HomeMy WebLinkAboutExempted_Lucas, Lisa D., Beach Realty & Construction_19831229 (2)i Beach Realty & Construction December 19, 1983 Division of Coastal Management 108 S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 Dear Mr: Paul: Enclosed are three CAMA minor development permit applications for property we are planning to develop in Dare County. Jack Ward of our office has discussed this with you and he instructed me to complete these forms_:and forward them to your office. Also enclosed is a plat of the development showing the area where we intend to con- struct a four foot wide walkway for ocean access for residents of the development, This easement is between lots 21 & 22. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call either Jack Ward or myself. Sincerely, d" '- '0.��J Lisa D. Lucas Beach Realty & Construction Enc. SR Box.338 . US 158 Bypass e Milepost 2 . Kitty Hawk, NC 27949 - (919) 261-3815 � 3 (16,856) 157.39• �� ✓� r 2 \(15,087) 1145N 1� 05,0 J A' ,r Ir � 1 /01 \w4 R a R ro \y � CURVE DATA • DELTA RADIUS ARC TANGENT ----------------------- -------------------- 1 17 30 00 141.63 43.26 21.$Q NOTES I) SETBACKS FRONT- MIN. 25' OR GREATER AS SPECIFIED. SIDE- MIN. 10' (20' SIDE ABUTTING STREET) REAR- MIN. 25' 2) DASHED AREA SHOWN ON LOT 16 IS A COMMUNITY PARKING EASEMENT. 3) ALL ROADS SHOWN HEREON ARE 30' RIGHT-OF-WAYS WITH 20' WIDE PAVEMENT. CUL-DE-SACS HAVE A RADIUS OF 40' WITH 35' PAVEMENT RADIUS, ALL RETURNS HAVE A RADIUS OF 20. 4) TOTAL LINEAR FEET IN STREETS - 2051 5) TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS - 40 6) MINIMUM LOT SIZE - 15,000 SQUARE FEET. AREA IN SQUARE FEET OF EACH INDIVI DUAL LOT IS SHOWN IN PARENTHESIS. 7)THE DEVELOPER RESERVES EASEMENTS FOR WATER GAS SEWER, DRAINAGE, ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, & CATV SERVICES ON OVER ANDACROSS EACH LOT 5' IN WIDTH CONTIGUOUS WITH SIDELINES AND 10' IN WIDTH CONTIGUOUS WITH STREET RIGHT-OF-WAYS, REAR LOT LINES, a SIDE LINES CONTIGUOUS TO OTHER PROPERTIES. 8) ALL STREETS AND ROADS SHOWN HEREON ARE PR I VAT E. 9)PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON AND ADJOINING PROP- ERTIES ARE PRESENTLY ZONED RS- I 10) LOTS I, 2, 3, 39, a 40 SHALL HAVE ACCESS BY INTERNAL ROADS ONLY (NO ACCESS DIRECTLY ON NCSR 1200). 1 1) TOTAL AREA OF SITE- 17.70 ACRES. 12)TOTAL AREA OF LOTS- 15.88 ACRES. 13)TOTAL AREA OF RIGHT OF -WAYS - 1.82 ACRES. 14) OCEANFRONT LOTS CONTAIN I N EXCESS OF 15,000 SQ. FT WEST OF THE CURRENT CAMA SETBACK LINE AS SHOWN HEREON. TOTAL AREA LYING EAST OF CAMA LINE -1.8 ACRES. 15)• INDICATES CONTROL CORNER. 103 INDICATES CONCRETE MONUMENT. PC 9 S/68` \• /69 10 25 40 359. 5 1 e 1.15 0[ . ` (15,013);" 8 111 1 24 fl 2491. 4 61. 1 1132 p4o 37 19 24 11. g4 2 77.37 113.8 `�• 3 ( 14 58 32 24 20.00 20.43 11.21 (15,013) 1-55 77 21 05 40.00 54.01 32.03 187 243 5Z A.36 .36 9. 3 4.37 9i,�� � 19 16 04 54 56.24 28.30 (15,1se) (15,012) S p 44 4. 4420.00 20.0p2 1 10g 49 44. 73.4 57.ap7151 r/OFS 7 pp4 �3 4.$ R 14.35�/c4 1 O8 2521.04 .30.12 00 �. -, 12 � 6 74. 3 7.36 3C/r 33 1 7 47.5 1:34 :14 7 35.00 .52 11.47 5 N: 19-29 PHASE I LOTS 1-40 SHEET 2 OF 2 O� SEAL �' •'92G S U KBE-JG'. IE�W IS,�,,,•�`� TANGENT TABLE 0 BEARING OISTRNCE - AA N61 20 ODE 111.20 �tS Pic %k OFFICE OF COASTAL. MANAGEMENT North Carolina Department of Natural Kenneth D. Stewart Resources &Community Development Director James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Telephone 919/733.2293 Field Services Section 108.S. Water Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 919 338-0206 December 29, 1983 RECEIVED Ms Lisa D. Lucas Beach Realty & Const. JAW184 SR Box 338, US 158 By Pass Mile Post 2 oc 1•Ec Kitty Hawk, N: C. 27949 Dear Ms Lucas: On December 21, 1983, this office received your request to construct a dune crosswalk on an ocean access ease- ment located between Lots 21 and 22 in Phase 1 of the Tuckahoe Subdivision located near Southern Shores in Dare County This activity is.exempt pursuant to 07K.0308 provided the proposed 4' width of the crosswalk is maintained,.and it is elevated on pilings above the dune so as'to not signi- ficantly alter the dune's capacity.as'a protective barrier against flooding and erosion. You should also contact Mr. Walter Gregory, Dare County Building Inspector, for any local requirements such as building permits. He can be contacted at the Dare County Administrative Building in Manteo, Tel. 473-2143. If you have any questions regarding this matter, do not hesitate to contact me at my Elizabeth City office. Cordially yours, Nelson G. Paul NGP/rt Field Consultant CC: Preston Pate, OCM Morehead City Walter Gregory P. 0. Box 27687 Raleigh, N. C. 27611-7687 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer