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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Foley and Foley_19960429 (4)County of Craven
Inspections Department
Director of Inspections
Foley & Foley
PO Box 3482
New Bern, NC 28560
Re: Exempted Project (Minor) Ashley I fill 700 Lillipul Dr. New Bern, NC
Dear Mr. Foley. -
Joseph V. Squires
'flrMAY 10 1996-
We have received your proposal for development regulated by the Coastal Area Managemont
Act (CAMA). The activity you propose is exempt from needing a Minor Development f'emill as
long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change an(] your project
will no Ionger meet these conditions, ploase contact ino before pioconding.
Piers: (7K.0203) - A private, non-comrmoicial pier may be constructed If It done not exceed 200'
in total length offshore; is not within 150' of a federally maintained channel; does not extend
beyond the 4' mean low writer contour llnn or nortmAl wntor lnvol (whichnvnr Irr nppllonblo) of Iho
waterbody; does not exceed 6' in width; does not Include an enclosed structure; And, does not
interfere with established nnvlgnlion iighla. Thr. 4' menn low whim ieshlcllon MiAII riot Apply to
piers constructed on man-made canals and basins. It may be built through wetland vegetation
only if elevated rind mAy have A T-hond or platform not oxceading 500 Rq. ft In Aina at Its
waterward end if no wetland areas are covered. The pier must be set back a minlmum of 15'
from adjacent property owner's area of riparian Access unless walved by n written Agreement.
Also, piers authorized by this exemption shall be for the excliisive use of the Inndowner, And
shall not provide either It►ase�d or rc►ntnd docking apace or any other commnrrinl teervlann f tom
and mooring facilities designed to provide docking space for rnore than foui(4) boats shall,
because of their greater potential for Adverse impacts, bo revlowed through thn permltting
process, and are therefore, riot nlithoii7ed by Ihlc exemption IhIs AXAIrII)tlnn sI1aII riot Rr)r)Iy to
docks and piers being built within shellfish franchises or leases unless the+ nplAcrint for
authorization to construct can provide willton confirmation of lio objectlolir, to tho propowil horn
the leasee.
Thank you for the statements from the riparian property owners Indlcating that Ihoy have no
objections to -the proposed construction. I )IeaSO feel free to CUntACt our afflCn If wo C011 bn of
further assistance.
Sincerely, 10,
,IonAllinn I ncticn
I-ocal Permit Offlcor for
11unrmr Sewires Complex 2818 Newe Blvd., Suile 15, New Bern, NC 28562 Uffir•e (919) 036.4987 Bax (919) 636.4984