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HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-0034_Hunter, Pete H._19940413 (2)GENERAL INFORMATION
Name wltc A.
Address _3�-\
City ���� �e�;�� �t\,S State •C Zip �-, Phone y ` 6
3. LOCATION/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT `-A 2I i 0\hf- 3�� I �Cea coirvT
2. Skt�m , 2\04 Z �no�,sc , e�c.R��e�rc� ��t�y�� - 1 N.T\0 i,vy.Urn,
(To be filled in by Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.)
Ocean Hazard - Estuarine Shoreline Other
y Residential Commerical/Industrial Other
This application includes: general information (this
form), a site drawing as described on the back of this
application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard
notice where necessary, a check for $25.00 made payable
to the locality, and any information as may be pro-
vided orally by the applicant. The details of the applica-
tion as described by these sources are incorporated
without reference in any permit which may be issued.
Deviation from these details will constitute a violation
of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without
a CAMA permit is subject to civil, criminal and admini-
strative action.
This the day of
19 L.
fia OUZ773
Applicant's signature (or authorized agent)
Indicate below address and phone if not shown above.
The activity which you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor permit you are applying
for here. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits which might be required. We suggest that
you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any, of these may apply to your
project. This is not a requirement of CAMA, only a suggestion to help you complete your project as quickly as
zoning ... drinking water well ... septic tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system).. .
burning ... electrical ... plumbing ... heating and air conditioning ... insulation and energy
conservation ... FIA certification ... sand dune ... sediment control. ..subdivision approval home park approval ... highway connection. ..others:
- , a
Z 8�'
MAR 2 3'84
rbly passed Coastat Area M ggm Q t� #
-,,and set'the stag or guiding velo n
{ xthe fragile arc,p(oluctive'a"reas'WWibor�
the state' s apes; soupn"c oceanfron .
Along rw ruequ ring ctaVere by those '
ho build and e eop, thw.General Assembl
at - rrected;the Eas alrResources ommissi
im le male r ulation hich minimize
* �theburden n tie applicant.
• c
, - Ppplicati`d iff r � minoe�d oqr &fit Rer
kit underCA is part of the�riissiop's
i � r v ort- o r e ttheMspir�taris�anterit;off he
enefal Asse�n y pltias been designed to.
straightfo ar an requ►re no more time. 'r
efigf a ece sary fromsthe`appli t
Pleasego rter is folder;withthe" LI {
Permittficerfor q local►tyin which.yor
' p o build o �S a
larr� uit er iy=under-
'� stand wf at S.
`" _ Under <;AMA ru a ions the minor permit
>> a b issued witt�in days once a complete w
appl�catiorts in han en less time is needed `#
tRi thbproject is smtipe The process generally-
+ takes about 18 d4Vs ou can help speed the
� �, rowel process b, kin certain that our
�Pp P a g Y
appiicat 6n is comp and signed, that your
v drawing'meets the a ifications given inside
and that our I cation fee is attached.
Other permits ac s metimes required for,
� evelopment in t1Q, astal area. While these
'- A•�Ee we,urgenyou to check
� h"ttse L Ped;rmil Off[cc r�t0�aetermi e_
!Mitt of these you}m� need A'iisting is
dd ^� me Iu orc paged o tha folder
'We appreciate your cooperation with the..
r* - North Carolina coastal management program
C+ and your willingness to build in a way which `' =
�.� protects the resources of our beautiful and
productive coast. _
.—Coastal-Resources Commission
`` `�• +� Office of Coastal Management --
Qc�"j IFL
Rt. 1 Box 828 Kill Devil Hills, N.C. 27948 Phone: 441-7605
C-(&\, `-q \'�o v \\' 0, v e.
North Carolina De Pa rtment of Natural COASTAL MANAGEMENTOF
Resources &Community Development °avldw.owens
� Director
;a,• James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor James A. Summers, Secretary reie0one919739.2293
Field Services
108 South Water Street
Elizabeth City, N. C. 27909
(919) 338-1558
March 26, 1984
The Coastland Times
P. 0. Box 428
Manteo, North Carolina 27954
Please include the enclosed Notice(s) of Filing in the Public
Notice section of the Thurs., March 29, 198idition,of your newspaper.
If it will not be possible to include these notices in that edition, or
if you should have any questions about these notices, please call me as
soon as possible at 338-1558.
The State Office of Budget and Management requires an Affidavit
of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please
send these affidavits, copies of the published notices, and the bill
to Cathey Cottle, Office of Coastal Management, Department of Natural
Resources and Community Development, P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C.
Thank you.
Cordially yours,
George_ H. li ood
Field Consultant
Encis. - Canpbell, Douglas fi Amy
Hunter, Pete H.
Gosley, Donald.l.
P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh. N. C. 27611-7687
Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), the North Carolina Department of
Natural Resources and Community Development Office of Coastal Management,
the State agency authorized to issue CAMA minor development` permits in
Areas of Environmental Concern of unincorporated portions of narp
County, hereby, gives Notice that on 19arch 21 the
applicant, 'Juntor. a proposed to rnnctrurt `an
_n�o�n_f_rnnf +.rn_cynrJi r�S1�Aia�'rat31c�sr6lft�ir'' .
. ccccan oe erv—v ev �— a •
at 6., 27,-914-
Persons desiring
to inspect the application, to 'comment thereon, or to appeal the local
decision are directed to contact the local permit officer at the below
Mr. George Wood
Office of Coastal Management
108 South Water Street
Elizabeth City, N. C. 27909
(919) 338-1558
Dare, County/,(DNRtA _
Local Government, r
t � y
Permit Number
and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop-
ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the
General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management."
Issued to Pete H. Hunter
authorizing development in nuCk , at Lot 427. O1 de Duck Reach, Dare
'County as requested in the permittee's application dated March 21, 1984
This permit, issued on Aliri l' 13. 1984 , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing
(where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these
terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void.
1. In order to avoid unreasonable danger to life and property, all development shall be
designed and placed so as to minimize"damage due to fluctuations in ground elevation
and wave action in a 100-ye4r storm. Any building constructed within the ocean hazard
area shall comply with Appendix D, "Windstorm Resistive Construction," of the North
Carolina Residential Building Code, except that when any provisions of that appendix
are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards the more restrictive pro-
visions -shall control.
2.` All structures in the ocean hazard area will be on pilings not less than eight inches
in diameter if round, or eight inches to a side if square.
3. `All pilings will have a tip penetration greater than eight feet below the lowest
ground elevation under the strucutre.
4. All foundations will be adequately designed to be stable during applicable fluctuations
in ground elevation and wave forces during a-IM-year storm. Cantilevered decks and
walkways" shall meetthis standard --or shall be designed to break away without structural
damage to the main -structure.
.:5., All.'pilings will be appropriately treated to resist decay, insects, and corrosion.
This permit` action may be appealed by- the permittee or
'other qualified persons within, twenty `(20) days of the issuing .
date. From
,the date of an appeal; any work conducted under this '
permit`mustcease until the appeal is resolved..' George . WOOd P Officer {signature) Local ermit
This permitmust be on; the project site and accessible to the Office. 0f Coastal Malid ement.
w =permit officer when the project is inspected, for compliance.
{ Any maintenance work or projectinodificationsmt covered 108 South Water `,Street nart10
` under this permit require further,written permit approval.' Elizabeth City,- North Carolina
All work mustcease ,when thls permtt expires on 27QaQ
October.',13'* 1984 (9I9) 338-1558 address,
In. issuing'this permit It is :agreed that this project is consis•
tent with the local Land Use,
Olin and:all applicable ordinances. _
This permit may not be trinsferred to another, party without
the 'written approval ; 4. ,the Office'of Coastal Management. Permitee, (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit)
6. The lowest portion of the structural member of the lowest floor (excluding the pilings
or columns) will be elevated to or above the 100-year storm elevation.
7. All exposed structural connections~will be adequately rustproofed'or enclosed.
8. All utility systems will be located and constructed so as to minimize or.eliminate
storm damage.
9. All walls below 100 y_ear'base flood level will be designed and installed to: (A) allow
storm waters"to.rise and flow -freely under the structure, (B) not permit the break-
away themselves to become water=borne debris, and (C) not cause the accumulation of
Water -borne debris. Break -away walls will be intended to collapse under stress with-
out jeopardizing the structural support of the structure.
10. No impermeable (such -as asphalt or cement) surfaces will be allowed over any functional
part of a complete septic tank `system.
11. The permitted will sign and''return the copy of the AEC Hazard Notice which is
y�ALe : �• ��' .. LAND 4vQP VMYIN4 GoMrANY ..
FILE. L.h. Zoo • �B.q . P zo
_ P o.6oX 1 9w1. fhILL: i7Et/IL I--1(LL�
Vi:i:6Y=•.1P5• Nol�l'N GAP,oLINA 279q-S
Buyer Pete H. Hunter and Daphne E, DeGabriells
.................................. .... ... ...................................
Muiling Address ... R.t,.....1.,..,BQX..$.28.,_Kill..Devil..11111s .N .0 ....,27948. .� ,4,4.x-�.b05..
•. ••• Phone No 9 9 ..,,
Seller Albemarle Eye Care Center Ltd. Money, Purchase Pension Plan
cf o W* ne .M...Ia .. .............,
iu�x ..
Mailing Address S...Sox..3.127....Norfnli,..Virginia....23.501......... ......... 4,•
..,.. ,Phone No. �Q•. �.��: ��Q�,�, ...
Broker Frost .Morrison. Realty .................
Mailing Address ..........PO Drawer 789, Nags ]read, N.C. 27959 No• 919-261-3211
. Phone
Real Property Lot #27•r Olde Duck Beach!, Duck„ Dare Countys North Carolina
...... ...... OceartFront.. ... Plat ..Cab#?tet....... l sle.,1.
Personal Property.NJ.A ...............................
Buyer hereby offers to purchase the real and personal property above described from Boller In accordance witl
the Standard Provisions on the Reverse Side Hereof and the following terma and conditions; upon acceptance of this offer
this shall become a contract binding upon the parties:
1. PURCHASE PRICE: The purchase price is $..... ...9,53QOR..OQ............ ... , ..... ......................
:and shall be paid as follows:
(u) $..... /A,;,,,,. ;,,,• ,;••,,,;• by assumption of the unpaid principal balance and all obligations of Seller on the existint
luau He by u deed of trust on the above described property."
' (b) ......•,•„•••. by a promissory note secured by a purchase money :deed of 'trust on the property witl
interest prior to default at the rate of ..... 1Q...... % per annum, payable by ,.one .:..... payments of ........ .
om settlement '
&NW&A" n .. ,. ................. Prepayment rights, If any. shall•be: .....17►.i.t<hpmt...PRA4�,i:y .
.........................................................................................................................., .. ............................................
Buyer's right to convey subject to or with .assumption, if any, shall be: `on t}pproval of, ngteholde: , ,,,,,
... ......... ................. ..................... ............ :,. ........
(c) $ N f.ggQ 00 „ ......0 the balance of the ,purchase price in cash at closing,
2. EARNEST AIONEY: The sum of $......!.............. .......::..I... in earnest money, Is hereby . deposited in escrow with
Frost Morrison Realty„ ... „ to guarantee the faithful',Buyer 'bar eunde,
and to be Applied on the purchase price at closing.
3. CONDITIONS: [State N/A in each blank of paragraph 3(s) and 3(b) that is not a condition to this contract]
(a) The Buyer must be able upon the exercise ,of due diligence to obtain a firm .commitment acceptable _ to Buyei
for a loan in the principal amount of $17.Oa .M.Q4........... for a term of 25 ....... .............. years; ataninterest rate
not,to exceed ...1.4....:. prior to .....closing ............................................. Buyer agrees to.. advise ,Seller immediately upon hit
acceptance of such firm commitment.
(b) There must be no restriction, easement, zoning or other governmental regulation that would prevent the reason
able use of the real property for ........single... family..: r,eside.ntial..............................:................................ .................. purposes
(a) All of the Standard Provisions on the Reverse Side Hereof are Understood -and shah apply .to this instrument
R �.�,
except the following numbered Standard Provisions shall be deleted :.,. . o. , ................ ...........
*See Addendum (If none are to be deleted, state "None" in this plunk,
Seller agrees to subordinate Lot #27 for a period no'longer than aIx. 'months:from closing
to a construction loan by Cooperative Savings and Loan'. Association (of wilmington..,N,C.)
at PO Drawer L, Kill Devil: ]fills, N.C. 27.948 . ' At settlement of the Gale; of,. Lot 27
seller will pay commission $5,000.00 .to Frost Morrison .Realty, of which "stun Frost 'Moriioon
Realty then will disburse $2,50000 to Mr. Robert M.'Cartwright.'''"
: 5.'CLOSING: All parties agree to execute any andall ducumunts'and,papors necessary in connection with closing unl
IVgNsfair of title on or before .....? !teh...t. a:.. �d4.. .,:. ` , ,; at a place deaignutea
UY btRth... paxti,eta. . Tteed is'to ba'ritado to ,Peru Ili- Htunter..aad Daphae..8. �?a Gdabziel
....... 0N.-I unt.c.bx::. ha..��xi.x >;�at~�.,................... •. ,.................... ` .. .
G. POSSESSION: Possession shall be delivered ...... At.clpaiug ........................................... ,.......; in the event that Buye
has agreed that possession is not delivered at closing, then Seller• agrees'to Buyer, the sure of ...r .N�e.. , .......
per day to and including the date that possession Is to be delivered as above, set forth
7, COUNTERPARTS: This Offer and Contract is executed In :..5...... , , counterparts with an executed counterpar
being retained by each party hereto. , r
lllite of Offer: F.ei?rua .Y.. 4 :•..$84....... .. Date" of Acce tance :. ,......»., ,..
United 'Virg%nia Bank, Si1b.tTrustee
V�rtlG� ..................... [SeulYfor., AX:�evApt34 0. ; Y : , �l t�: c oaf
� ..G�. `• 34=' � ens on' P an
. .... .......... .[Seal] .!r-f/ , Seal
Buyer bellsr'(Owner) ,
1 hereby. acknowledge, receipt of the earnest money herein ;set forth'W accoida_nce with the errai,i:.hereof lil furUhe `
a�knu�;�,�tltaL.,i...liava�v.l�e�tsed•the�due•-execu2lan ;te~chi r`•` ,: }'
C� :
................ ................. .....i..$ ........ .... .....
Date Agent
'V a \..... ?1 will ti,i ' Iv7C. 114-%4tird 1977
......Y1.f111atn.,C].rinY.r:..liysan.................................. .......................................... , as Buyer. hereby agrees
topurchascand ................. ..................:.....................................asSeller, .
hereby agrees to se11 and convey, all of that plot, prose or parcel of land dcacribcd below. together with all improvements located thereon
andsuch personal property as is fisted below (tilt real and personal property we collctively referred to as "ihe Property"), in accordance
with the Standard Provisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF and upon the following terms and conditions:
1 REAL PROPERTY Located in the City of Pu�Y ....... ...... ...... ...... ....... ............ County of
.Dare „ , State of ldorth Carolina, being known as and more particularly
described. .......
StrcctAddrc•s .:Tach.Sape V_ieW .. ...................... ....................... ......
LegalDescriptica .......... Lot -The•-Tres• o....Duck.... ......................... .......
...................... a ............................................ ....... .................. .... .__ .:l. ................
................................... .......................................... , .
3.`PURCHASE PRICE: ThepurchascpnceisS :$7.5,:Q0.0L..... .. .................. .. ............
and shall be paid as follows:
500.00 rsonal check
(a) $ incarncstmoncypaidby....P................................................:.. ............
---- .. •
(cash; bank, certified, or personal check) with the delivery of this contract; to be held in escrow by
Arl ant ; RAaI r� as agent, until the sale is closed, at which time it will be
credited to Buyer. or until this agreement is otherwise -terminated and it is disbursed in accordance with the
Standard Provisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF.
(b) S N/A by assumption of the unpaid principal, balance and all obligations of Seller on the existing loan secured by a
deed of trust on the Property; -
(u) S 60, 000 , by a promissory note secured by a purchase money deed of trust on the Propemy with interest prior to defaultat
The rate of 10 %perannum, payable by'AS pavments ofS 52 F "94 commencing on
30 days from closing and the 36tir pamenme �n hshifanna�balance plus interest due.
y . P y g ..- y.
Buver has the right.-to..prgpay at any tame at no penalty_
(d) S 14 , 500 , the balance of the purchase price in cash at closing;
4. CONDITIONS: (State N/A in each • blank : of , paragraph -4 (a)- and' 4 (b) that • is . not a condition to this contract)
(a) The Buyer must be able to obtain afirm commitment for .a, ............NjA...............__ .. __ ........ ".::... ..».::loan in
the principal amount orS .::._.::Nf A fora term of.............NSA years, at an interest rate not to exceed
N/A ._ .. %priorto....................Nag,.......:... Buyc4agrees toadvise Sellenmmediatelynponitisreceipt
.......................... ......
of such firm. commitment and to use his best efforts to secure such commitment .'
(b) Mortgage loan dis=_ntpoints not toexceed :.::.N,CA.................... %oftheloanshall bepaid by..:_NIA ......................
.......]VA . and loan closing costs sliallbepaid by ___- .NIA................... -.................................._.
`•(c) There must be no restrictions, easement, zoning or other govemmental regulation that would prevent the reasonable use of the real _
property for .eS7SieALiaX.._..... .........: _ .... .._..: putP°scs
5. ASSESSMEN"I'S. Seller warrants that them arc no encumbrances or special assessments, either pending or confirmed, for side-
walk. paving. water, sewer or other improvements on or adjoining the Property, except as follows _RO•ad.,and.g 0uli�..�;�antman
• of- $250_ QO per year.. .............:_._.:.:... .............._:._._...... ................ - ---...._......._ .----...... __ .
(Insert "none or the identification of any such assessments, if any; the agreement for payment orpmration of any assessments indicated
is to be set forth in paragraph 6 below.)
(a) All of the Standard Provisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOFamunderstood and shall apply to this instrument, except the
following numbered Standard Provisions shall be deleted ................................... - ,
(If none-= to,be deleted, state "None" in this blank).
(If additional space is rincded, the bottom of the reverse side of this page may be used) ,
7. CLOSING: All parties agree to execute any and all documents and papers necessary in connection with closing and transfer of title
on or ...................... .._... . ......................... ataplaccdcsignatedby
an.Attorney- in Dare County . ....... . Deed istobemadeto...... R1I I i.AM. Clanke•.H m ._.
8. POSSESSION: Possession shall be delivcrrd .... at..elos 7mg................................ ... ......... ..........................
............................. ,............................................................ ;in tWFcvent that Buyerhas agreed .
that possession is not delivered at closing, then Seller agrees to pay to Buyer the sum of ..............,:....................:. per day
to and including the date that possession is to be delivered as above set forth.' -
9. COUNTERPARTS: This Offer shall become a binding contract when signed by both Buyer and Seller and is executed in
,............046. x ............................... counterparts with an executed counterpart being retained by each party hemto
Dale of/A er ..>hi�y..!.ZOE
...................... DateofAcccptancc .. ..
.. SEAL) ..L vt, �..... �!:ti SEAL
Seller ( •ner)
......................................`N .............. (SEAL) ..,v. °:?:' ,n�" f;'� (SEAL) .
Buyer Seller (OH nt.r) . ,
Al enl/Fim�......................................... ,,... ..,.........AFen,, ..,
Atl t�tic Real1ty mXtlanti Realty
1 herrb a.knowlaetlse receipt of the earnest money herein set forth in accordance with the forms hereof,
1;,.:..%......tS................................... ............... .. ..
hair Agcnt/Firm
B)" —
I. 1:A 1;':f:S'f '•IO'�1:Y: In the rvcm thi\(r11rr n otrt lot tptcd,
1,! ,c „• rl,: i h opt Its-0
tot in the went that any of the condrtiori\ hctcto arc root .ati\f,rd, err
p,lutnblrig, he:,trn . ;prod t p«,lynj -.y .trap. pogo, bunt no
in the event of a 111ca lr of this contract byScller, then file rarncst
;iny: \ha111� mprHod wrlrl,lnj' (t/dCr apt ln.,nj ituycr ha, rile (qun,r,
n„on:y s}cell Ir_ returrlt611, A.vyer.'twt s aril return .~hall not affret
t l,�vc ttic .Orric iti•.j�•clvd by a reputable u,.j, coot ur cprntrat t�ir at ,
any (other re►n.rlic\ available to 13uycr for such))reach. in the event
P.u}'i t•s erjr rice. but wch in\pr-coon\ •rnu\t be compictrd in
. tbis offer Is"acucpicd.and, Buyer hJrachcs Ibis contract, then the `'.
"\ur;:. ient time tr•fi rc closing'ac to permit rcp:,ir\.,if any. it, herarncstmnncyshall,tr
forfeited. *out1Such ft;feitureshall nntaffect
eornpicted by cloying. If any..rcpairs arc ncc•c\\ary..Scllcr %halt
:any other rcnrcdics available to Scllcr for such brcach. ' ' ',.
..:,}pave the .option of,(a) completing them, (b) pimiding`_fcir'thcir
2. LOAN l.SSUNIED: in the event a loan is assumed as part of
completion. or (e) refusing to complete them. If Seller elect% riot to
the payment of the purchase_ price, then all payments due. from
co., cte the repairs, then Buyer ,~hall have, the option of '(a)
Scllcr tlrrr-on must be current at closing, and the principal balance
accepting the Projr_rty in its present rnndition, or (h) terminating
assumed shall be computed as of thcdatebfclosing. The amounts
the contract, in which ea\c the earnest monc "4ball bte-refunded,
shown 'the assumption balance and cash ai closing shall be ad-
Closing -shall acceptance of the electrical, plumbing.
lusted as appropriate at closing 10 reflect rile final computations.
heating and cooling systems. and built-in `appliances'in _ their
Unless Buyer has. otherwise specifreaily agreed in writing ihc
: existing condition unless'provision is otherwise made in writing
existing loan must M_ assumable without ace cicraiionof the amount
Pursuant to this paragraph. f RECOMMENDATION: Buyer should
secured or any change in the original ters of the note and deed of
have any inspections: made pricir to incuninc expenses for closing. j
trust and without imposition of any'chargc: fee or cost to Buyer .
'-9•-TERAIIT.FS,-ETC.: Unless ntheruisc stated herein.'Seller
other than a reasonable transfer fee or similar charge not to exceed
,shall provide at Selicr's exjy_•n\c a statement shnu ing rile absence
S 100.00. The escrow account; if any, shall be purchased by Buyer.
of termites. wood-dc\troying insect; and organism, and structural
damage therefrom on Standard Form No. 1 in accordance with the
event aprorriissory note secured byadeed oftrust isgiven byBuyer `'
regulations of the Notch Carolina Structural Pest Control Commit,
to .Scllcr as pan of the payment of the purchase :price: the
lee, or if new construction. a ncu comtruction icrmite bond. All
extermination required and repair of damage therefrom shall be
promissory note and deed of trust shall be in the, form of and contain
_paid for b} Seller and completed prior to closing, units. othcrw•isc
the provisions of the promissory note and deed of-uust. , forms _
avretd in'w•riting by, the parties.,
approved by the N.C.`'Bar'Assoeiation as Forms and S.
10. LABOR OR ;MATERIAL: Seller .hall furnish at closing
_ an affidavit and indemnification a.reemem in form satisfactory to
provided, the following items shall be prorated and adjusted be'..'..Buyer
showing that all labor or matcrials. if am _ furnished to the
tw een the panics or paid at closing:
Property within 120 days prior to the date of closing have been paid
(a) Ad valorem taxes on real property shall be prorated on a cal-
and agreeing to indemnify Buyer against all loss from any cause or
cndat year.basis to the date of closing.
claim arising ihc'refrom- ,
(b) Ad valorem taxes on personal property for the entire year
11. FUEL OIL- Buyer agrees to purchase from Seller the'fuel
shall be paid by Seller. -
0i1.-if any. situated in a tank on the premises for the prevailing rate
(c) All late listing'pcnaltics. if any' shall paid by: Seller-
per gallon .\•ith.the cost of measurement thereof. `if any.- being
(d) Rents, if any. for the Propertyshallbe prorated to the date of
,borne by Seller.'
12. CLOSING EXPENSES Seller shall pay for ihc' prcpara-
(e) Buyer shall have,thc right to purchase Seller's fire inwrancc
lion of a deed and for the revenue stamps required by law- Buyer
policy'upon payment to Seller of the unearned premium therefor. if for rernrdins the deed and for prcpar,lion and recording
the policy is assignable.
(f) Accrued. but unpaid. intcrist and other charges to Selier. if
of all insuumcnts required to secure the balance of the.purehase
price unpaid it ch,sing.
any, shall be computed to the date of closing and paid by Seller.
�� 13. EVIDENCE OF TITLE: Seller�igrre. to xercr\c his
interest and other charges prepaid by Seller'shall be credited to
cffons to deliver to Buyer a\ .,><,n :+. rca:onahh .po,\ee after the
Seller at closing and paid by Buyer. (Other charges may include
acceptance of this offer. copies Of all uric information in posuessian
FHA. mortgage insurance ,pr; mums, private mortgage insurance
ofor available to Seller, in. ;orlon_ but not limited t,i: title insurance_
premiums and Homeowner's Association dues.)
policies. atuomc\-s opinions ion title. sure%,. cn�enants. deed,.
5., FIRE OROTHERCASL'ALTY:The risk ofloss ordamage
notes and deed. of trust and ca.cments`Telatm,_ o the real and
by fire or other casualty prior to closing shall be upon Seller.
j,er>onal proper Jc,i shed above.
14. ASSIGNMENTS- This contract m„ nit he ss i,_ned wiih-
ta) The Proper must be i- substantially the same condition at
out thew ritten a_reemcnt of all panics. but if the same is assigned
closing as on the date of tr:s after, reasonable wear and teat
(b)All deeds of trust, liar and other charges against the Prop-
cr , not assumed ill• Buyer, mutt be paid and cancelled by Seller
prior IV ar at closing-
(c) Titic must-hc del ivcrcd at closing by general warr-amy deed
and must he fee simple mari.;tshlc title, free of all encumbrances
c\ccpi ad valorem ia\cs for the current year (proratrd to date 01
closing), unlit\• casements an= un\ iolated w%trictive co\ mini, that
:to not niaieriall\ affect the \s!uc of the Proper and wch other
encumbrances as mad .)v ,tjnicd nr specif+calh appro\ed h\
Buyer. The suhlccl Prop: t-ty r~: a have ma public rich
of u•a\ .
(dl if a panion of the pun"oasc,pricc.for the I'mpxr is fxing
paid by 1W umption of an cai�zcng hrin and if the lender requitrs its
appn,\ al tar the assumption, vi n ihc approval of the LcndcI. after
tlilirl`ni ai)ph, aiikin therefiv •h\ lluycr, is a condition of thi\
coflu.+rl , •t
7, NI7\V 1.OAN: gainer sh;+11 be r`esirnl\ihir for all charge..
to Mayor \vith regv, i u zing new loan hhwincd by Ruycr and
po ohln•atoc► it, pay tiny diwouni fcr or other
t,., ► r In \v,t1n;•: tlon lhcn \\; unlrs\ "piti ifieally sci forth in thi\
by a,_recment• then the \rime shall hehindinL on the r1s\ignce and
his heir.
15. PARTIES: This contract .hall ly hin_ding and shall inure to
the benelit of the parries and their heirs, .ucccs\om and assign.
*The Pmvi\ion\ herein wntaincd \\ ith respect to proomisson note,
and dews% of trust shall he. binding upaon and shall inure to the
b, nef 1t ofall parties tt, Ille ."a111e a\ \\ ell a\ suh\cqucnl o\\-ncr\ of the
1'ropen\ and the said motes and deed,, af_tnpq. As used hcrvin,
u urd, in the sin,•ular include the plural and the masculine include
the to mimnc and neuter p nJcrs- as appropriate.
It,, kWRVIVAL: Am pn,\ i\i,in h: rc►n econtaincd \%hich h\ it%
natllrC aiid et fc,n 11 Iegoiriod 1P h oh.\cr\ ed. kept or pvrfnmirti after
the lc�\in,• :hill Nun anj n•main binding upon and
or the ly ne lit at chi poartn•\ hrtrh+ until fulh oh.rrved, kept or
porrlhrnnd, .. •
17. ENTIRE At. t:i:NIP\ liu\ct arknawlydpes that he
ha. ill\Ix-vtotl the ab,,\ c-dewrilx-d property. This contract contaim
it entim nvA. nlcnt of chi panics and thrrr art no trhrrscntattans,
-inifutttncnts, tot othct pio\i.iom other than tho.r,e\pir.icd in
wrilin . All chmire., additions W dclrnans heicto mu\t 1v in
\\rninp; and sltnc.l by all lxinirs, Nothing` herein v ontained shall
alter ;ins avivenicni hct\\t`cn a i:EAI.-R)k and the Seller a\ rnn-
•onu:►� t. t:unwf in am li\ttnp \vontraci or other I»;trrn►ent 1vI\\•cen them.
r ,4 ,n v iS. f^ .,:r:,if S•.Y r -., 1 x. . S • + >'•:., i - '; i Y b ... ; 'r.., 3, . cr A • ,
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