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HomeMy WebLinkAbout84-0026_Hirschfeld, Robert & Gail & Kolber, George & Vita_19840227M
184 , FOR
l ti l UV
In 1974, tf� North Carol►na GeneraV,"s ►r
bly passed the Coastal Area and
and set theystage forguid►ngidvelop rnent n
the fragile and productive areas wi bone
the state's
., estuanes, soud Via nnd oceanfront. -
Along w►th requ nng s ecJa1, are by those, l
vho build an eve op, the�Geeral Assemblyr
irecied the Coastal Resources C,ommissi6mio
im le dntcleif r gulation" hich minimize
W the'.burden an the applicant. i
•his applicatio ,, for a mino�,Oe elopmept per- r ,
snit under CAMAjs part of the,, ?T0,15sioq's
effoetto meet the spirt and,intent of the .a ,
General.Assembly It has;been designed fo`6e
straightforwardwand;require no more"timejor
effor, an necessary from the applicant.
W Please go overt is folderwth the Laval
i Permit CSfficer`for t e locality in
r plan;to build, o b� �erjt i�that-you-under-
stand what formation�he,acLshe-fiee-ds B
Under LAMA r gu a ions the minor permit
" into be ►slued withij► days once a complete
N app icationjs in hand. Of en less time is needed a ��
the project is simple process generally �n
' takes about 18 days ou can help speed the
[1 .
pprovafprocess by, Taking certain that your
a�,pl►cation is compete and signed, that your
drawinimeets the s e ifications given inside
' and that -your appl cation fee is attached.
' Other permits ares metimes required for
ent in a c astal area. While these 1
-�� .;�,,;developm,x
re, not-,LAMA=related, we urge you to check T
. wh theLocalPermit Off►certo determine
rwhicl of these you may need A listing ►s
included onpage�of•the folder
`We appreciate your cooperation with the
North Carolina coastal management program
and your willingness to build in a way which. -
protects the resources of our beautiful and
productive coast.
` "Coastal Resources Commission
;* Office of Coastal Management
" i•
• max. � * �A "w'Wi�.-Yw• _ -. - .�. .1
1. LAND OWNER 4, �rSC(7fefG{.
NameA, Lanrao U,Y6 leil%2ti
r_ qc, Gearrai H-ei5h73 Apparel) Ri..lM
Address Z__ A 4 iD rsch e � r .
!, F/or.0,nCE, . .4/andma
City A. / &i 6ujAr) Stated- /VAT Zip Phone
Name A eb /47 , F r Czw S-4-ac {7'"
Address 57Z t�X 339
City State AJ G Zip rJ Phone
(To filled in by Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.)
Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline Other
✓ 'Residential Commerical/Industrial Other
6. SIZE OF BUILDING IN SQUARE FEET: - ao 7a 14' W-V olpLa &,ck,
This application includes: general information (this
form), a site drawing as described on the back of this
application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard
notice where necessary, a check for $25.00 made payable
to the locality, and any information as may be pro-
vided orally by the applicant. The details of the applica-
tion as described by these sources are incorporated
without reference in any permit which may be issued.
Deviation from these details will constitute a violation
of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without
a CAMA permit is subject to civil, criminal and admini-
strative action.
This the _L_day of ,
Applicant's signature (or authorized agent)
Indicate below address and phone if not shown above.
The activity which you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor permit you are applying
for here. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits which might be required. We suggest that
you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any, of these may apply to your
project. This is not a requirement of CAMA, only a suggestion to help you complete your project as quickly as
zoning ... drinking water well ... septic tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system).. .
burning ... electrical. .. plumbing ... heating and air conditioning. ..insulation and energy
conservation ... FIA certification ... sand dune ... sediment control ... subdivision approval home park approval ... highway connection. ..others:
as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources
and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop-
ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the
General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management."
"Issued to Robert & Gail Hirschfeld and George & Vita Kol ber
authorizing developmentin Tuckahoe Subdivision , at Lot 24, Phase I, Atlantic
Township as requested in the permittee's applicatiop dated February 27, 1984
This permit, issued on March 19, 1984 , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing
(where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these.
terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void.
1. In order to avoid unreasonable danger to life and property, all development shall be
designed and placed so as to minimize damage due to fluctuations in ground elevation
and wave action in a 100-year-sotrm. Any building constructed within the ocean hazard
area shall comply with Appendix D, "Windstorm Resistive Construction, of the North
_Carolina Residential Building Code, except that when any provisions of that appendix
-are inconsistent with any of the following AEC standards, the more restrictive pro-
visions shall control.
2. All structures in the ocean hazard area will be on pilings not less than eight inches
in diameter if round, or eight inches to a side if square.
3. All pilings will have a tip penetration greater than eight feet below the lowest
ground elevation under the structure.
4. All foundations will be adequately designed to be stable during applicable fluctuations
in ground elevation and wave forces during a 100-year storm. Cantilevered decks and
walkways shall meet this standard; or shall be designed to break away.without structural
damage to the main structure.
5. All pilings will be appropriately treated to resist decay, insects, and corrosion.
This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or
other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing /
' date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this o ermit Officer (signs e)
permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. Office Of Coastal Management
This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the 108 South Writer Street
permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance.
° Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered Elizabeth City, N. C. 27909 name
"under this permit require further written permit approval. (919)_ 338-1558
All work must cease when this permit expires on
September 19, 1984 address
In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consis.
tent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances.
This permit may not be transferred to another party without
the written approval of the Office of Coastal Management. Permitee (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit)
CAMA Minor Development Permit Conditions (Continued)
Robert & Gail Hirschfeld
George & Vita Kolber Permit No. 84-0026
6. The lowest portion of the structural member of the lowest floor (excluding the pilings
or columns) will be'. elevated to or above the 100-year storm elevation.
7. All exposed structural connections will be adequately rustproofed or enclosed.
8. All utility systems will be located and constructed so as to minimize or eliminate
storm damage.
9. All walls below 100 year base flood level will be designed and installed to: (A) allow
storm waters to.rise and flow freely under the structure, (B) not permit the break-
away themselves to become water -borne debris, and (C) not cause the accumulation of
water -borne debris.' Break -away walls will be intended to collapse under stress without
jeopardizing the structural support of the structure.
10. No impermeable (such as asphalt or cement) surfaces will be allowed over any functional
part of a complete septic tank system.
11. The permittee will sign and return the copy of the AEC Hazard Notice which is attached.
This notice is intended to make you, the appy-. the annual ocean erosion rate for the area where
p your property is located is - feet per year.`
cant aware of the special risks and conditions
associated with development in this area, which is This figure was established by careful analysis of
subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the
or currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources, past 30 to 40 years.
Commission require that you receive an AEC
hazard ` notice and acknowledge that notice in Studies also indicate that the shoreline could
writing before any permit for development in this move as much as feet landward in a major
area can be issued. storm.
The Commission's rules on building standards, The flood waters in a major storm are predicted
oceanfront setbacks and dune alteration are to be about feet deep in this area.
designed to minimize, but not totally eliminate,
property losses from the hazards. By granting Shoreline erosion control structures (excluding
permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does beach nourishment and berm projects) are not
not guarantee the safety of the development and allowed to be built to protect development built
assumes no liability for future damage to the after June 1, 1979. Limited pushing up of beach
development. sand is allowed to protect new structures when
they are threatened, but bulkheads, groins, or
The best available information, as accepted by jetties may not be used to protect buildings put in
the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that after June 1, 1979.
Date Applicant's Signature
The applicant must acknowledge receipt of this information by signing this notice in the space above. Without
the proper signature, the application will not be complete.
SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for'development in areas subject to sudden and massive'
storms and
erosion. Permits issued in this area expire in'six (6) months. To continue your work;past that date ;you must contact;
the local permit officer_ before the expiration date .for a six month permit.;extension This; is granted if there is no'
change ;.in the project. site or if you have made "substantial progress". om your .project.,, Normally`a permit can be'
extended five' (5) times for a Total project life of three (3) years." If the site has changed and you have ;not made progress,
ahe, LPO will'determine vegetation tine and apply the earlier'setback.distance to show you the new.setback for'
February 28, 1984
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Staples
6 Kenilworth Drive
Hampton,,VA 23666
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Staples:
Robert Hirschfeld and George Kolber are planning to build on Lot 24,
Phase I, Tuckahoe. CAMA requires Beach Realty of North Carolina, Inc:,
as the builder, to notify adjacent property owners of the intentions
of the builder and the owner.
The homeowner is concerned about erosion, as is the builder, and both
intend to obey all CAMA requirements to preserve the environment and,
if possible, to slow erosion. We do not intend to follow any practice
that would jeopardize thie property of anyone else.
Lisa D. Lucas
Beach Realty & Construction
cc: Nelson Paul, CAMA officer
SR Box 338 . US 158 Bypass . Milepost 2 . Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
(919) 261-3815
Beach • •
lty & Construction
February 28, 1984
Arthur Wayne Singleton
Gay Wilson Singleton
P.O. Box 19864.
a Station N
Atlanta; GA.30325
Dear Mr. and Mr.s. Singleton:
Robert Hirschfeld and George Kolber are planning to build on Lot 24,
Phase I, Tuckahoe. CAMA requires Beach Realty of North Carolina, Inc..,
as the builder, to notify adjacent property owners of the intentions
of the builder and the owner.
The homeowner is concerned about erosion, as is the builder, and both
intend to obey all CAMA.requirements to preserve the environment and,
if possible, to slow erosion. We do not intend to follow any practice
that would jeopardize the property of anyone else.
Lisa D. Lucas
Beach Realty & Construction
cc: Nelson.Paul, CAMA officer
SR Box 338 = US 158 Bypass . Milepost 2 . Kitty Hawk, NC 27949
................... ...... as Buyer. hereby
topurchaseand ..Fist, Washington -Corporation , .................. ............. ... .as Seller.
hereby agrees to sell and convey, all of that plot, piece or parcel of land described below, together with all.improvements located the
and.such personal property as is listed below (the real and personal property are collectively referred to as "the Property''), in accordance
with the Standard Provisions'on'the' REVERSE SIDE HEREOF and 'upo'"he following terms and conditions::
`l'REAL PROPERTY:Located near the..:V11 age.',oi Duck. . + ':....................'.Countyof
.... :Aare . ... t ; State of North Carolina. Ixtns known as and more particularly
described as:
; Street Address .. .... : ....
Legal Description Lot %?;�(Phase.....Tuckahoe ............................. ..`....... ..
,:.. ..................... ......? ..........................
2. PERSONAL PROPERTY. none ......................................... ............................
3. PURCHASE PRICE. The purchase price is Sp ... .. ... _ ......................................
and shall be paid as follows:1
��OQ.0O :tnearnestmoneypaidby ,.. .P{(�iD+IQ\.... .�C. tc. , r
......................?? .
(cash; bank, certified. or personal check) with the delivery of this contract. to be held in escrow by Beach
Realty of North A C11&una .' Ind , as agent, until the sale is closed.' at which time it will be
credited to Buyer, or until this' agreement is otherwise terminated and it is`disburied in accordance with the
Standard Provisions on the' REVERSE SIDE HER
(b)'S by assumption of the unpaid principal balance and all obligations of Seller on the existing loan secured by a
'" deed of trust on the ,Property,
(c) S _� by a promissory note secured by a purclwse money deed of trust on the Property with interest prior to default at
the rate or. _ %per annum. payable bypayments of S R t t commencing on
Prepayment rights,'if any, shall be: f
(d) S Sa%•�, thti balance of the purchase price in cash at;closing;
4. CONDITIONSi • (State NIA ,in each blank of paragraph 4 '(a) id 4 (b) that is,, ?a condition" to this contract)
OBuyer. ommitmentfora .. .c:...!!. loan in
a The must be able to obtain a firm c
the principal amount of S ' 11�... for a term of f ` '...., years t exceed
l./A... % prior to &li ....... Buyer agrees to advise Seller immediately upon his receipt
of such firm cummitmenl'and'to use is best efforts to recur uch commitment.
(b) Mortgage loan discount points n toexceed ...=.....; �. paid by ........� ..................
�Ao of the loan be
............ .............. and loan closing costs shall be paid by .:.............. � /A ............................. ..:...............
(c) There must be no restrictions; easement; zoning or other governmental regulation that would prevent the reasonable use of the real
rt for single family„ residential.!,,,,.
Pam. Y... ....... purposes.
......... ... ..
S. ASSESSMENTS. Seller warrants that there are no encumbrances or special assessments. either pending or conf mined, for side.
walk. paving. water. sewer or other improvements on or adjoining the Property. except as follows: ..... ....,.
.. ....... ... .... .... .........
...... , - .. ....... .. .... ...
(Insert 'none" or the identification of any such assessments, if any;the agreement for payment or.` � tproraiton of any assessments indicated
is to be set forth in paragraph 6,below.)
(a) All of the Standard Provisions on the REVERSE SIDE HEREOF are understood and i611 apply to this instrument, except the
following numbered Standard Provisions shall be deleted: ' ` ?
(if none are to be deleted, state "None" in this blank)
(b): Parties to' this contract , recognize `that the' subdivision zhas' not' 'receided final
approval and that iio 'conveyance can be'nade;until such approval".is: obtained and until
the plpt is recorded. In the event, for any reason, including matters within the
(If additional space is needed, the bottom of the reverse side of this page maybe used) ((continnued on never e)
7. CLOSING: All parties agree to execute'any and all documents and papers necessary in connection with closing and transfer of title
on or before „ Dare........o,. Bd ; of Comm. at a place designated by
................... ......... ...................................................... Deed is to be made to ................,..................
8. POSSESSIOPossession shall be delivered at closing • ,..
. ;, ... ...... theevent that Buyer has agreed
.... . . . ... ..
that possession is not delivered at closing; then Seller agrees to pay to Buyer the sum of.....n/a..................................... perday
to and including the date that possession is to be delivered as above set forth. ,
9. COUNTERPARTS:.This Offer shall become a binding contract when signed by both Buyer atW i Selkr and is executed in
............. ...:.... .......... counterparts with an executed counterpart being retai by each party hereto.
Date of Offer. ....5.Gp�.e; �..� Z.Q ......... Date of Acceptance: . ..% ..9�r .. ....
G?O! �.C,.. .4 b Cr.... .. (SEAL) `�b•i� (SEAL)
Buyer /V}G Seller (Owner) • Rbe.�t • Fd�L.....tJ.....
(SEAL) �/I
Buyer Seller (Owner)
Agent Fur n t ...Agent/Firm.. .. ......... ..................»
j I her acknowledge receipt of the earnest ney herein set forth in accordance with tetnu roof. p
a, ...1. ► ��`'6g'`':Y\t�. UJgr• .:t l-�l!G....
:j Agent/Fi If r i L,ucr ,_.......
IS'S.V. � I :) .I:i..r_ .�„ .i, rl^i "� �i(rir;.. By'.
E ?,tr r r t ,, ,:;i.,1. r i th7 : ' . Jor? ? ti ",?;:J14
a !+
1 EARNEST MONEY: In the event this offer is not accepted,.
K. UTILITIES: Unless otherwise stated herein, the electrical.`
'' or in the event that any of the conditions hereto arc not satisfied, or ►
-plumbing: heating and cooling systems and built-in appliances, if
,in the event of a breach of this contract by Seller. then the earnest , t ' any: shall be in good working order it closing. Buyer has the option,'
r money shall be returned to Buyer, but such return shall not affect '
to have the same inspected by a reputable inspector or contractor at
any oitrer remedies available to Buyer'for such breachAn the event
Buyer's expense, but . such inspections must be completed in
this offer is accepted and Buyer breaches this contract, then the
sufficient time before closing so as to permit repairs; if any, to be.
earnest money shall be forfeited, but ich forfeiture shall not affect :
completed• by closing. If any repairs are necessary:' Seller shall
any other remedies available to Sell for such breach.
have the option of (a) completing them,,lbj prodding for their;
2. LOAN ASSUMED: In the even a loan is assumed as part of
completion, or (c) refusing to complete them. If Seller elects not to
the payment of the purchase price, then all payments due from
complete the repairs, then Buyer shall have the option of (a)
Seller thereon must be current at closing, and the Qrincipal balance
accepting the Property in its present condition, or (b) terminating
assumed shall be computed as of the date of closing. The amounts "
the contract. in which case the earnest money shall be refunded.
shown for the assumption balance and cash at closing shall be ad- <`
Closing .%halt constitute :acceptance; of the, electrical, plumbing.
justed as appropriate at closing to reflect the final computations,
he�ting and cooling systems and ;built in appliances in their,
Unless Buyer has otherwise specifically agreed in writing: ibe' •"
existing condition unless provision is otherwise made in writing
existing loan must be assumable without acceleration of the amount , "
pursuant to this�iaragraph: (RECOMMENDATION Buyer should
secured or any change in the original terms of the note and deed hf
" haveany inspections made prior to incurring expenses 1'or closing.
trust acid without imposition of any charge,, fee or cost to Buyer
9• TERMITES, ETC.; Unless' therwise stated herein. Seller,
ether than a reasonable transfer fee or similarchatbetmt toexceed ' "
shall'provide at Scller's expense a statement showing the absence
31t>0.00. The escrow account. if any, shall be purchased by Buyer ''6f termites. wood-dcstroying insocrs and organisms and structural
damage thctcimni on Standard Furor No I in accordance with the
regulations of the North Carolina Structural Pest ContnIt Commit -
event a promissory ttute secured by a deed of trust is given by
tee. or if new construction: i new construction termite hind. All
to Seller part. of the payment, of the purchase price. "the,. ,:
promissory'note and deod of trust shall be in the form of and contain
, extermination required 'and repair of damage therefrtxtt shall be
the provisions of the promissory note and,dccd of,trust form,.
paid for by Seller and completed prior to closing, unless otherwise •
agrezd in writing by the parties.
approved by the N.C. Bar Association as Forms J and S.
• • � '
10. LABOR OR MATERIALi Seller shalt furnish at closing
an affidavit and indemnification agreement in form satisfactory Ito
provided.. the following items shall be prorated and adjusted. be. .,..
Buyer showing that all labor or materials, if any. furnished to the
tween the parties or paid at closing:
" Property within 120days prior tothe date ofelosinghavebeenpaid .
ta► Ad s alorem taxes on real property shall be proraed on a cal..
, and agreeing to indemnify Buyer against all loss from any cause or'
enitai ycar hasa to thc,datc of closing. > 'claim
arising therefrom:
Ib) Ad valorem taxes on personal property for the entire year
_ 11. FUEL Oil.: Buyer agrees toyurchase',fiom Seller the fuel;
'shall be paid by Scller. " ' {`
od.'rf any: situated in a tank on theprcmiscs for'the prevailing rate'
to All latc,listing penalties, rf any, shall f+c paid by'Scll4:
per, xallon with the cost of tneasurement'thereof. if any. heing
Id) Items, if any, for the Property shall be prorated to the date of,
tuirne by Seller
cl te) Bu er shall
y have the right to purchase. Seller .'fire insuratce
12. CLOSING EXPENSES: Seller ,shall pay for the prepara- �
-thin of a deed and.tor the revenue stamps required by taw., Buyer
liiiliry'upon payment to Seller of the unearned premium there for. if
shall pay or recording the deed and for preparation.and r_ecording',
the policy is assignable
(f)' Ae�c ed, liut'unpaid, interest and otherchatgcs tci Seller: if
,it a!l.instruments required to secure the. balance, of the purchase,
unpaid at ,i ,,,t" ` ' `•`' ' '' , . ` ' ' ' '
prii a
> any, shall be computed to the date of closing and paid b�, Seller'. ;..: •111 FVIDf'�C.E 'OF `TITI.E:` Seller'agrecs to exercise his;
interest and other charges prepaid by Seller shall be credited to
efforts to deli%cr it) Buyer as soon as reasonably possible after the
Seller at closing and paid by Buyer, (Other iharges may includet�•iy,ci:eptanceofthisoffer,Copies ifall titleinformationinpossession
FHA mortgage insurance premiums, private insurance
„tar available to Se filer including but nit limited wAitleinsurance
premiums and Homeowner's Association dues.)
opiniitn. un ilia .}rrvey. sovrnants..dceds.;
S EIREUIZOTflIERCASIALTY:Thrrisknflosaoretamakey'"note-.
and deed, of trust •and casements iclatrngjtu the real and'
by fire or other casualty prior to closing shall be upin Seller.
personal propen) described above
14..ASSIGNMENTS: This contract may not be'assigttce(With-
i a)The F'ruperty, trust be in;substantially the xanie condition at '
out the w ritien agreement of all panics, but if the same is assigned
%losing as :ur?: the date of tthis offer,• reasonable wear and trrar,
by agreemem: then ilia xameshall be hording on the Assignee and`
ix�eptcd ,i i } r , (
t h t All `Jac ds of trust hens and other charges against ttk Pr�><+ ,,,
his heir%.
,�I5. PARTIES' This contract +hall be binlmk and shill inure to
;art)', nut a umeJby •Buyer, must be paid end cancell� :Srllur ;.
the ticncfit of.the parties and their heirs;%successors and assigns.
prior to or at cle� t,. ; l.: c:') :! r r.l i t , ::;1'hc
Provisions henin,cunwirnd with respect to promissory notes
(e) Title must be delivered at closing by general warranty'deed
and deeds of trust shall be binding upon and shall inure to they
and must be fee simple marketable title, free alliencumbmnces
heneht e%l all panics to the same as well as subsequent owners of the
csccpt ad valorem taxes for the currant year (prurared to date.of"..
Propem anJ the %aid notes,and deeds of trust. As used herein,'
closing ►, utilitycasements and un%iolated restrictive casenants that;
Nnrd, in the><lude the plural and the masculine: includes
do nut materially afloat oho value t the Property and such other
the frnunine and osier tendon. as appropriate..
encumbrances a+ may be assume or .peeifiealh approved by',_
16.'NL'R% IVAI . Any pro%ision herein contained which by its
Buyer The •ubject Property must have legal access ro is public right f ' ;
i nature :end of leer if required to be observed. kept or performed after,
, f'�
the cl,ising :hall.urstvc'theclosingand remain binding upon and
id If a p,trtiori of the purchak pace for lire Property is firing
for ih.• hcn;fit of the panics hereto until fully observed. kept or
paid by assumption. o f ayxf>ting loan and ifthe lender requires it.
•appruv A for the assumpuori. then the approval of the Lcndcr. •after
iheicfor 'of
17. ENTIRE AGREEMENT Buyer acknowledges that he'
diligent apphcaimh by Buyer. is �a c,inditipn the.
- ' ` '
has insl,ccted it,e al+.+sc-dc.cribed property. This contract contains
' li
r i.�70E W LOAN: Buyer shall be responsible for all charge.;,,
the entire agreement of the parties and there are no representations,'
inducements. or other provisions other than those expressed in
made to Buyer w ith respect to any new loan obtained by Buyer and ' ` M
writing. All changes, additions or deletions hereto must be in
Seller shall have no obligation to pay any discount fce'tir other
writing and signed by all parties: Nothing hcrcin•contained shall
charge in connection there%%ith unless specifically. %ct,forth in this
alter any agrccmcnt between a `BROKER anal the Seller as con-,
tamed in any listing contract or other•agreement betwetn them.
( , . 7yi".1 ,. .^,,:! ! J:u ••. r ...}t.,•.,..fn Lt7b) 1'�•
nrjtr:' , •.:.'n 1 1.:..7 .. ,', 7 ::'."� �• ...;.. , ' i
6(b) continw d from fronts si�dea
_...... sole,_discretion of the .seller...'the subdivision does,,not achieve final approval
and/or the plot is not recorded, this contract shall be null and void all,,funds'
deposited shall be refunded.
�t:� T k i$ u l; o' G,o_ ++, t' A A.V" ..0 � Q A 0L v' i 5.c . 4 t i Yi s p t C i o Y1 of �-�,
North Carolina Department of Natural COASTAL MANOFFIC
= Resources &Community Development David W.Owens
.� James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor James A. Summers, Secretary Telephone 919 733-2293
Field Services
108 South Water Street
Elizabeth City, N. C. 27909
(919) 338-1558
March 1, 1984
The Coastland Times
P. 0. Box 428
Manteo, North Carolina 27954
Please include the enclosed Notice(s) of Filing in the Public
Notice section of the March 6, 1994 edition of your newspaper.
If it will not be possible to include these notices in that edition, or
if you should have any questions about these notices, please call me as.
soon as possible at 338-1558.
The State Office of Budget and Management requires an Affidavit
of Publication prior to payment for newspaper advertising. Please
send these affidavits, copies of the published notices, and the bill
to Cathey Cottle, Office of Coastal Management, Department of Natural
Resources and Community Development, P. 0. Box 27687, Raleigh, N. C.
Thank you.
Cordially yours;
George H. Wood
Field Consultant
Enclosure: Kolber
P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687 -
An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer
Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), the North Carolina Department of
Natural Resources and Community Development Office of Coastal Management,
the State agency authorized to issue CAMA minor development permits in
Areas of Environmental Concern of unincorporated portions of Dare
County, hereby gives Notice .that on ohrwar-y 291994 9 the
applicant, Gpnrgp and Vita Kolbgr proposed to
a sinolp-family resiential structure on the oceanfront
at lot 24; Phacp I- lucl-alma Subdi vi s i gn,—Ati anti a TE i h-i ~
Persons desiring
to inspect the application,.to comment thereon, or to appeal the local
decision are directed to contact the local permit officer at the below
Mr. Nelson G. Paul
Mr. George Wood
Office of Coastal Management
108 South Water Street
Elizabeth City, N. C. 27909
(919) 338-1558
I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in
an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA
minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest
in ,thereal property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one)
._._IL/an owner of record title, Title is vested in P& !V d' re6Qrded — ? JQ1'1_0
CtQT DU "42X C6Y�rdC , see Deed Book , page in the
County Registry of Deeds.
an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of
; probate was in
if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet
attached to this application.
I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that {
1 have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for I
a CAMA permit.
(Name) (Address) ' f
(1) 4A_Ron&)d, A ,ple,s ken; IWO , r- tarn 2_6 0 a 31O4 40
(2) /�Ild Ate.
I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may i
be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the m
particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations 70
concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques.
I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer A
and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connectionwith evaluating information related to this
permit application.
This the day of
Land owner or person authorized to act as his agent
for purposes of filing a CAMA application.
Please make sure your site drawing includes the following information required for a CAMA
minor development permit. The drawing may be simple and not necessarily to scale. The Local
Permit Officer will help you, if requested.
label roads
label highway right of ways
label local setback lines
label any and all structures and driveways currently existing on property
draw and label mean high water mark (MHW)
draw location of septic tank or filter field
If you will be working in an ocean hazard area:
draw and label dune ridges (note height)
draw and label toe of dune
identify and locate first line of stable vegetation
draw and label setback line under CAMA
draw and label topographical features (optional)
If you will be working in an estuarine shoreline area:
draw and label landward limit of AEC
describe terrain (slope)
draw and label areas that will be disturbed
if house to be placed on lot, describe location of house
note size of piling and depth to be placed in ground
draw and label all areas to be paved or graveled
describe composition of surface
note and list fully all trees and vegetation to be removed or relocated
show landscaping
Have you:
• completed all blanks and/or indicated if not applicable?
• notified and listed adjacent property owners?
• included your site drawing?
• signed both application and statement of ownership?
• enclosed the $25.00 fee?
• completed an AEC Hazard Notice,if necessary? q
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