HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Sloan, Erwin and Winnifred_19960320 .y� j I a� POBbx 77c '�PAMLICO COUNTY, �iUILDING'INSPECTIONS::` BAYBORO, N.C. 2 51S yV (919)' 70-sacs ' tIer this fors is Completed' Y the 'landowner proposing the projec , a,q p is given to,-hi¢/her�ad�acent lasidowners for their=consent~;' - - si tures.°:`.The forms arejthea_returned, along with.a pla t and *the' applicable required -information, to. the`Building`Inapecti ns`' s, Office for building.permit`-applicatioa/process in. ) ....... ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER..STATEMENT EPN4` r....-- r +� -I hereby certify -that Iowa property, adjacent to s t o Ad Is on Name`of landowner.proposing development bof water ody ' in/near, 4' o' p Acj v ;�' Lot # of community __ :: t_ _._ Subdivision,_if-applicable_'-- Tax Parcel p off. SA 133y Complete description of how to. locate this property: i 913 ,Q !) The proposed project, a = and the location has'beea described to me as shown in the drawing below and I have*ao objections to the proposal. - - - FOR A PIER, CHECIij ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 21 wish to waive the 15minimum setback from my riparian access.-.., I DO NOT wish to waive the 15, minimum setback requirement. Draw the proposed structure in the space provided below, List the size*' Of the structure and measured distances from the adjacent property 1, —=- - — lines, -other structures on -the propertyi-and =the-roadr=water= etc:- -printed Name 0`in.sov? . Date 3 Signature L A�JAVc v PO$bX'7.76 PAMLICO COUNTY,BUILDING INSPECTIONS BAYBORO, N.C. 2 515,, { i (919) 445 38fi1 - - - - (After, this_ form _is completed_by the.,.landowner_proposing_,th4,projec .�, a q py is ivea "to hither adjacent 'landowners4.for their coasent - si tures.. The: forms are; then r'returaed,:`along with a<buildiag.p and other`applicable. required'inforawtioa to;,the Building 2ttispecti ns' . ., Office. for -building perariit_ application/processing.) ' _ . _ ... ADJACENT RIPARIMPROP ERTY OWNER STA >, TEMENT EPN I hereby certify -that -I own property -adjacent -to - - - Name'of landowner proposing.development body, of water - i /d e i• S� r 77 ininea6 R EN Z" r Lot#j:v of A 1Z"ter L community-- Subdivision, 'if applicable. Tax Parcel # `C� off SR_LJ_� D. Complete description of how -to locate this property: t e- rK­ Ay 7tj �• iLa ,LrtiG n'.o__o?is+.�'-�+%4sva.�J�,.✓�r..s� .. .,.- The ProposEd pr ect, a>' �' _, and the- location has.: been described to me as shown in the drawing below and I havenoobjections to th proposal. FOR A PIER, CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: I wish to waive the 15' minimum setback from my riparian access. I DO NOT wish to.waive;the.,15minimum setback requirement. ., .. ss:#ts**asssssassst**its*�*wssssssss�****>tt+t�r�*ee**�r**se**t**�teft�:*: Draw the proposed structure,in the space provided below. List the size of the structure and measured distances from the adjacent property ' -- - _ — -linen,--other structures oa==the property-F aad--t ie- road, -water-,- etc. I 'Printed Name„_ it^ P4 F /P � �p SS Date3 REMARKS IF ANY OF THE ABOVE INSPECTIONS ARE MARKED DISAPPROVED, DISCREPANCIES MUST BE CORRECTED AND A RE -INSPECTION SCHEDULED AND APPROVED BEFORE CONSTRUCTION CAN CONTINUE. r DATE INSPECTED INSPECTOR. SIGNATURE. J�r" � c� _ ego -bed- ---293a-, TIMF / 1 Y0 FORM BLD104 �% t