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HomeMy WebLinkAbout83-0024_Hooper, John_19830922September 22, 1983 MEMORANDUM TO: Walter Gregory FROM:, Nelson Paul SUBJECT: Requ s by Mr. John �Hoope�ra erome Frese for separate Ocean Fron Developmentuxton, Dare County. These projects should be studied carefully when the applicants resubmit the required information concerning the septic tank locations. Attached to this memo are the plats of the field investigations we made at the sites on September 15, 1983. The proposals that come in should ineet the required 60' building line as indicated on these plats. All structures, O e. house foundation piles, septic tank and drain fill) should meet this minimum separation distance landward -of the first line of stable natural vegetation. If this minimum setback is not met, the permit should -be denied using the general wording of the attached . form. You should also note in the review of the other applications for this area you now have on hold, the regulation under which these.structures are,being built requires; them to be: "set back from the ocean the maximum feasible distance possible b n the existing lot minimize encroachment -into the setback area;...". This may require some rearrangement of the previous house locations on the lots. cc: Preston Pate J /.. l" E R - 2•.._. To. BE SEAT APO Gcn OF I,rIM?. FROMAWUIN�a6 533 E UZEI.a.__.8_�V4� 1651 9 g1- 237Z —C •ct, til- U� � i 1'.� ,,IIIHIt1tn•h' ' 'Ile A E-1 rC. � ^^ ,• : ✓ 6 �•.. .y � 1 _ ..•_) ..r... ..a dr-..ssa:.,..r__, _....::....... . . . ...a.._a.. _......a.. _ a.a�a.a_.. `� lY y' %-�' l 4'� r" ► J+ 7.�.. 37 �L�_.. -f• R� .a�- a-. .-.• r... C: . , .•v SCALE: r�• slr) ki.vR0viy I&Yr. I ( �DRAWN UY� _._----- {'..._..— ___._-- `- J f j �... - - ---• V .....—.--- . �-•—D� •'`'' T--?_.�.� _..._.. ...M____.. ...._�_-..�.�.__._ DfiA�1'�NG NUt.4tst N ....._._. Ie 1 ! 1 I .'E`N— Al A :: 1 t. ti ft.) R tl... 1 cl A M F' _....._y.....�..._ _w._a._,...._._. ,. ........ ,_ ; .........,._ __... ... � ...:._.�:�. --•_ • �+ AIM .+.••w•wwnxr..v...+aerraaay+�+•� i..,• ;: .. •...•r.;�rru..w�+rr�r..waawrrsw�.+wv«rw...a.wan Nv I. Q I; _ - - • - - ---- —--..r�...�...rr+..'��a. • ` and �f + • � it :` Cc.+r C%i ;, crry ... s, f; � +.:.,'ter '... •,;,� DRAFT PERMIT DENIAL LETTER: USE ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT LETTERHEAD THIS FORM TO SERVE AS A WORKSHEET ONLY (Today s Date F� or-e�S ems RE,: g kid. . Denial of CAMA Minor Development Permit, Application # S3- Oa25-9- Dear M*- Jr /hrs.. Fr-e-cre-, Vpco4s'rQ 1 After reviewing your application in conjunction with the development h4a-,J-56­� standards required by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) aWour _•k-- locally adopted land use plan and ordinancesr it is my determination .7JC,7 that no permit may be granted for the project you have proposed. This decision is based on ig finding that your request violates R��....- N.C.G.S. 113A-120(•8) which requires that all applications be denied which are inconsistent with CAMA guidelines. 15 N.C.A.C. 7H .oa6c>q requires that o,�ae.� b� :ye-+ lcaGl� ffa st moo' r'-�11:.-� a „Soto( a '� J �S a '�., �'; o r� 1 n1 e✓ iJ h n..J -i : 1 u n! Ec- your project calls for ca t-e.s4.d e.+Je-e— s'�p'�'`�. `�'o•�-'� ----- I have concluded that your request violates N.C. G.S.�Planouuwii require �alications be denied which are inconsland use p. of the L find that your project calls fo ONAL: REPEAT AS NECESSARY SO THAT ALL INCONSISTENCIES ARE LISTED) Should you wish to appeal my decision to the Coastal Resources Commission or to request a variance from that group, please contact me within twenty (20) days of today's date so that I can provide you with the proper forms and any other information you may require. Sincerely, LPO rr* AnnrnnriatP Fi4-1r1 Permit Denial n 2- . September 22, 1983 MEMORANDUM TO: Walter Gregory FROM: Nelson Paul SUBJECT: Requests by Mr. John Hoo e d Mr. Jerome Frese for separa a Ocean Front Development Projects in Bux o , are —Getz These projects should be studied carefully when the applicants resubmit the required information concerning the septic tank locations. Attached to this memo are the plats of the field investigations we made at the sites on September 15, 1983. The proposals that come in should 'meet the required 60' building line as indicated on these plats. All structures, O e. house foundation piles, septic -tank and drain fill) this minimum separation distance landward of the first line of stable natural vegetation. If this minimum setback is not met, the permit should be denied using the general wording of the attached form. ' You should also note in the review of the other applications for this area you now have on hold, the regulation under which these structures are being built.requires them to be: "set back from the ocean the maximum feasible distance possible on the existing lot minimize encroachment into the setback area;..." This may require some rearrangement of the previous house locations on the lots. cc: Preston Pate GENERAL `tATION 1. LAND OWNER Name �EPI�I} ii, �r-� Ge7 tee, I- t AUG 2 9 i�3 Address City SOIJ,�� 33 E State `2t 'Z'3(,- �tJ Zip �� Phone$2$� 'iNt� 2. AUTHORIZED AGENT PF Name D � �1 ��I Address City _ _ _��1�-� State Zip _ GZ-t"���— Phone 3. LOCATION/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT SE� C CAM 4. AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To be filled in by Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.) DE _ Ocean Hazard — Estuarine Shoreline Other SITE, SITE DATE Is 5. PROPOSED USE Residential Commerical!Industrial Other — G. SIZE OF BUILDING IN SQUARE FEET: —___ MI - 7. SIZE OF SITE IN SQUARE FEET: This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $25.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be pro- vided orally by the applicant. The details of the applica- tion as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a CAMA permit is subject to civil, criminal and admini- strative action. This the �Ok day of Aas�s-t > 19 a•-� - Applicant's sign lure (or auth ized agent) Indicate below address and phone if not shown above. Ac—�UE OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED... The activity which you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor permit you are applying for here. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits which might be required. We sugges t hat you check over this list with your Local Permit Officer to determine which, if any, of these may apply your project. This is not a requirement of CAMA, only a suggestion to help you complete your project as quickly as possible. zoning ... drinking water well ... septic tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system).. . burning ... electrical. .. plumbing ... heating and air conditioning...insulation and energy conservation ... FIA certification ... sand dune ... sediment control ... subdivision approval mobile home park apprcnal...hi-,h�._; ;on .onnect T STA" TE iENT OF OWNERSHIP = 1, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being eithdr the owner of property in Z a7 area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA n-iinor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one V an owner of record title, Title is vested in ``� "�"'" r E LQRF_- S see Deed Book , page in the 'DARE County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. V! if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet ; attached to this application. .- I� i I 1 r O n r iturthermor_ecertifythatt,hefoIIowing per sons �r�or�reis�i ',vex +tT��j+'�:, �. that I have liven ACTUAL NOTICE to eacia of them concerning my intent to develop this pru '- arse a ytor a ti M perrttt J _ (NIc-�r� (address) 4,� rt ARCH ������ 5qq .ru�v nr� �i;,�r, Ottz�a fi f2i '9D fJALD WrTtsbN 3C6_O h�VEA1STIAM M. Sic. FAST S�GA a (3) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE SHORELINE EROSION AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations 3 concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. z c PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND - 3 I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer z and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This the day of�`'� , 19 �3 W Q O Y � Land owner o: person authorized to act as his agent for purposes of filing a CAMA application. ..� V.II.y:.L:,•M.M. •:mv C P E ► .� ca'r `r [ :7.w. 3 /1/M1i i i c�^rAt C. � � � ` � Nar• f� L• coca Q �rvu u.q',� U G � �t/r; S 7 ;5 3 -1 � L. - G Q h-c� rf ?,: �i•'' �ttttt.tft•^ SEAL fi 4402 vl ! tA i •.�N a L 1 Ll ` f (J �✓ L .:�ti.:....r ctir:u:i.x::t—y.. .a•.•e ..a.a:caw...:a...-�u..ssri.::.:<sa.aur.�mw.�,r�..�.r�r:,.+. .. •[.. D L•.J L(. t_ � � —.--. �. G'r •.+uaraarror.una..:.yurxw., ce.,.r:�..i...d,�_�_s.. r � k; �,a� t•.. r� L:: fi' .��• S' +r .G. c. �..-.. • r •, p ,., t� �' . J.a...w.'i :...... ,�.e. •"-i OY:uN �6wx.Rif:.•_.-._-4:ari.M1•.• .u•.Wr.'-•.r:Yt:•iL�LL...•iC.r.•m•u•-����MIY'g.�-.J..Y.aY.urit SCALE: �: 3Q APPROV Y�v DRAVJN BY �1' DRAWING NUMBER • ••� • ` 1Y! FL L� ,_ _4uY:i�YfvSniaiMlt. - •..• .r�...p,..�-�,_-...�;E ZGEN MASTER FORM 198MF 533`E.::,Angela Blvd. South Bend,'Indiana 46617 September.9, 1983_ Nelson G. Paul; Field Consultant �v Office of Coastal Management N..C. Dept. of Natural Resources & Community Development SFp �� 108 S., Water Street 83 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 oc�a. Re Lot 9,`Section III, Cape Hatteras'Seashore, Buxton Dear Mr. Paul: Tim Midgett of Midgett'Realty.telephoned yesterday to of .your site visit to.the oceanfront lot which my.wife and I purchased in 1978,'and to report.your,preliminary discussion' concerning our application for a,residential building permit. I understand from Tim that you wanted to have some time to research matters.,further before respondin& to,our application. I am writing here to address certain matters -of -fact that,I* think you will want to: take under consideration' in coming to your decision. Tim reports your having noted that the actual site was quite different.,upon inspection than earlier aerial views indicated the beach is apparently quite wider and the dune at the front of our lot is much larger than they were when that photograph was taken'. As I believe you also noted,- the`''pioneer grass'' 'at- the front of the lot affirmative aspect of the property. Respect for the developing nature of the land has been a 'large part of our waiting five -years before applying for this building permit. For this reason, I'was-quite frankly astonished -to hear it reported that you were now expressing some uncertainty about the intent of the regualtions regarding setback. In -continuing communications with Tim Midgett from 1978'through'yesterday, it has always been represented to me that 'the -operative standard employed by those ' dealing with such: matters: was based on a hypothesized line drawn from the vegetation frontage north to the vegetation frontage south of a property: Indeed, since the existence of the "pioneer grass'': you,acknowledged in visiting the site certainly constitutes aline of vegetation which is continuous with the `vegetation to the ,north of our lot.,. I believe that the basis for your -having granted other similar permits, such as the one to`the lot immediately north'of ours,` as well as another permit which. I understand you; indicated would be granted for a lot- _about , 300 feet south - of ,- ours --approved `by l you the day you , questioned .ours-�-these. precedents should' apply as -well in this case.. At this writing-, I have not, had the opportunity. to Nelson G-. Paul, p.. -2. study closely the definitions of terms set forth in the regulations., but unless,those definitions specifically distinguish "pioneer - grass" from "vegetation," I believe one ,would be hard pressed to argue such a restrictive delimitation into the termvegetation in any, court of law. Since I am a federal prosecutor, zoning and building permits are not my daily fare, and I will have to research the law further on this point. But would have no choice but to pursue this matter until all legal processes were exhausted, should the application for a permit to build be denied in this case. Moreover, as a lawyer I am quite 'concerned, that 'de 'facto condemnation without compensation is being contemplateT-in this case. This last point is especially significant since the state, in its taxing function, has just this year.radically-increased its appraisedvaluation-of our lot,:thus.almost doubling our property tax (which this year, as in all others, we have promptly.paid). Because . I, believe that the facts and the law both strongly, ' favor the granting of this application because the board has, in the _past, indicated that the intent of the governing regulation involves drawing aline bridging lines of vegetation to either side of a given property'; since you have yourself already noted the existence of frontage vegetation on this building lot; and because a denial ofa permit to build amounts to condemnation .without compensation by the state (while it increases its taxation on that same�property);'because-of these factors, I.ask that you. take these matters under careful consideration in your continuing` investigation`of our application`:' I know that Tim Midgett stands ready to answer any other questions you may have,.as do we As regular visitors to Cape Hatteras for over twenty-five years (my fisherman-father.introduced me to Hatteras by taking me.out and letting me,catch a"blue marlin there in the early 60`s), and as taxpaying, property owners'there since 1978, my wife and I very much hope that your further investigations lead you t.o conclude that our application for a permit to build will be favorably received. Sincerely, Jerome Frese cc Tim Midgett Kenneth Stuart