DARE COUNTY IVo:82 CANNING OR Cook 3/4 pound for 4tiz' to 5% mint FILE SP 32 FILM NO. FREEZING i' stirring twice. IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE 1961 2 L reserviri food : from the family g Y — Zucchini, 1/4-inch pieces: Cook - SUPERIOR COURT DIVISIO. 9 ga den is' one way to stretch food cups 3tir1 to 4 minutes, stirring once. BEFORE THE CLERK GS H j' NOTICE OF SALE E AO Y, (% THE MATTER OF T1 E FORECLOSURE OF. THE 'DE D AF TRUST OF ROBERT D.LVIELS AND WIFE, VA LA I DLYIELS ' (Granto ) ID.. .T :ARL L BAILEY, JR. (Trustee is recorded in Book 243, Page 265, he Dare County Public Registry tee Substitution of Trustee a acorded In Book 324, Page 607, o be Dare County Public Registry Under and by virtue of the powe ed authority contained iif that cer tin deed of trust executed ai it5vered by Robert L. Daniels an Ve. Valane Daniels, dated Mar i IM, and recorded in the office o It Register of Deeds of Dare Coup 1ltbrth Carolina, in Book 243, Pag i, and because of default in th sFment :of the indebtednes a:eby_secured and failure to carry 4 or perform the stipulations and reements therein contained and vsuant to the Order of the Clerk of gerior • Court of said County feed in this foreclosure pro- tding,the undersigned Substitute ratee will expose for sale at public t'tion on the 16thday of July, 1984, 1:30 o'clock p.m. on the steps of t Dare County Courthouse, toteo, North Carolina, the follow - I described property (including t house and any other. improve - %is thereon): SCHEDULE A that certain tract of land lying 4 being in the village of Wan- %t. Nags Head Township, Dare Wy, North Carolina, adjoining \ '11knds of L. W. Robinson, Jimmie %alels, and others, and bounded )kacribed as follows: �lnning at a or other Ocr situated in and on the South j 'tin or ri t of wa • of North CAhIA PERM.. NOTICE 1. Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b). the Town of Nags Head, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in areas of environmental concern,' hereby gives notice that on June 11, 1984, George J. Kozej, the applicant, proposed to erect a single family dwelling at lot 81, Section A, Old Nags Head Cove,- in an estuarine shoreline AEC. - Persons desiring to inspect the ap- plication, to comment thereon or to appeal the local decision are directed to contact the local permit officer at the address below. M. EDWARD HARRELL -Receiving Minor Development Permits under CAMA Address: P. O. Box 99 Nags Head, N. C. 27959 Telephone: 919-441-5508 7-5c - Amwer to' PuW* - We wish to express our thanks for the '.;. many acts of kindness shown us :during Seth's recent illness. We deeply. appreciate everything, that has. been. done for us. Seth _and Margaret Henderson and Family,: J - ."in Appreciation'-' ' As God comforts and sustains our family we ackno'wledge His word "hi everything give thanks„ To Dr. William Crutchley, Dr. Dan Burroughs, Dr. Charles Wright, Hatteras Island, Rescue Squad, Sheriff Bert Austin and Staff we thank you for your services and care that yet! administered to our dearly departed loved one. Our sincerest and dcepcst appreciation to former Sheriff Frank Cahoon who had compas-_ sion to take time to accompany our family during this time of sorrow. To all or our relatives, Ministers and dear friends - we thank you for everything. From the smallest card to the largest wreath. your prayers, thoughtfulness, sympathy, visits, kind ness, helpfulness and .all the lovely dishes that caring hands prepared in which the whole J family gracefully panook'in. May God richly bless and reward you all,• i••. .. '•:�.f:��• ! _ ' •, •-�• • �.•..• ram. , r•. Hom- 1AWIMes ._ Hwy 12•P.O.Box 158 Rodanthe, N.C. 27968-0158 (919) 987-2565 Corp June li, hol: Tohm of .+ass _Head :ass Head, _•.C. 21959 Attn: ',:r. Zd Harrell ef: George J. Kozej ; CA!-y Permit Lot R 81, Section n, Old iaGs Head Cove Dear i� r. Harrell: Enclosed please find a checl: in the amount of �25.00 and completed application for a Ct'1LA Pen -lit to build a 3 bed_-oo-/l 3/4 bath t'_rr-inia ::odular home per attached site plan. We have -.iven actual notice to the adjoininE property owners. Copies of - ese letters:: are attached. I'd appreciate your attention to this as soon as possible so we can start construction. If you have any further questions, please don't hesi- tate to contact =e. ' Sincerely, Franh A. Jakob President. _AJ/jL CC: George J. Kozej Enclosures "Serving the Outer Banks of North Carolina" — Sales•— Rentals — Construction — - 1-9cated,14 mi. South of Oregon inlet — ." e7 - es Hwy12P.O.Box 158 Rodanthe, N.C. 279 68-0158 (oz sit, (919) 987-2565�',,� 712 lt23606 -llrtlt7?t ^11Cn rr7 or .: t-n -011 t_t,-t 1;._^•1 lot n cl i-Iect.7.on f n Dili s Vill � r ••i f?ecr;_e ?. ,.OZP,j {'.O build A.�)011 �r-'T.l:a T)i^21 rr•r •Tour revi(-'`�• ^.ove. t- ..11ciMin^ rropert:, o�::_er3 •7.Ctl7nl T 11i^> i c ^ rout procedllre to ` . s notice Lei ore- construc�.�on. or it = Can hP op service t^ ell please don't 11c�sit^.te to contact :ce. JA Q j j "Serving the outer Banks of North Carolina" onanlet — — - Located 14 mi. South on Sales - of Oreg_ Rentals - Cstrue ion - - - _.,-_.._�._ ._ .ship, •'• ( -... •' — .•• ' ' :• y�j,•• fonies AA Hwy 12 P.O. Box 158 Rodanthe, N.C. 27963-0158 (919) 987-2565 4C4 d C6,-P. c;�.:TIFILD TAIL - ,ao. . 32 9375939 I\L+ V •U�I.JI1 a 1 11JD June 11, 1984 Jeffrey It. Johnston 330,Tabbs Lane -. P.pt• 22 ort i:ews, Virninia 23602 Dear ::r. Johnston: *died for a CA.`•A Permit on behalf u that ve have applied Q lot y 81, Section A, in This will advise ;,o oinin� of George J. ;ozeJ to build a house lattplandfor lour review. Old -=aEs Head Cove. closed is a F is`a routine procedure to give adjoining property owners actual i'Iiis notice before construction• service to you If --ou lin.t,e ar_ , further q ucstio.is, or if I can be of please don't hesitate to contact ne. Sincerely, ,ZJ�L4 Franc A President FAJ/J1M Lnclosure T CSC 5-, v aho 0 "Serving the Outer Banks of North Carolina" — Located 14 mi. South of Oregon.lnlet - - Sales — Rentals — Construction — N 'L4b r . o 10 rX COO' i7e-/,v oaag Cwv 476 Tr �161 ER�AOK ALB URA 1000 SAL INK W1(3). 10" S6' 2 — 34 'C (EA) 0�v 9 ,le's So (— jIJ aTA-LA- W, TA W 15' M1 N • • ;- FROM SLOPMD A.Rse-a) R ; 50,00 PpopbseD S mt 10L REvt51oN 2 � 1�- 8 4 Ge0z,zE —J. Kozel, Ei"AJ� \ �105���6�, �'`- ►5�37 (A.t2) ��4-83s3 a Rebor Set 0 Existing Iron Pip! I"= 30 ' ♦ • dole SURVEY FOR p-26- 83 1, MICHAEL D. BARR hereby drawn CHARLES Q SHELTO•N GR' tertity that this map Is correct and that There M D B NAGS HEAD . DARE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA are no encroothmente or other buildings on ' LOT 81 s SECTION A the sold lot. `own OLD NAGS HEAD COVE checked RECORDED IN M. B. 4, Pg. 3, D.C. R. :•• /� - triangle engineering X • 1756, services, Inc. ralelgh, n.c. swansboro, n.c. kill devil hills, n.c.