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HomeMy WebLinkAbout54-048_Nida, Robert_19841012 (3)84--Q44
Lo al Government r' ©V Permit Numbe;
.� N/ RECEIV7D .�4�1
�a . �1,� AMA 4
as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources
and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop-
ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the
General Statutes, "Coastal Area t„anagcment."
Robert Nida
Issued to _
author._ `rg developm_+�t in _.4n_9� n h zardd �_ __, aticf 5,:_blccl. 10, Section 2, Holly ood
Beac: subdivision as requested in the permittee's application dated S=" )tember 27, 1984
This pe, rir, issued on Y__.Or~tQ..12Sr 12,_j qB_4__ , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing
(where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulz ions and special conditions and notes s t forth below. Any violation of these
terms may subject`permittee to a fine, imprisonment or cis it action; or may czuse the permit to be null and void.
LL; C.cT.'iAC.
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permit action ni,\' e appealed by the p mittee or
otL alified persons sr +: , tv,emy (20) days.of the ':St inn
date, iom the date of an appeal, any wort. conducted under this
perm: must cease until the appeal is resolved.
T its permit must he on the project Site and accessible to the M. Edward Harrell
permit. officer when the project is in:pccted for cu.i , liance. Town of N:.. s Head
Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered p _ 0. Box 99
under this permit require further written permit approval. Nags Head, N. C. 27959
All work must cease when this permit expires on — --
pf;e—31, 1986
In issuing this pets:zit it is agreed '`iat this project is consis- ---
tent with the local Land Use Plana .i all a; r'icF':,ie orAnances.
Local Permit Officer (signature)
This permit may not L; transft -t;:d to zr-, tier pzrty tF :,ut
the written approval of the Ot ice of Cc stal ?4arcg. r tent. Permit a (signature required if special conditions above apply to p =rmit)
• - .-
Name �G Ar1-7" . _ /,0A
ALgiorJ Pv,gD
City /1'� O Lu7'�t`�9 ✓ State
DOT 01184 a
oczt - r .
Name ✓(//i't/.l
Cityr State �'` Zip Phone
dLL wo p � F� C_14 „rj va D1UlSt ot� _ l=r0�7— A S/,�G4E
vGT-Ue /J{ O W. E7e / ST L/ram ST�6 UF-G•r-r r
(To be:filled in by Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.)
L— Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline Other
r '
Residential Commerical/Industrial Other
a5 coo
S 7r/.�tSF�
This application includes: general information (this Thispth� a%r� day of
� ,
form), a site drawing as described on the back of this 19L
application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard ✓ `LG���f�Giv''-�'�
notice where necessary, a check for $25.00 made payable
to the locality, and any information as may be pro-
videdApplicant'ssignature(or authorizedagent)
orally by the applicant. The details of the applica- PP i g ( g )
tion as described by these sources are incorporated Indicate below address and phone if not shown above.
without reference in any permit which may be issued.
Deviation from these details will constitute a violation
of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without
a CAMA permit is subject to civil, Criminal and admini-
strative action.
The activity which you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor permit you are applying
for here. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits which might be required. We suggest that
you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any, of these may apply to your
project. This is not a requirement of CAMA, only a suggestion to help you complete your project as quickly as
zoning.. Arinking water well ... septic tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system)...
burning ... electrical. :. plumbing ... heating and air conditioning ... insulation and energy
conservation. ..FIA certification... sand dune ... sediment control ... subdivision approval home park approval ... highway connection ... others:
I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in
an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for'a CAMA
minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest
in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one)
an owner of record title, Title is vested in �'�'�' r'—""'�4
see Deed Book , page i in the
�— County Registry of Deeds.
an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of
• probate was in County.
Y if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet
attached to this application.
5 Ge C. 0 NT RAC t To w,tcr+ASE— W t+«tf'
furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that
have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for
a CAMA permit.
(Name),.:. (Address)'
u• (1).., (%LCG � .�'tt'�G4J '� Gc��i. ��, IFI��.;,-yo7 Uc� C?
S . (2) 1y'-2 J`'C2.�c. dG�`hIL�Q. %/07`����
acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may
be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. 1 acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the a
particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations 3
concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques.
furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer X
and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this
permit application.
This the *day of , 19 .
Land owner or person authorized to act as his agent
for purposes of filing a CAMA application.
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that the error Of C!CS�'p 25 cj_,uiaied
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t Robert Nida and wife
ar;1}.:;.'ter:.::.ct...•:. ,... .. �... ... .. ......a�Buycr,6crcLy-incc]
.•StanlEy...$.,..H�El:�S.. ,.. ..... ... ..
i, WpWcaj.;Ind'..�........................... .............................
;; •l,ere4y avc-0 to sell and convey. all of that plot, piece or parcel of land dcNcribcd Wow, together with all inoprotcn,cnu lcc:ited thereon and su,i. f.rr•
tonal property u is iL cd below (the real and personal propenyarc collectively rcfened to as "the Propery"), in accordance with s1,c 5tand,rd 1'ro,_tL1D
on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF and upon the fullowis.g unns and conditions:
R-EALPROPERTY.L.ocatcdintltcCiryof ...............j:lcA. .................. .. ...................•C;,�.:yoi
' Dare ,,, ,, ,, , , , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, State ofNorth CaroEna,Lcingknow-na3andu:u,cpit ti:_-_:ly
,;:.... .............. ..............
Strccthddrrs,.....)1. C. S.r R:...�.4�........... ....................... .. ...,...........................
I.c�a1Dn^ziption..1Q t..S,r..,SAC.try.ou.2 10. .;Ha11YW0.0d .Beach ...............................
...:Nags, Iiead.,..Dar;e CountY.�..??4.r..G�roina. ............................................
.�!'•2.-PERSO:iALPROPFRTY:.?C-k1A..Qn1,r...................... .. ........�....... ...... ..................
•• ..•........ ..:. .. r.....,il......! .......a.tand ►La Lcp.::aa,S.PURCI SE PRICE;ncpurchaacpriccis•... ..... .....,
000 00, incancstmoneypaidby.......
.,.................... I . ... ............... ,
(ea;li bank, eeniiicd, or pcn-nal cheep with the delitcry of this contract, to be herd in ci Tow by '
b:. @al Estate Unlimited as agcnI, until the aalc is cloxd, at which strut it wi!l L<
credited IG Buyer, or until the g-rccmcnt is othcn.s.•xu : terminated and it U di bt:d in aord: ncc wit!t the Stand.:d
ate ,�:pl.::,_:,t .... •. - -.
Proviuions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF.
by z3umption of the unpaid principal balance and 21 obligations of Seller cn the wasting loan accurcd by a dccd of tr::t
•t ;.. : ' on the Property] ,
ie) z_ by a promissory no.- secured by r purchase money deed of tress on the Property with intrrest prior to default at iLc rate
c'4 �'�:,••! "' ' of 1 2 /o per a urn. payaVc by a) cnu of J con--mencing on " Prepayment righu, if
�' } •r 5 plus interest
i "• r - any, shall be. n a
:i;1� •''�"' ' `' Assumption or transfer rights, if any, shall be:
000 = 00 the balance of the purchase price in cash at closing;
CONDITIONS: (State N/A in each blank of paragraph 4 (z) and 4 (b) thu'i: not a condition to this contract) .
T),e,Buycr rpwt be able to obt?in a firm commitzz,cnt effective tluough the dart of closing fora . , :: J?%a , , , , . , , ... .. .. ,
' Moan in the princjpal amount of I ... ?� �a for a term of . , n l $.. , . , ...year(&), zt zn iatcrrat ra tc tscccd �.. , • , c" sloe
t t Ip...................... ...... Buyer c eutowthisbatefiorjjoteeurfrueheut zunentrndtoadsueShcerin:mcdirtc!Jc ,,
t hu receipt on t(:ealcnd cr's decision, Mortgage loan discount poinu not to 1] ccead . , ..... ; n, .. ..::. , , , , 2, ,:. , T of the loan shall Lc p_i.i Ly
.:• 1 . t •,• t _ ....
••. and loan closing eor.; shall be paid by.............. , .... ,4,2
: (b) The, Buyer ;r:wt be able *to' assume the unpaid principal balance of the existing loan described ui "paragraph !(b) abuvc for tl.c it.
Inaind cr of the loan term, at an intcrest rate nor to euceed .... n � a.... i� fi cd or , ; , , . , �,$. ..............................
:If such assumption requires the under i approval, approval must be granted prior to ... ..hl�d, : , .:..'.............. Buycr agrees to ;,dvi]c fa:cr
j• jtnrnediately upon his receipt of the lender'& decision. In addition to any rcasor able transfer fee (sce STANDAkD YROYMON No. 2),
e ; st-..mption and/or discount point: not to czcccd I ......... P./A ..... .. , .. , . &hall be paid as follows: n l a .. .
'j .�t'�,.•. ...::................ . .... ........,............ ........ ... .... ....., ......
(e)'ihcIt: must be no resuictions,•cescrncnt, zoning or other r;ovctzuz,cnta] rcg::!ation that w u!d prcvcrt the reasonable use of the real property fc:.:.
+.r . _ .................. Residential .., ; .:' ..: ......... ....... purri...
f. J .., .I. .. .,, ..............
�... •... •s,. •, • • , . . •,. •.�
i� "•` S,'ASSESSMENTS, Seller warTznu that there arc no encu•nbrancct or special asc=M9i, eithcrpcnding or eonfirmed,-for sidcw+ik, p.,ving, t._tcr,
t ►c wcr or other_improvemenu on or adjoining the Property, esccpt a: follows: ...... 1:...... , ..... .. .............. . .... .
�rtt,t................................................ il On R.,........�:.....;....:...... :.....................................
Vwzi-E•"stone" or the identification of any such assc--menu, if any; the agreement for�pay:nent or pror:tiori of any zsc:ntenu indir_tcd is to Le act f::(tL
. in paragraph 6 below.) -
i (a) AU of the Srzndzrd Provisions on the REVE16E SIDE H£1LEOr- arc undcntood and thall apply to this instn:ment, except the following uumlozicd
t (If none arc to be dieted, state "None" in this Wank) •• • Q'•'.1Q,...l]......:............... :..::.�.. ••••.•:•-.•••••.
• Star:dard Protvsons shall be dc,ctcd: 2 s...� �...7 � .s. ,. '� ,
• :"�.'.:,�, Seller to supply �..-;;• .of property.
' r,�� c)Property must perk.
t�=►,;:�.; � .'due__ 6 months- from closing t���=;J en
:(If additiur"A sp.ce is ncedtd, the bottom of the rctc,:c of this p.j;c may Lc uz cd)
t 7. CL.OSI!� G; All panics agree to execute any:.nd all de--rco cmi and papers ncce:4_ry in cis:ir.ect on ,. ith e!e,_:rg and tr..,Zcr of tale mt or Lefu,e ...
:, ,60 days• from„accgp• . 11�,ata�Iaccdu;Lnacdby.....
'utobcr..adcto..... lruy(:r...... ......................... ..........................................
►t :l; ; B.POSSESSION.Po =ion shall be,,.....,t.•,.,,.,;inIficc,c:;ILLBuycrh_s: ; S
i.' '; ;• that po ..
is not deliYered at elcting then Scilcr age cis to j•ay to Buycr the sum of ..... , . I..�........ ; ... tic:
` , . r....•...................
SH to and including the date that pos]casion it to be dcl;tcrcd zs above set forth,
COUNTS ARTSr u.Offer shall become a binding contract whcr, siL-ned by Lcth B,:)er ind Stllcr end is czecuted in .....................
y�'Otlr .. . counterparts with an cstccvtcd ccur. span cing rct u:rd Lyc+ch p:
j:,;..::;.... ? 9.......... rtyl.::ew.
pate of Offer. .. Lll x.. �J.s. • l ..................... Da,c ofAceeptarca.. . �� .. ................
yet . ' Seller (Ow-nSry. f..,..,. _
Bu r Scllcr (Ot,�rtcr
�It Jim Franklin�Rea1 Estate Un) JmJ t,�cl
►1��1 F , y �}ii m ;�;�p.00 commission, due atelosin&, niiF , ":............. ....,.....
! t`1 I ,crab), acknovirdge rrceipt of the eart,est tnoi,rj L:tciit gel futtb In aecotd.:,ee wi rrL ergs et f /`
/.. r!'; :7•;. .�.'L•:•�..e 77,f �/_ re'�'.�+.�, ..,. . .. �,,. ... ,J//`ram.../.. •. ,..,_ .:l= •s l.. ........
1, EARNEST MONEY: In the event this offer is not accepted, :•
option Df (a) completing tlicm, (b). providing for their completion,
or in the event that any of the conditions hereto are not satisfied, or '
or.(t) refusing to complete therm, If Seller elects not to complete the
in the event of a breach of this contract by Seller, then the earnest
repair's, then Buycr shall have the option of (a) accepting the Frop-
money shall be returned to Buyer, but such return shall not affect
erty in its present condition, or (b) terminating the contract, in
any other remedies available to Buyer for such breach. In the event
which case the earnest money shall be refunded. Closing shall con -
this offer is accepted and Buyer breaches this contract, then the
stitute acceptance of the electrical, plumbing, heating and cooling
earnest money shall be forfeited, but such forfeiture shall not affect
systems and built-in appliances in their existing condition u,riJess
any other remedies available to Seller for such breach.
provision is otherwise made in writing pursuant to this paragraph.
2. LOAN ASSUMED: In the event a loan is assumed as part of
[RECOMMENDATION: Buyer should have any inspections mad
the payment of the purchase price, then all payments -due from
prior to incurring expenses for closing.]
Seller thereon must be cur -rent at closing, and the principal balance
9. TERMITES, ETC.: Unless otherwise stated herein. Seller
assumed shall be computed as of the date of closing. The amounts
shall provide at Seller's expense a report from a licensed pest con -
shown for the assumption balance and cash at closing shall be ad-
trot operator on a standard form in accordance with the regulations
justed as appropriate at closing to reflect the final computations.-
of the North Carolina Structural Pest Control Committee, stating
Unless Buyer has otherwise specifically agreed in writing, the ex-
that there was no visible evidence of wood -destroying insects and
fisting loan must be amumable.without acceleration of the amount •
that no visible damage therefrom was observed, or, if new construc-
secured or any change in the original terms of the note and deed of
tion, a new construction termite bond. All extermination required
trust and without imposition of any charge, fee or cost to Buyer
shall be paid for by Seller and completed prior to closing, ti-tless .
other than a reasonable transfer fee or similar charge not to exceed
otherwise agreed upon in writing by the parties. If any structural
1175.00.•-ne escrow account, if any, shall be purchased by Buyer,
repairs arc necessary, Seller shall have the option of (a) paying for
them or (b) refusin to a for them If S ller l f
' , g p y c e ecu not to pay r such structural repairs, then Buyer shall have the option of (a)
event a promissory note secured by a deed of trust is given by Buyer
to Seller as part of the payment of the purchase price, the prom -
accepting the Property in its present condition, or (b) terminating
issory note and deed of trust shall be in the form of and contain the
the contract, in which latter case the earnest money' shill be
provisions of the promissory note and deed of bust forms approved
refunded. The inspection and report described in this paragraph
may not reveal either structural damage or damage cauusec by
by the N.C. Bar Association as Forms 4 and 5, as modified. in
agents or organisms other than termites and wood destroying irccTs us.
paragraph S(e) on the reverse side.`
10. LABOR OR MATERIAL: Seller shall furnish at closing an
provided, the following items shall be prorated and adjusted be-
. .
affidavit and indemnification agreement in form satisfactory to
Buyer showing that all labor or materials, if any, furnished to the
tween the panics or paid at closing:
Property within 120 days prior to'the date of closing have been paid
(a) Ad valorem taxes on ieal'property shall be prorated on a
and agreeing to indemnify Buyer against all loss from any cause or
calendar year basis to the date of dosing.
claim arising therefrom. '
(b) Ad valorem taxes on.personal propetry for the entire year
- ... „ ..
11. FUEL OIL: Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller the fuel
shall be paid by Seller.
(e) All late ]'siting penalties, if any, shall be paid by Seller.' "
oil, if any, situated in a tank on the premises for the prevailing rate
(d) Rents, if any, for the Property shall be prorated to the date of
per gallon with.the cost of measurement thereof, if any, being
borne by Seller. •
closing..- _
- '
(e) Accrued, but unpaid, interest and other charges_ to Seller, if
- 12. CLOSING EXPENSES: Seller shall pay for the preparation
any, shall be computed to the date of closing and paid by Seller; in-
of a deed and for the revenue stamps required by law. -Buyer shall
terest and other charges prepaid by Seller shall be credited to Seller
pay for recording the deed and for preparation and recording ofall
at closing and paid by Buyer. (Other charges_ may include FHA
instruments required to secure the balance of the purchase price
mortgage insurance premiums, private mortgage 'insurance
unpaid at dosing.-
premiums and Homeowner's Association dues.)
13. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Seller agrees to exercise his efforts
5. FIRE OR OTHER CASUALTY: The risk of loss or damage by
. to deliver to Buyer as soon as reasonably possible after the acccp.
fire or other casualty prior to closing shall be upon Seller.
tance of this offer, copies of all title information in possession of or
�_ _
6. CONDITIONS: ' `• '"
available to Seller, including but not limited to: title insurance
(a) The Property must be in substantially the same condition at
policies, attorney'a opinions on title, surveys, covenants, deeds,
notes and deeds of trust and casements relating to the teal and per -
closing as on the date of this offer, reasonable wear.and tear
Bona] property described above.' .
(b) All deeds of trust, liens and other charges against the Property,
14. ASSIGNMENTS: Tlii contract may not be assigned
not assumed by Buyer, must be paid and cancelled by Seller prior
without the written agreement of all panics, but if the same is
to or at closing.
assigned by agrecment, then the same shall be binding on clue
(e) Title must be delivered at closing by general warranty deed
Assignee and his heirs.
'and must be fee simple marketable title, free of all encumbrances
15. PARTIES: This contract shall be binding and shall inure to
except ad valorem taxes for the current year 1prorated to date of
the benefit of the parties and their heirs, successors and assiL;ts.
eloiing), utility easements and unviolated restrictive covenants that
The provisions herein contained with respect to promissory no:cs
do not materially affect the value of the Property and such other
and deeds of trust shall be binding upon and shall inure to the .
encumbrances as may be assumed or specifically approved by
benefit of all parties to the same as well as subsequent owners of the
Buyer. The subject Property must have legal access to a public
property and the said notes and deeds of trust. As used herein.
right of way,
words in the singular include the plural and the masculine incMts
(d) If a portion of the purchase price for the Property is being
the feminine and neuter genders, as appropriate. p
paid by assumption of an existing loan and if the lender requires its
approval for the assumption, then the approval of the Lender. after
l6. SURVIVAL: An provision herein contained which by is
y P
&E-6-cm application therefor by Buyer, is a condition of this contract. ,
nature and effect if required to Le observed, kept or perform. -d
7. NEW LOAN: Buyer shall be responsible for all charges made
after the closing shall survive the dosing and remain binding u.on
and for the benefit of the panic hereto until fully observed, kept or
to Buyer with respect to any new loan obtained by Buyer and Seller
performed. ;
shall have no obligation to pay any discount fee or other charge in
,:;eonntaion therewith urdessipecifically set fgrth in. this contract.
17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT: Buyer acknowledges that he 1:as
• 8. UTILITIES: Un]c3s-otherwise scared herein, the0dcetrical,
the above -described property. This contract contains the
entire agreement of the parties and there arc no tepresentat;=.
plumbing, heating and cooling syztcros and built-in appliances, if y
inducements, or other provisions other than those expressed in
>tny,yhall be in good working order at closing. Buyer has the option
writing. All changes, additions or deletions hereto must be is
to havfihe sas�te:uupeetSd by a reps table inspector or contractor at v+rjting:arud signed by all parties. Nothing herein eontairied s :all '
Buycr'i expense. but such inspections must be completed in.suf-
alter any agreement betwccn a REALTOR and the Seller as tx:t
ficientat4me b§fore closing soil to permit 'repairs, if any, tobc eorfr•
'taincd in any lis4ing contract or other agreement between thc=
_ Octed--by closing. if any repairs art rircessary, Seller shall )cave the
, •
- _- _ t
Pursuant to NCGS 113A-1i9(b), the Town of Nags Head, a
locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in areas of
environmental concern, hereby gives notice that on September
27, 1984, Robert Nida , the applicant, proposed to erect a
single-family dwelling at lot 5, block 10, Section 2,
Hollywood Beach subdivsioni in an ocean hazard and high
hazard flood AEC.
Persons desiring to inspect the application, to comment
thereon or to appeal the'local decision are directed to
contact the local permit officer at the address below.
M. Edward Harrell
Receiving Minor Development
Permits under CAMA
Address: P. O. Lox 99,
Nags Head, N. C. 27959
Telephone: 919 f 441-5508
For publication in The Coastland Times 10-2-84.
Please use Nags Head logo and legal print.