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HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-009_Turner, John M._19831020 (2)' ] sa1'�' „, '- g .s, ' .tPu.. ¢ x m ✓�^ $� }R "fir- �. �. y � .,3. `� ..z r- � ..t `cam � -� , �}�� w' r ♦ � -qc cu •. ' S a r. ,- -..s •t.4 Y'. ..-+`.•sr s:'sa� +.. ......tea. . .. - _ r. �L';�.......�.—_. �.._u...�..15t..a...i.._w.....s'"'t�_.�.Y:vral•+.42..Mi ..:.- w' Prepared by and Return to: Martin Kellogg, Jr - Kellogg,` White, Evans, Sharp and Michael P. 0.'Box 189 Manteo, NC 27954 - NORTH CAROLINA DARE COUNTY f THIS DEED made this the llth day of April, 1983, by EDGAR POWERS.' HOOPER (unmarried), KATHERINE ANN HOOVER MIDGETT and husband, TIMOTHY W: MIDGETT, parties of the first part, to JOHN ROBERT HOOPER, of Buxton, North Carolina (27920), party of the second part: W I T N E S S E T H: THAT the said parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good ,and valuable consideration paid to them by the said party of the second part,'the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these, presents do bargain, sell and convey unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all their right, title, interest, property, claim and estate, same being an undivided two-thirds (2/3rds) interest, in and to all that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being in Dare County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being near the Village of Buxton on Cape Hatteras, in Hatteras Township, Dare County, North Carolina, known and designated as and being Lot No. '11, in the subdivision of Lot No. 2 of Section C of -Cape Hatteras r s. :Seashore, as shown and delineated on a map or plat of said subdivision s made by David Cox, Jr.., Surveyor,.February:l4, 1957,-and recorded in Map Book 2, page 92, in the office of the Register of Deeds'of { Dare County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description thereof. f Same being a'portion of the lands known as the Smith Tract.. s" Same being a portion of the lands described in the deed from John - E. Hooper et als to Edgar Powers Hooper et als dated June 1, 1976 and recorded in Book 233, page 647, Dare County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said interest in.the above described lands and_ premises together with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, in fee simple forever; subject, however, to the covenants, reservations and restrictions as to the use thereof contained in the deed from Ormond- W. Fuller et vir to Earl K. Van Swearingen et ux dated July 17, 1959, and recorded in Book 88, page 175, Dare County Registry. AND the said parties of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, covenant to and with the said party of the second part, his heirs. and assigns, that they are seized of said interest in said lands in fee simple; that they have a good right to convey the same in fee; that the same are free and clear . of all encumbrances whatsoever; and that they will forever warrant and'. defend the title to the same against the claims of'all persons whomsoever.' IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. 1� 01 (SEAL) EDGAR-TOWERS HOOFER IGITHERINE ANN HOOPER MIDGETT ,UA M (SEAL) TIMOTHY W. I DGETT . OFFICE OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1� North Carolina e artment of Natural L�r Kenneth D. Stewart Resources ommunit De elo ment Director James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Telephone 319/733.2293 Field Services Section 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 919 338-0206 October 20, 1983 --11r John M. Turner' 112 Lee g>nia Beach, Va. 23451 Dear Mr. Turner: This office has received your request of October 6, 1983, concerning the renewal of Dare County Minor Development Permit No. 83-009. This permit was formerly issued to you on April 6, 1983, for residential oceanfront develop- i ment at Lot 2, Section 3, of the- Tower Beach Subdivision in Buxton, Dare County. I I By this letter you are hereby notified of receiving your. second 6-month permit approval. i have any questions concerning this or any other re- lated matter, please feel free to contact me at my Elizabeth City officae. Cordiallyyours NGP,rt e-'s— CC:Preston Pate, OCM Nelson G. ul t Walter Gregory, Field Consultant Bldg. Insp., Dare County P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611.7637 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 0 JOHN M. TURNER BUILDING CORPORATION Suite 307 • Hilltop West Executive Center • Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451 • (804) 422-5525 Oct. 6, 1983 Oct', . [� Mr. Nelson Paul Office of Coastal Management 108 S. Water St. Elizabeth City, N.C. 27909 Re: Permit No. 83-009 issued 4/6/83 Dear Mr. Paul; Regarding our conversation of October 6, 1983, I am requesting an extension of the subject permit for an additional six months. Please advise me of any difficulties or changes in conditions on which an extension can be granted. Truly yours, ohn M. Turner JMT/at OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED The activity which'you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor permit you_are applying .... for here. As a service`we have compiled a'listing of the kinds of permits which might be required We; suggest that you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any; of these may apply to your project. This is not a requirement of CAMA, only a suggestion to help you'compfete your project as quickly as possible. ' zoning .drinking water well septic tank or other sanitarywaste treatment system) ... _ burning ..electrical. plumbing ' .heating and air'conditiomng. msulaUon and energy >: conservation ... FIA'certification:: sand dune ..sediment control. .subdivision approval .mobile home park approvaI...highway connection .others STATMENT OF OWNERSHIP 4 Y ° "'��~s�'4=n 1; the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in a ` ., r k j - 83 -4 , ` an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA ' minor development permit, certify that the erson listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest , '� P P Y P PP in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows (check one ; l an owner of record title, Title is vested in L4_Xy o ' `' ' � �'cS .£ � __. i/1 ,see Deed, Book, pagefl in the € ;f v e County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of i< probate was in County." if other interest, such 'as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet attached to this application. D • alflrTrl that I have liven AC UAL NOTICE to each of them conceming MY intent to ievelop this property and to tom' (Address) 4110 .c_ _ rL. ire OWL S (3) t f T h ` � ^• S % IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE SHORELINE EROSION AREAS -t FOR DEVELOPERS acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion'and/or flooding.`] -acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the m particular hazard problems associated with this'lot_This explanation was accompanied by recommendations _ a 3 concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. Z. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I. furthermore certify that I am authorized -to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information.related to this ` ., permit application.. °r day W 1 a� This the of 0 y , Ad owner or person authorized to act as his agent purposes of filing a CA MA application • i NOTICE OF FILING ti' .^ f3 83, . • - OF APPLICATION' FOR • CAKA PERMIT _ Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b) the county ( ) of a duly approved agent authorized to issue minor development perats in Areas of Environmental Concern' under the CAMZA, hereby gives NOTICE that an APPLICATION. fox- a minor development permit .was received on (date) . According to said application Te l gi 41. ,•.�«- (Name) f proposes to,, U action) at - �-t�7� -`�wzY /��hc�, u�►.T , c, _ _ ._, (location) . T f •. A copy of entire application may be eyamined or copied at the - below address after this date during normal business hours. Comments filed prior to c,�•s•�� (days after notice) will be. consider —ea. This action is subjecE to appeal by any person who is directly affected* by the grant or denial of this application. • Appeals to the CRC must 'be made in writing and filed with. the LD0witrin 20 days of the final decision. Local Permit U i�•ror receiving Minor Develoument Permits . under CA1IA ,- Address Phone Copies sent to Newspaper • F10 • r xi "riUr,l!ett ,l/- cy coo, C A M A P:. MIT DrCISTON PERMIT X CONDITIONAL PERMIT DENTAL auL 2 2'a1 ' nrM • t� The Local Permit Officer, having Aamined the site and reviewed" �nf ormation presented in this application, 'makes the following observations: BASED ON THESE OBSERVATIONS, the officer concludes that this permit application should be (If this is not a denial or conditional permit, strike out the rest of this section.) This permit should be denied in that it violates (1) NCGS 113A-120(6); the development unreasonably endangers life or property, namely, (2) 14CGS 113A-120(8); the development_1s inconsistent with the state guide- lines, particularly 15 NCAC 7H which requires that this project calls for (3) NCGS 113A-120(8); the development is inconsistent with the local land use plans, see p. of plan which provides that this project calls for A-Cnnaiti nnnl Permit ROWEVER, a CONDITIONAL PERMIT is issued the applicant if he indicates his willingness to accept the following conditions; (these conditions must be accepted by the applicant within 10 days of the below date or this permit is deemed denied. Acceptance is made by signing and r_turning this form to your local permit officer.) .t This the day of 1984 `al Permit Officer ti licant's signatu a indicating �. acceptance of terms of conditional permit. i *****APPEALS of this decision must be made to the Coastal Resources Commission within twenty days of the above date. See your local permit officer for t forms. �..,.. ****NOTE: This permit allows for only those elements of development that are specifically mentioned on site drawing or in.application. *As per C.A.M.A. Regulation, this permit issued to start construction within six (6) months of receipt of this Conditional Permit. The applicant is also notified as a -condition that no work will proceed after the dix (6) months period until the L.P.O. returns to the site to confirm the setback. Any work begun after that period without written approval of the L.P.O. will be con- sidered development- without a permit and be subject to C.A.M.A. fines and penalties. F4 For CASE NAM, �U��c/Z_ _ DATES: OWflc,lal ^ hphl. filed: Extension Use Only LOCALITY 13u.X_ReAl _- Nuticc Publ:. Incomhlctc- . Lnst day: Notice: FILE # C A M A m!NOR. DEVELOP HEly i Fi RHIT API Ll4NTL04. ]�. n owners' name /addr.ess/phone: 2. Builders'.name, etc: Sv/%'o 3o7 fic2 !/I�S�•�►n 3eAel, vi,e�i.�ir1 x3vS� 2. Location of project.: 2o7 .1 QL�L 3 Tali/c,ge,4e Syt��iviSic, 3. AEC Classification: 4. Proposed Use:" X_ ocean hazard _� residential estuarine shoreline commercial or industrial other _4 _ .4 - other 4. Describe those. aspects :of. pro e-ct which Are„not clear from -reading site drawing-: _ t S.y Other permits needed: LOCAL STATE FEDERAL - PERMIT PE%MIT PERMIT 6. Size of buildings in 'Zoning. ........ • sq . f t : .7 Slue S'6V .ext-4 . Drinking water well..-...-. Y Septic tank (or other... X 7. Cost of Project: sanitary waste.. $ treatment system - -Burning. .: .' �' 8 Total acreage in _Connection to municipal � • y � � ^ AECs: LL'• ----sewerage _ . -Building.. - Electrical:....... - .Plumbing. Heating & air-condi- tioning. _ :Insulation & energy......, conservation .. Demolition. ...-- �Pier...: - CAM AEC.. ..: ... X Sand dune............ .. ..•-- Sediment control..... Subdivision approval.. .. Mobile home park approval r. Floodway.................. Highway connection....... Dredge and fill.........- w� THIS APPLICATION CONSISTS OF THIS FORM AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE_DRAWING,<TOGETHER`WITH SUCH INFORMATION AND EXPLANATION AS MAY BE PRO- VIDED ORALLY BY THE APPLICANT. THE DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL AS DESCRIBED FROM ALL THREE SOURCES ARE INCORPORATED WITHOUT REFERENCE IN ANY PERMIT WHICH MAYBE ISSUED AS A RESULT -OF THIS APPLICATION. DEVIATION FROM THESE DETAILS WILL AUTOMATICALLY NEGATE THE ISSUANCE OF.ANY,.PERMIT. ANY PERSON DEVELOPING IN AN AEC WITHOUT A CAMA PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL, CRIMINAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. TUTS APPI.TCA,ri0N �IAY BE FTT.rr BY THr LANDOWNER O PER ON EXPRI:. SI.Y AUTHOl:11ZE) TO ACT ON II I.S BEHALF. This th(• �(� (lily of AppI Leant':; 190 SIgn;irur(•• _ :%,LLA.�� phontr i f nu"r sh(,wn ahove) lCt vi�l• G::C•F; ' ' YFE�' '-o LCc it i ' (i;3LE � •' ,�� ova . . DaLe Dame For g' i. E ss_ t.^. M Date ?,OLC2 T.^ . tion Filed (Date) C. 36cam � p1 cant Ixyame S 30 % � U I ie TG Nr It4 7-.. c✓ 4.. . , A E C HAZARD NOTICE ® Ocean Erodible Area ❑ High Hazard Flood Area ❑ Inlet Hazard Area The purpose of this notice is to inform the applicant of associated risks in the AEC where development is indicated (as ❑ by the Local Permit Officer). ❑ Prior to the issuance of any"permit for development in the ocean hazard AEC's, there shall be a -written acknowledgement from the applicant that the .applicant is aware of'the"risks associated with development in this hazardous ,area. By granting permits the Coastal Resources Commission does not guarantee the safety of the development and -assumes no liability for future damage to the development. 15 NCAC 7H .0306 (j) EThe best available information,"as accepted by the Coastal.Resources Commission, indicates that the annual ocean erosion rate for your property is 0 feet/year. ❑ In order to avoid excessive public expenditures for maintaining public safety, construction or placement of growth -inducing public facilities to be supported by public funds will be permitted in the ocean hazard area only when such facilities (i) clearly exhibit overriding .factors of national or state interest and public benefit (ii) will not exacerbate existing hazards or damage natural buffers (iii) will be reasonabiv safe from flood and erosion related: -damage (iv) will not promote growth and development in ocean hazard areas. Such facilities.include, but are not limited to, sewers, waterlines, roads, bridges and erosion control structures. 15 NCAC 7H .0306 (c) ❑ Shoreline erosion control structures (excluding beach nourishment and berm projects) shall only be allowed when their purpose is to protect development that was existing as of June 1, 1979. 15 NCAC 7H .0308 (a)(7) ❑Property owners may, in emergency situations, obtain AEC permits to protect existing structures along" -the oceanfront by means of bulkheads, seawalls, or similar structures if it is determined that the structure is threatened. A threatened structure is one built prior .to March 1, 1978 where the apparent erosion rate is such that the structure's foundation is i:riinently endangered. Normally, the structure's foundation will be considered endangered if the foundation is less than 20 feet away from the toe of the dune or erosion scarp. 15 NCAC 7H .0308 (a)(3) FAILURE TO SIGN THIS OTZ E I THE PACE r'LGTd"ILL RESULT IN AN Permit No. A icant L al Permit Officer INCM1PLETE APPL CATION . A? Da e' ;00"_�. Locality ; Pursuant to NCCS 113A-119(b) the cc- my (tvt-rri, ci .,y) of �A P_ , a duly appro-- cr a:l t hor_ zcd tc, Issue: ci::o; c'.:l�clor::.i r.t o:: - :_t., lc,-e,, �)f, I:n :ri:v::^:::n*.� ? concern undc~ _., l�r.rC�`� �,i cl " DICE .AI:11 _1: A ?1 Bill}. l+ received oil G'- 3a �'I (ciotc) Accc:'rd=:jai d 3 p11 ca o:i 7E i --,nC) proposes to Cd A Z. rae _ �lBa,e �ovs'G { �.cti On ) at lo7" .Z 81,e3 7- w cr- Bc-Ac� f 6 �X /y (1 o c Li o::) . • A -cops of �.:.-.^. n:l lJ_�"r.'- C��1�� 1 CC.I� o:: �.-^.•. -I 1 e ��; 1L1L 11 �'�i Or cc-04 Cd D_ 61IC beIoir�Lccr, ss si�%er �' daLe du, af; 1'ileci ~ior ;;0 7-/ T 8( (' . d ys of to will b:'- "^-•sidenc .. =2S % :_Qcl is. sii:)L ­! L:) ?PP12i_1 by any l 1. -:J who is directl;l aff-�ected -by the or nt• or .ae J.a1 Of t.ii s �:�rjl l ^ it`! vfi . -� ^ + -:, f'. ^ 7•i,�.-�; hC madei :•:rl t1no -n f-'_zd 1•:�L}:..t;i'lt: A-L)Dc?.._.. Lc lisle ICRC LDO vithin 20 days of the firs_?. decision. I cal i'cY:::;. ::�'�_�:,r ' c. i•: _i. Minor Do*%-ej l,-ojj on t undi:I' I"C' ` 6 o X Ian' .d�v Z7y S% Phone xT 7_C2, Copies sent t� NIEWSpape2• - F10 K • l 1 S t •t t t a V i.- r tJ .5 l t 14 � �1 N.' � .' d is.../ a }� '`` t � ,%�c taC, f 8t t+ ,� f�W� •. } 1 . L • sic i �1 i r "s } *� + a cw1o" t:d f l 1 •� 5•: (' _• r ` S .5> t y 1i �' N . ' e �.• ?� �% 5 1'tM s:. ,,l A • \? 7 t \', a� 'r •� r.1 is i � t 7 �•• O � - ' � + ' -.�` �`'�tyd,;'` i'�Y �i• a � eN c � �1 V1 t S �}� \ l it in = �'i\ � � � "' � '' e r e v' r 'i 1 � t: 5 .. t. /• t �... ,�"♦ 1 1 ..j \ 's 1. 'it _ S t 3 t r ��1�•IIUtIryJf', i 4,, t„ i rsJF . 7 5 r 1 + 1 it t tCl � ••a t t >; i r a, t 1 1 r t Y ; r,1 , •• �••` !r� ."'l 1• 1 '1 't, � ; !4' 1\.', 0 It ` 1 ��+• i ,r .. �� PN � 4'41�Jt }j �, f`ttr t�'�ii 1� � 4s der b" a �C�• • tt ) h•L to �', l�?i 'S rt t '� T . � t. ./A t ��1 t.1+ 4. � i z j •;r t yrs( 4 l rJ.i e �t# �t a "' r (it 1+ r t+`liS � Lf.Lr r w • , ar t.ix�; = r " 1 tl•',j+test s� r s fir., � y'r f t i.. • •, t a, r t ISM •• � ••1 •. � \ F\ fs �%� �y. � ., , `. s 1 !.i ' T., I,. +� 1 ri • , 4 . d J ! 1 i r ,2' , I \ d t t ,e {.+ t. a \ / t .• a , ti t 6 .+ J - '�' ,J t atT Kr 11• "� r \..\F {.a�t i:J'{ y ,f� #' 1 J 1 ._ 6 r r t: r� t is C � 1 �j'. • -fit t } ;t ; r•i�&� �'\ Y ry F: x E 'T a: •. S{` �t�t �• as >•y t`•,9,+ � yr� i t't S ; `' r" r- a • t P �� .. I' � .5 ;! ,� S ' . .. i r C rr'�4. q ` t i , _ � 1 t , , J. .t+ t s t s .r d - 7 � r tyf Ir P a � N � u p, ',. r771 9 ti, b � l x+ •� m ka ht� y "" xi ii r t X L i p2 t a i Yn t^ t n 1 N r 1 � t t } - • w,�� APPLICANT "PERMIT OFF ICER ` : ^Sa}"m Y Y 1 `- / OC.i� C� , ■J �/ /� ✓� `�)V fL7Q�y�� a .J S'! C� � - / /�� ' / I I �r ��r�� J r i 7 Y C y t . CAS:. L0CItL1 i'. Y FILE l� 3'% - �- b' •� OF, OW IV I•.►RSh E ' - NOTICF. TO ADJOTNTNC PROPERTY OWNrRS ACKI4014LEDGDIENT OF POTENTIAL FOR DMIAGE FROM LROSION OR FLOODS PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LANDS I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as 'an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA permit, certify -that the person listed as landowner on the application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: an owner of record title. Title is vested in h'AT7c eAS %�Sh see Deed Book E3 P J�� S' , in the .%J%jP_ G County -Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate.of probate was in County. if otherlinterest, such as written contract or lease, explain: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply fora CAMA permit. (Name) (Address), (1)'T�omAS .�.TyR��� :f3/°T 103 44A,11-4 dg"W- /,✓diw;n s>eA� PAA'e, ALL (2) ..._. - Ga$ 2� t (3) 3 0l2 (4) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND SHORELINE EROSION AREAS: - I furthermore acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained. to me the particular._hazard.problems associated with this lot. This -explanation was 'accompanied by reco=endations concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. ....PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND . I furthermore certify.that-I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the above lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit appli. :cation. This the ✓2�d day of ._>:r.n .: 19 8. T•La rkfl'owner or erson authorized to qft as his agent for purposes of • filing a CAMA application F 3 G:' FILING A SITE DRAW114C WITH A broadly, does the drawing show the physical dim=sions of the property? does the drawing show the physical characteristics of the lot? �- does the drawing show the plans for developing the property? physical dimensions: label roads label highway right of ways label local setback and setin lines �. label any.and all structures,and.driveways currently existing on - ,property. -physical characteristics: draw. and ,label mean high water mark ;. (i.f in .ocean hazard):. draw and label dune ridges (note height) a draw and label dune troughs (note elevation) r.;:v;� "• draw and label tow of dune identify and locate significant vegetation, such as trees, sea oats, etc. =-�1 -draw and label setback line under local sand dune ordinance �,•+. a - -draw - and label topographical features (if estuarine,shoreline) .label .line noting ';IHW draw -and label shoreline erosion area: andward limit - --label soils on lot; describe terrain (slope) development ;plans: _ .,, , , _ E. `- draw and label areas to cut and/or fill•and state amounts -if house to be placed on lot, describe location of house ,&,, "note size-_of_,piling and depth to be placed in ground r;. draw septic `tank field and tank (note, if installs estate,when) tG draw and label all areas paved or graveled, r -= ;describe 'composition .of surface note .and :list -°fully all trees and vegetation to ,be removed .. or relocated show landscaping plans --label new vegetation by Aype and location y z COMMENTS -ON SITE INSPECTION:_-. (Date) (Notations) C - 3� �rl 7•�i� �oT , w � s r�.� u r� now �. F� � oftq 9 110 .13CL��sG l.t COuLd ,tJa7 Sj79y '�oa� L�}•��c.�Akd �f .: 1I-�- L '0 1=` l/c��7-�71n �✓ : _'�S_ of _ . Tddjg�/ _D19.Tc._ C t ST,9y /8� c,,csr- o�-��5ri..-Sf�aSXT ;.?'o J`tc�r Fieol� f1i=ST L/,mot aF.l��� cYi.sloi✓ V" Excise Tax Recording Time, Book and Page Tax Lot No . .................... ....................................... Parcel Identifier No. ............... ................................. ......................... Verified by ....................... ...................... ............. i ....... ..... :.,County on the .... 7,1......., day of ..................................... :4 19. ........... 7 by ............. . ............................... I .................................................... ........................................................................................................ ............ .......... Mail after recording to Christopher L.':Seawell ;Aldri..��4.-Seawell Christopher 7 .ft� ...... ......... . ....................... ........................ ........................ ........................................................... PS....OA­.10...x.......3..3...9....,.....MaMn.t...P..p....,.......N....Q......�.....2...7.95...4........................................... ...... ................. This instrument was prepared by1.....Christopher L Seawll(3158 .................. Brief description for the Index Lot .2,'Sec.'3, Tower Beach S NORTH CAROLINA, GENERAL WARRANTY DEED. P#.... day of December a. THIS DEED made this ... 1 ............................................................... 19.7P ....... I by and between GRANTOR GRANTEE LORAN H.-BALLANCEa OHN M. nd wife,.-,-JTURNER and wife.....". LUCY G. BALLANCE ANNE W. TURNER Roa Lee 1006 Midyette Avenue 1112 d Morehead City, NC ,N 28557',:�'�7�1t. Virginia Beach nVa., 23451, � -------- -- Enter In appropriate block for each Party: name, address, and, If appropriate, character of entity, e.q. corporation or partnership The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, their heirs, successors, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, inasculine,.feminine or neuter as required by context.--. WITNESSETH, that, the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by, the Grantee" the, receipt of which"is hereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey' unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that 1bzK0itpa&.-.'. certain lot or parcel of''land situated -in .......... ............................. I .................. ......... Township, Da reCounty,more particularly described as follows:': .......................................... North Car 0 All that certain lot or parcel of land lying and being on Cape.Hatteras,in Hatteras Township, Dare County, N.C., and known ' and designated as and being Lot-No.-2 in Block 3, in, -the sub— division known as Tower Beach, which i,s,duly ,recorded in Map Book 2,,page,,59, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Dare County; 'N.C*-,,­reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description thereof There is, however, excepted arid -reserved unto Bernice R.-Ballande and'wife, Buena Ballance*, their heirs and assigns, a 5—foot-right-of way of easement along the back lines of the property herein conveyed for public utilities and sewage disposal purposes.. The back line,for the pur— poses of, this,reservation is the line of the -lot above described adjoining Tower Circle.. ra 4. IZV, 11.v A—,r V,'fM The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in ..... PRRK.23p .. .............. Dare .............C..o...u..n...t.y ..Re�A.! ry ... ....` ............................................................................................... A map showing the above described property is recoided.1ni Plat ......................... page........ ... 5.9 ...... TO HAVEAND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel Of land'and-h1l. pri0legbs-an'd'appurtens, appurtenances -thereto ereto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of the premises in fee simple,'has the right. to convey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbl-ances, and that Grantor will _warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever except for the exceptions hereinafter. stated. Title to the property bereinabove described is subject to the following exceptions:­7 77:�: Those certain covenants and,restrictionsset out in deed ,'recorded` in` Book 9 3 p a ge..---T,. 5 try., 28, Dare Count 'Regis y 7:. b IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor his hereunto set his hand and seal, or If corporate, has.caused this Instrument to'be signed in its corporate name by Its duly authorized officers and Its seal to be hereunto affixed by authority of Its Board of Directors, the day and year first above written. 17 7._ -- -------------------------------------------------- ;1.4 -------------------------- --------- — ------ (SEAL)— (Corpora te Name) By: ---- ------------------------------------------------ 7 ------ --- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — L — — — — — 7 -------__(SEAL) 77 ------------ I ----------------------------resident. ucy G..Ballance ATTEST: 77 J ------ --- ------------ -------------- ----------- - ----(SEAL) -------------------------------- ------- ------------------------ - ---______ --______ --_____ ---- secretary (Corporate Seal) X ----------- -------------------------------- (SEA ------------- 'SEAL -STAMP` NORTH CAROLINA, ---------------------------------- county. 1, a Notary Xublic. of the County s and State aforesaid, certify that ----- --------------wi e- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Grantor, R personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Instrument. Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this -------- day of --------------------------------------- 1_; Is_ :7, -try Publi My commission expIreSP___.; ------------- 7 ------------------------------------------------ ------- Noc t; SEAL -STAMP' - NORTH CAVtOLINA­ ­, ,'�!�- --------------------------------County 1, a Notary Public of t certify ------------ he County and State 'aforesaid, rtify that -------------- personally came before me this day and acknowledged that he Is -------------- I ------------- Secretary of ------------------------------------------------------- a North Carolina corporation, and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation, the foregoing Instrument was signed In Its name by Its' --- ----------- President, sealed with Its corporate seal and attested by --- as -its secretary. P Witness my hand and official stamp or seal, this -------- day of ------ 19 --------- on expires: My commission - ----------------------------- - 2 - Notary Public The foregoing---Certificate(s) of -------- - -------- 7-77-77 ------- --------------- 7 ---- 7 ---------- - ------------ ----------------------------- - --------------------- es -------- ------------------------------------------------------ w ------------------------------------------ -------------------- ---- ------------------------ ------------------------- ------------------- ----- I -------------------------------------- - is/are certified to be correct. This instrument and this certificate are duly registered at the date and time and in the Book and Pate shown on the first page hereof. ------------------------------------- I -------------- -- _---_--__---__--_REGISTER OF DEEDS FOR ------------- D�E_ ------------------ COUNTY By------------------------------------------------------------------- Deputy/Assistant -Register of Deeds N C, lli%r A%%nr, form No. 3 a Isis, vtevi%rd Ism