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HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-057_Lange Harry M._19841114 (3)PEE I 8A-0. 7 CA9 , ,Permit Number Local Government �07 C & ,84 MINOR DEVELOP Ef Lj..0 �PER � as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop- - ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the - General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." Issued to 2YA1C9V A. LA N CZ: authorizing development in AtJ E57"4,'ARiNE 5'Hcf-9QPa AF_e, at J-10 5 $�G. A OLji AC 5 H 6AD C't'EF as requested in the permittee's ap lication dated OeTO a 15 X- 2.S 1,716 This permit, issued on o' -M - 98 , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered under this permit require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this er it expires on EA 1)EC(B6k 31 , /9-3 In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consis- tent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Office of Coastal Management. W/. E Local Permit Officer (signature) �. E�wR�D �IARti�I.C_ / name o LIJ OF /Vh&5 W5,40 address o � C,9.9 AIAGs #9,+.D , Al e, - o9 Permitee (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit) I GENERAL INFORMATION P V NIT 3 0'84 j 1 LANDOWNER , In e � � /T o(r.i • Ec err Name l Address State Zip Phone _ city _.. — 2. AUTHORIZED AGENT H) Name — Address City State Zip Phone It i f 10� C / ,6- 3. LOCATION/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Wes C ee e ac CT I' 4. AREAS QF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION to completing application.) _ (To be filled in by Local Permit Officer prior Ocean Hazard ^(, , Estuarine Shoreline Other DE' _ S. PROPOSED USE Residential Commerical/Industrial Other 6. SIZE OF BUILDING IN SQUARE FEET: _ v 7.'SIZE OF SITE IN SQUARE FEET: �- 2 S QG�' This the NO* This application includes: general information (this i 19.. day of f form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard for $25.00 made payable 0 notice where necessary, a check to the locality, and, any information as may be pro Applicant's signature -(or autriorized agent) vided orally by the applicant. The details of the applica- a tion as described by these sources are incorporated Indicate below address and phone if not shown above. � without reference in any permit which may be issued. • Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a CAMA permit is subject to civil, criminal and admini- strative action. SITE SITE DATI Is OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED... ou are ying The activity which you are planning may require permits ndsofererma is which mightn the CAMA nor permit required. We suggest that for here. As a service we have compiled a listing of thePI es our you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any, of these may apply Y project. This is not a requirement of LAMA, only a suggestion to help you complete your project as quickly as possible. zoning.. Arinking water well ... septic tank (or other sanitary waste tre m n and energy burning ... electrical ... plumbing ... heating and air conditioning... conservation. ..FlA certification ... sand dune ... sediment control ... subdivision approval mobile home park approval. ..highway connection ... others: STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP I, the Undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one) an owner of record title, Title is vested in see Deed Book , page in the County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of ' ; probate was in County. 1 if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet attached to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. (Name) (Address) ✓ (1) LvT"8 �, & ed *Vf fe��iwg f// 3 ,��lira�T�al, �o7orlac,/�I�.;7_09S t (2) 1� ��li'ctc>! Ti%�de as" X yd e,y Sw,;Ai l �/,%/.ate-rbary� (3) (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE SHORELINE EROSION AREAS: acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This the ^%L''_day of ALL ,19,8L. ri Land owner or person authorized to act as his agent for purposes of filing a CAMA application. OFFER TO PURCHASE AND CONTRACT Marry. . M . Lange.. and . wife . Cheryl..J. Lange .............................. .... • . •, as Buyer, hereby agrees to purchase and .............. Bankauf..................................................... , . , . , , . , .. , .............. , as Seller. hereby agrees to sell and convey, all of that plot, piece or parcel of land described below, together with all imp, overnents located thereon and such per - tonal properiy as is listed below (the real and personal property are collectively referred to as "the Property'), in accordance with the Standard Prnvisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF and upon the following terms and conditions: .. 1. REAL PROPERTY: Located in the Cll =- . t own.. o f . Nags . Head............................................. County of . Dare............ • ....... • .... •................................ State of North Carolina. being known as and more particularly described as: Amberjack Court StteetAddress; .......... Lor"85"Seetion"A-Old•'Rage --H-ead........................... legal Description ....OVe'.................................... . Y. PERSONAL PROPERTY:...... none..................................................................................... s.PUR��SvM6 10E:nepurchasepriceisi••� ,50.0,00 ei its and &,Niue••hundred)o 1111 U � 'Ti�.. � .Q. and shall be aid as follows: (a) i in earnest money paid by ....persona S oT13... C.. e C .............................. paid . (cash; bank, certified. or personal check) with the delivery of this contract• to be held in escrow by COV@ ' Realty as agent, until the sale is cloned• at which titoe it will be credited to Buyer, or until this agreement is otherwise terminated and it is disbursed in accordance with the Standard _ Provisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. (b): ' _ by assumption of the unpaid principal balance and all obligations of Seller on the existing loan secured by a deed of trust on the Property; Ws — — by a promissory note secured by a purchase money deed of trnst on the Property with interest prior to default at the rate of % per annum, payable by paymentsof j commending on . Prepayment rights, if any. shall he: Assumption or transfer rights, if any, shall be: • 15.000.00 (d) S the balance of the purchase price in cash at closing; 4. CONDITIONS: (State N/A in each blank of paragraph 4 (a) and 4 (b) that is not a condition to this contract) (a) Ile Buyer must be able to obtain a Finn conunitment effective through the date of closing fora ... Al A ................../` ban in the principal amount of s ...... n /,a..... for a term of .... n .a...... , year(s). at an intetea rate not to exceed ... P .$ , ... , •.. y prior to ......... n/ a • • .... • . • • ...... • ... • • • . • . • • Buyer agrees to use his beat efforts to secure such conuniurient and to advise Srlkr imrediately upon his receipt of the lenders decision. Mortgage loan discount points not to exceed ....... n /.a• ....................... % of the lout shall he paid by .......... n/ a ....... and loan closing cost shall be paid by......... n/.a:........ (b) Tide Buyer must be able to assume the unpaid principal balance of the existing loan dkscribed in paragraph S(b) above for the re- mainder of the loan tens, at an interest rate not to exceed ... not..:.. % fixed vim .. ... • n / a ... • .. ...... • .......................... If such anumption requires the lender's approval, approval must granted prior to ............. .. buyer agrees to advise Seller immediately ulsutu his receipt of the lenders decision. In addition to any reasonable transfer fee (see S ANDARD PROVISION No. 2). mortgage loan assumption and/or discount points not to exceed f ......n/ a ................... shall be paid as follows: ..... T1I a ..................... .;........................................................ .... ............................................................. (c) Titer* must be no restrictions, easement• toning or other governmental rvg-ulati mthat would prevent the reasonable use of the real property for ... •...... .......... residential ............................................... purposes. St ASSESSMENTS. Seller warrants that there are no encumbrances or special assessments, either pending or confirmed, for sidewalk, paving• water, sewer or other improvernertts on or adjoining the Property. except as follows: .0.1 d • -Nags ..Bead • -Cove. -Association. -fee. w• •$100 :00•-annual-ly............................'................................................................... (lower "none" or the identification of any such aasesunenu, if any; the agreement for payment or proration of any assessments indicated is to be act forth in paragraph 6 below.) 6. OTHER PROVISIONS AND CONDITIONS: �) All of the Standard Provisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF are understood and shall apply to this instrument, except the following numbered Standard Provisions shall be deleted: .....2, .8.r 9 ,.1.0.} 11...... ... • ............................. • ............... . (if -none are to be deleted, state "None" it, this blank) (b) Purchase of this property is contingent upon approval by the Dare County Health Department for a septic system to be installed on this site to service a three bedroom, two bath house to be built on this lot. (If additional space is needed, the bottom of the reverse side of this page may be used) ' 7. CLOSING; All parties agree to execute any and all documents and papers necessary in connection with closing and transfer of title on or before .. . ..October..25,.1.9.84................. . ... at a place designated by...a.ti;W X}.erj(................................... Deed istobemade to ....... Buyers,,ove......................................................................... a. POSSESSION: Possession shall be delivered .............. upon . c losing .. • ...................: in the event that Buyer has agreed that pw+emion is not delivered at closing, then Seller agrees to pay to Buyer the sum of ...... n/.a...................................... per day to and including the date that possession is to be delivered as above set forth. 9. COUNTERPARTS: This Offer shall become a binding contract when signed by both Buyer and Seller and is executed in ...................... ........... f 01,r.......................................... counterparts with an executed c rp unteart being retained each party hrMO. Date of Offer:...... September... 16A9.84 ........... Date of Acceptance:../ ..%%/1... �.. �/. ............ `• j B• (SEAL) f' . f (SEAL) u ..... 1 Owner) in .........���t�... ...•..rc.tL1/ i /....... (SEAL)i•�C�...�. t..1� .. �%�C (SEAL) Buyer ((((//// lice (Owner) (/ CrL. Smith „Cove . Realty ......................... ..'...................................... .............. Agent/Firm Agcot/Fum 1 1 hereby acknowledge receipt of the earnest money herein set forth in accordance with the terms hereof. . • •,, Cove .Realty, Laura J. Oliver Broker Date Agent/Firm I&AL1Ult 0 By: This Standard Form approved has tteen approval THE NORTH CAROLINA BAR ASSOCIATION Standard Form No. 5 jointly by: I THE NORTH CAROLINA ASSOCIATION OF REALTOI;S11, INC. Revised 3182 - — --- --+ 311. N71055Od'E OLD PIPE OLD PIPE AMBERJACK (60f) COURT L — LOT SURVEY es,eungrrrr FOR: HARRY M. LANG.�.+`� CA/��l �•,, OF: LOT 85, SECTION A OLD NAGS HEAD COVE e �o���G�stERF'yy NAGS HEAD, DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 1, George Vi Mldgette, J►,R L S , ce►ttfy that this plot was drown from an actual field fond survey; that the error of Ocrwre as colculatsd by iatttudes and departures is 110,OCYJ; that It was prepared �i'1 .:�i�•,+ �.' in accoroonce with G S 47-30 as o"ndtrd. =i IkOne6e my hand and seal INS 8 th. day of OCMBER A D 1964. .�.��" � .)%fir`-s?' _ � ?.i,S;lt.•`'s ertlficailm —' L-2781 L� GEORGE W. MIOGETTE, JR., LAHD SURVEYOR NORTH CAROLINA AND VIF-r5MA PO BCX 406/ K rI TY HAWK, N C 27". 9 TEL f PF+ -:E (919 );6I-37-:I M 8 4, PG. 3) t . ' ::'•' f OCTO!)rR 3, 19&4 TOWN OF NAGS HEAD CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), the Town of Nags Head, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in areas of environmental concern, hereby gives notice that on October 25, 1984, Harry M. Lange, the applicant, proposed to erect a single-family dwel l ina' at lot 85, Section A, Old Nags Head Cove, in an estuarine shoreline AEC. Persons desiring to inspect the application, to comment thereon, or to appeal the local decision are directed to contact the local permit officer at the address below. M. Edward Harrell Receiving Minor Development Permits.under CAMA Address: P. O. Box 99, Nags Head, N. C. 27959 Telephone: 919/441-5508 For publication in The Coastland Times 10-30-84. Please use Nags Head logo and legal print.