HomeMy WebLinkAbout10839_Thomas and Claudia Welch_19920714LAMA AND DREDGE AND FILL GENERAL PERMIT 0 C�� TC 10839 as authorized by the State of North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resource $ mission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to 15 NCAC } �- {�U �'t I Applicant Name Address ' City . t.AJ Project Location (County, State Road, Water Body, etc.) A P Type of Project Activity PROJECT DESCRIPTION Pier (dock) length Groin length number Bulkhead length max. distance offshore i r n% Basin, channel dimensions cubic yards Boat ramp dimensions Other SKETCH This permit is subject to compliance with this application, site drawing and attached general and specific conditions. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action; and may cause the permit to be- come null and void. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. The applicant certifies by signing this permit that 1) this pro- ject is consistent with the local land use plan and all local ordinances, and 2) a written statement has been obtained from adjacent riparian landowners certifying that they have no objections to the proposed work. _ State (") f119{ cif Phone Number t;,� YA ' ? 7 0 zip T 7/ K x— �� r .4o P (SCALE: ) !`r' r / applicant's signature f � permit officer's signature -7//Je��- issuing date a piration date attachments i �!!. 1444 r 4-1 In issuing this permit the State of North Carolina certifies that this project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. application fee A MEMBER OF THE SEARS FINANCIAL NETWORK WILLIS-SMITH COMPANY ON THE HARBOR, HODGES STREET P 0. BOX 864 ORIENTAL, NORTH CAROLINA 28571 Ckrvsc_r !ask6.y 204 Forest Ct. Carrdm, NC 27510 B.H.W. "Missy" Coldwell Banker P.O. Box 864 Baskervill Willis -Smith Co. Oriental, NC 28571 rf ' �(z I1t1,1ACE11I' RIPARIAN I'll(.A• (WERTY AIER :,'[7�'1'iT11;Tl1' 1 lint-ohy certify l haL I (rvn pl olKerl y adjacent I.cl Charles R. & Doris .Wilson l l (}�.�r t.y lcx-akecl ,,t Lots 9 & 10 New Bern Tractor & Equipment Co., i�se River Development (i(rT, lrlr,cic, t(,;ul, rt('. Neus giver 111 N/A. , - --(laxly of wilter). _ .._.. (I(1wTr). :1,wth Carol Ina in Pamiico ('o1lnt.y. The llr(�I"'^rll h;v; 1'�`rtl done► 11)r(1 in ln• ,�n �h(anl I�r`I• !I" (1( VelopulellL, a Lder/I lII'lwi1(1/;it.IIIctIII(" ill I,I I I1" I`1 (M)'r',! Ir�r'•11 1��I1, •�11�1 1 lL1V�` 11 � (c'i Iv I(. off) , •I, jv,(•T_ions to Lite prol"s'll. 11111dorst alld 't llo, if 1 ho dovel, y rl,(`111 i t a I`i(`r, it nrr:t I;, •-f h--ic:k r'1 mini.mtnn clis[-allco of lei fccl. fl(+n illy ,lt(ul of Iip.Ili'ltl (Ir•(•r";, ( " . i r to/(Io Il(DL wish I () 1•r, l i vc ` l hrl f �;r` 1 1,• v l: t cw ll l i l rnl�`I l l . —0 ircic • J a A k * * k * * * * * * k * * * * t i a 4 + A + A A * * k k * # * k * k A A x k * * * * * A A A A A k * A * A A A ir,rl ,-Irld/car (Iraw ilrl of I,r(,I,r)!1r(1 dev(`Irl�nnnl: (1n 1�^ fill(`'I ill I III(IiVi(I11•,1 ill r rl-v(-Io1111-rlt..) 111M -Vil•; 'llll: SIZI: hf11) Ic.x'A'I'IOTJ ill' 'Till; ANIt 'IIII•; f1';1Y11'T11 EACH i'IMPE.RTY VINE; AND 'illl; i•JI<'1'l-R. Please see attached survey. The bulkhead will start at the property line between lots 8 & 9, extend out the maximum distance of 2 feet below normal water level (at a heigth of 4 feet), then along the property frontage of lot 9 and lot 10 up to the area where the marsh grass begins (a pile of cinder blocks are star!-ed on the land in this area). it r JAk1�A***************************#*****k**'AAAk**'RkA#*kA#kaFAkAJr**l*k*Ak*k#kA*kAkaaAi♦� " ^^ (Original musL bo. tr.la hied in the lwq—ctir,n P-l`:Irinhnl) Margaret G. & Ashby Crysler tl,llnn (I'lrar'n I'l inl ) 7\1XInc'hi:l, PIPAR IN1 I'It111I Itl"1 lhnl!:!t ::I'n'11111dJ1' I h••l-hy rol"t Iry 111:11 I full I ;If1i,11 `nt I„ Charles R. & Doris Wilson 11, 1cN,,trrl,,! Lots 9 & 10 New Bern Tractor & Equipment Co.,Neuse River Development [+muse (liver ;,, N/A (lv,fly ctf w;tl!�r), 0 11) I!i r'.11ol Ina ill Valtll Jr.() ('t-illill•y'. Tho I•f'r'll df`ra•1 fh-d tr1 tl,` r�ll; ':hfr:lll hf'I , •.•f`lr,lnu`I1Lr ;1 j,ft•t/hllll:hc,ltl/t,! tlic.•I111f`, :url Ilr` I,,• I v:r•, I 11 I 11 (c I 1 c 1 c (,llf•) I ir•117, to LIM ;,lcl;•)s;ll.. [ uticlf�r�l;lttfl rt Il.11 i f 1 hr` rlfwf•;,•lfnr`►11 a I11).nfilluill (list ance Of 15 f-vct. f l t+rl illy illea (A 1 i;`:11 Ion ,lf r r : , ItTllr`.^•" 1•.li' l 1 r'c,/clr.� Itnt. w i t:) l I n c!,l i trr 1 11;11 rr`I h:lr I: l r 111 i l f •11lr`111 . — tT-iIcle fill(,) • A A A A A A A A AAA A A A A* 4 A A A A A A A A A A► A* A A A A A 4 1. A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A I,! i,,11 :ltul/nt' dr;tldill'r (,( I Ify,r)!-:r,fI dovr•Ir'IAtlr'IlI : (tfi 1>^ f f I lrfl Itl by Illrlfvlfhl•,1 itl t -lrymf III .) I11111f'n11; 'TIIF S17.1: 7\1llt IIw'1�'I'It�1J r11' 'flll: J�Iltitt'11IR1; nNi1 'lllt' . I: Il;;f'.1i•:I•ld 1•�1r•il I'1,t11'Idi'I'1' 1,IP11: nPJlt 'rin: lln'I'I:Il. Please see attached survey. The bulkhead will start at tfie property line between lots 8 & 9, extend out the maximum distance of 2 feet below normal h,tt. level (at a heigth of 4 feet), then along the property frontage of lot :rid lttt 1.11 up to the area where the marsh grass begins (a pile of cin(! hlock.s rice stacked on the land in this area). 4 A A h A A A 4 A A A *AAA } *AAA A A A A A A A A A A A A F A} Y a A A A R A'R A A A A A M} A A A A A F A A A r A A A A A A A A A A} A A A A A A a A r " •. ` (()r_igfn'll nitl1f I:,i11f rl itl thf� Il,•:; f`r 1 Ifnl 11r l .l lmm�l ) Mqn:1 litf' A)L� Rub K Y rechel 05CAP A. KHECI-IL=L t.�100F�E •�� (c; U, ti 2 A.92 ,Jo, � a� Q JOI-IN C. % E.r.� soul- PAN / S xl c' ' le THIS PROPEOTY IS IFI A rl.001) IIAZAIIP AIIFA ACCOIIDING r1.001) INSUIlANCF 11ATF. tAAP 110. 310181 0395 6.5daIFd SE11TEm r-n ^ I.)A5. �ullveYll� r��r; Cl RIC:1 ARD AND WIFE DORIS M, WILSON LOT 9 :n(1lU MAP BOOK 2 PAGE IT+ 11).5 1 W r. 1`AMLICO CO, N,C, ( Al i_ ��� _ 50' JULY 9r1H I'll) IV" I tit o I ly I f,f)I31 R L S I. - 2 70QT CAI,I I'f-.)1 IZOAU (3013(-,1110 IIC ^f�515 .�._.. '—r"�•rHrtIM!•-r•r,r K7�'7"TZ'S'T.::.1"LTJ�7:=cif 2..-....5.. _.....L.:L.: