HomeMy WebLinkAboutB0017_Matthews, Ruth_19960517PAMLICO COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTIONS P.O.BOX 776 BAYBOR0, N.C. 28515 Local. Permit Office for C.A.M.A. May 17. 1996 0 Ms. Ruth Matthews 1758 Ita-ttfiews, Rd. Clayton, N, C. 275-10 -V�A RE: EPN Site inspecticil: may 1996 Dear Ms. Matthews: We have fee(j.vvad y(:,ul, proposal for development regulated by the Coastal Area 11ariagement Act (CAHA). The activity you propose is exei-apt from needing a Minor Development Permit as l.oug as it meets the condition& specified helow. if your plans should change and your project will il,.-) long�!r meet these- conditions, please contact we before proceed)ng- .The project and location are, described as follows; Relocation 4.-f a septic system 50' from the AEC of McCottey Creel, at t1ap .10J042-74 off SR1217 near the Pamlico County Communl.tN of Maribel, North Catolina. Sincerely, Ron Lehman Chief Building Inspector 1.(:jcal Permit Officer for CAMA jsl xe Teti Tyndall POBOX 77G 'PAMLICO COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTIONS BAYBORO, N.C. 2$515 ;.! (919) 745-3861 (Ater this fors is completed by the'landowner proposiag.the projec�, a COPY is.given to his/her -adjacent' landowners for their consent an signatures. The forms are then returned, along -'`and other applicable required information, to the with Id building p - -- Office for building _permit application ing Inspectidns application/ ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OFIIYER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own progtrty, adjacea,. t toSr7Aews .. 's Name of landownerproposing development -body of water - -in/near 1 _ ti Lot of community Subdivision, if applicable Tax Parcel off SR Couplets description of how to locate this property: �4/Ychs _Beach Look Cl, o /yls777-hews & The proposed project, a _,S'FOT'c 7,*1V)( 51srep, and the location has been described to me as shown in the drawing be to the proposal. low and I have'no objections. FOR A PIER, CHECK ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: ._ I wish to waive the 15, minimum setback from my riparian access. I DO NOT wish to waive the 15, minimum setback requirement. Draw the proposed structure in the s of the structure and measured distancesefrom the arovided d scent List the size lines, other structures on the j property property, and the road, water, etc. � � w Z s' Sol V ON 'n"inted Name_66jC�- 1 POBOX 776 •PAMLICO COUNTY BUILDING INSPECTIONS BAYBORO, N.G. 28515 j (919) 745-3861 (Alter this form is completed by the landowner proposing .the projec , a COPY is. given to his/her adjacent landowners for their consent an signatures. The forms are then returned, along with a building pl and other applicable required information, to the Building Inspectidns' Office for building -permit application/processing.) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT EPN# I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to Robr2 7- s �A7rhews gush r_ �'l.�rhee✓s 's on _ /%l cCa7TEt? CREEK Name of landowner proposing development body of water in/near_% Lot# 7q of community Subdivision, if applicable Tax Parcel # J©`C Z'/ T off SR,_. Complete description of how to locate this property: I-un/ch!r deAcA Rd, re irlAtrhe�„ ,P� rk-en/ Farr R.'yhr The proposed project, a .SGPric TASK. sysrcon and the location has been described to me as shown in the drawing below and I have no objections to the proposal. - FOR A PIER, CHECYI ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: I wish to waive the I5' minimum setback from my riparian access.• I DO NOT wish to waive the 15' minimum setback requirement. Draw the proposed structure in the space provided below. List the size of the structure and measured distances from the adjacent property lines, other structures on the property, and the road, water, etc. I, ,Sr A 'iDrinted Namea).nL rF l l • %r%,4 t,.J E Date L/u/h4ignature' ADDITIONAL FOR ALL SYSTEMS: LANDSCAPE SYSTEM AREA FOR SURFACE WATER RUNOFF AND GRASS DO NOT PLACE DRIVE OR ANY BUILDING OVER SYSTEM AREA OBSERVE ALL PROPER SETBACKS: ref .1950 TANKS MUST BE PUMPED CLEAN AS A PART OF ANY SYSTEM REPAIR. DISC NATURAL GROUND BEFORE INSTALLATION OF ANY FILL ALARM & ON -OFF FLOATS ON PUMPS MUST.BE ON SEPARATE CIRCUITS * IF BUILDING AREA EXTENDS INTO SYSTEM AREA THIS PERMIT WILL BE INVALID * IF ANY OTHER REGULATORY AGENCY DENIES PERMITS FOR'LAND ALTERATIONS AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, THIS PERMIT WILL BE INVALID PLOT PLAN MUST NOT BE ALTERED UNLESS BY SANITARIAN APPROVAL tt*ttttttt�tttttttttttttttttttt PLOT PLAN ********ttttttttttttttttttttt *DO NOT DRIVE ON TANK, SYSTEM, OR REPAIR. BUILDING AREA TO BE GREATER THAN FIVE FEET FROM TANK SYSTEM AND REPAIR. VIOLATIONS WILL VOID PERMIT* All R" lqt to ter. >' x3� (f P<•k t \...J �i f A~ TE JSbYntN L. LATM 1 3 -�"` ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SPEC ALI -- MC6f1fe 6/-- ALL SEPTIC SYSTEMS MUST BE INSPECTED A RECEIVE APPROVAL BY THE LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT BEFORE BEING COVERED OR PLACED INTO USE AND NO ELECTRICAL CONNECTION SHALL BE ALLOWED UNTIL APPROVAL HAS BEE14 RECEIVED. (GS 130A) A PLOT PLAN (TO SCALE) SHOWING ALL BUILDINGS, DRIVEWAYS, WATER LINES A SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATIONS MUST BE APPROVED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO RECEIVING A BUILDING PERMIT. I PAMLICO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION BAYBORO, NORTH CAROLINA 28515 SYSTEM RELOCATION PERMIT Permit valid for 180 days ISSUED TO: Ruth Matthews PERMIT 4 B00017 ADDRESS: 17S8 Matthews Rd. RECORD s B00017 Clayton, N.C. 27520 MAP # J042-74 REGISTERED PLAT: MAP BOOK N/A PAGE N/A DATE N/A REGISTERED DEED: DEED BOOK NIA PAGE N/A DATE N/A SUBDIVISION: t!/A LOT # N/A TOWN: Maribel, N.C. SR 4 1217 LOCATION DIRECTIONS SR1217 then TR onto dirt rd. approx. 0.3 miles THIS PERMIT IS HEREBY ISSUED TO SERVE A: HOUSE ( ) MOBILE HOME (xxx) OTHER ( ) *BEDROOMS: 2 #FACTORS 240GPD, 0.7LTAR WATER SUPPLY: (x) PUBLIC OR (x) PRIVATE 100 feet from any part of septic system SITE CLASSIFICATION: ( ) SUITABLE (xxx) PROVISIONALLY SUITABLE LAND DRAINAGE: ( ) SUGGESTED ( ) NECESSARY ( ) DITCH NECESSARY ( ) SUB -SURFACE TILE NECESSARY set deep and ( ) TRENCH ROCKED TO WITHIN 1'OF GROUND SURFACE and ( ) WITH POLYURITHANE CURTAIN: FRENCH DRAIN and ( ) FINISHED AT OUTFALL W/ SOLID PIPE & SCREEN and ( ) FINISHED AT OUTFALL W/ CHECK VALVE *** If land drainage is necessary, you may need to contact CAMA or The Army Corps of Engineers for appropriate Permits DESIGN:( ) LOCATION OPTIONAL (xxx) LOCATION AS SPECIFIED ON PLOT PLAN ( ) CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM:(ref.1955) 18"X 3'trench, rock 12"deep nitrification lines on 9' centers ( ) SHALLOW SYSTEM:(ref.1956) trench 36 " wide, rock 12"deep, *** add fill = 6" soil cover, rock to natural ground surface ( ) MOUND SYSTEM:(ref.1950b) trench 18" deep & " wide in suitable fill extending ' beyond any part of system *** = depth of FILL; pump necessary if unable to gravity feed *** If fill material is prescribed, you may need to contact The Army Corps of Engineers or CAMA for appropriate permits. ( ) LPP SYSTEM:(ref.1957) see comments for design criteria (xxx) BED SYSTEM:(ref.1955d) see comments for design criteria ( ) OFF -SITE DISPOSAL:(ref.1957) see comments for design notes al SEPTIC TANK gal PUMP TANK QUARE FEET NITRIFICATION FIELD or NITRIFICATION BED INEAR FEET NITRIFICATION BED; 12' Wide Bed c, r_rercoer. JrNc a7�'IJ r itlC s-4ra• nc «i. 'V%IT jj^4C l r �A-I-70 ( ) COMMENTS: LOW PRESSURE PIPE SYSTEMS: PUMP AND SEPTIC TANKS TO BE WATERTIGHT WITH RISERS ON ALL CHAMBERS