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HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-004_Young, Jr., Robert A._19830727 (2)R \1ED APPLICATION FOR CAMA In 1974,4he Ngrt Carolina General Asserra 4.� � bly passed the Coastal Area MariagemeritAct��� and set the stage for guiding developp�rpentn ;the fragile and p�oductrve areas�whic'h bordet r, the stag jj*esivari s sounds and oceanfront. , ` `Along :with, regu`rin� vciak�are by those;f' ho build and deye op, the�Guneral Assembly" directed the Coasial`ResourcesQommis5l6n`to lernent clear regulati&n3'vhjch minimize - �cl a? { the!buiden on,the applicant ;1 ,, i - ►s applicationfor a minor�deyclopmenter- - mit under CAMAeis part of the.Commission's effort -too rpeei the spirit and nient of the General -Assembly. Ithasbeen designed to be '. straightforard�andrequire no more`time or� & .. ` effort than nece sgry frori the applicant. _ Please°go overgtis folder with the Local Permit d Ficer={for the" locality in which you • plan o build tote certain that-youyunder- a ,� �� € stand what infor ation..he--orshe-neods. 1Under CAMA regu a�ions the minor permit b is to issued within U days once a complete _ . appjicAion'Js in han4. Often less time is needed V ife project is sielThe process generally tup h j�takesabout 18 days l)ou can help speed the e' a approval process b aking certain that your a placation is completrct and signed, that your rawing`meets the specifications given inside i and thatyour application fee is attached. Other permits are spmetimes required for _evelopment in thecoastal area. While these 13 -� .c ;`are not.C,AMi4=related,iwe urge you to check ,,. r � '"with,the LocalTermit Office r°.to'determine.. Z` , hicft,nf these yo_um_ay need: A listing, is- ' " included on page-2 of the folder. . ~� We appreciate your cooperation with the North Carolina coastal management program and your willingness to build in a way which protects the resources of our beautiful and productive coast. ` Y Coastal Resources Commission Office of Coastal Management vy . -.:• }�l �,..a ter•. .. _..: __ ._ ___- GENERAL INFORMATION 1. LAND OWNER Name Address City 2. AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address State Zip City l'/� A'/el/l , l ;ll S_ State A ✓ C — Zip Z 74Y 3. LOCATION/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT S by r� rn . Dv� l�� i d� "T ,15�4AZ7 4. AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To be fi d in by Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.) Ocean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline Other Phone 5. PROPOSED USE Residential Commerical/Industrial Other G. SIZE OF BUILDING IN SQUARE FEET: 7. SIZE OF SITE IN SQUARE FEET: This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $25.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be pro- vided orally by the applicant. The details of the applica- tion as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a CAMA permit is subject to civil, criminal and admini- strative action. OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED... This the day of 19" Ap icant's signature (or aut ' dfent) Indicate below address and phone if not shown above. P6� ,fix 2? S 1-1"// 11 11/1 L IV; 113- /UG_ 2 7yTO The activity which you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor permit you are applying for here. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits which might be required. We suggest that you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any, of these may apply to your project. This is not a requirement of CAMA, only a suggestion to help you complete your project as quickly as possible. zoning ... drinking water well ... septic tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system).. . burning ... electrical. .. plumbing ... heating and air conditioning ... insulation and energy conservation ... FIA certification ... sand dune ... sediment control ... subdivision approval home park approval. ..highway connection ... others: Local Government State of North. Carol ina RECEIVED Department of Natural Resources CAMA and Community Development AUG 01183 MINOR DEVELOPMENT Office of Coastal Management oUs.rc PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop- ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." Issued to wi-nu Permit Number authorizing development in the Atlantic Ocean , at the Avalon Pier and the Miles Clark Sub. in Kill Devil r Z1�ga irpgeperi RBU application dated july 6. 1983 This permit, issued on July 27,983 p , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1. A minimum of two (2) signs no smaller than 128 by 180 will be placed and maintained on poles on the ocean beach at least 6' above ground level that will indicate the areas to fishermen, surfers, and bathers that the structure{s).or device(s) are present offshore. 21i The structure(s) or device(s) will be removed at the expense of the applicant should they ever be documented as being a nuisance to private property or to the public well- being.. ("Nuisance" will be defined as any interference with reasonable use of public trust waters or the ocean beaches for navigation, swimming, fishing, sunbathing or other recreational uses.) 3. The structure(s) or device(s) will be aligned no closer to the MHW ocean beach shoreline than 300' Note: In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina in no way acknowledges the effec- tiveness as an erosion control device the product known as "Seascape". This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this Local Permit officer (signature) permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Nel son G. Paul Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered name Office of Coastal Management under this permit require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on 108 S. Water Street July 27, 1986 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 address In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consis• tent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without ahe written approval of the Office of Coastal;, Management. Permitee (signature required i speci o itio ove apply to permit) Local Government Permit Number State of North. Carolina Department of Natural Resources LAMA and Community Development MINOR DEVELOPMENT Office of Coastal Management PERMIT Y" as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Natural Resources and Community Development and the Coastal Resources Commission for develop- ment in an area of environmental concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statutes, "Coastal Area Management." Issued to Robert A- Young, Jr. authorizing development in the Atl antic Ocean at the Avalon Pier and the -Miles Clark Sub. in Ki 11 Devi] r Z�slte�d irQgreepeWM application dated l 6 1983 This permit, issued on 'July 27, 983 , is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit) applicable applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to'a fine, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause the permit to be null and void. 1. A'minimum'of two (2) signs no smaller than 12° by 180 will be placed and maintained on poles on the ocean beach at least 61_above.ground level that will indicate the areas to fishermen, surfers, and bathers that the str-ucture.(s) or device(s) are present offshore. 2. The structure(s) or devices) will be removed at the expense of the applicant should they ever bedocumented as being a nuisance to private property or to the public well- beirlg. ("Nuisance" will be defined as any interference with reasonable use of public trust waters or the ocean beaches for navigation, swimming, fishing, sunbathing,or other recreational uses.) 3. The structure(s) or device(s) will be aligned no closer to the MHW ocean beach shoreline than 300'. Note: In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina in no way acknowledges the effec- tiveness as an erosion control device the product known as "Seascape". This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty ;(20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. Local Permit Offiicer(signature) This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Nelson G. Paul Any maintenance work or project modifications not covered Office of Coastal Management name under this permit require further written permit approval. All work must cease when this permit expires on 108 S. Water Street July 27 1986 Elizabeth City, NC 27909 address In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consis- tent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transferred to another party without the written approval of the Office of Coastal Management. Permitee (signature required if special conditions above apply to permit) t r rxl tJ x—„P--'—�--•'. - F :+"+�� ,�a ..�'�• ° w�l31 ��{ ft t i ♦ j,L 1 A^i §._�[7fc ai ''�f "T 14 R 3.�.ir st s r7 t T 1 r i g - .•t. ' 'jR� •� p i :��� ;1 P�.,i .a � � �?-�,(� � .�,9t�r t ,�:�� t a )4 1 rt �`c �- � •q L , t � 4 t � � - a � r �` t+, `a`Ctn °.,a� ` ' 1�-�i .,r'' �'t- '�r �• `S� - +.,t a°` �...�.w"*�r� � .+'."� 1 r w< r t : `� r ;�� �� '1+ 1 t� f i { x / i1 � 1 F.' dt ��.yi✓�"'iq 7�t ��^P �' +� 4.P tt4 '` y Itl. 7 i' r 1. •:.� x ,", t 't,d5 .J l� :�" :•�r Pf / ""3 F �F9 i/i !.T i/�'r / I/.'�' ' .4 1 `' rl 9T 9a q9 'SD Sol,a d s ! E♦p ) +, 1 /Q11/4 b" 3i )I, +MI Lt ; jpj 'CtrARK 't. _ r`n '1 t, � (//P 1 1 � � ( c '� l�. � 1 f� 4 't �.4 �'f, � (t� �� F .`. `. . r rA �•-� I 1 t } J ViR6 ylA t A J V t7:1,:• P f'tra xy /S y%Pq 6} Ada tyD �j v, {1pd �'Jy ' ; ) dlt. 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"AV AN Burnt / y / f-J,�` p Island L� � • •'�r•"`y x a - �, Avalon eaCl/ ; 1/ �Rp 1r►" < z H -' LUAMiRYONCT Big Islan sT N Pf ARTHURPARLOWECT `^.•1'''SC OTHERN .• j i�.•/'"• t.�ll��' .:, Cd nn' ..,•.� L NLl 1 �• Y i. o { WRIGH St 'r ,;,•.,, `'% d ) yea ! \ SHOR 11�c Oq� yP,P�V~' �. � '' 1 -l`y\• `�� ,P �jIM Ml Y •- r• 5 Fe SEA I IiVGTON� .\ii 0�(Nis 4 �; S1 �, Eti RIDG % m T T A T J Fin'SCESS CT 1� 1 S ANDS'(}°' , N gDATAN c}one " 1 � �? cr r ✓, pQ V °kr sPq CPT, MrfFi ' Fq Of'EN CT Irk gum' pint _Ldrl-- ,9 Hi �►a y OS e F 0 ICH S, lt----Isla d�-�-i' �� l jI "�... rt �,(V.�•• L // a > Nort rt g S I AGE It =t ;—=t aMP----- �ra i LAva II I: 4 tK�'' /Ild7"c L I n.ji T uAf!•IV �I �_.•� C OATAN Ali ,—_$�' .SHORES V sl 'I mp o91 liH orc+ 1u8 168 o i aV•P Qp l._ ./� �a� •� WIFO m _ �f�i2o Y7y; f. 9 !iL•i ..o 'w u 1 OJ p9j• ��S _ N "Y .r c G SCI •:HARD W ST V L ��/ '�� - W G OAR �J e^ Op < •u�wu • V � � _ .� 3 oc� r LAN ING O" Etta► AT oLL'f Holy odecmer ay :OLINGTON ISLA D�` \ 'h •) TANYA W I1 ns$ha ' /„� > s t a U U 6 1211 (•,. vp N �: iIFTT-Y-DUN -S- 1. Gi0\41ingto ''Island S v S_ .'.-.�... J �� Adrw sT MPv WAN CI LOWEL SI 0 MONII_M Nl UN I WRIGH R THERS WOOOM nl AVE. N ON RAKk" VF AL :25 L 'yam CAOLO A 0 .0 1 ILE— .12 ! 1� 1� �'//////-_�"_• ,� r y 13 I L PINFHL '$i AVE . 21 ;,• �,I—T !rJ 90 r ROANO r oVE 21 aA 6E Y "0 T 90 WRIGH AV oq ON etv0 AUM BAY g t- af MAR AVE 23 1 AL1 19 , \ '� ST MP _17 13 1 l` •� I 20 /( er Banks - HILL Pr sE lerianIL r-- 23 B ZZARD B Y of .20 NOLLY.. (� Si. I J 330 34 350:0 :3 1110'llll)N f !p �" • C ` lal\IN`uI ! I y14 a Cb SIltL 24 0\` �� AGN �� I ;` s"CO ° A 13 .14 D" R �N ' .22 1•23 n - o, A IiES LSN N N 25 N " G H t12c — - KILL EVIL HILLS ' ?� N qhN♦� 'w . , _ c �o Id GS H AU f' :��i-- 47 ,.I�ii,• a �~OFFICE OF North Carolina Department of Natural COASTALKenneth MANAGEMENT D. Stewart -, p Kenneth D. Stewart Resources &Community Development Director James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Telephone 919/733-2293 Field Services Section 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 (919) 338-0206 July 8, 1983 Coastland Times P. 0. Box 428 Manteo, NC 27954 Dear Sir: Please publish in your Thursday, July 14, 1983 edition of the Coastland Times, -the enclosed notice of application for CAMA permit. Please send to this office at your earliest convenience a copy of the bill in duplicate along with an affidavit of publication Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Cordially yours, Ne son G. aul �e� Coastal Management Consultant NGP/gmh Enclosure P. 0. Box 27687 kale;-- %. C. 27611-7637 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119 (b) the State of North Carolina Office of Coastal Management, an agency authorized to issue CAMA permits in areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on July 6, 1983 Mr. Robert Young, agent for oceanfront property owners at the Avalon Pier and 11 lots in the Miles Clark subdivision in Kill Devil Hills, proposed to place 850 units of "Seascape" offshore, in the Atlantic Ocean at the above mentioned locations in Dare County. Persons desiring to inspect the application and to comment thereon are directed to contact the per- mit officer at the below address prior to July 22, 1983. Nelson G. Paul Permit .Officer Address: 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Phone: (919) 338-0206 •00 A,4� - gtl-� I ele � S, e / /1 (4- 1070 hA J Pejfz C3 GJ �I v ROBERT A. YOUNG JR v P O BOX 285 Pcin KILL DEVIL III, NC 9 Company 4 I /2 k ""AWZ2- �-�r-0" Qty Hawk. NC ?2208 efd to Are todo... Af cZ� cL 411 JL 'L cfet Printed by Outer B ks Prj ting Com ny 4 1 /2 Milepost Kitty Hawk. NC 261-2208 it 0 r M "n dov 7 C a *SENDER: Complete items 1, 2, 3, and 4. Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on reverse. (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) i. The following service is requested (check one). ® Show to whom and date delivered .................... —� ❑ Show t6whom, date, and address of delivery.. _d s. ❑ RESTRICTED DELIVERY (The restricted delivery fee is charged In addition to the return receipt fee.) TOTAL S 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO. Clay Don Motel P•.0. Box 73 Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 4. TYPE OF SERVICE: ❑ REGISTERED ❑ INSURED FALENUMBER ® CERTIFIED ❑ Coo ❑ EXPRESS MAIL 919 191 (Always obtain signature of addressee or agent) I have received the article described above. SIGNATURE ❑ Addres c�e �❑ Authorized agent 5' 7 7ELIVEAY 0. AUDR SSEE's ApbRESS (Only if rep T. UNABLE TO DELIVER BECAUSE: 7a. E A P521 919 18.9 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAIL NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIDED— NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL r� (See Reverse) Sent to P� Jim Hammond �j 1 Street and No. P.O., State and ZIP Code t J Postage $ 20 F • Certified Fee .75 I Special Delivery Fee / I_ Restricted Delivery Fee oYYY111 9� Return Raceipt Showing to whom and Data Delivered .60 Return Recoipt SShowing to whom, (I Dar ' of Delivery DD O' rw r6y Fees $ ., A1983 r � C �: w to a Mr. Robert A. Young, Jr. p . 0—Box 285 Kill Devil Hills, N. C. 27948 Dear Bob The undersigned property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, of Seascape Techlaced nolthe ogy, Greenville, Delaware, that property in accordance with those ocean in front of my%our props y methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. The undersigned will, upo n demand, forward to you or to Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00[100 Dollars ($40-total(0) per front foot. The front footage of MY /our lot(s) feet. Very truyours, Dated: 7 1983 L The undersigned property owner(s) does not have funds for Seascape at this time, but agrees that I/we will not oppose other property owners placing Seascape at their property. Very truly yours, Mr. Robert A. Young, Jr. P. O..Box 285 Kill Devil Hills, N. C. 27948 Dear Bob: The undersigned property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, of Seascape Technology, Greenville, Delaware, that I/we want Seascape placed in the ocean in front of my/our property in accordance with those methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. The undersigned will, upon demand, forward to you or to Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00[100 Dollars ($40.00) per fr nt foot. The.front footage of my/our lot(s) total(s) �O feet. Very truly yours, PA4 LP, �Tl 9 8 3 �l�r� lj Z79O/ Dated:/ y ---------------------- The undersigned property owner(s) does not have funds for Seascape at this time, but agrees that.I/we will not oppose other property owners placing Seascape at their property. Very truly yours, Dated: 1983 Mr. Robert A. Young, Jr. P. 0 Box 285 Kill Devil Hills, N. C. 27948 Dear Bob The undersigned property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, of Seascape Technology, Greenville, Delaware, that I/we want Seascape placed in the ocean in front of my/our property in accordance with those methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. The undersigned will, upon demand, forward to you or to Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00/100 Dollars ($40.00) per fro t foot. The front footage.of my/our lot(s) total(s) < feet. Mr. Robert A. Young, Jr. P. 0. Box 285 Kill Devil Hills, N. C. 27948 Dear Bob: The undersigned property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, of Seascape Technology, Greenville, Delaware, that I/we want Seascape placed in the ocean in front property in accordance with those methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. The undersigned will, upon demand, forward to you or to Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00/100 Dollars ($40.00) per front foot. The front footage of my/our lot(s) total(s) .�4 feet. Very truly yours, O !_ ' L Ae, 6� Dated:. 1983 t• Mr. Robert A. Young, Jr. • P. 0. Box 285 Y.ill Devil Hills, N. C. 27948 Dear Bob: orize The undersiNed property owner(s) does/do hereby auth you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, of Seascape Technology, Greenville, Delaware, that I/we want Seascape placed in the ocean in front of my/our property in accordance with those methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. The undersigned will, upon deImand, Pfor ard to Dollarsy u or0t Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty, and 00/ total(s) per front foot. The front footage of my/our lot(s) feet . Very truly yours, 19 8 3 Dated: .. G / A ��..--- �,,1I Dot � � !� i Robert A.' Young, Jr... P. o..Box 285 N. C. 2794a 1Ci11 Devil Hills, Dear B•ob property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize The undersigned Garrett, of Seascape Technology, you to inform Mr. WillthatLI/we want Seascape placed in the Greenville, Delaware, ro ert in accordance with those ocean in front of my/our p p. y methods which he deems to -be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. upon demand, forward to you or to The undersigned will, a sum a ua1 to Forty •and 00/•/our lot(s) Dollars �$tal(0) Mr. Garrett q per �nt foot. The . front footage of .my J U feet. V r t ly yours, J , A.- `S arp for Peggy. G• Sharp and Thelma J . Gray . 4 g x17171 4�t Dated: 3 �� 1983 Dat- _ • - - _ _ _ r ed� property owner�(s) does .not have funds for The undersign p p pose other Seascape at this time, but agrees that.I/we will not oppose property owners placing Seascape at their property. Very truly yours, Mr. Robert A. Young, Jr. P. 0. Box 285 . N. C. 27948 Kill Devil Hills, Dear Bob: a��. does/do hereby authorize The undersigned property owner(s)of Seascape Technology, you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, laced in the o Greenville, Delaware, that I/we want Seascape p ocean in fro of my/our property in accordance with those methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. The undersigned will, upon demand, forwarto100 Dollarsy($40ou rto 00) Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00/ ,per front foot. The front footage, of my/our 10t(s) total(s) P <SG feet. Very truly rs 1983 f J12 Dated: '% �� Mr.. Robert A. Young, Jr. P. 0.. Box 285 Kill Devil. Hills N. C. 27948 Dear B•ob : ,. The undersigned property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, of Seascape Technology, Greenville, Delaware, that I/we want Seascape placed in the ocean in front of my/our property in accordance with those methods which he deems to -be most beneficial for the replenish meet of my/our beach. The undersigned will,. upon demand, forward to you or to Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00/100 Dollars ($40.00) per front foot. The front footage of my/our lots) total(s) rJ,, feet. Very truly.iyours, /Dated: 1983 _ . ... /UJ The undersigned property owner(s) does .not have funds for Seascape at.this-time, but agrees that.I/we will not oppose other property owners placing Seascape at their property. Very.truly yours, 1983 Dated: Mr.. Robert A. Young, Jr. P. O..Box 285 Kill Devil Hills, N. C. 27948 Dear B'ob The undersigned property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize you to inform,Mr, William L. Garrett, of Seascape Technology, Greenville Delaware, that x/We want Seascape placed in the ocean in front of my/our property in accordance with those methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of,my/our beach. The undersigned will, upon demand, forward to you or to Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00/•100 Dollars 040.00) per front foot. The front footage of my/our-lot(s) total(s) feet Very truly yours , Dated Lt-, 1983 C/ - - - -- - --- - - - - - - - --- - - - - - --- - - - - - The undersigned property owners) does.not have funds for Seascape at this.time, but agrees that.I/we will not oppose other property owners placing Seascape at their property. Very truly yours, Dated: 1983 Mr. Robert A. Young, Jr. P. 0.. Box 285 Kill Devil Hills, N. C. 27948 Dear Bob: The undersigned property owner(s) does/do hereby authorize you to inform Mr. William L. Garrett, of Seascape Technology, Greenville, Delaware, that I/we want Seascape placed in the ocean �,n front of my/our property in accordance with those methods which he deems to be most beneficial for the replenish- ment of my/our beach. The undersigned will, upon demand, forward to you or to Mr. Garrett a sum equal to Forty and 00[100 Dollars ($40.00) per front foot. The.front footage of my/our lot(s) total(s) IS-0 feet. Very truly yours, Ad 'Dated: G . � 1983 ���A (2AKfi Da / The undersigned property owner(s) does not have funds for Seascape at this time, but agrees that I/we will not oppose other property owners placing Seascape at their property. Very truly yours, Dated: 1983 STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one) an owner of record title, Title is vested in , see Deed Book , page in the County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet attached to this application. i _ 1. T Tunnermute GC1 Uly avat u IV r • -r that 1 have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my 1 tentlo develop this property and to Address 'IrL, >h r/ E>aX 57 1 rivAgeA) UA . 23s9y� (2) efXV/ L a he. w `� 44 s lvG . 299 � p FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE SHORELINE EROSION AREAS: acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This the day of , 19 . ,j Land owner or person authorized t4tUhiljgent for purposes of filing a CAMA appli ion. a r i7 a Z -I SITE DRAWING /APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please make sure your site drawing includes the following information required for a CAMA minor development permit. The drawing may be simple and not necessarily to scale. The Local Permit Officer will help you, if requested. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS label roads label highway right of ways label local setback lines label any and all structures and driveways currently existing on property PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS draw and label mean high water mark (MHW) draw location of septic tank or filter field If you will be working in an ocean hazard area: draw and label dune ridges (note height) draw and label toe of dune identify and locate first line of stable vegetation draw and label setback line under CAMA draw and label topographical features (optional) If you will be working in an estuarine shoreline area: draw and label landward limit of AEC describe terrain (slope) DEVELOPMENT PLANS draw and label areas that will be disturbed if house to be placed on lot, describe location of house note size of piling and depth to be placed in ground draw and label all areas to be paved or graveled describe composition of surface note and list fully all trees and vegetation to be removed or relocated show landscaping NOTE TO APPLICANT Have you: • completed all blanks and/or indicated if not applicable? • notified and listed adjacent property owners? • included your site drawing? • signed both application and statement of ownership? • enclosed the $25.00 fee? • completed an AEC Hazard Notice,if necessary? SITE NOTICE POSTED SITE INSPECTIONS DATE OF ACTION: FOR STAFF USE FINAL INSPECTION FEE RECEIVED ISSUED EXEMPTED DENIED APPEAL DEADLINE (20 days)