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HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication_Payne, S. Chris & Noelle G._19831209H&A REALTY PHONE (919) 441-4311 P.O. BOX 130 • MILEPOST 101/2 9 RT. 158 BY-PASS NAGS HEAD, N. CAROLINA 27959 January 30, 1984 Coastal Resources Commission 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, N.C. 27909 Dear Sir, Please find enclosed a copy of a plat located soundfront in Colington Harbour (more properly Lot 177, Section "G" Colington Harbour). The property owners, S. Chris Payne and Noelle G. Payne, would like to request a variance from the 75'foot set back requirement and set it as close to the front =40 foot of the property as the property and your office will allow. We have already engaged the services of Triangle Engineering Services, registered North Carolina Surveyor, to permanently locate the front 40 foot set back line. I appreciate your time and attention to this matter. Please inform me as soon as possible of your decision and/or any other requirements you may have. Very, ruly,Your ,Stewart A. Crank Construction Department enc. dw/SC Yr _ -`k BUILDERS BROKERS SALES • RENTALS ffl g i n t ewels 1411yv�* OFFICE OF North Carolina Department of - Natural COASTAL MANAGEMENT p Kenneth D. Stewart Resources &Community Development Director James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Telephone 919/733.2293 ` Field Services Section �2C 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 919 338-0206 December 9, 1983 Mr. Chris Payne Rt. 1, Box 920 Manteo, N. C. 27954 Dear Mr. Payne: This. letter is to confirm our November 29, 1983, meet— ing -concerning your desire to Q�bnstruct wooden jetties ` and to place a residence at yo-ur property located at Lot 1, Section 3 of the Pond'Island Subdivision in Date County. As we discussed, the project you are considering will require a permitauthorization from this office. I am enclosing the proper application forms and instructions to apply for this permit. Upon receipt of the completed application package, processing will begin. If you desire, I will be avaiable to meet again on site once you have formulated your plans. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me at my Elizabeth f City office. Cordially yours, Nelson G. Paul NGP/rt/encl. Field Consultant CC: Preston Pate, OCM MEMO. TO: DATE: SUBJECT: C North Carolina Department of Natural Resources &Community Development OF ..—u�rwv �v� r�.�u�,,� niry � ass • 7g' + �.¢ • • �\ \1I--FITTT1 f i � �v � � I I � 9,0. c. Ll J --i I L 1 1 —11 07' 1\4 071 -}---71 .t;r I I I I I �►� � �' `�Q 16, X0, !9 77 laa - 49 W A/' /o 'r ?a/>5"'Ie Al) owie,frmp d /�!5!EyYT 0I1/NEP GSCq�P GfW�sV�. i✓/)W /2 PfiW/iVb 152AV 4 L//Y,A 71C. 9 MCI A94e:0aN !/,v/T3) 44) Z164" /Nla �) Exis;?'-W, 'avew~ av .w ry )V m G)� l�l�S /Y.4<Tx0A4L i1bD �l/.4TiVN B� C! /N/�/C411� ?iC itAw AI�A Of S/1E 4,0, 4Gg'fTt g 93t.�iG �71� f�Tl1i1�E N.41.i�PilL s1�1G6E. //��iETifT%4i!/� /O iT) gNll /JO.,&N/ASf9e24A*;l/6" / .ILL /�Fi✓f��aAl�Irr��iYT�+P�/N S�t/�/C�TiCYIz, �•ST�tNL�1iP/�S. /? L/Id4d�E �SjE �Y{/Ti1►/NEB G�{/!� fs�yP 7M/t/ /3 � fi��> RaivT/NcS. /4) 06%et Ve f . .t l.IP f.Y.i.i /, FilGi %9G 482. /7' t C1�oDiyl/NrutJg I. C. P. LEWIS, JR., CERTIFY THAT UNDER MY DIREC I ION AND SUPERVISION THIS MAP WAS DRAWN FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD LAND A& Q`Y& r§w0orA N SURVEY; THAT THE ERROR OF CLOSURE AS /_V'W/(////LLS Lam` CO• NC. CALCULATED BY LATITUDES AND DEPARTURES =2V-,) /$0/ 7/%� A: f*IS 1:�?� THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED IN M.4y V, /96� aCT ACCORDANCE WITH GS 47-30 AS AMENDED.XR"�� WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL THIS •••••••••••. -- - Y OF A- -------- 1 g E A I. • L-2441 a r. r C. A Lewis — SURVEYOR �o �, qti �o ;•.,,.SO ...... ••'jQ��, == E NC REG. NO L-2441 400B S. CROATAN HWY. P. 0. Box 2228 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 (919) 441-2113