HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-003_Gilliland, George A._19820212 (3)CASE NAME George A. Gilliland D LOCALITY Town of Kitty Hawk FILE NUMBER 82-003 C A M A : PERMIT DECISION XX PERMIT CONDITIONAL PERMIT DENIAL The Local Permit Officer, having examined the site and reviewed information presented in this application, makes the following observations: BASED ON THESE OBSERVATIONS, the officer concludes that this permit application should be 0 (If this is nit a denial or conditional permit, strike out the rest of this section.) This permit should be denied in that it violates (1) NCGS 113A-120(6); the development unreasonably endangers life or property, namely, 2) NCGS 113A-120(8); the development is inconsistent with the state guide- lines, particularly 15 NCAC 7H which requires that i this project calla for (3) NCGS 113A-120(8); the development is inconsistent with the local land use plans, see p. of plan which provides that this project calla for HOWEVER, a CONDITIONAL PERMIT is issued the applicant if he indicates his willingness to accept the following conditions; (these conditions must be accepted by the applicant within 10 days of the below date or this permit is deemed denied. Acceptance.1s made by signing and returning this form to your local permit officer.) This the 12 day of March 1982..' Local Permit Dfficer df`-Gi Applicant's signature indicating acceptance of terms of conditional permit. *****APPEALS of this decision must be made to the Coastal Resources Commission within twenty days of the above date. See your local permit officer for forms. ****NOTE:-. This permit allows for only those elements of development that are specifically mentioned on site drawing or in -application. F 4 TOWN OF KITTY HAWK NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119 (b) the Town of Kitty Hawk, a duly approved agent authorized to issue minor development permits in Areas of Environmental Concern under the CAMA, hereby gives NOTICE that an APPLICATION for a minor development permit was received on 12 February 1982 According to said application, George A. Gilliland proposes to construct a single family dwelling which will have a septic tank system located within an estuarine shoreline Area of Environmental Concern. A copy of the entire application may be exami.ied or copied at the below address, after this date, during normal business hours. Comments filed prior to 12 March 1982 will be considered. This action is subject to appeal by any person who is directly affected by the grant or denial of this application. Appeals to the Coastal Resources Commission (CRC) must be made in writing and filed with the LPO within 20 days of the final decision. David L. Gossett Interim Local Permit Officer for receiving Minor Development Permits under CAMA Office of Coastal Management P.O. Box 1507 Washington, N.C. 27889 94 6-64 81 16 L For CA S NA.'.'E dLb Q• U`-.TES; �Ccet _ t1��ah. Z _ �2•-d'�--_ ,of ,�.�� t' AppL filed: a-(a-$d Extension Use Only LOCALITY quid_ o!G _ �•tT` _ /R Notice Publ: Incomplete / Last day: Notice: FILE C A M A MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION 1. Land owners' name/address/phone: 2. Builders' name, etc: ie-� 2. Location of project: 3. AEC C as_i _cati,Ir.: 4. Proposed Use: cccan hazzrd -- residential (-:,urine shoreline com-ercial or ir,dust: _al _ ot')or other 4. Describe these aspects of project which are not clear from readinEsite drawing: 5. Uth«.r _r ats needed: L0, yL STAGE FEDERAL PE'r.:^SIT FERMIT PERMIT 6. Size of buildin.._,s -. Zoning ................... sq. ft: 1.500 Drinr:ing water well...... Septic tank (or other ... x 7. Cost of Project: sanitary waste........ $ treatment system...... Burning.......8. Total acrea e in Connection to--.:nicipal.. AECs: _. --_ sewerage ....... ... . 'ru Llins....... Electrical... ..... Plumbing ................. Heating & air-condi- tioning ............... Tnsulation & energy...... conservation.......... Demolition ............... Pier .................. CA MA AEC............ Sand dune............... Sedirent control......... Subdivision approval..... ?:chile home park approval FIoo2-:ay................. H-ihway connection....... Drecge .and fill .......... .;?TS APPLTC.�..CI-, `N CONSISTS OF li-i 701.1 A_ND AI I. 7 ";rO-J?' '1O'; CONTAINED ON Tt?E VJI-r! SUCH AS MAY BE PRO- �...,."_` C.'ri)-L .Y EY iilE APPLICANT. iHL UL:AILS (%r THE PROPOSAL AS DESCRIBED F'MM ALL Ti:-EL SCURCES ,AKE INCORPOPIATED WIT�?i_" TT REFERENCE IN AA'Y PERMIT ­ k. *`AY �E 1SSUED AS A KtLSULT OF THIS APPLICATION. DEVIATION FROM THESE ,..) I.S .;_ ?. AUTi;�;.'.. ICAI-L Y ';PGr.. E ' tiE ISSL:_.:.CE OF .'_'N PFR*:TT. ANY PERSON a _-i.(F' J NG IN -AN AEC WITHOUT A C.A':A PERMIT IS STJBJECT TO CIVIL, CRIMINAL ;D AI)MINIST RATIVE ACTION. THIS APPLICATI N MAY BE FILED BY IHE LANDOWNER OR A PERSON EXPRESSLY V AUTHOr;IZ_ED TO CT ON HIS BEHALF. This thed.,.' ^f h licant's — pP - ' �7$2- Sienature:_ (address and ___ _ / _ ;•hoiie if not above) _ I hOC::LI ZY FILE P C A M A STATE`:E.:T 0. O1,-P: EP.SNIP NOTICE TO ADJOItiI`:G PFQPERTY OW.%ERS AC?�ti0'w�EDG r'�T OF POI_-'NTIAL FOR DAIKAGE F ZOX EROSION OR FLC'ODS PERA:i'SSIO' TO F;TER Oti LANDS I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CA -',LA minor development permit, being either the c»-ner of property in an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CA.A permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on the application has a significant interest in the rep_. prorr-rty described therein. This interest can be described as follow»s: _ an owner of record 'itle. 'title is vested in . c.v in the County Registry of Deeds. an ou-ner by virtue ofinheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of '; probate was in County. other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain: _ = "-;z t.her : re cert._fv t':- t t;-.e- f�ollcw'_ng persons are owners of prcper _ 4 es adjoir:ing this _ . =rtv I a - a_ I ,i;e given ACC?':? ':OTICE to each _ them concerning. =v Intent to this property and to apply for a pe=4 t. (Name) (Address) (2) �0OGi� w (3) z7S5�-7 FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCErti HAZARD A-N-D SHORELINE EROSION AREAS: I furthe=ore acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the propo-ad development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by reco`•rnendations concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. PER*:ISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant per�'_ssion to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the above lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit appli- cation. This the day of _ _ ) o ad 6� ,an o•..-ner or person authorized to act as his agent for purposes of `'__inn a C.,""_4 a p p 1 i c a t I a n F 3 wi TYAYW R. J. Seqa February 1, 1982 Mr. & Mrs. David.R. Lautz 10 Rosebrook Drive Milford, Conn. 06460 Dear Mr. &';Mrs. Lautz, As required by the C.A.M.A. permit officer, I am hereby advising you that Mr. George Gilliland is applying for building permits to construct a home on Lot # 2, Sec. 3, Kitty Hawk Land- ing. Thank you. Sincerely, J. $eay, suddepi February 1, 1982 Decatur Partnership c/o Outer Banks Contractors, Inca Kitty Hawk, N.C. 27949 Dear Sirs: As required by the C.A.M.A. permit officer, I am hereby advising you that Mr. George Gilliland is applying for building permits to construct a home on Lot # 1, Sec. 3, Kitty Hawk Land- ing. Thank you. Sincerely, �" a-:�:.: .i, v, .'4..:..t F: vt, ar x,. f,,. wLa w:: •.:+x+•K x�;.�w.: , ..y. r,i o..Hma,: i..t��`'�3 ..� t. ,..riri (;w L�iL.•Se1.igs�p:�r'MNSS.'i1.MI. W.J�....�a`y ..+.w...:....7h�.:f,+IJ:..iM.tiYC'�i.Y):t+Y.:..654�s��a �.ul r�.I+..tJ+t��.•�nygy'�1.$L.ibV16�n{'�" 1.t 7..�\{1':.. i?.w..iW: ���l �d�w:s+l'.t .s.t w-'•. F 0 I� 1� DRIVE LANDING 6d R/W ! - .. "'^^'f- . ' . ... . - rt, ,y � 4 S.a:L�,✓.i('+w�.:k.fir�L�r �t.k.:� ;.� r�uduuK+ay P+_ _. _ ..... . �� :i:lae�i.l.+:a:-•: K ..a>'tHo,. Y+ 4:: r�tt�.�ti �s�w+iu�.^l:.r+n�+.+ .b.a+��a..S,..Yi;+z. .�.-�--- — .._.---`--- .�_ V tv 1'11 ,1 COPY Chy�, DARE COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT GOOD FOR ONLY IMPROVEMENT PERMIT (SEPTIC TANK SEWAGE DISPOSAL) 90DAYS NOT -TRANSFERABLE `' - ;'? N? 40.86A Date of Application New Existing Lot Size—��' 11�%t' Sketch of Installation... Property Owner Address ,1�% Plat Attached ' Location - r L L7'f t-'/ 1rN _ j !l Water Table Soil Structure '5' , Soil Texture ;'N "'d _ Type of Tank: h� �� ! n�rAppliances PFrrv7 n t i nn Rate Capacity of tank Gal. Private Well City Wat8r Reetri ct.ive Horizons � r --- !_4r Drain Tile % �% Ft. Width of Ditch Yr, IFt. S1nrR 7 Dista.roe from Surface water 7` Under Drain Tile J �- �� Di stance from "SA'r water (�77- Rock ,T � i Above Drain Tile S-Suitable Sewage Contractor / � i' i � - U-Unsuitable PS -Provisionally suitable Date final inspection and approval * Optional Signed sanitarian NOTE: This permit Is Issued subject to all provisions of the ordinance 0 l"IrR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR , governing the installation of septic tank systems. THE PERSON MAK- ING SAID INSTALLATION MUST NOTIFY THE HEALTH DEPART- MENT WHEN THE SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM IS READY FOR IN- n' SPECTION. If any septic tank system or part thereof is covered before being inspected and approve¢- shall be uncovered at the direction - of the Health Officer at t one responsible for making - Installat�// /'\' , KX-2-1 Maintain Minimum 10 Ft. from All Property Lines & Water Lines Signature or property, owner or authorized agent. (Jointiy.responslble) Maintain Minimum 50 Ft. from All Wells