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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Brindley, Richard A._19831209r '
' �ry ry} OFFICE OF
ea` o North
l l Carolina Department of f Natural 'COAS i AL MANAGEMENT
p Kenneth D. Stewart
- Resources &Community Development Ditectar,
James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Telephone 9t9l733.2293
Field Services Section
108 S. Water Street
Elizabeth City, NC 27909
919 338-0206
December 9,, 1983
Mr. Richard A B.rindley
17 Northpoint
..Duck, N. C. 27949
Dear Mr. Brindley:
On December 6, 1983, I visited your property located on
Currituck Sound.adjacent to SR 1200 in the Sub-
division north of -Duck in Dare County. My purpose was to
inspect this property in relation to your proposed develop-
ment -for CAMA Minor permit requirements.
Based on my.investigation, it has been determined that the
residential structures proposed for Lots 29 and 28'. along
-with the proposed pier on the sound access easement will.
be exempt from CAMA permit requirements. You should,, how-
ever, as part of this exemption notify the next adjacent
riparian property owners bordering the water adjacent to
your tract.of this proposed development.
If you have any questions concerning this or any other re-
lated matter, please feel free to contact. -me at my Eliza-
beth City office.
Cordially yours,
N Ison G. Paul
NGP/rt Field Consultant
CC: Preston Pate, OCM
Walter Gregory w/encl.
P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer