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HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Forlano, Dr. Ronald_19831206 (3)OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT North. Carolina Department of, Natural Kenneth D. Stewart Resources &Community Development Director James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Telephone 919/733.2293 Field Services Section \ n � 108 South Water St. Elizabeth City, NC 27909 919 338-0206 December 6, 1983. Mr. Michael Soriente PO Box 132 Kitty Hawk, N. C. 27949 Re: Proposed residential development by Dr. Ronald Forlano at Lot 88, Section A Carolina Dunes Subdivision adjacent to Currituck Sound, north of Duck in Dare County Dear•Mr. Soriente: On November 29, 1983, I -met with you at the above referenced property in Dare County. This office has reviewed this project for CAMA minor development permit requirements. It has been determined your project meets the requirements of the exemption outlined in 15NCAC 07K.0309 of Coastal Resources Commission guidelines for development in estuarine.shoreline areas of environmental concern. The ornly condition on which this exemption is granied is_that you perform no other'land disturbing activity between the proposed residence and the wa- ter. You should also notify your adjacent riparian property owners of this project. -and receive a written statement from them indicating they have no objections to your proposed stric- ture. 'If a problem occurs with your project, these statements must be available to CRC agents at their request. By copy of this letter, Mr. Walter Gregory, Building Inspector for Dare County is being notified of the .approval -of your pro- ject by this office. Mr. Gregory should be contacted for the required local permits at his office-Jocated in Manteo, Tel. 919 473-2143. If you have any questions concerning this or any related matter, please at my Elizabeth City office. Cordially-Fcu s,.� encl. Nelson G. Paul encl. . CC: Preston Pate, OCM, Morehead Field Consultant Walter Gregory P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611.7687 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 1►, CURRITUdK SOUND Sr._•F! E{ 13°2E Y: 75.00'Go t N to N I o ,r. I :: G : Pr 1 c 46 o T cV (15,264SQ.FT.) I (0.351 AC E) LLFF •'•.�, Sea Level) p It i. PE t N E ` I - f !1. r k v"tic. # y00� .p ; 87 Ir fNOTE• } DiSE�LC+C NGT STAYED IN FIELD, t( l o 4r4 S:I• st r 1 v� — o o o �� A i ro i ai • j 13° 2v E ' t N C. S. R. (u:;�) #1200 t (DUCK FcUAD) jW —_ -- SITE PLAN j FOR DR. RONALD FORLANO :••- gas"•' r rl OF: LOT 88, SECTION A, <•�`� CAROLINA DUNES • ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP, DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA -" —_ V n 1. • t,ben•ge W Vef;etts, %.,RL.S.,eerltfy thct the pW was drown from Cr. oCtual freed land survey; • ti . Ir.v sr.e error of elosa+re e: colcolctei Cy Wiludzs erd dsparlurss*ts 1 10=: that it was prepared .;�•;�.' ; r n n:co•ro'ce with G S 47-50 os amer..l~d. `.' �C.� • ~ 's i yr,•^r-. • n-f h—i and *-,If this 1 st 6-2y of _ by . A D. !9 G' aJ .. j �- — --_---GEOn'GE W ii IDC'ETTE, J -, Lei":;? ;:UR1'EYO: 1 t; t:�FT1; 1:AI;;;uI�:.•l.::O vli"::::;;In ;+ trH��:. •ray, .,-.