HomeMy WebLinkAbout82-02_Vonsuskil, Glenn John_19820308 (2)1 CASE NAME Glenn John Vonsuskil LOCALITY Kitty Hawk FILE NUMBER 82-02 C A M A PERMIT DECISION XX PERMIT CONDITIONAL PERMIT DENIAL _ The Local Permit Officer, having examined the site and reviewed information presented in this application, makes the following observations: Since the statutory review period of 30 days has expired this permit is issued as a passive grant. All materials submitted with the initial application made on December 2, 1981, are incorporated into this permit (see attached application). BASED ON THESE OBSERVATIONS, the officer concludes that this permit application should be granted . (If this is nqt a denial or conditional permit, strike out the rest of this section.) This permit should be denied in that it violates (1) NCGS 113A-120(6); the development unreasonably endangers life or property, namely, (2) NCGS 113A-120(8); the development is inconsistent with the state guide- lines, particularly 15 NCAC 7H which requires that this project calls for (3) NCGS 113A-120(8); the development is inconsistent with the local land use plans, see p. of plan which provides that this project calls for HOWEVER, a CONDITIONAL PERMIT is issued the applicant if he indicates his willingness to accept the following conditions; (these conditions must be accepted by the applicant within 10 days of the below date or this permit is deemed denied. Acceptance is made by signing and returning this form to your local permit officer.) This the 8 day of March , 1982. Lo al Permit Officer Applicant's signature indicating acceptance of terms of conditional permit. *****APPEALS of this decision must be made to the Coastal Resources Commission within twenty days of the above date. See your local permit officer for forms. ****NOTE: - This permit allows for only those elements of development that are specifically mentioned on site drawing or in application. i F 4 h Carolina ry + f Natural OFFICE OF Norte 1 1. arolina Department of I aural COASTAL MANAGEMENT Kenneth O. Stewart Resources &Community Development, Director James B.'Hunt, Jr., Governor Joseph W. Grimsley, Secretary Telephonegign33.2293 f Field Services P.O. Box 1507 Washington,.NC 27889 (919) 946-6481 8 March 1982 Mr. Glenn John Vonsuskil P.O. Box 836 Nags Head, North Carolina 27959 Dear Mr. Vonsuskil: Due to Doug Ringer's resignation in December 1981, I have been temporarily processing permits'he handled. Since I am in the Washington Field Office, Mr. Ringer's records were mailed to me. Your permit was misplaced and only arrived in my office last week. I am authorized, however, to issue a passive grant permit (enclosed) since the statutory review time of 30 days has passed since the date of .your application. Also returned is your check for.$10.00. You,.may require additional local permits. I suggest you contact the Kitty Hawk Town Hall for that information. Should you have any questions, please contact me at the above address. Note that your passive grant permit incorporates by reference the information and plat submitted with your application. DLG/aht Sincer y David L. Gossett Environmental Consultant P. O. Box 27687 Raleigh, N: C. 27611.7687 For CASE NAME GLGAlN TaH&j LAN"UATESL £ficial Appl . filed:/.ZVAJ Use Only LOCALITY lots ©F ir: ,�ctf` Notice Publ �2 � Last day: /� J(1 \ FILE �l 2. C A M A MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT APPLICATION nd owners' name/address/phone: CNN -,� "om0 VoTs5051"1L- fP /S/A & s yEA D, X1. e - 2 7 9,9 Location of project: L o i :? S J5 : 7-, Extension -- Incomplete Notice: 2.. Builders' name, etc: 0UJ ?igle, /1 i T T 3. AEC Classification: 4. Proposed Use: ocean hazard � residential ` estuarine shoreline commercial or industrial other other 4. Describe those aspects of project which are not clear from reading site drawing: ,515E T f DXAwi+-PCs 4T-rAcNG-*-D S. Other permits needed: LOCAL STATE FEDERAL PERMIT PERMIT PERMIT 6. Size of buildings in Zoning ................... sq. ft: .2,/ O 8 Drinking water well...... Septic tank (or 'other..A 7. Cost of Project: sanitary waste........ $ S0, 0 00 treatment system...... Burning .................. 8. Total acreage in Connection to municipal.. AECs: . Z sewerage....... ... Building............ Electrical.......... x Plumbing............. .. Heating & air-condi- tioning ............... Insulation & energy...... conservation.......... Demolition ............... Pier..., ............... CAMA AEC ............... Sand dune ................ Sediment control......... Subdivision approval..... Mobile home park approval Floodway................. Highway connection....... Dredge and fill.......... THIS APPLICATION CONSISTS OF THIS FORM AND ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED ON THE SITE DRAWING, TOGETHER WITH SUCH INFORMATION AND EXPLANATION AS MAY BE PRO- VIDED ORALLY BY THE APPLICANT. THE DETAILS OF THE PROPOSAL AS DESCRIBED FROM ALL THREE SOURCES ARE INCORPORATED WITHOUT REFERENCE IN ANY PERMIT WHICH MAY BE ISSUED AS A RESULT OF THIS APPLICATION. DEVIATION FROM THESE DETAILS WILL AUTOMATICALLY NEGATE THE ISSUANCE OF ANY PERMIT. ANY PERSON DEVELOPING IN AN AEC WITHOUT A CAMA PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO CIVIL, CRIMINAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION. THIS APPLICATION MAY BE FILED BY THE LANDOWNER OR A PERSON EXPRESSLY AUTHORIZED TO ACT ON HIS BEHALF. This the Ac� ds ..f Applicant's QGGeA4,d,6'P , f 98/ Signature: (address and phone if not shown above) F 1 CHECKLIST FOR MEETING THE REQUIREMENTS OF FILING A SITE DRAWING WITH A CAMA APPLICATION. broadly, does the drawing show the physical dimensions of the property? does the drawing show the physical characteristics of the lot? does the drawing show the plans for developing the property? physical dimensions: label roads label highway right of ways label local setback and setin lines label any and all structures and driveways currently existing on property. physical characteristics: draw and label mean high water mark (if in ocean hazard): draw and label dune ridges (note height) draw and label dune troughs (note elevation) draw and label tow of dune identify and locate significant vegetation, such as trees, sea oats, etc. draw and label setback line -under local sand dune ordinance draw and label topographical features (if estuarine shoreline) label line noting MHW draw and label shoreline erosion area landward limit label soils on lot; describe terrain (slope). development plans: draw and label areas to cut and/or fill and state amounts if house to be placed on lot, describe location of house X� _-i,/i2-6,e00/Mte size of piling and depth to be placed in ground draw septic tank field and tank (note, if installed, state when) draw and label all areas to be paved or graveled, O'0l—'Ve—k—)'V GO�Cetre ' describe composition of surface note and list fully all trees and vegetation to be removed or relocated show landscaping plans --label new vegetation by type and location COMMENTS ON SITE INSPECTION: (Date) (Notations) F 2 CASE NAME V 000 y+�S LOCALITY o wr.1 of KT 7 �4aJ/< FILE # C A M A STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP NOTICE TO ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF POTENTIAL FOR DAMAGE FROM EROSION OR FLOODS PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LANDS I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an area of environmental concern or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA permit, certify that*the•person listed as landowner on the application has a significant interest in the rea.. prorArty described therein. This interest can be described as follows: pR �// an owner of record title. Title is vested in �,LOJ _T0 y0 ►� SU 5� 1 L , see Deed Book p CI cj , P in the D A j E County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of ; probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contract or Lease, explain: I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I aff_-n that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to de-elop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. S.E(2) 1<ALU1 4- (3) (4) (Name) (Address) f�l=nGr1A M� �i 77y ///�� /1/4 aC ckl� m FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND SHORELINE EROSION AREAS: I furthermore acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and flood -proofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the above lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit appli- cation. This theAO �� day of </�z owner or person authorized to act as his agent for purposes of filing a CAMA application I/ F 3 '\ • . , _,_may. — .. , • . - , ,I� . I - I 4 .' ,,� I�, ��,. ��, I� -' ,,�. �I—, _,�,..—,� ,-,�.,�,�: i, , I fi � ,I I . 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